Chapter 30

Hating Kwon Jiyong - By Ghikai


Youngbae only got to teach me for three days. Sad.

Okay so I’m not really going to hit that big lucky jackpot right now because everything just gets worse each passing day. Youngbae’s manager somehow found out that I was asking help from him, in the middle of his promotions and solo concert preparations. To say that his manager was livid the moment he found out was an understatement. I could tell that he wasn’t really mad at me, but he was so angry at the fact that their having the most stressful weeks of this year and somehow Youngbae was just ‘dancing around’ instead of resting. Or practicing alone.

“He’s not mad at you,” Youngbae said through the phone. Apparently he wouldn’t be able to meet me because the staff responsible for his solo projects were keeping an eagle eye on him now. “Okay he was annoyed, but it’s getting all cool now. I was able to teach you the exercises I was talking about anyway, you’re a smart girl.”

I wondered if I looked and sounded that pathetic for these nice people to keep inserting positive adjectives when talking to me, just to make me feel good. But anyhow, I chuckled softly and assured him that it’s cool. “You don’t have to worry, Youngbae. I’d understand his reaction. Hwaiting on your solo activities, okay? Talk to you when we get to talk, bye.” He could only muster to say goodbye and the call ended a second after that.

Oh, what to do. I was alone at some practice room, doing nothing. I met one of the dance instructors we had, Hye-won unnie a while ago. While she greeted me warmly and asked me how I am doing these days (she must be aware of my situation), I wasn’t included in any of her sessions for today.

She said someone would sign me up at some sessions, but that was it. She didn’t know anything else, too.

Perhaps I could go out and go home? And rest?

“Oh Dara-sshi, there you are!”

I almost jumped in surprise. I looked up to see Jinhee unnie, one of the people who are looking after the YGE artists whenever they’re doing something at the studio or are busy with their projects. You get the idea.

I stood up and bowed politely at her. “Annyeong, Jinhee unnie.”

“I was looking for you,” she said instead. She looked relieved to see me. “I’m needing extra help today. Can you believe Hyun Sung called in sick today, of all days? Goodness! Every YGE artist is at the building, and President Yang just ordered us to take care of everyone! I only have 4 people in my staff working today, I’m gonna pass out!” She gave a short laugh. “Someone told me that you’re still being shifted from one place to another so maybe you could help me? I really need you to run some errands for me.”

Before I could reply, she walked over to where I was and handed me a small notebook. “Open it. It’s a list of things you have to buy. There are instructions there already, don’t worry. Just be careful, okay? Look at the back for the money. Can’t give you a car at your disposal today because there’s nothing left -- everyone’s just freak *ss busy today I couldn’t even....”

I carefully opened the notebook and saw two group names, Girl Group Test Line-Up and... Big Bang.

I’m running errands for them. There’s nothing wrong with it, but running errands in YGE means one thing -- you’re back at lowest part of the YGE artist pyramid. So that’s why I wasn’t included in the sessions. Big wigs weren’t kidding when they informed me I was to start at square one. Again.

“I gave you both groups because I know you’re pretty much friends with them, right? There’s money for taxi too, so you won’t be really walking under the sun or something hard like that.” She was talking so fast that I just ended up looking at her. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, unnie. I will do it right now.” I gave her my kindest, nicest smile. She was so ecstatic that she did a little yelp and gave me a rough hug. “Oh, Dara-sshi! You just literally saved my life!” After releasing me she gave one last order before I could go out and start running errands. “Visit the girls first, I wasn’t able to quite get what some of them want. Okay? Thank you, thank you!” She blew me a kiss and ran towards the door.

I look at the list written on the notebook. The girls line up (that I was supposed to be a part of) had little requests, but then again as unnie said, she was so busy attending to other things that she wasn’t able to get the exact ones that they want. For Big was quite a lot. Each member had a personalized list already. I thought I would just buy some water and extra towels and some coffee perhaps but the list even had their dietary needs written down. Seunghyun’s list almost had me fainting. There were exact calories specified and all that nutritional content you don’t really pay attention to when buying something to eat. Comeback and Debut preparation schedules are the craziest, and I’m learning it only now, as a person who just runs errands for them. Funny, funny thing.

And a note written in red ink had the words Make sure everything gets sent to them before 2 PM!!! This is serious business, most esp for BB! I looked at my wristwatch.

Sh1t. I only have about an hour to do everything, max. I took a few deep breaths and ran for the door.



Everybody at the dance studio spazzed the moment I came in that it made me tear up a little bit. I missed, missed, missed Chae-rin, Bom, Minji and Mina. With Aera of course you get the deal already but this is just...overwhelming.

