5:30 TOMORROW?????

ONLY you for my heart 2


Krystal’s POV

Without hesitant, I push myself out from the man then turn, my mind blank and not even look at him, I kick right to his ball. He growls and rolls over then fall off the bed. This sound is very familiar. I sit straighten up, and then crawl over to the edge. OH MY GOD…………

“Aiden” I call while look at the man, who is speechless, throwing his head to one side then other, holding on to , and cry out in pain

“Gosh, Krystal…Arggg”

I’m trembling right now. Should I call Taylor? They are men; they’d know what to do

“B…b…babe, what am I going to do? DO you want me to call Taylor?” I get off the bed and kneel down beside him.

“G…Get me some ice” he’s still growling

I rush to the mini-refrigerator to dig out some ice. But unfortunately, there aren’t anything ice in here but bottles of beverage. This will do.

“There is no ice, but cold bottle.” He takes my hand holding the bottles, and places on his bulge. Very slowly, he looks calmer. I love at my man, who showing nothing but a horrify look. Then I frown, WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?

I reach my hand up to his face, and gently I stoke his dearest jaw. Mainly is to calm him down. As expect, he smiles. Now, it’s time

“What are you DOING HERE?” I press hard on last two words


“What????????” I smash down

“Arg” he screams again and I realize I just hit on

I glare at him, and he’s stop.

“C’mon, come here, give me a kiss”

I hesitant because I’m mad

Suddenly, he sits up. We’re so closer, where forehead to forehead, nose to nose. I can scent his seducing breath. My heart beats fast.

“You want it, don’t you?” he murmurs

“Mr. Liu, don’t even think give me second thought. I just –

His lips cut off my line. How much I miss him, his lips, his face, his eyes, and his hot shot body. Our lungs are screaming for air. As we pull out, I hold back with my fingers dig into his hair. I don’t be apart from him.

“So…your explanation”

“Well…just…that…I need to wait for something. But it comes early then I expect so I ask Jessica where are you, here I am, flied 8631 miles to see my girl”

“You willing to do that?”

“I’ll do anything to have you”

“Just 1 easy thing, no need exaggerated, just simple 5 words in a question” my hand moves from his hair not down to his chest. I poke and poke him

“Ms. Jung, you wounded me”  

“Aiden –

“Hey, I brought you this”

He says as he fishes out from his pocket, A NECKLACE.

“A for Aiden?”


The necklace face is a letter A.

“They look expensive”

“I can effort everything baby. Along as you like it, if it cost millions of dollars, I’ll get it for you”

“I don’t need those, I only need you”

“You will, soon”

“Want me to put it on for you” he continues

I nod. It seriously looks elegant on me. Suddenly, he stands up

“Where are you going?” I ask

“Back to my room.  5:30 – I will meet you in front of the hotel. Hurry because I don’t want press come.”

“Why back you your room? Why so early?”

“This is your room with your member. I can’t stay. You’ll see. Wear flat. Remember I want to see the girl I fall in love with 6 years ago.”

As he opens the door, all members along with Jessica and Tiffany fall on our feet. So they have been listening to our story. I cross my arms and tap my feet.

“Good night girls” Aiden acts cool

“Good night baby” He gives me the kiss

“5:30?” he whispers

“Yes” I murmur






SHORT? YES...But next update will be fun. 




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yongseo14 #1
Chapter 27: The heck!!! I'm smiling like a crazy person!!!! Love kryber so much
Fifty shades of Liu
Chapter 34: Love this story soooooooooo much..
Can u put another epilogue or new story like this? Heheheee
bep510 #4
just finished this story. *applause* good job author it was jjang!!!
this is also my other fav after the first season.. nice.. *thumbs up*
ksaijadis #6
In love with this story
palace #7
reread it again
VanessaH2012 #8
Chapter 13: But I like Jessber... It's like my guilty pleasure or something! /-\
Chapter 34: I just reread it..... miss this story so much.....
Chapter 34: I just reread it..... miss this story so much.....