A Very Complicated Date

He'll Always be my Protector


“Sungmin, you don’t have to do this…”, I began. He looked at me deeply in the eyes. It’s like he’s scanning my whole being.


“Jeulsoo… I’m just doing this.. because..”, he paused for a second. “I love you.”




“The first time I saw you, I already knew that you’re the girl that I’ve been looking for. Even though you already have someone with you, I really can’t help my feelings. I tried to ignore you. REALLY!!  But my feelings for you increased when Heechul told me to take care of you for three days. And sad to say,  those three days went off so fast. But I  can’t leave you…. I’m sorry Jeulsoo if.. If I’m making your life complicated.”




Sungmin and I both looked at where the voice came from. Why is he here?!


“I already knew it!!”, Heechul repeated. Sungmin lowered his head.


“I’m very sorry Heechul. I know you trusted me…But don’t worry, I know Jeulsoo loves you very much.. And I can see that Jeulsoo won’t love me back. It’s impossible.”, he half smiled.


“S-Sungmin….” I can’t find the words to say.


“Yah Jeulsoo. I want you to know that I’m at the Guest Room the whole time. And I made Sungmin come in because I thought he’ll just help here.” Heechul stared at Sungmin then rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna be here for the rest of the day.”


“Ahm…. L-Let’s eat our breakfast now!”, I tried to stay calm with all these things happening unexpectedly. When we started eating together, the atmosphere became good. We all chatted and forgot about what had just happened. Honestly, I’m really trying to forget about Sungmin’s confession. On the other hand, I think this is one of the best breakfasts I ever had! Eating with the 2 boys whose closest to your heart, it was pretty amazing!


“Ahmm… Jeulsoo. I cooked this for you..”, Sungmin looked at me then spoon-feed me.


“Mm… It’s great!”, I complimented him. But really, he’s one of the best cooks I’ve ever met! He giggled because of my compliment.


“Y-yah! What is this?!”, Heechul shouted then placed his spoon in front of my mouth.



“Open your mouth, I’m gonna spoon-feed you too.”


“W-What?!” He’s acting so immature again. Is this a battle of who can spoon-feed me better?


“JUST SPOONFEED ME IF YOU DON’T WANT ME TO DO IT TO YOU.”, he suddenly blurted out.


“Aiish- Chincha… Feed yourself.”, I replied, not looking at him.


“So…… You can resist me already, huh?” He started tickling me.


“Yah! Yah! Yah! Kim Heechul!!”, I shouted between giggles. “Yah! I’ll feed you! STOP THAT NOW!!”


“I’m done eating.”, Sungmin stood up. I looked at Sungmin but suddenly Heechul cupped my jaw and turned my head causing me to face him.


“Your boyfriend must be your priority right now, okay?”, he told me seriously. I nodded then proceeded to spoon feeding him. THIS GUY.




After eating, I volunteered to wash the dishes because I want Sungmin to have a rest. And of course, Heechul won’t volunteer. But then my boyfriend went behind me and hugged me.


“W-What are you doing?”


“Let me help you.”, he whispered in my ear. Is this for real?!


“Ah Y-yes! Go wear your apron and gloves now! Thank you very much Heechul!”, I told him gleefully. He knows I hate doing chores. But he did not let go of me. Instead, he placed his chin on my shoulder then looked at me.


“In one condition.”




“It’s been a long time since you last kissed me.”


“Yah… Sungmin’s here….. next time, okay?”, I whispered.




“I’m going to wash that for you, Jeulsoo.”, Sungmin came walking towards us. Heechul suddenly let go of me and faced Sungmin.


“Thank you Sungmin but—“


“No! It’s okay! Men should not make any woman do something they dislike. Especially if she’s important to him.”, he cut me off then looked at Heechul.


“W-what are you trying to tell me, huh?”, Heechul shouted.


“That you must do your responsibility as her boyfriend.”, Sungmin replied.


“Ah- I think I’ll just do this myself, gu—“


“I’M WASHING THE DISHES!!”, they both said at the same time.




