Chapter 12

Clumsy Love

Clumsy Love

Chapter 12


Your POV

You all got off the bus and made a circle around Minho who had his phone out with the directions.

“So, it says we go down this street then turn left. Then go 4 blocks and turn right? I think that’s what it says,” Minho muttered confusingly.

He starts walking down the street taking the lead. So I take Sohee’s arm and start to follow behind him.

“So, are we allowed to do a little sight-seeing while we are out here?” Sohee asked.

“Mr. Yixing said to go straight to our historical site and straight back to the hotel,” said this random person very knowingly.

“Uh- you are?” I asked him.

“Minho’s partner, people call me JR” he said holding out his hand.

I took my hand out and shook it. “_______” I told him.

“Pretty, he said flashing me a smile.

“Sohee grabbed my arm suddenly and pulled me close.

 “OMG he’s totally in love with you,” she said, whispering in my ear.

You gave her a look and shook your head.

“Why do all the cute guys like you and not me?” she said whining loudly.

I ignored her and kept walking, but suddenly I felt a stare at the back of my head, and I turned around to see Key there, staring into my soul.

“Um, can I help you?” I asked hesitantly.

He just smiled and sprinted a little to catch up with Jonghyun ahead of us.

After about 5 minutes of walking, we reached our destination. I looked around at fascination.

It wasn’t very big, or spectacular. But the fact that people’s heads got cut off where I was standing was cool. I went up to Onew who was shuffling around in his backpack.

“Watcha looking for?” I asked. He kept sighing and muttering under his breath.

“Um, just the worksheet we are supposed to fill out.” He said looking up a bit.

You nodded, poofing out your cheeks.

You looked around then looked back at Onew, who was staring at you so obviously.

You felt your cheeks get red and he quickly looked away. He then patted his pockets and pulled out a paper folded into a triangle.

“Ahh, here it is,” he said, handing it to you.

You took the triangle and couldn’t help but notice how he was holding the very tip of the paper, careful not to touch your hand.

You unfolded the paper and begin to read it.

*This is soooo boring, I don’t want to do this*

You bit your lip a little and chewed on it. You then walked to a plaque and began to read it, Onew closely behind.

You dug in your backpack a bit, finding a pen, and began to fill out the paper.

Onew came really close behind you, where you could feel his breath on the back of your neck. He was looking at what you were writing and giving suggestions or humming in agreement. Suddenly he was a little to close and you felt his whole body against your back.

You reacted quickly and raised your head. Unfortunately the floor underneath you was slippery because of some rain puddle, and you went down.

Onew tried to catch you before you could hit the floor, but he ended up falling with you.

Your friends quickly rushed over to help the both of you up.

“Are you okay!?” Sohee yelled, helping you up.

You nodded but realized what a weird position you and Onew where in and got up quickly.

You cleared your thought a bit and lowered your head in shame.

“Wooooow, I can’t believe the world clumsiest people got paired together,” Jonghyun said, helping Onew from the floor. Onew had fell directly in the puddle and was wet from the water.

“Im so sorry Onew,” you said, fixing his jacket which was twisted.

“Oh, it fine.” He replied, smiling a bit.

You gave him a slight smile back and everyone continued their business.

You both went back to your worksheet, but this time he made sure to keep his distance.

When the worksheet was completed, you both sat on a bench, waiting for the other to finish.

There was an awkward silence for a while, but then Onew spoke up.

“So, _______. What do you think about Paris? Anywhere you want to go in particular?” he said, looking at you.

“Well, I really want to go to the Eiffel tower obviously, but also the Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation.” You said, nodding.

“oh, maybe we can visit those on our free days, and me?” he asked, looking down.

*oh god, is he asking me out?*

“um, sure. Why not?” I said, smiling a little.

He then smiles widely while nodding.

“Okay, cool,” he said, still smiling.

Everyone else seemed to be done, and soon you were all huddled in a group.

“Okay, where should we go next?” Minho asked, looking around.

“I could really go for something nice and hot,” JR said, looking at me and smirking.

You unconsciously moved closer to Taemin, who was beside you.

“Yeah, I could use some coffee, let’s go for some French coffee and some crescents,” Sohee quickly said.

Minho was looking for a near coffee shop on his phone, when JR suddenly slid next to me.

“Hey,” he said, looking at me.

You smiled and continued walking, not wanting to open your mouth because you knew something rude would come out. Cause you were not one to keep your thoughts to yourself.

He looked at you for a while then said, “Sorry if I came on a little strong,” he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck,” I never make good first impressions.”

He put his hands in his pocket and walked with his head down, his cheeks tinted red.

You were about to reply but you had reached the shop and Sohee came up from behind you and dragged you in.

