Chapter 20

If That's What You Want




"Donghae, wake up. We're here," A gentle voice spoke and my eyes fluttered a bit but stayed shut since I still wanted to sleep, so I groaned and wrapped my arms around my too comfy pillow, pressing my head against it.


I heard a chuckle.


"I know you like having me as a pillow, but seriously, Hae, wake up. We’re in Rome already and the jet landed like 20 minutes ago," Hyuk whispered in my ear lowly, as I felt arms circling around my waist. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes.


“Why’d we arrive so fast?” I grumbled.


“Because there was no traffic,” Hyukjae answered and I froze, looking up my head which is resting on Hyuk’s chest to meet his playful eyes, before I rolled mine.


“Was that suppose to be a joke? Because in all honesty, it’s not funny,” I said, detaching myself from him and stretching my arms, feeling more relaxed after sleeping the entire flight.


“Well, it would’ve been funny if you actually fell for that,” I heard him mutter as I stood up.


“Anyone who’d believe that traffics happen in air are stupid, Hyuk,” I said and went to go out of the jet, with him following suit, walking beside me and resting his arm around my waist, pulling me a bit closer and I moved willingly until we can feel each other’s warmth.


After what happened in our hotel room in California, Hyukjae and I are glued to each other; he holds my hand every chance he get, as if I’d get lost or something, he holds me by the waist, like what he’s doing now, and we just hug each other out of nowhere, and everything just feel---right.


It would be a lie if I say I do not like it because in all honesty, I like it very much, maybe a little bit too much than I should. But accompanied by this happiness is, of course, that fear. Hyukjae’s been filling me with so much sweetness that I am afraid I’d get accustomed of it and by the time that this trip is over, this game is over, everything would just go back to the way they used to be; even Hyukjae. And I am afraid that he might get on with his life, while I’d be left hanging.

Hyuk and I left the airport without our luggage because the owner of this airport is, luckily, a close friend of dad and I met him once in New York, and when he heard I’d be arriving, he offered to bring our luggage to our hotel, in which we agree, so we can start our honeymoon right away. So now, we’re here out the airport as we waited for our car, when I noticed a guy going towards us with a smile on his face and I smiled back as he finally reached us.


“Hello, may I ask, are you Mr. Lee Hyukjae?” He asked after bowing.


“He’s Hyukjae,” I pointed the guy who’s still clinging to me, and I felt him change position, facing the guy who seemed to be our age.


“Mr. Hyukjae, here’s the keys for the car,” the guy pulled out a key from his pocket and handed it to Hyukjae, before he faced me.


“It is nice that you chose to come here. I hope you enjoy your little stay, and as a token, here, take this,” he said and produced a pretty flower from his front pocket and handed it to me.


“It’s for a lovely creature like you,” he ended as I got the flower, and with a final smile he left. I watched the guy as his back disappeared from the crowd and was only drawn back by Hyukjae’s coughing. Turning my head, I was greeted by a stone faced Hyukjae, that’s when I remembered what he told me. Smiling to myself, I turned so I was facing Hyukjae, and wrapped my hands around  his neck, not caring if we’re attracting direction, he’s avoiding my gaze, but his arms flew to hold my waist, and I took that as a good sign, at least.


“I bet you’re jealous,” I whispered, and I felt him tensed, making me chuckle.


“I told you there’s nothing to be jealous about, didn’t I? Let’s just go and have fun, alright?” I detached myself from him, and grabbed his hand instead, while I placed the flower on the pocket of my polo.


“Where’s the car?” I turned to face a now smiling Hyukjae, and he walked ahead of me, dragging me in the process until we stopped in front of a marvelous car.


“Wow. Since when did you prepare this?” I asked as I ran a finger on the car’s sleek metal.

“I asked one of the flight attendants to get us a car while you were sound asleep,” he answered, pressing something on the small remote he’s holding, and the car beeped, before he opened the passenger door.


“In you go, honey,” he told me as he hold the door, and I went in after muttering a soft thank you, then he went on the driver’s seat, but before turning on the engine he faced me.


“What?” I asked, as I can feel my cheeks threatening to turn into a shade of pink from his intense stare.


“Hae, we’re in Italy---”


“I know that. What’s your point?” I said.


“I read that guys here are smooth talkers, and you might be hit on constantly, just like with that guy in the airport. I want you to stick to me, okay?” he said, eyes not leaving my face and my heart is starting to pound like crazy.


Breathing deeply, I faced him and answered, “Of course.”




We’ve been walking the streets of Rome after parking the car in the hotel since the city is just a walking distance from it and we don’t want to have our car stolen. So, hand in hand, Hyuk and I looked for a place to eat lunch, or rather, late lunch since it’s 3 in the afternoon. After asking the girl in the hotel for the recommended restaurant, Hyuk and I went out to search for the said restaurant, and finally, with a little help of Hyukjae since his English is bad, we reached the place. Hyuk chose a table close to the edge of the roof so we have a great view of the city, and it was so lovely.


“Hae, I don’t understand a thing on this menu,” Hyukjae whispered, as we looked through the food. I chuckled and looked at the guy,


“I suggest you have pizza, since they are good with that,” I told him and he just nodded, closed the alien menu, and looked out on the city while I talked to the waiter about our orders.


“What are going to do after eating, Hyuk?” I asked, pulling him away from his thought as he turned to look at me.


“Hmmm…I don’t know. Let’s let you decide, shall we?” He smiled.


I sighed, “You’re making me decide because you have no idea what to do, or where to go, don’t you?”


