Chapter 4

Clumsy Love

Italics= Inner thoughts


 "What if we crash and all die!?!?! Im too young to die!" Sohee screams. 

 "Have you never been on a plane before?" you ask her.

 "Your my best friend! How do you not know this?" She asks. You just shrug and continue to go through the security check. Once there done you grab all your stuff and put all of the accessories back on. All of the teachers went first and where waiting at the other end. Our class was done and we where all in front of Mr. Yixing waiting for directions. 

 "Okay class! we still have two hours untill our flight leaves! So i suggest walking around a bit, you dont want your legs to get get tired before the actual plane ride. Just be at teminal 6 20 minutes before our departure which is at 10.00! Well, Have fun!" Mr. Yixing says before going off with the other teachers. 

 You and Sohee just look at each other. What are we suppose to do in a airport for two hours?!?! 

You guys just end up eating at mcdonalds and looking around the gift shop. 

"30 minutes untill terminal 6 departs to Paris, France." you hear a cheery voice say over the inercome. The two of you start to head back over to the terminal, on the way you see SHINee. Key was wearing a outfit fit for the runway. You shake your head at the idiots who would wear something like that for a plane ride this long. You see him give you the evil eye once you two make eye contact and you freeze only to have Sohee run into you and you tumble to the ground. You look back up and he's smirking. Whatever. 

"Terminal 6 to Paris, France is now boarding," I hear that cheerful say again. We all get in line to board the plane. We get on the plane and in the weird tunnel Onew shows up out of nowhere. 

"Oh! Hi _________!" Onew says.

"Hi Onew," you reply boredly. Sohee frowns as you which is code for youbetterstopbeingsomean. You just role your eyes. You don't know why you where being so mean. Im a very nice person! But when Onew or any of SHINee showed there faces it just boiled you blood. IT's not as bad as before. getting to know Onew, but the other boys, well, you still hate their guts. 

"So, where are you going to sit?" Onew asks suspicously. He was looking at you with crazy eyes and was twirling and invisible mustache. okay then. 

"Well _____ and I where gonne sit next to us, I don't know who else though, since it's three to a row..." Sohee says, "I know! Why dont you sit next to us Onew?"


"Yeah! Sure!" Onew and you yell out at the same time. Sohee pushes me into the aisle near the back. The arrangment makes it so your in the middle. SHINee spots Onew and instantly go to sit next to him. But Jonghyun had to sit with a bunch of girls since it was only three to a sit. Not that he was complaining. 

"Hyung! Why are you sitting next to her." Key says nodding his head toward mine. I roll my eyes and put my earphone in. Though I didn't turn my music on. 

"Keeeey. Don't be so mean." Taemin wines.

That's when I turn my music on. Sohee silently turn off my ipod when neccessary,knowing i dont want to talk to any of them. I felt us lift out of the sky and off to Paris we went.







HELLLLLOOOOOOO!!!! Sorry for such short chapters, I promise when we get to the good stuff I'll make them longer. 

And its the fourth chapter and there not in Paris yet? .___. 

I try to include all of shinee as much as i can, but I don't know what happened. Key just seems perfect for the role of making her hate shinee. So yea.

So thanks for reading!!!! Live a good long life. AND HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY TO KIM JONGIN!!! YAY!!!! *fireworks*


I'll just go now.... Oh, and i forgot i had put this as hide chapter, so sorry!!! Well.... HAPPY READING!!!

                                                    ~ PERCY <3.<3.<3.

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Fingers crossed I've updated by Sunday >.


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Chapter 19: Awwwwwww ~ Onew and I are 짱 ㅎㅎ
Chapter 17: OH LAWD XDDD
Chapter 6: Bruh.
"& that stupid Dino-head will probably us in our sleep, then our French fries!"
panda_army #4
Chapter 19: I started laughing right at the beginning of the chapter ahhahahaa, the mini "team discussion" and then just blurting out exactly what "she? I?" (what pronouns do i use .-.) weren't suppose to say cracked me up. HEhehe. And the fluff was good hehehe. I'm half hoping Onew was awake to hear that little confession also ;)
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 17: Yay!!! Thank you!! You updated!!!
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 16: Please update really soon authornim!! ^^
you updated!
Chapter 10: Update again! Instead of sending me 70 FREAKING TEXT!
update lady.
fresita123 #10
Chapter 7: Lol. Jonghyun and Key.