Chapter 19

If That's What You Want



"Would you like to go hiking tomorrow?" Hyuk asked as we watch the sunset.


"Sure, we can do that," I answered back, playing with his hands.


We are now sitting at the yacht, his back leaning on the rail as I sat in between his legs, arms still around me and his chin on my shoulder.


"Can you do it?" He chuckled, sending shivers down my spine as I felt his hot breath on my neck.



"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, raising my eyebrow.


"Oh, nothing," he said, a hint of teasing apparent in his voice. Feeling a bit mischievous, I bit his hand and he quickly retracted it from my grasp.


"Ouch! What are you, a dog?!" he yelped, rubbing his now red thumb with his other hand as I giggled, leaning back on him.


We've been here for almost an hour now and it feels nice to be here with him, with everything forgotten, even for just this whole time. Just these two weeks, I want him to be mine and mine alone. Just this two weeks, I want to feel like he loves me. Just this two weeks, I want to feel like we really are married. I won't ask for more, just these two weeks would be enough. Just these two weeks.


"A penny for your thoughts?" Hyuk whispered as he blew air in my ear.


"My thoughts are worth more than that," I answered back, closing my eyes as I feel his heart, steadily pulsing at my back.


"Oh? How much is it then?" He inquired.




"On what?"


"On what you can give me."


With a smile on my face, I waited as he contemplated on my answer, but was surprised when I felt soft set of lips touching my right cheek, giving me a peck that lasted for more than five seconds before it was gone, and my heart is thumping mad, so as the heart of the person behind me as I felt it on my back.


"So? How was it? Was I able to meet your prize?" He spoke after a few seconds of silence.


Taking a deep breath from my nose and releasing it from my mouth, I calmed my heart and answered, "I guess."


"Tell me your thoughts then," he ordered, wrapping his arms around me once again and his head on my shoulder, tickling my neck with his hair.


"I was just thinking how beautiful the sunset is," I answered and he chuckled.


"I knew you're going to say that," he said.


He knew? He knew but he still kissed my cheek just to hear what he already knows?


"Oh? Then why do you still want to hear it?" I asked, not able to stop my curiousity.


"Hmm, just wanted to know if you trust me or not. But I guess you don't, judging the way you don't want to tell me what's on your mind," he spoke lowly, sounding sad all of a sudden.


"Why are you being so dramatic, all of a sudden?" I said, not liking the tone of his voice.


"Oh nothing," he shrugged his shoulder and just tighten his hold on my waist. As if I'm going to let this topic off just like that.




"Hey, do you want to drive this thing?" He cut me off.




"I was asking if you wanted to learn to drive this thing," he repeated as he released his hold on my waist and stood up. Looking at my companion, a hand was offered to help me stand, and of course, I took it, but right after standing up, Hyukjae was already dragging me to the steering wheel of the yacht.


"Hyuk, I can't drive this! I don't know!" I panicked, but he just chuckled and started the engine, roaring the boat to life.


"Hyukjae---" I whined, but he pulled me towards him, wrapping his arms around my torso, but holding the steering wheel, as my back was leaning on his chest.


"Donghae, put your hand on the steering wheel," he ordered and I tentatively complied. Not long enough, his warm hands are over mine, guiding me.


It's surprising how sweet he can be. I never really imagined this part of Hyukjae to exist, and it feels nice to see different sides of him; well, even if I know that this is just a game, and it is most probably that his girl friend was the first one to witness this, I still want to imagine that I was the only person he showed me this part of him, that this is just not part of a game. It is free to dream, anyway.



"It's easy, right?" He asked in a soft voice.


With a smile, I nodded.


"I wonder what would be great for dinner," he said.


"We could ask the people in the hotel, or we could just have room service," I suggested, finally getting the hang of driving the yacht.


"What? We came here to explore, honey, we shouldn't eat in our room, it would spoil the trip," he reasoned out.


"Fine," I muttered, not really caring.


"Very good. You should listen to your husband, just like that," he said and pressing his chest against my back more, as I was now his foundation of support.


It would be great if we'll be like this forever.




"Can't we just go and have fun in the beach tomorrow?" I suggested as we waited for the food.


"I thought you said camping is fine?" Hyukjae questioned, leaning forward the table and resting his chin on his hand, as we talk.


"Changed my mind," I answered, "can we?"


"Let me think about it," he spoke, looking out the glass window.


Right after we came to the shore, Hyukjae asked Jun for some recommended restaurants, and now we're here. Looking at the person in front of me, I started thinking what I liked about him. Well, it is a given that he is good-looking, but it's not as if I actually base it on the looks. What could I have possible see in him that made me fall deeper and deeper?


"I know I'm handsome, but it's rude to stare, honey," Hyukjae smirked, as he slowly turned his head to face me.


I scoffed, "As if. I was looking out the window that happened to be just behind you."


