Chapter 11

Clumsy Love

Italic- thoughts






Your POV

     It was the day of your field trip. As it turns out Mr. Yixing never managed to get  Jonghyun and Onew rooms, not knwing that they had been sharing rooms with two girls. Then you tried to get the three, very stubborn boys to just share the room with 2 more boys. But, woah, they where not giving in. It was just after breakfast, but so far you have managed screwing up your day by, first, dropping you phone. You had an Iphone, and what do you know, it broke. :( Then, you where the last to take a shower, so all the free shampoo and conditioner from the hotel was gone, leaving you with smelly, greasy, stinky hair. So you decided to just hide it with a messy bun. Lastly, as you where walking to breakfast with Sohee, with the Shinee boys trailing close behind, you tripped on your face. The only food thing that came out of that was Myungsoo happened to be there. He came with his angel face and helped you up being the prince he was, but even Myungsoo being there was torture, because he saw you FALL ON YOUR FACE. 

     Suprisingly, during breakfast there where no mistakes. You ate your waffles and bacon in peace. Last night, Shinee plus us partners decided we would go to Place de la Concorde. This was some historical place where people where decapitated and something bout the French Revolution. Yeah, but we would take the bus there, and we had untill about 5 to get back to the hotel. 

     One of our partners is to contact Mr. Yixing at our given times and tell him we are okay. Onews and my time started at 11: 15, so this meant every hour, we would have to contact Mr. Yixing. Right now we where all standing at the bus stop waiting for our line to show up. 

     "So, _______, do you already know anything about PLace de la Concorde?" Onew asked you, sudddenly popping in front of you out of nowhere. You could feel the light blush that was on you cheeks. Your brought your coat around you a little ore, hoping to play it off as you being cold. 

    "Umm... Not really, just that  there is some cool egyptian history part of it." you said, as fog came out as your breath. 

    "Oh really? Thats cool..." Onew said, kind of trailing off at the end. 

    "So, do you have Mr. Yixing's number?" you asked Onew. Since you DROPPED you phone this morning, one of you had to contact Mr Yixing. (You couldnt get over the fact you broke your precious IPhone.)

     "Not yet, but im going to get it from Minho when its our time to call him." he said, looking slightly embarrassed.

     "Okay," you said nodding your head. 

     You two just kind of stood there akwardly, looking at each other and nodding. Suddenly Sohee came out of nowhere, saving you.

      "The bus is coming, get your tickets ready, and lets do this thing!" She said nodding her head and punching her fist into the air. 

      You all borded the bus, and as you where about to take your seat with Sohee, you heard you name called, and looked up to find Myungsoo smiling and waving his hand. 

     "Come sit next to me," he called out to you, still smiling and waving.

    You smiled back and look towards Sohee for permission, she smiled at you and gave you the "go on" gesture. You silently praised her and went to sit next to Myungsoo.

    "Hi, _______! These are my friends Sungjong, Sunggyu, Hoya, Dongwoo, Sungyeol, and Woohyun. Sungyeol is my partner." Myungsoo politely introduced his friends as they all waved and muttered a "hey" or "hi".

    You waved back and Myungsoo got up from his seat to give you the window seat next to him There where all just kind of spread out in the backish area. Suddenly you saw Key march down the isle and take the empty seat directly behind Myungsoo, while calling Onew and saying, "Hyung! I saved a seat for you down here!"

    You inwardly groaned. How could Key do this to you. Onew walked down the while oblivious that you where right there, but slowed down a bit when he saw you. 

    "So, ________, where are you heading?" Myungsoo asked you, turning his body to directly look at you. 

    "oh, i think its calle-"

    "She and her partner, Onew, are heading to Place de la Concorde" Key rudely interupted, showing his face between the seats. 

   Myungsoo looking a bit startled cooly replied, "Oh, that cool."

    "Where are you going Myunsoo?" you asked, actually curious.

    "We where just going to head over to Musee du Lovey? I think thats how you pronounce it," he replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. 

    You laughed playfully at bit at his pronounciation, about to correct it, when a certain someone interuppted before you could and did it for you.

     "It's Musee du Louvre, do you even pay attention in French?"Key asked with a scoff on his face.

