Business APART- ners?

He'll Always be my Protector


Too curious, I listened more to their conversation.


“But I thought that we had an agreement? We had agree that if ever our business is not working out very well already, we’ll pass our jobs to them. And it would be better if they’re partners in life too, right?”


“But… she already have a boyfriend..”


“Think about our business! We’re going to be bankrupted. They must take over our positions as soon as possible. They must get married after graduating.”


“B-but… it’s only few months away!!”


“I know. But think about our business… Think about them.”


I can’t listen more to their conversation because it’s breaking my heart.  Then I decided not to get my cellphone anymore. I’m really really upset.



 I’m still thinking about what dad and that man were talking about. Wait, I think I know that man. Is he…. Kibum’s dad?!! I know!! My dad and Bummie’s dad are business partners. So, they’ll pass their jobs to me and Kibum because they believe we can make it progress again? I am not meant for some company! So, I just prepared myself for school then went downstairs.


“Good Morning.”, greeted my dad. It seems like nothing happened last night.




“Have your breakfast.”


“No thanks, I’m gonna be late.”, I tried to ignore him and proceeded to my car. And AGAIN, when I arrived to school, Sungmin is waiting for me with Donghee and Kibum.


“Good morning!”, Sungmin greeted then smiled. “C’mon, I’ll take you to your class.”


“Ahmm… Sungmin, I think I’m already wasting your time. You’re waiting for me everyday. Don’t worry Ming, I can take care of myself.”, I told him then smiled back.

I walked away but he caught my hand.


“No!”, he said. So I turned around and stared at him.


“You’re the main reason why I wake up everyday. To make sure you’ll be safe. Please… Don’t take away my happiness from me.”


“YOU. ARE. SO. CHEESY BRO!!”, Kibum exclaimed. That caused me and Donghee to laugh so hard. Sungmin just lowered his head. I looked at Kibum again then I remembered! So I got the paper from my pocket, then showed it to him.


“Now I know why you’re familiar.”, I said then gave him the paper. When he looked at it, his eyes widened.


“So, You’re my destiny!!”, he blurted out.


“WHAT?!”, me, Sungmin and Donghee exclaimed.


“I promised myself that I’m gonna look for you. And Finally! FINALLY!! You’re here in front of me!”, Kibum can’t hide his happiness.


“K- Kibum… Ahmm…. I already have a boyfriend..”, I said followed with nervous laughter.


“Ahmm… Jeulsoo… I think,  we must go to your class now..”, Sungmin interrupted.


                     While we’re heading to my classroom, Kibum was still frozen and shocked from what he found out. Oh gosh I don’t know how Heechul will react if ever he finds out.


When I arrived in my class, luckily our professor is not yet there. And then I received a call.




“Yah, your dad wants me to tell you to go to Kibum’s house later and go with Kibum. That’s all.”


“Yah! Wait---“, then I heard the drone of the dial tone. What a rude girl. WAAAAHH!! Maybe we’ll talk about the ‘marriage thing’. THERE IS NO WAY THAT IS HAPPENING! I have to tell Heechul so I texted him:


“Hee, I’m going to marry another guy =(. “


I really hope he’ll take this seriously ‘cause sometimes, he’s really childish and just doesn’t care. Suddenly, I received his reply:


“ Yah right, I’m marrying another  woman too…”


SEE?!! Gaaaaahhh!! Maybe this isn’t the right time to tell him.



Right now,  we’re hanging out in the garden. Suddenly, I saw Jongwoon from afar. And I remembered, I have to talk to him.


“Ahm, Eunseul can you look for Sungmin?”, I asked her.


“Why can’t you look for your boyfriend yourself?!”, Eunseul answered sarcastically.


“Shut up! Boyfriend your face…….. Please… please…?”


“Fine, fine!!”, she walked away angrily. When I sensed that she’s already gone, I ran towards Jongwoon. He was surprised to see me.


“Jongwoon, is it true? You’re dating Yuri?”, I asked him.


