Chapter 3

Clumsy Love

           You trudge into the huge school with you suitcase trailing along behind you. You had your carry on bag in the other hand and had a bunch of papers in your mouth that where last nights homework. You had on comfortable clothes, since it was going to be a long plane ride. Sneakers, some jeans, and a oversized sweater.

              "________! Hey! _______!" you hear a voice scream. You look around and see Sohee running up to you her face red.

             "Need some help?" she asked. You just nod you head. She takes your carry on bag and papers.

              You look at her and sees what she is wearing. She was wearing an outfit that was cute, but not what you should wear if you are going to be sitting for about 12 hours. i just shake my head. "What?" she asks confused.

              "Nothing, Come on lets go put my bags on the bus," I say




           You enter your homeroom to see everyone is running around and their is exciment in the air. Everyone was usually hyper, but today they seemed to sprinkle a little extra crazy in their breakfasts. You just shake your head an take the usual seat. You sit down and get organized. Once your done you get your ipod on and put it on Kpop!!!! <3<3 playlist. Infinites Nothings Over comes on. You sit there waiting for Mr. Yixing to come in. Only seconds have passed by but it felt like hours to you so you get paper out and start drawing. You just draw a bunch of random stuff.

           You see out of the corner of your eye that someone has sat next to you but you ignore who ever it is. You keep drawing and you look at your horrible masterpiece. You had drawn a picture of SHINee. they where all little stickfigures that had a characteristic to describe them. Jonghyun was roaring like a dinosaur, Key had a crown on his head, Onew had a piece of chicken in his hand, Minho had a soccer ball at his feet, And Taemin was a little baby. You laugh at yourself. God im hilarious.

           You feel someone poke you so you take you earphones out and look to see who would dare to disturb you, only to see a blushing Onew. You quickly hide your picture and blush as well. "Oh.... Onew didn't see you there." You say. I hope he didnt see my picture.

           "Yea, um... i-i was j- just gonna ask..... Have you picked the place you wanted to research?" He stutters. You shake my head.

           "What about you?" you ask him. He shakes his head.

           "Well if we dont thing of one by Thursday we can always just choose a random one on the internet."you suggest. "That a great idea!!!" he says to enthusiastically. I give him a weird look. "I mean... yeah, thats cool." He said and tried looking cool by leaning back in his chair. "You might not want to do tha-" *BAM*

            His chair had tipped back to far and it fell, taking him along with him. Everyone was looking at him and SHINee started laughing. All the girls where saying," Oppa? Are you okay?" He got up and smiled embarrassingly. "Im okay," he said bowing his head in apology. Just then Mr. Yixing came in and went to his desk. "Okay class take your seats." My. Yixing announced.

           "Bye _______!" Onew said walking away only to stumble on the chair he never picked up. I giggled at how clumsy he was. He turned red and bowed to the classroom again.  He walked back to SHINee and they all patted his back and said, "great job man."

           "Okay class! We will be leaving in a hour, so get ready and go to the restroom. You can talk to your partner at this time to decide where your place in Paris will be.If you have to leave the room, make sure you still ask permission. Thank you, now get to work!" You put your ear phones back in but before you can start the music you feel someone throw a papewr ball at your head. You look in the direction it had comed from to see a very annoyed looking Key. He was waving his hand for you to go over there. You saw all of SHINee partners where over there too.

            You slowly walk over there and Key says, "Onew can't do all the work you know."

            "You dont have to be such a diva you know," I say, quit enough where he couldn't hear me.

            "Im sorry what?" he says. "Nothing." I say smiling innocently.

          I take the empty seat by Onew. "Hi, sorry about earlier. Im a little bit of a mess. SHINee calls it Onew Condition." Onew says rubbing the back of his neck. "Its okay, it was really funny." I reply back

            "Really? You thought something I did was funny?" He asks. You nod your head giving him a confused look. "I thought you didnt like me though? Or any of SHINee?" He says.

           "I don't." I say. He pouts a bit. "Where not that bad." He says. I was about to reply but just then the principle of the school, Mr. Kris. the room got silent and we all waited for what he had to say.

            "Hello. As you all know, youa re going to Paris today. Safety is really important to keep in mind during this trip. So make sure your catious. And stay with your partner at all times. Listen to your homeroom teacher and just be respectful please. And most importantly, please enjoy yourselfs. You really deserve this trip. Thank You. And have a great time!" Mr. Kris exlaims. We all cheer and clap.

            "Okay class! It time to get ready to leave! your bags should already be on the bus, so lets go!" Mr. Yixing shouts. I go to grab my carry on bag and realize how heavy it was. I turn around to walk out only to trip on the same chair Onew had fell off earlier. Why did he not pick it up?

           "OMO! _________ are you okay!?" One of my class mates says.

          "Uh yeah. Thanks!" I reply back. I walk to the bus an watch the floor carefully. Sohee suddenly comes up to me.

           "_____________! Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime!?!?!" she yells. I smile at her and say, "Of course. Lets do this!!!"





Hello! I decided to make EXOM the staff of the school. Hope you liked the Third chapter! Im going to try to write longer chapter from now on. Well, yeah... Bye!


                                                                         ~Percy <3.<3.<3.








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Fingers crossed I've updated by Sunday >.


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Chapter 19: Awwwwwww ~ Onew and I are 짱 ㅎㅎ
Chapter 17: OH LAWD XDDD
Chapter 6: Bruh.
"& that stupid Dino-head will probably us in our sleep, then our French fries!"
panda_army #4
Chapter 19: I started laughing right at the beginning of the chapter ahhahahaa, the mini "team discussion" and then just blurting out exactly what "she? I?" (what pronouns do i use .-.) weren't suppose to say cracked me up. HEhehe. And the fluff was good hehehe. I'm half hoping Onew was awake to hear that little confession also ;)
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 17: Yay!!! Thank you!! You updated!!!
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 16: Please update really soon authornim!! ^^
you updated!
Chapter 10: Update again! Instead of sending me 70 FREAKING TEXT!
update lady.
fresita123 #10
Chapter 7: Lol. Jonghyun and Key.