Its You

A/N: Please don't be mad. I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise but I actually did type this up Sunday but something happened and I didn't save it like an idiot and lost all of work for that chapter and I threw a fit and just called it a night because I had school and I needed sleep so now I have to start fresh now that I have time. Anyways enjoy~


No One's POV

The EXO boys helped Minkyung and her mom with moving the furniture to make more space for everyone even though there was clearly already enough space while the twins neatly layed out the sleeping spots and looked through the movie selections for to night. There was  six Disney movies to pick from : Wreck-It-Ralph, Alice in Wonderland(2010 version), Meet the Robinsons and Cinderella I,II and III. (note:sorry if you don't like any of these but bare with me)

" Omo, Wreck-It-Ralph! I love this movie! Can we watch this first, pweaseeeee~?" Yoonmi pleads to Minkyung with puppy dog eyes that you absolutely cannot say no to because it's the cutest thing ever next to Tao and Sehun's aegyo of course.

" Sure, fine with me how about you guys?" Minkyung says taking a seat in between Chanyeol and Luhan while Luhan swings his arm around her shoulder like always.

"Yeah" "I'm fine with it" "I can really careless I like all the movies" was the replies Minkyung and the twins got so that problem was solved.

" Hey before we do anything do you guys want to eat?" Minkyung ask and gets and group "neh!" exept for Xuimin, he goes straight for the kitchen table and gets his seat. Minkyung lets out a little laugh before getting up and going to the kitchen.


Minkyung(you) POV

I get up and go to the kitchen to tell my mom that were going to eat before it gets too too late considering it's like 7 something going on 8 before going upstairs. I go to my room and change out of my lounging clothes to my tanktop and short shorts and then my regular pajamas on top because I have a tendency to take all my clothes of through the night.

After I get myself changed Luhan comes into the room and plops himself my bed and immediately starts to play with the stuffed animals on the bed. 

" Nice pajamas you got there" he says briefly looking away from the cute stuffed alpaca plushies he was playing with to look at me for a second then putting his attention back to the plushies smiling cutely at them.

" Well thank you, I try" I say while flipping my hair and making a cute pose which makes him chuckle alittle and then I go to the bathroom in my room to wash off my makeup. I turn away from the mirror and look at Luhan that is still currently on my bed but instead of playing with the alpaca plushies that he was playing with earlier he took interest in something else. The teddy and locket with a picture of him and I at the park he gave around the time we first met. I smile at the scene and walk out the bathroom to sit next to him on the bed.

" Y-you still have this?" He asks slowing pulling his attention away from the teddy bear to look at me.

" Yeah, why wouldn't I stilll have it my bestfriend gave it to me" I say swinging my arm around his shoulder.

* and I like you very much so I have to keep the very first thing you gave to me*

When he turned his face to look at me is when I noticed that our faces where inches apart and I couldn't help but look at his lips so I decided to get up and get the pjs he has here from the last sleepover we had.

"Hey Lulu, think fast!" I say while throwing an pair of pjs at him.

" Thanks babe" he says *oh the pet names* then he gets up and starts to take off his shirt. When I finally came to my senses I noticed the Luhan's shirt was half way up showing off his perfectly chiseled abs.

" Yah, go to the bathroom and change!" I say while pushing him towards the bathroom.

" What it's not like you haven't seen my body before" he says innocently like its nothing.

" We were kids that doesn't count and now your.... well you know.... well put together and whatever. Just change in here and shut up in going downstairs" I say while closing the door for him looking at his pouty face.


After watching two of the six movies everyones knocked out on the floor leaving me and Luhan cuddling, like always, on top of his spread out sleeping bag and the floor. It's not weird for us to cuddle because it's become something that happens all the time and it's actually weird to see us apart because we are that attached to each other. Everyone thinks it's a friend thing but to me it's more. I know this sounds really creeperish but whos to blame. After watching the last couple of minutes of Cinderella III I feel a weight on my shoulder. I look over to see Luhan's angelic face sleeping so I smile at the sight. I carefully set his head down on the pillow and get up from the other half of the sleeping bag and put it over him. I feel like were kids again because I'm always the last to fall asleep and tuck in Luhan like he's a baby but I don't mind it. I look at the time and it's 1:30AM.

*Omo it's already that late?*

I get under my sleeping bag and take off my pants because it hate sleeping with pants on then I take off the baggy t-shirt and fall asleep.


1Hour Later

I felt the sudden urge to pee so I got up not even worrying about put my clothes back on and walking up the stairs to use the bathroom.

* Much better*

When I came downstairs I decided that I wanted some water so I went to the kitchen to get a glass. I totally forgot that I was practically walking around with no clothes when I saw Luhan drinking some water but it hit me when he turned to me with wide eyes almost dropping the cup that was in his hands. I look down to only see that I had a tanktop and some shorts that were about a couple of inches of fabric away from being underware and widen my eyes and run to my sleeping bag and hide as deep as I can in it til the morning.


I wake up and see that Minnie's not next to me anymore and slightly frown. I got up to get a glass of because I felt like my throat was really dry. I here footsteps coming towards the kitchen and don't really pay attention to it because I know it's just her. I look over to see that she barely had any clothing on which gave me this weird feeling in my stomach and I almost dropped the cup I had in my hands. I see that she notices my reaction and looks down at herself then looks at me again with wide eyes then runs to her sleeping bag and hides in it. I lift my hand up to my chest to just to feel that my hearts beating super fast

* Omo why are you acting up heart? Now that I think about it she has a nice body.. wait what?!? Calm your hormones Luhan*

I go back to my sleeping bag and snuggling inside of it and trying to go to sleep but it's hard. I look over my shooulder and see that she finally surfaced herself and stuck her head out for air and it's sleeping beautifully. I close my eyes and try to go to sleep forgetting what I saw.


A/N: Yup I finally finished it! Minkyung's weird sleeping habits of wear basically no clothes while sleeping. I have the same problem whether it's cold or hot I absolutely hate clothing (now I sound like a creep) but anyways I'll try and update again this week but I got to go to sleep so Chao~

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Chapter 22: New reader here. Update soon! ^^
Qwenie #3
Chapter 18: My Gawww you update
Please update moree!! love your update
ookool #4
Chapter 17: WOWWW This is Amazing
update soon
cathymula #5
update soon
your plot sound interesting
I'm new reader here btw
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myunggiep #7
Chapter 17: update soon!!!!
Qwenie #8
Chapter 12: Oh my GAWWWW althrough it quite of short
but i loving your story already
update soon
this story seemed interesting
update soon!!!!!!
LittlePrinceHan #10
Chapter 17: Update asap ><