Jihoon's Point of View

Its You

A/N: Apologizing in advance if this chapter . Sorry, Im sorta sick and is kinda stuck on what should happen next due to writer's block but i didnt want to leave you guys waiting so yeah.

ALERT: Not proofread sorry if theres alot of mistakes




I hate having to standing the sidelines watch with the nincompoops that I call friends while she gets all the attention in the world from my Lulu~. I mean she does know he's gay right? Why does she have to be so clingy to him? He doesn't even like her one bit. How do I know this? I dont actually it's the anger talking over me. I actually have nothing against Minkyung considering that we used to be bestfriends until those twins drifted us apart. I do miss her at times but i guess i got to deal with it because she doesn't even notice me anymore other then the times im by myself or something and she sees me shes smiles and just says hi. In a way it does anger me the I was replaced and I lost a friend but, I am determined to befriend her again so that I can have my old friend back and be friends with Luhan Exo Hyungs. 

My brain is just scrambled from all the thinking so i decided to get up and walk along the hallways of the school since its the end of the day and everyone has left. Just when I think I'm alone i hear faint coming from a near classroom that sound quiet familar so i stand outside of the classroom to see that Minkyung is looking at Luhan in an admiring way. If I didnt know better I would think that there's something going on between them.Just them I see Luhan turn his face so i quickly hid to make sure nobody sees me while still peeking at the "bestfriends" in the classroom. When I see Minkyung lean closer to his face my heart drops alittle then I hear her whispering but can't exactly hear what she acutally saying so I was sort of relieved to know they were not kissing. I smile when I see that Luhan is smiling softly but the next sentence is what killed me internally... " This is nice I get to spend time with my baby..." I decide to not easedrop anymore and walk away. Maybe something was going on between them? Just maybe... I really can't bring myself to hate Minkyung because I really miss her being my friend but I can't shake the feeling that the one thing I love is with slipping threw my fingers like sand just to transfer to a friends hands. Should I even care that there together? I don't know, all I know is that I think way too much and need to get my mind off things. The thing i always do to get my mind off things like this read a book at my favorite cafe Republic of Coffee. It's so cozy and cute themed and is really relaxing because of the faint smell of coffee and caramel.

As I walk into the cafe my favorite barista comes running up to me.

" Well someone's happy to see me" I say with a smile.

" Obviously I would! It's been like two days, I missed you!" he says with the biggest smile on his face.

" Yah Sandeul, it's only two days it wasn't that long but for the record, i missed you too. Now get me a caramel latte.(A/N: i"m so original. to be honest I'm not a big coffee or latte drinker so I just put anything because quiet frankly I'm horrible when it comes to making up menus and stuff like that . ) I've been craving your lattes for like ever" I say trying to say it sound as feminine as I can and it worked.

" KK, one caramel latte made from love coming right up!" He says while jumping over the counter and making my latte immediately.

I smile at the cute gesture he gave. Me and Sandeul have been friends since I started coming to this cafe which has been about a year. He was actually the one to come up to me and talk because I guess he saw that I was a new customer and needed help picking what good so that's how we became friends. Over a menu. I love and treat Sandeul like I used to treat Minkyung, with love and care like bestfriend would but in a more loving way. I do find myself attrated to him but not as much as I do to Luhan. I enjoy my window seat while reading my favorite book of this year Someone to Love by Addison Moore (A/N: I havent read this book personally but it sounds really good so it's gonna be his fave). I took a little break from reading my book when Sandeul comes ove with my order.

" Gumawo, Deullie~" I smile and sip my latte.

" Anytime Hoonie" he says and sits across from me and just stares at me.

" Yah , i know your staring " I say while still reading

" Mianhae, your just so cute~" He says while smiling cutely at me. Just before I can say anything he takes out his camera and snaps a picture of me. His dream is to become a photographer and he's pretty good at it also. I hate it when he takes pictures of me when I'm off gaurd though I always end up looking like I'm pouting or have an awkward expression on my face that is still " cute " to him. Just as I start to get my mind off of Luhan and Minnkyung I turn and see them walking into the cafe. Just then I guess Minkyung spotted me and called my name.

"Jihoon?" She says her face looking emotionless.

" Oh? Oh annyeong Minkyung" I say standing up to bow a little to them.

Just as I go to sit back down she walks up to me with a smile and hugs me. My eyes slightly widened but I joined the hug. She pulls away to then start searching threw her little backpack for something.

" Yah, Jihoon. Me and you need to caught up sometime but I'm kinda with someone right now so here's my number" she says while handing me a little piece of paper with numbers on it and her number. I smile thinking that I can finally have my wish granted.

" Text me ok?" she says while holding up the ok sign. " Don't forget ok? I'll be waiting bye Hoonie I got to get back to my playdate" she says while smiling and giving me one last hug before she turns and leaves to meet Luhan at another table.

I was still in complete utter shock because I would never think I would be able to hear Mnkyung call me by the nickname she gave me back when we were kids. I'm actually happy because I really thought she forgot able me and just blew me off because she got new friends but I was acutally wrong.

After a couple of minutes i finish my latte and start to pack up I go to the front counter to pay, say bye to Sandeul then leave to cafe. I took a big wiff of the fresh mid winter air then make my way back to my house.

A/N: So I dedicated this chapter to Jihoon because i have no idea what to write when its come to Minkyung and Luhan's playdate an have nothing on him so i made a Jihoon chapter . If you do notice i sort of made his charater nicer than what I originally planned and yes i also decided that him and Minkyung were past friends and are going to become friends again soon so please be patient , until next time too-ta-lu!

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Chapter 22: New reader here. Update soon! ^^
Qwenie #3
Chapter 18: My Gawww you update
Please update moree!! love your update
ookool #4
Chapter 17: WOWWW This is Amazing
update soon
cathymula #5
update soon
your plot sound interesting
I'm new reader here btw
update soon
myunggiep #7
Chapter 17: update soon!!!!
Qwenie #8
Chapter 12: Oh my GAWWWW althrough it quite of short
but i loving your story already
update soon
this story seemed interesting
update soon!!!!!!
LittlePrinceHan #10
Chapter 17: Update asap ><