Chapter 1

Clumsy Love

Inner thoughts


________ (you)



*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

       "Ugh," you say and try to hit the alarm to turn it off. You keep slamming the spot next to you but your alarm keeps going. "UGH!" you yell, getting up and ripping the alarm out of the wall. You frown when you realize your going to have to reset it when you get home from school. Oh well. You get up and put on a simple outfit putting your hair in a messy bun.  You put the loose hairs back with a few bobby pins.

"_____!" you hear your mom yell form down stairs. You let out a bet big sigh and run down your stairs putting on your bag. "Ready?" she says. You nod.


       You arrive at school and rush inside because you where already late. You rush into your classroom and go to your seat. Everyone is talking and running around. Your teacher, Mr. Yixing comes in. He goes to his desk and says, "Okay class, time to quite down." We all try to turn off our voices. He waits a few moments then says," I have an anouncement. As you all know, we have been trying to plan a trip to go abroad for a while now. We have finally been able to raise enough money for us all to go, you just need to pay for your plane ticket, and we where able to get a discount. So all you need to pay is $50"

       There where whispers of exciment and we all looked around. Key, a member of SHINee raised his hand and without being called on asked in a bored tone,"Where are we going?" Mr. Yixing had a spark of exciment in his eyes and said ,"Paris, France." We all cheered and applauded. Your best friend wasnt in the same home room as you, but if you were next to each other right now you would be gving each other goofy looks.

       "Okay, quite down, quite down," Mr. Yixing said, "Permission slips will be given out today, you have to turn them in by Monday, We leave Wednesday morning and come back Next Friday, Your money needs to be turned in  before Monday so we can get your tickets on time. Now, we dont want anybody to get lost. So everybody has a partner that you need to stay with at ALL times. Of course, if your partner is of the opposite gender, you cannot room with them, but if they aren't, you dont have a choice. Everybody's name in this homeroom is in this box. I'll call half of you up and you'll choose a name." You started getting nervous and you shook my legs. A weird habbit. "I'll call you up in alphabetical order," Mr. Yixing said. Great. Please help me. You thought, closing your eyes. Your last name started with an A. "_______" Mr. Yixing called out.

        Please dont be anybody from SHINee, please dont be anybody form SHINee. You slowly walk up to the front, praying it would be one of your close friends. You put your name in the box and move your hand a bit for 3 seconds, your lucky number. You pull out a name, and face the front. Taking a big sigh you open the white piece of paper. You stare in Horror of the eight letters written on the paper. "_____? Can you please announce the name to the class?" sighed Mr. Yixing. "Uhhh... L-le- lee Jinki." I stutter out.

        All the fan girls groaned and said, "Why did she get my oppa?" You get angry. Why do I have to deal with him. He will probably be complaining about not getting attention the whole time, because I'm certainly not giving it to him. "Okay, do the two of you think you will be able to attend the trip?" Mr. Yixing asked. You nod. "Yes Mr. Yixing, but please, ________, call me Onew." Onew said giving you a huge smile. How does he even know my name? Never mind. All of SHINee probably know all the girls in the school. Especially that player Jonghyun.

      You just roll my eyes and nod. You sit at my desk and put in my ear phone, putting in EXO's Machine. You see all of them go up, and wihtout even being able to hear them, what they thought of their partner.  I certainly know what I thought of my partner. You looked over at SHINee. They all sat in the back, even though we had assigned seating. They where all laughing. Taemin was poking Onew in a teasing manner. Onew just sat there and blushed. He looked up and you locked eyes. You looked away. You turn to my desk and got busy on unfinished homework.  This was going to be a long week.




Hello! This was the first chapter and I hope you liked it! I read this fanfiction and I like their idea of putting a picture of each new charcter they introduced. So im going to do that to, I forgot the author though, so when i find her/ him, I'll give her/ him credit.

Okay, So there was SHINee, Sherlock era, which the order is Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, and Key. Then there was the teacher Mr. Yixing. I decided i wanted the teacher to be Exo's M Lay, or Zhang Yixing. Which is him.

So yea. Well hope you liked my story! Please comment and Happy Reading.

-Percy <3.<3.<3.

(And her friend Tessa who is amazing and is editing this for you right now. And I'm typing this... but psh Percy knows I'm amazing) 


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Fingers crossed I've updated by Sunday >.


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Chapter 19: Awwwwwww ~ Onew and I are 짱 ㅎㅎ
Chapter 17: OH LAWD XDDD
Chapter 6: Bruh.
"& that stupid Dino-head will probably us in our sleep, then our French fries!"
panda_army #4
Chapter 19: I started laughing right at the beginning of the chapter ahhahahaa, the mini "team discussion" and then just blurting out exactly what "she? I?" (what pronouns do i use .-.) weren't suppose to say cracked me up. HEhehe. And the fluff was good hehehe. I'm half hoping Onew was awake to hear that little confession also ;)
SMentFan99 #5
Chapter 17: Yay!!! Thank you!! You updated!!!
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 16: Please update really soon authornim!! ^^
you updated!
Chapter 10: Update again! Instead of sending me 70 FREAKING TEXT!
update lady.
fresita123 #10
Chapter 7: Lol. Jonghyun and Key.