"Yeah, lie all you want, baby. I know you've been staring," he continued to tease, so I chose to ignore him and thankfully our food arrived.


Saying a small thank you and a smile to our waiter, I started my meal.



"Hey, Donghae," Hyukjae spoke.




"I have a question."








"Are you ignoring me?"






"Excuse me, sir. Do you want anything else?" Looking up, I found our waiter asking me in english before smiling at me.


Returning the gesture I answered, "No. Everything's fine. Thank you," then smiled as he bowed a bit and went back to the kitchen, and I returned to my meal. Hyukjae was suddenly quiet, which I was grateful since he's starting to annoy me with his childishness. Can't he see I'm trying to---


"Sir? Someone asked me to give you this," the waiter returned, now placing a glass of wine on the table.


"Who?" I asked.


"The guy in gray sweater, just right next to the door, sir," he answered and I looked to that direction, and sure enough, a guy was sitting there, looking at me with a smile on his face. I tilted my head to the side, and tried to think if I know this person, because I don't really think I've seen him before. So why is he giving me a drink?


"Done. We're going," Hyukjae suddenly spoke, and I broke my eye contact with the stranger, to look at Hyukjae who's already standing and waiting for me.


"Eh? I'm not done yet," I pouted.


"Damn it, Donghae. Stop that!" He hissed ang glared forward.


"Stop what? Why are you suddenly mad at me?!" I hissed back.


He took a deep breath before turning to me, his glare turning into warm looks, as he offered his hand.


"Let's just go. Please?" He asked softly, and I took his hand, forgetting the food I still haven't finished as he guided me out the restaurant hand-in-hand.


The drive back to the hotel was unusually quiet. Hyukjae and I are at the back seat, hands still in contact, and we are both staring at the opposite side of our windows. His behavior at the restaurant is really making me curious that I just have to ask. But before I even open my mouth to speak, the car stopped and Hyukjae's already walking out the car, dragging me along, and that continued until we reach our room.


"Hyukjae, what's wrong?" I finally asked, as he let go of my hand and looked into our suitcases for change of clothes.


"Go take a bath first," he tossed me an over-sized shirt, that I swear wasn't mine, and sweat pants.




"No buts, Hae. Just go and take a bath, I'll go have a swim at the top floor for a few minutes, okay?" He said and made his way out the door, with the things he needed, and left with me having a boggled-mind.




"How could you be done first than me?" I asked as I saw him already lying on the bed, hair still wet from his swim and a manga on his hand.


"I was here for 5 minutes. I can't believe you take a bath for too long," he answered, closing his book and placing it on the bedside table, as I dry my hair with the towel, and walked towards our bed,



Don't get us wrong, we had a talk about this. He suggested that we share a bed, to make the game more real and exciting, and I just had to agree. Besides, it's a king-sized bed, for pete's sake. There's enough room for two teenage boys.


"Hey Donghae," he said, and I looked at him because of the sudden seriousness in his voice.


We stared at each other for a few seconds, before he shifted from the bed, and patted the space next to him, and my heart is starting to beat like I ran for a marathon. Closing my eyes, and taking a very deep breath, I climbed the bed and sat on the space he pat, but he suddenly grabbed my arm, and forced me to lie down the bed, my head getting pillowed by his arms, and my hand nestled in his.


"Aren't you taking this game too seriously, Hyukjae?" I asked, and mentally kicked myself for asking such thing. Why should I think he's taking it seriosuly? He'll never take it seriously. He did say before that there will never, ever be anything between us. We're just friends. We're just cousins. We're just married in paper. And he do this because he wants to win that stupid game.


"I don't know," he answered.


I snorted, trying to hide the pain starting to creep out my chest. Dodn't I say I'd treasure this 2 weeks? And I will.


"Can we talk now, Hyuk?" I started.




"I have a question."


"I have one too," he answered.



"You go first," I offered and looked up to meet his gaze, and he smiled that beautiful smile that took my breath away.


"Why don't we do rock, paper, scissors, and the person who lose needs to answer a question from the winner, no matter how hard or easy the question is. What do you think?" he said and I sighed.


"Why do you always suggest childish games when we have to decide on things?" I protested in which he just chuckled. Sighing, I sat up from our position with him copying me and offered a hand to start the game.


"Rock, Paper, Scissors," we chanted at the same time, and I held out a rock, and he has a scissor. I smirked.


"What did you mean about what you said in the yacht earlier?" I asked straightly.


"Which one?"


"The thing about trusting you. What do you mean about that exactly?" I elaborated and waited as he tried to formulate the answer.


"Ummm, you know that time when you had dinner with your brother and Kibum?" he asked and I nodded, motioning for him to continue, "You mentioned about trusting Kibum more than you trust me and I---" he paused.


Where is this going?


"And you what?" I asked.