    You gave Key the you-better-stop-butting-into-my-love-life-right-now look, but he gave you just the look back. You just rolled your eyes and started small talk with Myungsoo. The whole time though, Key kept joining the conversation at any moment and decided to give an opinion on what he thought of something. 10 minutes passed and you came at a bus stop. Myungsoo and his friends got up.

    "Well, this is our stop. Do you maybe want to hang out later at the hotel _____?" Myungsoo quickly asked, gathering his things. 

    "Yeah, that'd be cool," you replied back.

    "Cool," he smiled, "Meet me at the fountain in the lobby, at about 5: 30ish cool?" he asked.

     "Yeah, see you later," you waved to him as he exited the bus. 

     The doors closed and Sohee came running back to where you where.

    "OMG!!!!!! What happened?" She asked.

     "Magic," you replied, smiling like a dork.

      Keys POV

     Jeesh, what is wrong with this girl?!?! Can't she understand that Onew is in LOVE with her?!?!?! She should not even try with Myungsoo, she could never get a guy like that. 

    The bus screeched as we came to a stop. Myungsoo got up. Thank god! Hes finally leaving!

      "Well, this is our stop. Do you maybe want to hang out later at the hotel _____?" Myungsoo asked foolishly

    "Yeah, that'd be cool," ________ replied back

    "Cool," he smirked "Meet me at the fountain in the lobby, at around 5: 30ish cool?" he demanded of her. 

     "Yeah, see you later," _______ waved to him as he left the bus in a ungentman like manner.

      What does she even see in him?

    Whatever, time to play cupid. 

     "So, Onew, what are you doing when you get back from the hotel?" I asked Onew.

      The whole bus ride he was just looking out the window like a dork. Good thing he has me with him, or else it would be a hopeless case for him and ______ to ever be together, not that she deserves Onew. But whatever makes him happy. 

     "Uhh, im not sure, nothing, probably just chilling with you and the others, why?" Onew asked cluelessly, good.

      "No reason, but i think we should go see a movie, maybe invite ______ and her friend Sohee. I mean as long as that Sohee girl doesnt try kissing my Jonghyun again."I said while giving Sohee a absolute look of disgust. 

      "Oh, cool, we can see a foriegn movie!!!" Onew said excitedly. 

      "Yeah, cool.." I say, "Just, dont tell the girls about it till we get there, i dont think they will want to stay if they find out we have to stay there for a long time. Lets just tell Mr. Yixing we are not even going back to the hotel and we are going straight to the movies, kay?" I told him.

     "Umm, yeah." He replied. 

      We finally reached our stop and Onew as well as the rest of our group got up. Onew headed for Minho and Taemin who where at the front, while I gathered my backpack. 

     I looked at Onews seat to see his cellphone lying there. I clicked the inside of my check and grabbed it. 

     "Onew, you left your-" I started, but immediatly thought of a plan. 

      He hadnt even heard me. I silently slipped his phone into one of the pockets of my backpack, and walked off the bus to go with the others. 

      Key, your a mastermind, what would every one else do without you?


Authors Note<(^ . ^)>

YAY! i finally updated! OMJ!!! Key, you crazy man, what is going on in that brain of yours?

Well, yeah. 

This is what Musee de la Louvre looks like, just in case you where wondering, 


SO yeah, well, bye!!!!!

                               ~Percy <3.<3.<3.

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Fingers crossed I've updated by Sunday >.


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Chapter 19: Awwwwwww ~ Onew and I are 짱 ㅎㅎ
Chapter 17: OH LAWD XDDD
Chapter 6: Bruh.
"& that stupid Dino-head will probably us in our sleep, then our French fries!"
panda_army #4
Chapter 19: I started laughing right at the beginning of the chapter ahhahahaa, the mini "team discussion" and then just blurting out exactly what "she? I?" (what pronouns do i use .-.) weren't suppose to say cracked me up. HEhehe. And the fluff was good hehehe. I'm half hoping Onew was awake to hear that little confession also ;)
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 17: Yay!!! Thank you!! You updated!!!
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 16: Please update really soon authornim!! ^^
you updated!
Chapter 10: Update again! Instead of sending me 70 FREAKING TEXT!
update lady.
fresita123 #10
Chapter 7: Lol. Jonghyun and Key.