Chapter 15~

Clumsy Love
Clumsy Love
Chapter 14

You and Onew where walking the streets of Paris. You couldn’t go back to the hotel because you had been kicked out


“Come on Onew, where going to miss breakfast if you keep staring at those dang fish!” you yelled for the millionth time.

The both of you had been walking down to eat when you passed by a little aquarium filled with fish. Onew had immediately stopped and stared at them.

He kept whispering, “Nemo, go on now, go look for your dad,” and tapping on the glass.

You pulled at his sleeve trying to get him to go with you.

But he was a lot stronger than he looked.

“Onew!” you yelled. He just looked at you, then he went back you your hotel room.

You rolled your eyes and followed him. He went into the room and got the bucket you were supposed to fill with ice and filled it with water instead.

You eyed him nervously, already not liking his idea. “Onew, what are you doing?” you said, trying to take the bucket from him.

“I’m going to take Nemo to his dad,” he said straight face.

You just face-palmed, and couldn’t argue with him anymore.

He went down to the aquarium you were originally at. He took the lid off and stuck his hand in, trying to get the clown fish.

“fdksajf!” you heard someone say, “kdsafj?”

You turned to the side to see a very angry looking employee. You just stared at him though, not knowing what he was saying.

Onew swooped up the fish and put it in the bucket, “Let’s go Nemo” he whispered, oblivious to the angry man.

“sjkdfaskdfat!” the man said to us, he took a walkie talkie from his pocket and mumbled some words into it.

“I think we better go now,” you said to Onew, pulling at his sleeve.

You guys hurriedly went back to your room and got your stuff, leaving the hotel with some angry looking French men yelling at you.


“I can’t believe you took that dang fish, and I can’t believe I let you take it,” you said, hitting your head.

“Pabo. Pabo. Pabo.” You repeated over and over.

“We have to take him to the ocean so Nemo can find his dad,” Onew said nodding.

“Onew. There. Is. No. Ocean. In. France.” You said, glaring at him.

“Oh dear, ______~, of course there is!” he said skipping slightly.

You face-palmed again, shaking your head slightly.

You stomach growled then and you pouted, “We didn’t even get to have our free breakfast thanks to you,” you grumbled.

“I’ll buy you breakfast, who wants that nasty food anyways?” he said, putting a hand over the bowl, “They were probably going to serve us fish.”

“Fish for breakfast?”

He just nodded.

You rolled your eyes and the two of you continued down the street you were on. After a while you came to a small café that served American breakfast.

You and Onew entered and sat in the back corner as a women came up to you taking your order.

She had a deep accent but was understandable.

You ordered bacon and more bacon, while Onew ordered waffles.

As your food came over you quickly dug in, grubbing away.

Onew just ate and stared at you.

“What?” you said.

“Nothing…” he said looking away.

You both finished your food and the waiter came up to bring you the check.

“Are you two couple?” she said, tilting her head to the side, “50% off meal if yes.”


“Oh of course we are,” you said kicking Onew from under the table. He gasped quickly, trying to hide his pain.

“Here you go,” she said, giving you the check.

Onew took the check pouting and paid.

“You don’t have to pay,” you said giving him some money to split it.

He just smiled and said, “Think of this as out first date.”

He laughed and got up, walking towards the exit.

“Our first date?” you said in shock, still sitting.

“_______~ are you coming?” Onew said holding the door open.

You just nodded and quickly got up, heading towards the unknown.


“Hyung~ I’m tired! Let’s rest.” Taemin whined, pulling on Minho’s sleeve.

“I think we should get something to drink,” Jonghyun said, looking for a place to go.

“Okay, let’s go there.” Key said, pointing to a smoothie shop.

They all crowded in, ordering.

Now Sohee, Taemin, Minho, Jonghyun, and Key where crowded on a small table trying to discuss where Onew and you were.

“Could they be at the Eiffel tower?” Sohee said.

“We already checked there a million times,” Minho argued, taking a sip of his drink.

Sohee rubbed her cheek, trying to think of the places you wanted to visit.

“______ wanted to visit this one place that had to do with the holocaust, but I forget the name….”Sohee said, pouting.

“Let me look it up, it’s better if we can just narrow it down,”Jonghyun said taking out his phone.

Just then Key was looking around, and from down the street he saw two people walk out of a restaurant. More of a specific two people.

“Oh my god, is that Hannah Montana?” Key said pointing in the opposite direction. Coincidently there happened to be a blonde American over there.

There all looked down the street and gasped.

“Is it?” they all murmured, trying to get a better look.

You and Onew walked down the street, going the opposite direction from them.

Key sighed, relieved.

Then the said Hannah Montana turned her head, or his head.

“That’s a man,” Sohee exclaimed.

“Gross…” Taemin said, sticking his tongue out.

“He’d make a good Henry Montana,” Key said, shrugging.



I don't know, but I hope you like this!

There isn't an ocean in Paris right? Right? No, there isnt....






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Fingers crossed I've updated by Sunday >.


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Chapter 19: Awwwwwww ~ Onew and I are 짱 ㅎㅎ
Chapter 17: OH LAWD XDDD
Chapter 6: Bruh.
"& that stupid Dino-head will probably us in our sleep, then our French fries!"
panda_army #4
Chapter 19: I started laughing right at the beginning of the chapter ahhahahaa, the mini "team discussion" and then just blurting out exactly what "she? I?" (what pronouns do i use .-.) weren't suppose to say cracked me up. HEhehe. And the fluff was good hehehe. I'm half hoping Onew was awake to hear that little confession also ;)
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 17: Yay!!! Thank you!! You updated!!!
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 16: Please update really soon authornim!! ^^
you updated!
Chapter 10: Update again! Instead of sending me 70 FREAKING TEXT!
update lady.
fresita123 #10
Chapter 7: Lol. Jonghyun and Key.