
Its You


Note: Not edited or proofread sorry for the mistakes i might had caused
Ok so I finally figured out what I'm going to do. What Kai said to me a couple of days ago has really been bothering me and I decided that I can't keep this a secret from her, well them anymore and in a way I am scared because what if she gets mad? What if shedecides that she doesn't want to be my friends anymore? But then again I have a feeling she likes me because I'm pretty sure that's what I heard her say. I am not really sure of how I feel right now about her but I do know it's not just a friend feeling if you know what I mean. After the sleep over, I been thinking like a lot and my official decision is to tell her at lunch , in private, just me and her. 
I count down the minutes to lunch that is going painfully slow but I'm nervous because when it comes to Minkyung you never know what's gonna happen. When the bells rings I quickly pack up my stuff and text exo that I'm not going to lunch 
today. I do my regular routine of going to the back of the class where she sits a look at her sleeping face before waking her up.
"Kyungiee~" I say while lightly pushing her shoulder. She stirs in her sleep for a couple of more seconds  then sits up with her eyes still closed and let's out a cute yawn before really waking up . I help her pack up her stuff and we head out the class room. We start walking but instead of walking to the lunch room I lead her to the rooftop of the school. 
" Lulu, I thought we were going to the lunch room, Why are we going to the rooftop?" She asks. I look at her with a reassuring smile.
" We'll Kyungiee, you'll see when we get there." I answer simply like its a normal thing. She opened her mouthy to say something back but then closed it and looked forward.  When we get to the rooftop I  go over to the railings and look out at the view. She walks over to me and leans over the railing and looks also. I look over to her and I suddenly feel anxious and don't want to do it anymore but I've come this far so there's no turning back. I collect all my thoughts and turn to Minkyung while breathing in an out. 
"Hey I-" we say at the same time.
" you first" she quickly says so now I really have no choice to tell her.
*here goes nothing*
"Kyungie, I've been holding this in for too long and I need to tell you now or
I'm afraid I never will. I'm no gay.... I never was, never will be" I say with my eyes Locked in hers. She stands there motionless, her eyes watering then she pushes herself off the railing and walks away from me. I turn around and run towards the door and go look for her but she's nowhere to be found. * , I was hoping this wouldn't happen. *
Minkyung (you)
"Kyungie, I've been holding this in for too long and I need to tell you now or I'm afraid I never will. I'm no gay.... I never was, never will be. " once those words came out of his mouth You didn't know how to react. Whether be mad or happy, but your mixed emotions resulted in you tearing up and running away. You hid in a near by girls bathroom until the coast was clear. One side of your brain was ecstatic and the other side of your brain felt betrayed in someway. The tears kept on flowing down your cheeks but you were not sad which was the weird part so you decided just to avoid everyone connected to him for a few days just to get your mind in order.You walk out of the bathroom after working up the courage to actually come out of your hiding place and go to your next class.
"good thing I don't have anyone I know in my next class" you say to yourself and hold your backpacks straps closer together while walking down the vacant hallways due to the couple of minutes left to lunch and you desperately want to get to class before everyone so you can have some peace and quiet for the time being.
Minutes later 
The bell rings signaling that lunch is over and it's a good thing you just reached the classroom because you hate being caught in the mess of teens going to class. You take your regular seat in the back and zone out.
"Kyungie, I've been holding this in for too long and I need to tell you now or I'm afraid I never will. I'm no gay.... I never was, never will be" what he said about ten to twenty minutes ago has definately taken a toll on you and you can't help but think about and replay it in your head. You find yourself smiling at the thought of you actually having a chance because he's not gay. 
" should I be happy? I mean he's lied to me all this time and breaks the news to me the same day I actually worked up the courage to tell him how I feel . Aish wae?" You say then banging your head on the table a couple of times like it'll solve anything.
" aish" you say picking up your head a ruffling your hair.
*whatever I'll tell him when I'm ready because I just can't right now*
A/N: So it's been a while and this is way past due but here you go and remember........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I LOVE YOU GUYS~


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Chapter 22: New reader here. Update soon! ^^
Qwenie #3
Chapter 18: My Gawww you update
Please update moree!! love your update
ookool #4
Chapter 17: WOWWW This is Amazing
update soon
cathymula #5
update soon
your plot sound interesting
I'm new reader here btw
update soon
myunggiep #7
Chapter 17: update soon!!!!
Qwenie #8
Chapter 12: Oh my GAWWWW althrough it quite of short
but i loving your story already
update soon
this story seemed interesting
update soon!!!!!!
LittlePrinceHan #10
Chapter 17: Update asap ><