“Oh my goodness I am just so happy that you’re back and all! Oh my God! I knew it! I knew it!” Bom was jumping up and down and clapping her hands excitedly. I gave her a huge smile in return.

“President Yang made the right decision, unnie!” Chae-rin said, echoing Bom’s sentiments. She grinned and gave me a high five. “This group is gonna work more if you’re added to the equation of course!”

And I knew my smile faltered completely the moment I heard President Yang’s plan ‘for me’. Sure I cam back here, but it wasn’t because I’ll be in the line-up.

“I’m here to run errands,” I whispered, highly embarrassed. “I’m just here to ask you guys some things that you might need. Food to eat in between trainings, perhaps? Heard from Jinhee unnie that you guys are really busy with everything today, and that President Yang will come later to watch you so you can’t leave to buy something.”

Chae-rin and Bom’s faces looked like they were struck by lightning.

“What?!” Mina exclaimed, completely shocked. “Oh no...this is just...I can’t even...” She took a bottle of water and drank everything at once. “This is just...”

“Oh, but this is better,” I said airily, trying to pretend that everything is okay. “I get to stay and prove myself more to the higher ups. And then you guys won’t be lagging behind anymore because let’s face it, I still have a lot of things to improve on.”

Minji hugged me all of a sudden. “Unnie, we never had that kind of problem. We’ll wait for you!”

“Aish. You don’t have to wait. You guys have waited long enough for this. We’re still in the same roof! Baby Min, it’s not like unnie would leave completely.” I have to find a way to ask what they want and leave as fast as I could, or else I would bawl like a baby in front of them at this rate. I gently let go of Minji and looked at everyone. “I’ll try to visit you guys if I can later, but there’s lunch waiting!” I forced myself to laugh cheerfully as I took the pen out of my pocket and started writing something on the notepad. “I’m gonna write your requests now.”

“I just want to have some steamed vegetables with dark soy sauce on the side. That’s what Jiyong oppa bought to me last time, because he noticed that I gained a little bit of weight and he was concerned about me.” 

Oh, Jiang Aera. I didn’t look up or even bothered answering her because it’s useless. I knew she’s gonna do some trippin on me one way or another.

“Because you’re a lazy fat *ss b1tch,” Mina said under her breath as I was writing down Aera’s requests. I snorted when she continued, “Jiyong’s just afraid to say that in your fugly face.”

Aera just pointedly stared at her for a whole minute before sneering at me and continuing with her ‘request’. “half a cup of rice, and maybe a little bit of beef. Three solo soy milk cartons because Jiyong oppa said that it’s a really good drink for me to improve my stamina.”

I stifled a laugh. Seriously, girl? I’m not in third grade anymore, I won’t tear your hair out of jealousy just because you were saying Jiyong’s name atrociously in front of me.

“Oh please,” Bom said irritably (and it surprised me in a way). “Jiyong said that to all of us. He bought those steamed vegetables with dark soy sauce on the side for freakin all of us.” She smiled at me mischievously. “Don’t mind her. Anyway, You know what we eat! Buy one for yourself too, okay? Let’s try to eat together if there’s still extra time later! Like the good old times!”

“Okay!” I answered back. “I’ll just get the things we usually order together back then. Thank you guys for being really understanding. I couldn’t thank you enough for being so kind.”

I didn’t even realize that I was crying already. All of them (except Aera) came to me and we shared a group hug.

Sh1t, I’m gonna cry so hard if I stayed longer. And I only have 45 minutes left to do the errands. I really have to go.

“Guys, I really have to go now.”

“Do your best, unnie, okay? Like what Minji said, we will wait for you.” Chae-rin smile encouragingly at me. “You’ll be in the final line-up, trust me. I just know it.”


1:22 PM

I owe Bom and the others a lot because the simple request they made really helped me big time. Buying what they need is easier and hence, it gave me a lot of time to focus on Big Bang’s list.

Let’s see. So Seungri and Daesung requests could be found on the same place, and that’s good. Seunghyun’s was actually the hardest among the five, but I love the guy to bits so I could handle his list.

Jiyong and Youngbae share the same thing on their lists -- energy drinks, water; they even requested the same rice meal, only difference is that Jiyong’s has something extra that I had to tell to the manager so they could make it the right ‘adjusments’.

It was a busy day, indeed. I had to fall in line and wait for about 15 minutes so I could order Seungri and Daesung’s request. I was almost running when I came to buy Seunghyun’s lunch because by that time I only have 15-20 minutes to get Jiyong and Youngbae’s orders. Hella hard to run errands. Hella harder when you don’t have someone with you and you don’t have a car to make things easier.

