Chapter 9

Clumsy Love


                You woke up before your alarm went off, at 7: 23 am. You yawn and turn your alarm off so it wouldn’t wake the others. Then you realize you don’t have to be in the main lobby until 8:00, so what was the point of getting up? It only took you, like, 10 minutes to change.

          You lie back in your comfy bed and close your eyes, but can go back to sleep. Sighing, you get up and gather your stuff, heading for the bathroom. Once you get there you close the door, and put your IPod on the dock, adjusting the volume to a more quite tone. You put on the playlist “Morning Sunshine” and a series of happy music come on.

          You smile and rummage through your luggage, hoping to find a good outfit. You give up, than leave the bathroom, looking out the window to determine the weather. It looked sunny and bright outside.

          You look at the still sleeping faces then look at the clock, 7: 28am. You decide to let them sleep a little longer. But then Onew face catches your eye. He was sleeping peacefully with his mouth open slightly. His hair was tousled and he his breathing was paced. You look at him, and then suddenly an alarm goes off. You jump then run to the bathroom.

          Once you are in you close the door and lock it. You’re such a creeper ___, looking at guys while there sleeping?

          You sigh and run a hand through your hair, then go through your suitcase again. Finding the perfect outfit. You change into it then run a brush through your tangled hair, then put it into a simple messy bun. You put on a pearl headband and look at you completed look. It looks cute, but it didn’t look like you put too much effort into it. You smile at yourself and walk out, only to be pushed back in by Sohee.

“What are you doin-“

“SHHH!!” Sohee says.

          You give her a look. She looks at you outfit, and smiles.

“Cute outfit, who you trying to impress?” she asks you, smirking.

          Who am I trying to impress? Who does this chick think she is?

          “You sweetie,” I say giving her the most stalkerish smile I could muster.  She laughs and rolls her eyes.

          She studies my outfit then looks at my face.

          “Can I do your make-up?” She asks sweetly.

          Make-up? Oh god no, I hate make-up.

          You run out of the bathroom and close the door behind you. You then run behind Onew’s and Jonghyun’s bed. You hear the door open, then close. You stay crouch thought, thinking it’s a trick. But your fears dissolve when you hear the shower turn on and the sound of her voice singing.

          You sigh in relief and get up, only for Onew and Jonghyun to start waking up. You shriek a little and run to your bed, pretending you asleep.

          They get up and you hear a huge yawn. They get up and open the blinds, letting the sun in. You feel a presence next to you and you look slowly at the person looking at you. Onew was looking down at you. Right in front of your face

What a creeper.

          You get up really fast, which you thought would make you look all cool and stuff, but ended up with both of you clutching your foreheads in pain.

          “Onew Condition this early in the morning? New record,” Jonghyun says grinning.

          You get out of bed and walk to the bathroom knocking on it.

          “Hey! Sohee, will meet you down at the breakfast place thingy okay?” you scream over the water and her singing.

          You turn back around and Onew and Jonghyun are giving you weird looks.

          “What?” you snap at them.

          “Did you just get out of bed?” Onew ask you

          Think fast _____.

          “Of course I did,” you said yawning and stretching out.

          “Then why are you fully clothed and ready for the day?” Jonghyun asks you.

          You blush and grab your bag, shoving your IPod and phone in it, along with lip balm and money.

          “Did you guys want me to save you a spot or what?” you ask them ready to bolt out the door.

          “Uhhh, I actually think Key, Minho, and Taemin are there already, so just sit with them,” Jonghyun says, looking through his phone.

          You nod and leave the room, making sure to have your room key with you. You go to the elevators and hit the down button. You rummage through your bag for some headphones, finally finding some and putting them in. The doors open with a loud *ding* and you get in. You hit floor one and wait until you get there.

Hopefully I can make it down to the bottom floor without a random stranger interrupting.

          You didn’t even make it past one floor. The doors open and you see three cute guys come in.

Act normal ____. There just 3 guys, sheesh. 3… really cute guys. That smells like strawberries and aftershave.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” you faintly hear someone say. You look around and see one of the guys look at you. He had brown hair and really brown eyes. He was really cute.

                “Umm… I don’t know, do you go to South High School?” you ask him. (The school you go to)

          “Yeah, do you?” he asked you confused.

          “Yeah, I’m in Mr. Yixings homeroom,” you say to him.

          “Really? Oh! I know, you’re the girl who always trips over yourself! _____ right?” he asks you, smiling, “I’m Myungsoo.”

          You blush and nod, then hide you face with your hair, you get too the second floor and by now he had come closer to you, so it looked like you two were best friends or something. The doors open and someone comes in, but you don’t look up to see who.

          “Hey, want to sit next to us during breakfast, where supposed to sit next to people in our homeroom, and where in Mr. Yixings homeroom too.” Myungsoo said.

          You look up at him and where about to reply when you were interrupted by someone else.

          “Sorry, she’s taken. She’s sitting with us anyways, so, she can’t,” you look in surprise to see who spoke for you only to see a very annoyed looking Key.

          “I’m not take-“you started, but the loud *ding* of the elevators sounded and you were dragged out of the elevators. Key was holding on to your wrist and you saw Minho and Taemin following not too far behind. Even further you saw Myungsoo waving giving you a smile. You smile back and wave.

          You where the put in front of a breakfast line and you angrily got all the food you want, along with some orange juice. Your anger quickly faded though as you got a pile of bacon. You looked around to see where the others went, and then sat with them. As you started eating you remembered why you were so angry and looked over at Key. He was talking to Taemin like he hadn’t just decided you plan for the day.

          You poked him a little and he looked over at you with a look of pure boredom on his face. “What?” he asked not interested.

          “Why did you tell that Myungsoo guy I was taken, when I am clearly not?” I asked him, totally sad and in a bad mood.

          He rolled his eyes and looked at you with a hard stare, as if that would help you realize why he did that. When you stayed silent he sighed loudly. Then he explained the most shocking thing to you as if you were a kid, and needed to be taught.

          “Are you really that stupid? It’s obvious I was just looking out for Onew, since he’s had a crush on you since, like, we were kids.” He said. As he said the words Onew, Jonghyun, and Sohee came into the room and spotted where you guys were sitting, and you ran out of the room.



HI!!!!! So I think I’m going to put Myungsoo as one of the main characters, maybe. So, I hope you like the story so far. If you have any suggestions, just tell me. Thanks for reading, and happy reading~


                                                                   ~Percy <3.<3.<3.



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Fingers crossed I've updated by Sunday >.


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Chapter 19: Awwwwwww ~ Onew and I are 짱 ㅎㅎ
Chapter 17: OH LAWD XDDD
Chapter 6: Bruh.
"& that stupid Dino-head will probably us in our sleep, then our French fries!"
panda_army #4
Chapter 19: I started laughing right at the beginning of the chapter ahhahahaa, the mini "team discussion" and then just blurting out exactly what "she? I?" (what pronouns do i use .-.) weren't suppose to say cracked me up. HEhehe. And the fluff was good hehehe. I'm half hoping Onew was awake to hear that little confession also ;)
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 17: Yay!!! Thank you!! You updated!!!
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 16: Please update really soon authornim!! ^^
you updated!
Chapter 10: Update again! Instead of sending me 70 FREAKING TEXT!
update lady.
fresita123 #10
Chapter 7: Lol. Jonghyun and Key.