Jealous Much?

He'll Always be my Protector


“Yah, Jeulsoo.. Stop that now, okay?”, Heechul said then turned off the TV.


“Heechul, she’s scared..”, Sungmin hugged me tighter.


“Yes Sungmin, I’m scared.” I tried to annoy him more.


“CAN YOU STOP THAT NOW?!”, Heechul yelled then stood up. He pulled my hand and hugged me.


“Am I that useless to you?”, he asked. I never thought he’ll take this too seriously. I suddenly let go.


“But I thought I’m not allowed to—“


“Can’t you see through my eyes what I really meant?! Maybe you really don’t know me that well..”, he said then walked out. I was just standing there, trying to figure out what’s going on. Then suddenly, I felt hands on my shoulders.


“Ahmm…. Would you like to water the plants instead, Jeulsoo?”, Sungmin tried to lighten up my mood. I just agreed, trying to forget about the ‘Heechul problem’.


So, we proceeded to watering the plants. When I was getting all bored, I wet Sungmin. He was shocked and then he giggled. He squirted back some water to me. We’re wetting each other and we’re having fun! We’re laughing hysterically until I noticed Heechul. The smile on my face faded away. He was staring intensely at me while sitting at a corner. Now what kind of attitude is that?! I THINK HE’S MAD. I should make my baby calm down, so I went near him, and sat on his lap—FACING HIM.


“Yah, what’s your problem?”, I asked even though I know what’s the main reason.


“Maybe I’m just thirsty.”, he made me stood up then went inside the house.


“HE’S JEALOUS.”, Sungmin told me.


“Huh?”, I raised an eyebrow then followed him inside.


I saw him in the kitchen, drinking water.


“Yah, are you jealous or what?”, I said.


“Go to your Sungmin now, and please… change your clothes, you’re wet.”


“I’m going to take a shower after this.”


“With Sungmin?”, he asked. WHAT THE HECK IS HIS PROBLEM?!


“What are you saying?!”


“…or with me?”, he smirked.


“You’re insane.. Just tell me if you’re jealous so I can take my shower now.”


“WHY WOULD I BE JEALOUS?!”, he quickly defended.


“Okay. Then we’re clear. And please, stop acting like a child around Sungmin, you’re embarrassing.”, I told him.


“WHAT?!”, he yelled. I kissed his lips to shut him down.


“And stop yelling at me..”, I said then walked away.


“You are so dead Park Jeulsoo…”, he whispered then started chasing me. I ran as fast as I can and successfully arrived at my room. I locked the door so he won’t be able to get inside.


“Wait ‘til I get the key!”, he shouted.


“Yah! DON’T YOU DARE!!’, I replied.


“Just wait Jeulsoo, you’re really dead..”, he told me for the last time. I wrinkled my nose and whispered, “Whatever”. I ignored his threat and proceeded to taking my shower.




I finished bathing as soon as possible. When I went out of the bathroom, someone knocked on the door.


“YES?!”, I shouted.


“Jeulsoo-ah, Kibum’s downstairs. He’s looking for you.” It was Sungmin.


“Oh! I’ll be there in a few minutes.”




I started dressing up. I was about to wear my shirt when someone suddenly opened the door. I was so surprised that I suddenly turned around. Looking at the bright side, I’m lucky I already wore my bra.


“AHA! I told you you’re dead!”


“For the love of…. HEECHUUUUL!!” I still can’t face him. “Get out! I’m not done yet!”


“Yah….”, he went near me. “I love your back”, he ran his fingers on my back, sending tingles through my body. I turned red. I turned around and saw him staring at me. He pulled my body against his and started kissing me. While our tongues were fighting with one another, I suddenly remembered Kibum. I avoided his next kiss.


“W-why?”, he asked, still aiming for my lips. I turned around and picked up my shirt.


“I’m going to wear my shirt now, get out.”


“Okay..”, he  went and closed the door.


When I went downstairs, I saw the three guys sitting at the couch, looking at me. I raised an eyebrow.


“Oh!” Kibum stood up “Hello there future Mrs. Kibum!”, he told me then grinned. Heechul threw a pillow on his head.


“Ouch!! What’s your problem, dude?!”, Kibum yelled.


“I hate having many competitions….”, he replied, staring blankly at Kibum.


“Yah, Jeulsoo! Look at how he’s acting around you!”, Kibum said, pointing Heechul.


“Wait, wait, wait, Kibum. Why are you here?”, I asked.


“Your evil plan, remember?”


“Oh!” I remember! So I told Heechul and Sungmin to go upstairs cause we’re going to talk about something confidential.


“So, what will we do now?”


“How much have you got?”, I asked. Kibum pouted like he’s not into the idea.


“I got half from my savings.”, he said in a low voice.


“Oh! That’s great! I got half from mine, too!”, I tried to thrill him but he isn’t really enthusiastic about the plan.


“Come on, Kibum! I’ doing this for us, okay!”


 He looked at me then pouted.


“Yah, don’t be cute! You’ll be proud of ourselves when this works out.”, I told him. So he smiled and hugged me.


Now me and Kibum already have money, we can work out on having a business. So that our parents won’t worry about our future anymore. And also, to stop my dad from working. AND I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS. I hope we’ll be successful. And right now, I can proudly say that me and Kibum are already BUSINESS PARTNERS.




















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pandawriter #1
nice fic! update soon!
Starting to love this! Hihi! NEW READER :))<br />
I like Heechul's character! Update soon!<br />
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Haha Heechul vs. Sungmin is too cute :3
jam_9445 #5 always waitin to read ur story! i love it..keep it up..and i hope nth happens to heechul! i hope he'll be wif her till e end!!
i don't know what to say... still awesome though
Wow. Sungmiin's there again. haha update soon^^
omg omg i'm waiting for the next~
iamdana #9
Waaaaaah kibum !? <br />
Arranged marriage?huh ? :????<br />
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Waiting for the next chap :>