So, they ended up doing the job together. While they were doing the chore, I sat on a chair, 5 feet away for them. I’m just making sure this won’t lead to any fight. I know Heechul.


“Yah, do you really like my Jeulsoo?”, Heechul started the conversation.


“I love her.”


“You’re just wasting your time, dude. After we graduate, I’m gonna propose to her.”, Heechul bragged.




“Yah! What kind of reaction is that?!”


“Don’t talk too soon Heechul.”


“W-what are you trying to say?”



*sigh* These two… instead of watching them argue, I just decided to go to my room and feed HeeJeul.




                             It has been an hour, but still I’m alone in my room. I wonder what those two are doing right now. Suddenly, there’s a knock on my room door.


“Come in.” The two came in.


“Hi Jeulsoo-ah.”, Sungmin greeted then smiled. He noticed HeeJeul. “Can I hold her?”


“No.”, Heechul said before I could reply.


“Yah! Don’t be like that!”, I told Heechul. “You can hold her, Sungmin.”


“Yah HeeJeul, come to daddy!!”, he got our cat from the couch and held her. Is this guy jealous or what?! I snatched HeeJeul from him then ran to Sungmin.


“Here Sungmin..”, I handed our cat to him then smiled. Heechul rolled his eyes then sat in front of the TV. I think he’ll watch DVDs.


“Are you gonna watch some DVDs?”, I asked him.


“Yes, why?”


“Let’s watch!”, I sat beside him and cuddled him.


You might find this funny but NEVER, in my whole life did I watched HORROR MOVIES. I hate them. But I think if I’ll watch it right now with him, maybe it’ll be okay.


“Yah…. Let’s watch horror movie”


“I thought you hate scary monsters.”


“Please?”, I begged him. I have to watch a horror movie before I die.


“Just don’t cuddle me if you’re scared”, he said. WHAT THE?


“What?!”, I yelled. He’s being a brat again. Is he still upset because I made Sungmin hold HeeJeul?


“I love Horror Movies!!”, Sungmin blurted out then sat beside me, with HeeJeul on his lap. Wait, if I can’t cuddle Heechul, I CAN CUDDLE SUNGMIN! I think he won’t be mad, right?


“Okay, I won’t cuddle you..”, I told Heechul confidently.


“Fine…. Let’s watch now.”, he said then inserted the DVD. When the movie started, ! The ghost appeared unexpectedly! Can’t they warn me to cover my eyes first?!!!! So after that incident, I covered my eyes so that I’ll be ready for the next scary scene.


“Yah, you wanna watch the movie but then you’re covering your eyes… How can you understand the movie?”, Heechul told me.

“You don’t care! Mind your own business!”, I replied then scooted more to Sungmin.


“Yah… why are you scooting away from me?”, he asked.


“BECAUSE---- AAAAAHH!!” . I look like an idiot right now. Why are the scary scenes happening when I’m not ready? So I cuddled Sungmin and held his arms tighter. Sungmin chuckled—maybe because of my cowardliness.


“ Jeulsoo-ah… Don’t be scared.”, Sungmin said. IT WAS VERY CUTE THAT I WANT TO BITE HIS ARMS RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT!


“Yah! Jeulsoo, what do you think you’re doing?”, Heechul asked. I closed my eyes then snuggled more to Sungmin. Okay, I’ll admit it already. I’m just pissing Heechul off. And on the other hand, I do feel safe whenever I’m in Ming’s arms.


“YAH! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!”                              

















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pandawriter #1
nice fic! update soon!
Starting to love this! Hihi! NEW READER :))<br />
I like Heechul's character! Update soon!<br />
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Haha Heechul vs. Sungmin is too cute :3
jam_9445 #5
omg..im always waitin to read ur story! i love it..keep it up..and i hope nth happens to heechul! i hope he'll be wif her till e end!!
i don't know what to say... still awesome though
Wow. Sungmiin's there again. haha update soon^^
omg omg i'm waiting for the next~
iamdana #9
Waaaaaah kibum !? <br />
Arranged marriage?huh ? :????<br />
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Waiting for the next chap :>