Arranged Marriage?!

He'll Always be my Protector



“Y-yes….. Why did you called?!”, I asked my boyfriend.


“Go to the park this 6 pm”


“But, I have to go to Kibum’s house.”




“I told you I’m marrying someone!”, I exclaimed. There. I already told him. I hope he’ll understand now. He didn’t answer for a minute.


“Ahm… Jeulsoo… are you okay? Did you eat your lunch? Have you slept well?”, he asked seriously. Sometimes, I’m wondering, is he that dumb? Why would he think I’d joke about me leaving him?!


“I’ll explain everything to you Heechul when I have time, okay? I have to go now. Bye.” I was about to end the call when he stopped me.


“I’ll wait at your house!” He’s really stubborn.


“We’ll be going home late!”


“Bye.”, he suddenly ended the call. I ignored it then ran towards Sungmin.


“Is that Heechul?”, Sungmin asked.


“Y-yes…”, I answered in a low voice.


“He misses you..”, he suddenly said. So  I have nothing to do but to nod my head. Then suddenly I saw Kibum running towards us. Well, I guess he became impatient waiting for us.


“Yah Jeulsoo…. Let’s go home!!”, Kibum whined. I have nothing to do but to go with him.  He’s been bugging me off since he found out that I’m his “DESTINY”. Well I guess I should’ve not showed him the paper =( .




When we arrived at their house, our dads are waiting for us. He made us sat down and told us that we’ll have a long and serious talk.


“Jeulsoo…”, my dad began.


“Why are we all here?”, I asked him.


“You and Kibum are gonna have your wedding as soon as possible.”


“WHAT?!!”, I blurted out and CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! I’m the only one who’s surprised by the idea! I looked at Kibum then he smiled at me. I just rolled my eyes. What a .


“You two are going to take our positions. I know you two can make our business progress again. We trust in you. You’re our only hope and I know you won’t disappoint us.”, his dad explained.


“B-but why us?”, I asked like a dummy.


“Because you’re our only children! And we’re just thinking of your future!”, his dad replied.


“But my future is with Heechul!! Not with th-this guy!”, I pointed Kibum. I’m already losing temper. I would really fight for me and Heechul’s relationship.


“Yah, how’s that?! She dislikes me! How can I marry her?!”, Kibum exclaimed.


“You’re gonna have your wedding whether you like it or not.”, my dad told me.


“B-but—“, I tried to complain but he cut me off.


“No buts.” Then he and Bummie’s dad went away. I sighed then thought of a solution as quickly as I can. Kibum sat beside me then poked my arm.


“Yah.”, he said. I looked at him angrily.




“Yah, don’t be mad at me.”, he said then grinned. I rolled my eyes then suddenly an idea went into my mind.


“Kibum…”, I called him then smirked.


“W-why?”, he seemed to be so clueless.


“I won’t get mad at you…….. If you’ll agree on my plan.”


“What plan?”, he asked then raised an eyebrow.






It’s almost 9 in the evening when we went home. When I looked outside the car window, I saw someone outside our house. Wait, is that---- HEECHUL?! Aiish.. I told him not to go anymore. So I hurriedly went out the car and ran towards him.


“Heechul- ah!”, I called out. He looked at me. “I missed you.”, I told him then smiled.


“Yah! You made me wait for 2 hours? And then you’ll say ‘I missed you’ to me?!”, he yelled.


“What’s your problem?!”, I yelled back. This boy never really fails to annoy me. But then he just smiled.


“I missed you too.” His sweetness is really one-of-a-kind.


“Yah, Kim-sshi. Why are you here?’, my dad butted in. Heechul looked at him then bowed 90 degrees.


“Good evening, Abbeonim. I’m jus visiting your daughter.”, he said then smiled. But my dad’s reaction was different. He just ignored him then went inside.


“Go inside and we have something to talk about.”


