Oppa Really Cares

He'll Always be my Protector


                  I woke up and looked at my watch, it’s already – 6: 29 am. My first class starts at 7:00 am. I rushed to the bathroom and took a bath. I wore my school uniform and took a glimpse at my watch. OMG it’s already 6: 48 am!! WAAHH!! I rushed downstairs, get my car keys, and drove as fast as I could.


Whew!! I made it to the school gate!! I ran out of my car and looked at my watch, it’s 6; 56 am. I have to…….. HURRY! I ran as fast as I could but then a guy blocked my way. OH SNAP! Not this time! I’m in a hurry!


“Yah! Why are you late?! I’ve been waiting for you here!”, That’s when I realized the voice. I looked at him. “I am not late! I have ahm…”, I looked at my watch then looked back at him, “2 minutes left to catch up on the class. Wait! 2 minutes?! Aiish!”


“You are so dead!! Wait ‘til recess!”, Heechul scolded me.


“I have to gooooooooooo!!”, I started running. He ran after me and the nest thing I knew, he reached for my legs and carried me.


“Hold on tight!”, he told me and held my waist tightly, while I circled my arms around his neck. And then he rushed upstairs to my first class. When we arrived, we’re hoping that the class did not start already. He put me down in front of the door.


“So, Ms. Park is already here. Aww…. Mr. Kim, how sweet of you.. You carried your lazy girlfriend for her to catch up on her class?!”, our professor said. OH GOSH.


“But, Ms… She’s---“Heechul was cut off before he could finish his statement.


“Go to your class now, Kim-sshi. Ms. Park! Stay outside ‘til I finish my class!”


*Sigh*… So, I have nothing to do but to wait outside.. I leaned on the wall and hit my head, again and again.


“Pabo! Pabo! Pabo! Aiish!! This is humiliating….”, I said to myself then frowned.


“That’s what you get from partying…”, a very familiar voice said. My eyes widened and I suddenly turned around to face him. “Yah! I-I thought you already went to your class.. You’ll be late! Go now!”, I told him.


“I’ll be here beside you…. I’ll just attend on my second class, okay?”, he tucked some hair behind my ear.


“And I’m here to scold you! Why did you come home very late? I called on your house last night the moment I got home but your dad told me you’re not home yet. Do you know how much I worried?!”, he told me.

“Oppa, I can take care of myself.”


“I’m not satisfied. I’m your protector. And I promised your Kang In oppa…”, he said, then held my hand.


“Aww…. Kang In oppa…. I sure miss that boy……”, I did not noticed that a tear fell down from my eye.


“Yah.. Uljima….”, he wiped my tear with his thumb…”Kang In might visit me if he’ll see you crying..”, he said then chuckled. I can’t help but giggle. He never fails to make me feel better. “Don’t cry in front of me ever again okay? I just hate it….”, he let go of my hand.


“Thank you….”, I said then hugged him. After a few minutes of waiting, the class finally ended. They started going out the room and Heechul left already. So, I’m going to my next class now, but then someone pulled my arm.


“Jeulsoo!!!! Your boyfriend is so sweet!!!!!! All of us inside we’re all talking about you two! He must really show his sweetness sometimes, he’s ignorant most of the time. By the way, why are you late?” I think I did not tell you yet but I also have another bestfriend.

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pandawriter #1
nice fic! update soon!
Starting to love this! Hihi! NEW READER :))<br />
I like Heechul's character! Update soon!<br />
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Haha Heechul vs. Sungmin is too cute :3
jam_9445 #5
omg..im always waitin to read ur story! i love it..keep it up..and i hope nth happens to heechul! i hope he'll be wif her till e end!!
i don't know what to say... still awesome though
Wow. Sungmiin's there again. haha update soon^^
omg omg i'm waiting for the next~
iamdana #9
Waaaaaah kibum !? <br />
Arranged marriage?huh ? :????<br />
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Waiting for the next chap :>