"---I felt a bit hurt, I guess?" he admitted, looking down at his lap, playing with his fingers.


"You felt what?" I repeated, not being able to process what I was hearing.


"Yeah, yeah...I know I sound so emo,  but I guess it's because I never had a really close friend before you, so I was kind of possessive, I think? Because you're the first  friend that knows me well, except for Kyu, though. He's my friend but I feel closer to you." He finished.


I was quiet; processing his words. As the bed side clock continues to tick, there was that comfortable silence surrounding us that I don't even know where it came from.


"So, do I get to ask a question now?" he broke the silence.


"No more rock, paper, scissors?" I asked and smiling childishly at him.


"Nah. We could just ask each other alternately," he grinned.


"Go on, then," I said.


"Were you always hit on by guys wherever you go?" he asked in a serious tone that caught me off guard.


"What on earth do you mean by that, Hyuk?" I asked, completely shocked from the question.


"Oh come on, don't tell me you didn't notice?" He said exasperatedly, and looked at me with sharp eyes, as if searching for something.


"Notice what?" I asked again, tilting my head to the side as I looked back at him.


"That guy at the restaurant? Even that freaking waiter? Or our driver, Jun? The receptionist? The male flight attendant? Or the guard at the airport?" he started listing, but it only added to my confused state.


"What is it about them?"


He looked at me with angry eyes, then he suddenly said, "They were practically you with their eyes, damn it! If I didn't wake up during the flight, that stupid flight attendant would have touched your face! That guard at the airport was checking you out, so I pushed you at the other check point! The way that waiter was eyeing you, and giving you extra service, or how he comes back once in a while to ask for anything only to you, was ticking me off! Also, there's that guy who gave you a wine, and was staring at you as if you have no one with you. And then, that driver who always smiles when you so much have a small eye contact, or you just thank him! And you are so oblivious that I have to bite my tongue just to not lash out on them!" he fumed and huffed.


I stared as he continued to glare down at his hands, which are already balled into fists. Then, I started laughing. Hyukjae looked at me with incredulous eyes, as my eyes started to water from laughing so hard, I lied to the bed and started rolling back and forth, finding it difficult to control my laughter. How the hell can he be so cute when he gets jealous?


"You better stop laughing right now, Hae," I heard him hiss.


"Or what? You're gonna throw a tantrum?" I answered, and sending another heap of delighted laughter.


"No. I would do this," he said and all of a sudden he was on top of me; his hands in between my face, and trapping my body with his legs as he is now leaning down, staring at me in the eyes.


"So this will make you shut up, huh?" he whispered, his minty breath reaching my face.


Not wanting to lose; even if my heart's beating so loud, I reached out my hand and wrapped it around his neck, catching him off guard, and pulled him lower. I don't know where I got this courage, but I already started it, and there's no turning back. The tips of our noses are touching, and we are staring intently into each other, and I swear neither of us are breathing.Sending him a small smile, I leaned in and kissed his nose, his eyes closing in the process before pulling away, but my hands still wrapped around his neck.


"Listen, Hyuk. I do trust you, okay? Just because I told you I trust Bummie more, doesn't mean I don't trust you, alright? And the guys...don't worry about them, since this is our honeymoon, anyway, my eyes will only be for you, okay sweetheart?" I whispered. And added to my mind,


my eyes are always on you even if you don't ask.






Hope you liked this...


I would ask for some long comments, alright?


Thank you my babies!


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158 streak #1
Chapter 53: Authorniiiiiiiiiim..... just visiting here again
jo0ody #2
Chapter 53: The last update in 2017 ? too sad
158 streak #3
Chapter 53: I wish there will be an update for this... i just finished re-reading and gawd, it brought back memories
Ice_siri #4
Chapter 53: Such a good story...i really hope that you will still complete this....❤
Chapter 53: I neeeeeeddddd this...... updateeeeee pleaseee.. reread 10x
sweetylailai #6
Chapter 53: Hope you update soon!

Hi re reading this for the nth time too TT
Chapter 53: The big time skip is supporting the whole idea of how Hyukjae redeemed himself of his past mistakes and how he is determined to prove himself and be the best person he could be in his situation. He changed and didn’t give up. I admire his perseverance and his stubbornness. I love both of their valedictorian speech. Donghae is the epitome of perfection. He is wise and thoughtful and overall kindhearted, such a big heart. But I gotta admit they’re both at communicating, like many other people in the world too, eh? And they were young, in fact, I gotta salute the way they handled the situation considering their age at the time.

I certainly hope that you will find your muse and time and condition to be able to finish the story. I really want them to have a happy ending after all they have been through.
Vluverful #9
Chapter 53: Authornim, i missed this story. Can you gave love and update my daily dose of Eunhae? Im dying to know the closure.
lalaelf #10
Chapter 53: 9 years... Oh my god