Heechul stared at me, confused. So I just shrugged my shoulders. I accompanied him inside then my dad told us to sit on the couch. I’m feeling very unwell and I have no clue why. But one thing’s for sure, I hope he won’t ban Heechul from seeing me because of that stupid wedding. He knows that we’re inseparable and I can’t live without my Hee!


“Kim-sshi.. My daughter’s gonna marry another guy. So please, it’s better if you’ll stop seeing my daughter.”, my dad said. What. The. .

“But, Abbeonim..”




“Yah, Jeulsoo! Be ashamed of Kibum’s family!”, my dad told me. How can he make these decisions all by himself?! I did not even agree yet! AND I WON’T!


“Abbeonim, your daughter’s happiness is with me!”, Heechul protested. I can see that he’s afraid to lose me.


“I know Kim-sshi, but this is for her.”


“FOR ME?!”, I exclaimed. “Maybe for you!” I stood up then rushed to my room.


“Please Abbeonim, if it’s okay for you to see your daughter being hurt, well me, I can’t stand it. Mian. I can’t hurt my girlfriend.”, he stood up to follow me.






“Take good care of her.”


“That’s what I’m doing.”




                     Heechul went into my room. He saw me lying on my bed, so he carried Heejeul then sat behind me. I pretended to be asleep.


“Yah, Jeulsoo.. Yah…. I know you’re still awake…. Yah…”, he poked my shoulder but I didn’t respond. He sighed.


“So you’re really asleep now, huh? By the way, your dad and I talked about something. He’s going back to the states to work out on their business. He’ll try to stop your wedding. But he told not to tell you this because you’ll be mad at him. He told me you don’t like it when he’s working. How’s that when I become your husband. You won’t allow me to work too? He’s just doing it for you Jeulsoo.”


I shed a tear. I never thought my dad will do that.


“Goodnight.”, he said then kissed my forehead.




As I open my eyes, I looked at my right and no one’s there. Where’s Heechul?! I thought he’ll be with me for the rest of the night. I went downstairs, no one’s also there. At the coffee table, I noticed a piece of paper. It says:



                     I’m going to have a vacation on U.S. Don’t worry; I’m with Kibum’s dad. I’ll be back soon. Always take care. Saranghamnida!

                                                                                        Your Appa


Fine, you’re lying. So I just went to the kitchen to make myself some pancakes for breakfast when I saw someone. He turned around and looked at me. That smile.


“Good morning! Have your breakfast now.”


“WHY. ARE. YOU. HERE?!”, my eyes widened in shock. Why the heck is Sungmin here?!


“Heechul told me you’re alone here, so I came by.”, he told me in a cute way.


“What?! Please excuse me first.” I grabbed the phone then called Heechul.  Can’t he just be the one to make me my breakfast and spend the day with me? I’m really becoming ashamed of Sungmin now.


“Heechul! Why is Sungmin here?!”




“Sungmin’s here, making my breakfast! Can’t you just….. Aiish!”


“He asked me why I’m at your house, I told him you’re alone.”


“How did he know that you’re here last night?”


“He called at your phone. Since you’re asleep, I answered it. Wait. Is that guy courting you?”


“No! I just… want you here. Rather than him….”


“Just tell me if he’s courting you, huh?! And tell me if he likes you!”


“Whatever.” I ended the call then returned to the kitchen


“Jeulsoo-ah, here’s your breakfast!”

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pandawriter #1
nice fic! update soon!
Starting to love this! Hihi! NEW READER :))<br />
I like Heechul's character! Update soon!<br />
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Haha Heechul vs. Sungmin is too cute :3
jam_9445 #5 always waitin to read ur story! i love it..keep it up..and i hope nth happens to heechul! i hope he'll be wif her till e end!!
i don't know what to say... still awesome though
Wow. Sungmiin's there again. haha update soon^^
omg omg i'm waiting for the next~
iamdana #9
Waaaaaah kibum !? <br />
Arranged marriage?huh ? :????<br />
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Waiting for the next chap :>