“Correct! But I wanted to go to that dome, or something,” he said.


“It’s called Colosseum, Hyukjae,” I corrected.


“I knew that.”


“Yes, of course you know,” I said and stuck my tongue out at him, just before our order arrived. Giving a smile and a thank you to the waiter, I placed a slice of pizza on Hyukjae’s plate and told him to eat, in which he happily did while I leaned on my chair, watching him eat with a smile before eating my pasta.






“Wow! This is great!” Hyukjae exclaimed, and I chuckled at this messy eater, and he turned his face to me. “hey, can I have a taste?” he asked, eyeing my pasta. I let out a chuckle again as I twirl the pasta on my fork, and extended my hand to feed Hyukjae, and the latter smiled widely before chomping the food.


I resumed eating, but a few seconds later, I heard a chair moving, and I looked up to see Hyukjae moving his chair next to me, and looked at me with expectant eyes.


“What?” I spoke.


He did not answer; instead, he pointed on my plate and then pointed at his open mouth. I would have squealed at this unexpected cute behavior if not for the fact that we’re out in the open, and I can see some people looking at us, but I chose to ignore them. I couldn’t say no to a cute Hyukjae. So, once again, I fed him, and smiled as he munched it happily. He grabbed a slice of pizza on the table and putting it in front of me, nudging me to take a bite, and with a smile I complied as he fed me too, and we continued that until we are almost full, and laughing at each other, or me laughing at Hyukjae for being a dirty eater. Grabbing a napkin, I held Hyukjae’s chin and turned it side to side as I wiped his face gently.


“Let’s go?” He offered after paying the bill, and stood up grabbing my hand then we were in the streets of Rome again




“Why don’t we buy some souvenirs?” I suggested as we walked hand in hand down the street, looking for a shop to catch our attention.


“Good idea. Let’s do that, since we won’t have time tomorrow,” Hyuk agreed.

“There!” I almost shouted, and ran to the shop, dragging Hyukjae.



“Seriously, Hae? Here? Who’re you going to buy the souvenir for?” Hyukjae asked incredulously as he eyed the inside of the store, but I ignored him since I was already checking the toys, too engrossed to care, I tried to let go of his hand, but his grip got tighter, and I looked back.


“Don’t let go. I told you not to, right?” He spoke seriously and I had nothing to do but nod curtly, so we both looked at the toys, never leaving each other’s side, or releasing each other’s hands.


With a smile, I grabbed a Mickey Mouse teddy bear from the shelf and looked at it, memories flooding back.


“Do you want that?” Hyukjae asked, and I looked at him, still with a smile.


“Yes. I’m buying it for someone,” I answered.








“Oh, this one’s cute. Let’s get this for Sungmin,” I said as I snatched a pink shirt just beside the shelf, and chuckled; imagining Sungmin wearing it, and to match the shirt, I also grabbed a pink headband. We walked together towards the counter and paid, and then we were looking for another stall. And this time, we entered a random shop, but something caught Hyukjae’s attention as soon as we entered because he was dragging me, and we ended up in front of stacks of masks.



Hyukjae reached for one and tried it on, and I laughed at how ridiculous he looked. Taking out my iPhone, I took a photo of him and ridiculously posed that I was laughing so hard, after checking the outcome, he grabbed another mask and made me put it on, and we took a picture together. I decided to buy a mask for Heechul, for no particular reason, and just like that, we stayed playing in that store until it was almost dark outside; it was good that we were the only one’s buying, because if not, the owner would have kicked us out, so to compensate for our childishness, we bought a lot of masks, and some other souvenirs. Hyukjae was carrying everything with his hand since he didn’t want me to have any bags to carry saying that it was his job since he’s the husband so I let him.


“Hyuk, I want cake,” I said, as we passed by a pastry shop.


“Then cake it is,” he said as we made our way into that very shop, and settled in, with Hyukjae dropping everything on the floor, but before I even made my way to the counter, he stopped me.


“No, I’ll go. Just sit down, I bet your legs are tired from walking,” he said with a smile, not giving me a chance to speak because he’s already on his way, so with a sigh I sat down.


I watched Hyukjae as he struggled to speak with the person in the counter, by the looks of it, Hyukjae’s not even speaking, he was just pointing at the cakes, and luckily, the person understood. Hyukjae turned to look at me, and gave me that wonderful smile while motioning an okay sign, and I smiled back at him, my heart beating fast again. Damn it, I am falling deeper.


He came back with our cakes, and of course he has a strawberry and a chocolate cake for me. We ate, teased and fed each other, not really caring for the other people in the shop since we are in our own world, and we are having fun; I am having fun. After an hour of just talking about anything, and laughing at other people’s mannerisms as they ate, Hyuk excused himself to go to the bathroom, and I stayed in my seat, rewinding everything that happened today.

There was that constant smile on my face as I recalled all the touch, smiles and unconscious gestures we did to each other. We really looked like a couple, and it would really be nice if we really are. But there is no use thinking about that now, and I am happy. That’s all that I have to think about now; we’re both happy having each other’s company. That is more than enough right this moment. With that in mind, I smiled wider as I saw the very reason I am this giddy on his way back and he smiled back at me, just as widely.


“Donghae? Is that you?”


A voice cut me off from my smiling session with Hyukjae when I turned around, only to widen my eyes at the sudden appearance of a person I haven’t seen for more than one year.




Waaaah! I updated! >.<

This was not supposed to happen..haha oh anyway, hope you enjoyed! :)


I would love to read some long comments to inspire me more...





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165 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
165 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god