Bonus Chapter prt1

Its You

A/N: I'M BACCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!! Well for now I guess kekekeke. My absence is because of partial school and a research paper and because of my loss of chuchu (my laptop). Well here's a little bonus chapter with the long lost characters Jihoon and Sandeul, I thought I would just dedicate a fluff chapter with these two for a filler and to make up for the month long absence and sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes I just really didn't want to go through and edit it sorry for my laziness. Well enough of that enjoy~



Jihoon POV

I'm listening to my ipod when I feel that one of them are pulled out of my ears.

" YAH! I was listening to that you know?" I yell at the person the did it and to my suprise it was my very handsome bestfriend Sandeul but it really wasn't a surprise because I'm in the cafe... where he happens to work.

" Are you not happy to see me? Oh whatever if not ill take my leave" he says starting to walk away but I grab a hold of his arm before he does leave.

" No stay. Please~" I say with puppy dog eyes. He's a er for my puppy dog eyes and I know it.

" ok I'll stay" he says almost jumping and smiling wide.

*hiw come I've never notice how cute he is when he smiles

" earth to Jihoon, YAH!" He says snapping his in front of my face making me blush because I didn't notice I zoned out.

" you were like staring a hole into me gosh am I that gorgeous?" He says flipping his bangs and smiling once again. I blush once again and look away putting my hands on my face to hide my embarrassment. I feel a pair of warm hands take a hold of my hands and gently peel them off my face.

" Look, no need to be embarrassed even though I love it when you blush, it the cutest thing ever" he says winking at me.

Omo why is my heart beating so fast and why is he so hot???? Yah, Kang Jihoon don't think this way

" hey you wanna go out with me sometime?" He says taking a sip of MY drink and I once again blush but seven shades of red this time.

" O-out like a d-date?" I say trying not to stutter but as always I failed.

" Yeah you can say that I guess" he says taking a sip of my drink once again.

Why is he asking like it's nothing? Why and I so affected by this? Aish stop being a girl Jihoon!


Sandeul POV

"O-out like a d-date?" He says stuttering which is  the cutest thing to witness by the way.

I've come to a conclusion that I do like Jihoon and it been a long time actually like since we've met and I just started noticing, how stupid can I be to be so oblivious about my feelings for this born beauty. I tried to keep my compose in front of him because I don't want to be seen as a softee and partially because I like seeing him blush and stutter. As I said before its the cutest thing ever and I want to keep seeing it. 

"Yeah you can say that I guess" I say taking another sip of his drink. Omg we just had an indirect kiss. FANGIRL MODE!

" So Saturday?" I suggest hoping he agrees to it.

" N-neh" he says stuttering once again.

DUDUNG! Omo shut up heart!

"Ok see you Saturday beautiful" I say winking at him making him blush again. I seriously cannot wait until Saturday. Two days, just two and I get to go on a date with an angel.


Author's POV

It's Saturday and both males are extremely excited, hell Sadeul went out to buy the perfect outfit for this "date" and Jihoon or course has had his clothes layed out and ironed since the day he was asked. Right after the little encounter at the cafe Jihoon immediately called his bestfriend to tell her everything.


" Minkyunggieeeeeeeee~" Jihoon says on the other side of the phone walking out of the cafe after saying his goodbyes to his handsome bestfriend.

" Whatttttt~" she sings back.

" Oh my god guess what!" 

" Yah, just tell me already I'm getting scared with all this suspense" 

" Remember the guy I introduced you to that day in the morning when we went to the cafe before school?" He says. It took Minkyung a couple of seconds to finally remember who exactly her bestfriend was talking about.

" Oh your hot guyfriend that worked there, yeah he's so into you." she says earning a nudge from her babyfaced boyfriend that was currently there watching movies.

" Well he asked me out on a date for Saturday well not really a date-- wait what did you say?" He says stopping in mid sentence to have her repeat what she had just said to see if what he heard was right.

" Oh nothing as they say secrets are almost always told at some point" she says

" Minkyung, no one says that. Tell me ne person that says that" he says face plaming his face ( a/n:*shrugs shoulders* I dont know but you should know what I mean)

"Well I do and that's all that matters, but I got to go because Luhan is bothering me and it's getting annoying, YAH STOP THAT IT HURTS" she say then yells at her boyfriend.

" Hey Luhan! And stop hurting her before I hurt you" Jihoon threathens over the phone.

" Oh hey Jihoooooon" Luhan says over the phone making him smile.


It's been a year since Minkyung and Luhan have gotten together and Jihoon has learned to be happy for them and has obviously moved on but only we know that because he's too oblivious to see that himself. There are times where he feels just a tad bit sad because his bestfriend is together and happily in love but it quickly goes away when he unconsciously thinks about how it be if he and Sandeul had the same relationship. These were one of those times. He imagined the date in various scenarios like a dinner on the beach then talking a moonlight walk, going to a amusment park and confessing on the ferris wheel, a dinner date where they share one big plate of spaghetti and do the Lady and Tramp thing where the one piece of noodle is being shared and they eventually kiss but he always seemed to shake the thought away right before the kiss. 

It was 2:00 and Sandeul had asked to meet at the cafe at 3:00 sharp for their "date" so he decided that this would be a good time to get ready. He hopped into the shower and can out and wore something very causal but a the same time date appropriate. His outfit consist of a pair a khaki skinnies that hugged his legs in all the right places, A plain blue button down, an olive green jacket and to top it off a pair of red low converse. He took an extra ten minutes on his hair to make it look absolutely perfect not to messy but messy enough to look perfect.

( a/n: yes i know it's kai and his delicious looking self)

After looking at his self in the mirror and satisfied his his llok he looks at the clock to see that it reads 2:50 and almost gathers the rest of his stuff and runs out the door.

Lucky he made it in time with two minutes to spare because he hates being late for anything and everything especially something this important to him. He sees someone and smiles when he notices who it is.

" Hey, you look flawless" Sandeul says looking at him from head to toe and smiling.

" You dont look too bad yourself there" he says as they start walking farther away from the cafe.

" So what are we doing today and this beautiful day?" Jihoon asks breathing in the fresh spring/summer air.

Its true it was a beautiful, not to hot not to cool, just perfect. It's like Mother Nature was on his side today and actually wanted them to have a wonderful "date" .

"you'll see when we get there" sandeul says then puts his arm around Jihoon's shoulder like its the most normal thing ever making him blush like always.


A/N: hai guys, I feel like my readers need this so much considering that I had you guys wanting for a super long time a I felt really bad so here's the first part to Jihoon and deullie's "date" . Is it me or was this chapter long? I don't  know but I'm just happy that I got this out and you guys actually stayed with me. Love you guys kbye~


ps: who else has EXOs XOXO album on replay? Because I definately do and I really can't stop listening to it! Ok seriously now bye~~~~

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Chapter 22: New reader here. Update soon! ^^
Qwenie #3
Chapter 18: My Gawww you update
Please update moree!! love your update
ookool #4
Chapter 17: WOWWW This is Amazing
update soon
cathymula #5
update soon
your plot sound interesting
I'm new reader here btw
update soon
myunggiep #7
Chapter 17: update soon!!!!
Qwenie #8
Chapter 12: Oh my GAWWWW althrough it quite of short
but i loving your story already
update soon
this story seemed interesting
update soon!!!!!!
LittlePrinceHan #10
Chapter 17: Update asap ><