The Café shop was a really cute and small. You inhaled deeply, loving the smell of coffee. You could just imagine coming here every day to read a book and making it your goal to taste every drink in the menu.

You got in line behind everyone else and looked at the menu to see what you would want. You smiled when you saw you favorite drink on the menu. When it was your turn you got a pumpkin spice latte and a pastry to share with Sohee.

You all sat down at a really long table seating 12. Everyone was sitting next to their partners to write the final points of their project. Onew was to your left while Sohee was at your right.

You and Onew finished up before everyone and you lightly sipped your drink waiting for Sohee to be done so you could talk to her.

“Hey, ______?” Onew said, fidgeting with his fingers.

“Yeah?” you said, turning your head to look at him.

“Never mind,” Onew said, quickly looking away ,” How long do you think you guys will be, I want to go walk around this little town,”

“I don’t think we will be done soon Hyung,” Taemin said, looking up from his paper.

Everyone nodded or said “yeah”.

“Maybe you and _____ could just go ahead of us, I’ll call you when where all done,” Key suggested.

Onew looked at you, as if asking you what you thought. The clock on the wall said it was about 10:45, and you really wanted to go before you had to be back at 12.

“Sure, we’ll see you guys later,” you said getting up and putting your coat on.

You and Onew walked outside, heading down the street.

“So ____, what do you want to go see?” Onew asked.

“I just want to sigh see and take in Paris,” you replied, smiling as you thought of Paris and all the adventures you would have this weekend.

As you walked down the street, you saw an old women selling flowers. They were you favorite, light pink roses. Your eyes followed the lady as she walked down the street, speaking French. As she got closer to you and Onew, she spoke with a heavy accent,” Oh, foreigners. Would you like to buy a rose for your pretty girlfriend young man? Only 0.73 Euros ($1),” she said.

You begin to say how Onew wasn’t your boyfriend, but Onew spoke first.

“Sure,” he said, grabbing money from his man purse.

He handed the old lady money and she asked him if he wanted change or roses for the amount.

“For the amount please,” Onew said.

“Onew, you don’t have to buy me flowers,” you said, a blush creeping up your face.

The lady handed him 4 flowers, smiling. She nodded and slowly walked away, repeating the same words as earlier.

Onew handed me the flowers, a small smile on your lips. You took the flowers, and smiled internally. 4 was your lucky number.


                Keys P.O.V.

Everyone had finally finished up at the Café. He had been sending texts to Mr. Yixing, checking up from Onew’s phone. It had taken about an hour to finish up, and he wondered how the two clumsiest people could be the smartest.

“I’ll call Onew,” he told everyone, heading out of earshot. He pretended to dial Onew’s number and held the phone to his ear.

“Oh, hyung, where are you?” he spoke into the phone.

*Hopefully no one calls me*

“Oh, really? You guys went back so soon, I see hyung, I guess we will see you back at the hotel then... okay, bye hyung. ”he said, pretending to hang up the phone.

“They’ve headed back to the hotel, he said it was too cold out to walk around, why don’t we head to the Eiffel tower?” Key said, walking back to the group with a hidden smirk.


Your P.O.V.

You were surprisingly having a good time with Onew, it kind of felt like a date. Before you knew it, it was already almost 3. You and Onew where sitting in a Café, eating lunch.

During this time you had found out a lot about Onew. You knew that he had 2 sister, and his mother had died when he was 13. His favorite color was none, he loved the whole rainbow. And he really thought he was some magical being sent down to watch over the world and prove Unicorns do exist. Every night, he sang to his little sister to help her fall asleep.

You had found out the Onew was incredibly funny, and you both had a lot of common interest. Like he was a total fan boy and was a hardcore Exotic just like you. You both had the same morning routine. He was a firm believer in second chances.

During this time, you also found out you were falling for him. You were falling for this dorky guy, and you felt like you would never stop falling.






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Fingers crossed I've updated by Sunday >.


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Chapter 19: Awwwwwww ~ Onew and I are 짱 ㅎㅎ
Chapter 17: OH LAWD XDDD
Chapter 6: Bruh.
"& that stupid Dino-head will probably us in our sleep, then our French fries!"
panda_army #4
Chapter 19: I started laughing right at the beginning of the chapter ahhahahaa, the mini "team discussion" and then just blurting out exactly what "she? I?" (what pronouns do i use .-.) weren't suppose to say cracked me up. HEhehe. And the fluff was good hehehe. I'm half hoping Onew was awake to hear that little confession also ;)
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 17: Yay!!! Thank you!! You updated!!!
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 16: Please update really soon authornim!! ^^
you updated!
Chapter 10: Update again! Instead of sending me 70 FREAKING TEXT!
update lady.
fresita123 #10
Chapter 7: Lol. Jonghyun and Key.