“No! She’s just my bestfriend. That’s all!” Yuri is Jongwoon’s bestfriend?! OH. MY. GOODNESS. GRACIOUS. No way! Queenka is bestfriends with a ---- well, let’s say a weirdo? I find it hard to believe.


“You’re bestfriends with KWON YURI?!”, I repeated for assurance.


“Yep? And does Eunseul heard of that rumors already? Tell her that it isn’t true, okay? You know I love your bestfriend. If it takes death, for her to love me. I would be the one to kill myself.” Okay, honestly, I was amazed by his words already but then when it came to the ‘death’ part, I was really upset. How can he appreciate Eunseul’s love when he’s already DEAD?!


“Ahm… ah… I think, this is your time to ask her out.”, I told him. Then I saw Eunseul, Sungmin, Kibum and Donghee running towards us. Eunseul’s eyes widened when she saw Jongwoon.


“Eunseul-ah….. Will you go out with me this time?”, Jongwoon said before Eunseul could tell him to go away. She just stared blankly at Jongwoon.


“Eunseul?”, I stared at her as if I want her to grab the chance Jongwoon is giving her. I know she likes him. I always knew! She looked at Jongwoon then gulped.


“Ahmm….O-okay. Since I’m bored nowadays… And I’m sure it would be fun going out with you!”


Psshh… She’s always making excuses.


“Shall we go now?”, Kibum told me after clearing his throat.


“Wh-Where?”, I pretended that I don’t know anything. Maybe he doesn’t know all about it yet and maybe he’ll make me escape from the meeting.


“To our house! I think your dad’s there too! We’re going to have our wedding as soon as possible! My dad already texted me about it Jeulsoo. Don’t pretend like you don’t know anything.”, he replied. So I just frowned. I noticed Sungmin and he was just there, looking at me and Kibum. He’s really quiet when it comes to expressing his feelings. And I can feel that I’m hurting him right now--- I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY I thought of that.! I just ignored Kibum then pulled Sungmin’s hand.


“W- Where are we going?”, he asked.


“We’ll just walk around.”, I smiled at him.


“WE?!”, he asked again. It’s like he doesn’t believe me.


“Yes, only the two of us.”


“A-Are you s- su—“




“Yah! Jeulsoo! I thought we’re going home!!”, Kibum yelled. Eunseul slugged his arm. “Ouch! What was that for?!”, he asked, annoyed.


“Just let them have their time okay? She’ll just make Sungmin feel better.”, Eunseul replied.


“But why?”, Donghee asked curiously.


“You know, Sungmin has been doing everything for Jeulsoo. And it’s time for Jeulsoo to do something in return.”




 While were walking, everything was quiet. There aren’t any noises coming from the surroundings, neither from us. I took a glimpse of him then I felt my heart beat fast. Then suddenly, he chuckled. I looked at him in confusion.


“Jeulsoo…. This is so much….”, he began.


“What?”, I honestly don’t understand him.


“This. What you’re doing right now. Seeing you smile already completes my day. But this, THIS IS TOO MUCH. I can’t believe this will—“


“What are you saying?!”, I asked him then laughed.


“Jeulsoo…. I think I’m already---“ , he wasn’t able to finish what he’s saying because my phone started ringing. “Excuse me for a second.”, I told him. Then he smiled in response.






“Heechul?!!”, I exclaimed. Of course I would. I t has been 2 days I guess, that I didn’t heard of his voice. But before I could  say another word, I notice Sungmin lowering his head. I really think I’m just making his life miserable!!


“Yah! Are you listening?!”, Heechul shouted.





















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pandawriter #1
nice fic! update soon!
Starting to love this! Hihi! NEW READER :))<br />
I like Heechul's character! Update soon!<br />
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Haha Heechul vs. Sungmin is too cute :3
jam_9445 #5 always waitin to read ur story! i love it..keep it up..and i hope nth happens to heechul! i hope he'll be wif her till e end!!
i don't know what to say... still awesome though
Wow. Sungmiin's there again. haha update soon^^
omg omg i'm waiting for the next~
iamdana #9
Waaaaaah kibum !? <br />
Arranged marriage?huh ? :????<br />
<br />
Waiting for the next chap :>