I almost knocked off the waiter who was passing by near the door when I entered the restaurant to get Jiyong and Youngbae’s food. Panting, I went straight to the line where people waited. I looked at my wristwatch again, hell, I only got less than fifteen minutes. I sighed and closed my eyes. I hope I make it on time.

“Good afternoon, miss. May I take -- “

I almost dropped the other lunches that I was holding the moment I heard her voice. The moment I saw her.

Ji Eun.

What was she doing here?

Ji Eun was surprised to see me as well I could tell, but she expertly hid whatever reaction it was that followed upon seeing me. She stood up straighter on the other side of the counter and cleared . “And your order...?”

“Oh.” Using my free hand, I took the small notebook out of my shirt pocket and gave my order as she waited on me. “Also, can I speak to your manager for a while? I was instructed to -- “

“I know. YGE staff handling Big Bang orders here often. You don’t have to say it.” She gestured me to leave the line and wait on one of the tables near the counter. “You shouldn’t have fallen in line. A staff calls here beforehand so your orders are ready to go.”

“Oh. I didn’t know...thank you.” I started to leave but I stopped. I looked at her once again. “Ji Eun, if we could talk...”

“Not now, Dara,” Ji Eun replied curtly. “I’m working.” I didn’t say anything next and just waited for the orders to arrive.

Ji Eun. I missed her badly, too.


So this was turning out to be a bad day. Bad luck never stays at YGE, it follows me everywhere I go.

“Yah!” I felt a violent push behind my back and before I knew it I was on the pavement, some of the lunch I ordered scattered around me, the sauce splattered all over my shirt.

Oh to add, I had a huge cut on my left knee and on my left hand. I looked up angrily to see three girls glaring back at me.

“What the fcuk is your problem?!” I screamed angrily at them. The girl on the middle scoffed and kicked my left leg harshly. Fcuk. Blood oozed out continuously and I winced in pain. The three girls on the other hand laughed at my pathetic state.

“Aren’t you the YG trainee involved in that disgusting scandal?!”

What. the. fcuk. “Yah! So what if I was?”

A sneer coming from the girl followed by a huge slap on my face. “Aren’t you a disgusting little . Yah,” She continued threateningly. “Stop hurting Jiyong oppa!”

I tried to smirk and tried my best to annoy them, but a tear fell down on my cheek. I wiped it hastily and yelled back at her. “Fcuk you. Like doing this to me would make Jiyong oppa yours!”

Their faces reddened in anger. “Yah!” The girl shouted and stomped her feet and looked at her companions. “You know what to do with s like her!”

The two girls started pulling my hair and making scratches on my face. I was trying my very best to fight back -- this is war. I didn’t care if passers by would see an ugly catfight fold right in front of their eyes, I won’t let myself lose. Not this time.

We pulled each others hair out, scratched whatever skin we could scratch, insulted each other the worst way possible until curious bystanders had the courage to stop us. Someone pulled the two girls away from me while I was wrestling with them. The two girls were resisting at first, but they stopped and fixed themselves the moment they realized that there were a lot of people watching already.

The other girl on the other hand just took her cellphone out of her bag and started taking pictures of me.

Sh1t. Without looking at her, I grabbed whatever lunch that was still in good condition stood up, and hailed an empty cab that happened to pass by.

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leikha #1
Chapter 51: Oh. ComOn authornim... Finnish it palli juseyow~ T.T
Chapter 50: How long has it been, Oct `13? Im still reading this fic, and I stayed upon till 5am because it as so good.I hope you find inspiration to update an early gift to us for Dara's bday
Chapter 51: Please update... please don't consider abandoning this fic
Chapter 6: ive seen this before and i was waiting for this to be completed before reading this but i cant help myself but take a peek on first chap and i got hooked.
Chapter 51: Please update this and don't leave us! =(( we're willing to wait how long just don't leave us. thanks for the wonderful story! i love it. gonna read it again. it's been awhile since I last read this. mmaybe by the time i finish reading this you have updated alread. anyway. it will really take me some TIME so yeah! have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!! ^__________^
imaikomercado #6
please don't abandon this's so good..please update soon..:)
Chapter 51: so good! Please update soon!
bora911 #8
don't abandon this fic..T_T
budi007 #9
when will you update the story? TT.TT
OMONA. please update this story TT-TT
i loooove it so muuuch.
please unnie! don't abandon this story. IT HUUUUURTS huhuhuuu