Chapter 2

Clumsy Love

     As school ended you met up with your best friend, Sohee, and the two of you talked about the days events.Sohee excidely mentions that she got her crush, Park Chanyeol,as her partner. She squeels and jumps around. You just roll you eyes and sit down on a bench, knocking over somebody's backpack in the process. Oops. You giggle, to lazy to pick it up.

"YAH! _______? Are you even listening to me?" Sohee yells at you. Suddenly, you see SHINee coming to were you where. You just keep talking to Sohee, but, being the girly girl she is though, she squeels in exciment and fixes her hair. Sohee was just like any other girl, she was caught in their trap.

     They stop walking and Key goes up to the bench, right where you where sitting.

"OH NO!!! Someone threw my backpack on the ground!" Key said picking it off the ground. "There lucky they didnt get it dirty. If they had, there would've been a funeral." You quickly look away not wanting him to realize it was you who had dropped it.

"You! You dropped it didn't you!?!" You hear him say. You look at him to realize he was yelling at Sohee. She just shakes her head. I cant just stare at them, I have to do something!

"No, I did it" you say getting up. Shinee had noticed the problem and came up.

"What's wrong, Key?" Minho said.

"This... This... thing dropped my bag on the floor. She has no apprecation for fashion!" Key said exasperated.

"Im sure she didnt mean to." Onew piped in.

 "Oh yea," Key said turning to Onew ,"Your only defending her because-"

Onew wrapped his hand onto Keys face, his own face turning a bright red.

"Just because your my partner for the trip." Onew said ,"Well bye ______. It was nice seeing you, talk to you tommorow about where we'll go in Paris! Bye!" he said dragging a very angry Key with him. The rest of shinee followed not even bothering to say bye. This is exactly why I dont like them, they think they can just do whatever they want, and who does key think he is, god, hes such a... a... DIVA.

"Wait.... what did Onew mean by talking to me about where we'll go in Paris?" You asked Sohee.

She looks at me then sighs ,"Did you not read the flyer? It has all the information."

You give her a what do you think look.She sighs again and gets out a paper from her backpack. She read from the paper and says," Each pair is required to choose a place in Paris that they think was an important part of history. They are to fill out the worksheet which will be provided later. Each pair will then go to the place they chose. They have an hour to get back to the hotel. If you are more then 3 minutes late and you havent contacted an adult then a search party will be sent out. Please have you spot chosen out by Thursday and tell your homeroom teacher where your location will be. blah blah blah. The rest is not important."

A whole hour with just me and him? "Okay, we'll let that sink in," You said ,"Its sunked in, WHY DO I HAVE TO SPEND A WHOLE HOUR WITH HIM?" I yell shaking her.

"Why are you complaining? Any girl would love tobe in you paired with one of the kingkas is a reward. There was only one other girl who got paired with another member. She hasnt complained." Sohee says.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go home now. Bye!" You said Waving. You start walking home, which isnt that far of a walk. This trip was suppose to be fun, and now its ruined. Oh well, You start walking but end up tripping and falling. You pout and get up, looking around embarressed. My week is ruined...



Hi! i hope you liked the second chapter. I added the links for the new character right as theya re introduced. So just click on their names. Okay... thats it. Bye, and HAPPY READING

-PERCY <3.<3.<3.


(And The Still Amazing, Amazing Tessa) 

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Fingers crossed I've updated by Sunday >.


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Chapter 19: Awwwwwww ~ Onew and I are 짱 ㅎㅎ
Chapter 17: OH LAWD XDDD
Chapter 6: Bruh.
"& that stupid Dino-head will probably us in our sleep, then our French fries!"
panda_army #4
Chapter 19: I started laughing right at the beginning of the chapter ahhahahaa, the mini "team discussion" and then just blurting out exactly what "she? I?" (what pronouns do i use .-.) weren't suppose to say cracked me up. HEhehe. And the fluff was good hehehe. I'm half hoping Onew was awake to hear that little confession also ;)
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 17: Yay!!! Thank you!! You updated!!!
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 16: Please update really soon authornim!! ^^
you updated!
Chapter 10: Update again! Instead of sending me 70 FREAKING TEXT!
update lady.
fresita123 #10
Chapter 7: Lol. Jonghyun and Key.