Jongwoon in Sungmin

He'll Always be my Protector



I told Sungmin to go home already because I will still wait for Heechul. But he insisted to stay with me. So I obliged. We sat on a bench and waited for Heechul. It was taking so long so I fell asleep on Sungmin’s shoulder. He kissed my forehead.


“Why are suffering so much? You’re doing these things for your boyfriend? If only I am him—“, that’s the last thing I heard before I was knocked down.


After maybe an hour, there’s a kiss on my cheek and that woke me up.


“Yah.....”, a very special guy said then smiled.


“Oh!”, I stood up and looked all over his body. He raised an eyebrow. ”Did he do something to you?”, I asked worriedly. Then he stepped back.


“HE?! Will he do something to me?! Can’t he see my biceps?!”, he showed us his biceps that is honestly, are no match for Jungsoo’s. But I really like that dorky and arrogant side of him,. But suddenly I remembered, it was all of this was my fault. So the smile in my face suddenly faded away.


“……. I’m sorry about that, Hee. Because of me, you’ve been sent to the Principal’s Office..”, I said.

“That’s no big thing.”, he replied then kissed my forehead. I looked at Sungmin who’s still sitting on the bench. He noticed that I was looking at him so he looked back then smiled at me. I told Heechul to bring Sungmin home but Sungmin said that he’s alright.


“It’s okay for me! You must go home now! It’s getting dark already… You must catch up on your sleep.”, he said then smiled again.


“Are you sure?”, I asked.


“Of course!!”


“Thanks for taking of my girl, bro”, he tapped Min’s shoulder.


“Anytime…”, Sungmin replied. After that we bid goodbye to Sungmin. I don’t know why, but when I looked back at Sungmin  while were walking away from him, I’m seeing Jongwoon. I don’t know!! The way Jongwoon works really hard for Eunseul, the way he’s being hurt, I see it all in Sungmin. And I’m hoping that I’m not the reason for that.





                      So, Heechul made the beginning of my day very unhappy. I just received a text message from him a while ago and it says:


“I’m suspended for 3 days. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’ll be safe. Promise. Take care of yourself or you’re so dead!”


So I replied:


“Yah….. Why didn’t you tell me earlier? =( Now you’re suffering because of me. I’ll be safe. I love you.


                      And then I saw Sungmin running towards me. He bowed 90 degrees then told me to come with him cause he’ll bring me to my class.


When I got to my classroom, I thanked him then went inside. As I was walking through the aisle, my classmates were murmuring. I asked Eunseul what the heck is going on.


“Ah….. They’ve been asking me about that, too.”, she replied but it did not answer my question.


“About what?!”, I asked.


“About Jungsoo not being around..”, she answered then raised her eyebrows.


“JUNGSOO’S ABSENT?!”, I was surprised because I thought they wont suspend him cause it will affect many of the student’s behavior. But it’s better cause they’re being fair.


“He’s suspended for 3 days, don’t you remember?!!”, Eunseul said in a loud voice, a bit annoyed. All of our classmates stared at us then yelled in unison, “WHAT?! WHY?!” Eunseul started shivering then she pinched my arm like she needs help.


“Ahm.. yah! I was just tricking Jeulsoo cause she’s ahmm… she’s confused too! Hehe! I was just kidding!”, she excused.


“SO…… JUNGSOO’S NOT SUSPENDED?!”, our classmates asked.


“I don’t know! Do  I look like a fortune teller?!”, Eunseul answered in a sarcastic way.




“Yah! Eunseul! Let’s go now!”


“Wait! I’m… looking….. for something..”, she said so I let her find what she’s looking for. I sat on an empty chair then texted my boyfriend but he did not reply. Fine…..

I looked at Eunseul to see if she’s already found that thing she’s looking for but I saw her looking outside. I smell something fishy.


“Yah! You’re not looking for something! You’re looking for SOMEONE!”, I told her, emphasizing the word ‘someone’.


“Yah! What are you talking about? You’re insane!!!”, she said then stood up.


“Jongwoon’s not going to bother you anymore. As what you told him, he’ll find another girl.”, I told her then rolled my eyes. I wanna see what’s gonna be her reaction.


“Mwo?! Who told you I’m looking for that Jongwoon? Aiish… Let’s just get outta here!”, she pulled my hand then rushed out of the room. She’s really the ‘denial queen’.


“Tsk! Why are you lying to me?!”, I told her then laughed. She yelled at me then slapped my arm in annoyance. So I already stopped teasing her. While walking, we saw Sungmin with two guys. Wow, he already made friends now, huh? Well that’s better!


“MING OPPA!!”, I called him from a distance.


“Oh, hey there!”, he noticed me then waved his hands. We ran towards them.

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pandawriter #1
nice fic! update soon!
Starting to love this! Hihi! NEW READER :))<br />
I like Heechul's character! Update soon!<br />
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Haha Heechul vs. Sungmin is too cute :3
jam_9445 #5 always waitin to read ur story! i love it..keep it up..and i hope nth happens to heechul! i hope he'll be wif her till e end!!
i don't know what to say... still awesome though
Wow. Sungmiin's there again. haha update soon^^
omg omg i'm waiting for the next~
iamdana #9
Waaaaaah kibum !? <br />
Arranged marriage?huh ? :????<br />
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Waiting for the next chap :>