A Very Familiar Smile

He'll Always be my Protector



“Jeulsoo, Eunseul, these are my friends, Kim Kibum and Shin Donghee.”, he introduced his friends to us, a good-looking guy and a squishy one.


“Hello Jeulsoo and Eunseul!”, said Donghee, the fat and squishy one. =3


“Nice to meet you”, said the other one then he smiled. THAT MADE MY HEART SKIP A BEAT because I think I remember that smile. I just can’t tell. But I’m so sure I saw him before! He focused his attention on me then asked,” Is your surname…… Park?”


How can he?! I answered him, “Yes?”, in a questioning tone as if I need more explanation.


“I think I know you!”, he said. That’s what I’ve been waiting to hear.


“I think I’ve seen you before too!”, I exclaimed.


“You know each other?”, Sungmin asked.


“I think!!”, me and Kibum answered at the same time. Eunseul looked at us as if we’re weird, then laughed. Donghee looked at her then narrowed his eyes.


“Aren’t you …….Kim Eunseul?! Yah! You’re Kim Jongwoon’s ex-crush!”


“EX-crush?!”, Eunseul reacted, emphasizing the word ‘EX’.


“Yes!”, Donghee nodded his head. Sungmin looked at me with questioning eyes. I just shrugged my shoulders, so he just looked at Eunseul.


“You didn’t hear of the news yet? Jongwoon’s dating Kwon Yuri! The Queenka!”, Sungmin explained. My eyes almost bugged out from their sockets! Days ago, he was just asking Eunseul out. What the heck happened?!


“Are you sure?”, I asked Sungmin.


“Yes. He’s so lucky. We’ve been seeing them together everytime.”, Sungmin assured. I looked at Eunseul but she just smiled at me and I can predict that it’s a FORCED SMILE. She’s hurting. I know inside her, she’s tearing into pieces. If only she gave him a chance.


“Ahm… C’mon! I’ll treat you to dinner!!”, Donghee changed the topic.


“Really?”, Kibum teased.


“Yes!”, Donghee answered then faked a smile.


“Are you sick,bro? Since when did you treat us?”, Kibum teased some more.


“Yah! Don’t come with us if you’ll just complain!”, said the now ‘poker face’ Donghee. Kibum draped an arm on his shoulders then said, “I’m just kidding! LET’S GOOOOO!!”

These guys are really funny. At least I smiled today despite of Heechul not being around.




                    We’ve decided to eat on a Pizza Place. Sungmin noticed I had a stain on the corner of my mouth (which humiliated me a bit). And then he wiped it before I could reach for the tissue. After that, I thanked him then we saw the three looking at us with narrowed eyes. As if something’s suspicious about us.


“Yah… Don’t these two just look cute together?”, Donghee broke the awkward silence. He was pointing at me and Sungmin. Eunseul took a look at us then shrieked. “Yes!! I agree Donghee!! Much better than her and Heechul!!”


Eunseul’s mouth is really annoying sometimes. I want to protest but I think it would be inappropriate since Sungmin’s here.


“Yah! Stop it guys!”, Sungmin said, not noticing that his face is so red that I think it can explode in no time. I noticed Kibum staring at me so I looked at him.


“Who is Heechul?”, he asked.


“My boyfriend..”, I answered proudly.


“Why isn’t he here with us?”, Donghee butted in.


“He’s suspended for three days.” That made my mood bad again. The thought of me being the main reason for that makes me feel down.


“Your face is really familiar!!”, Kibum broke the silence I made. I smiled at him in reply. Sungmin draped his arm on the back of my chair then looked at me. He tilted his head then asked me, “ Are you already full?”. I nodded then smiled at him. Then Donghee surprised us by slamming the table with his fist.


“Aiiisssshhh!! Can you two stop that?!! You’re too cute!!”, he gushed. Sungmin rolled his eyes and told Donghee to stop it already. I tried to control myself from giggling cause he’s turning red again. But then Heechul went in my mind again. I wonder what he’s doing right now.


                        After we ate, Sungmin brought me home. Before that, I told him that I can go home by myself but he insisted to bring me home. So I have no choice but to agree to this adorable guy.




When I got home, I remembered Kibum. He’s really familiar! I swear I already saw him before. I rushed to my room then spent some time with HeeJeul until something went on my mind. I looked for some old pictures to see if I will find any pictures of Kibum. That’s when an old scrapbook caught my eye. When I opened it, I saw a piece of paper and it has handwriting of a child…… like a Kindergartner.


It says:



                 “Park Jeulsoo,


                    I will marry you someday! Remember that!!


                                                                            Kim Kibum =)


OMO!! I remember him now!! He is a childhood friend from America! We were classmates then. We used to be very close but when we moved here, we did not maintain our communication and heard no news about each other since then. But now he’s here!! I can’t believe!! I’m so happy!!


My dad finally called me for dinner. I went downstairs carrying HeeJeul.


“Yah. Let’s have our dinner now.”, he told me while preparing our dinner.


“Hey dad. Do you remember Kim Kibum?”, I said as I sat down.


“Kim Kibum?”, he asked as he also sits down in front of me.


“Yeah.. The son of your business partner, if I’m right?”, I answered then smiled. His eyes widened.


“Did he tell you why he’s here?!”, he asked me with wide eyes.


“Uhmm… No. Why so shocked?”


“Ah.- It’s nothing. Just have your dinner. I’m not eating.”, he told me then he went upstairs.


“Yah, what’s the problem?”, I asked him but he just kept on walking. I was left clueless. So after I ate my dinner, I washed my body and changed into pajamas. Oh snap! I forgot my cellphone downstairs. I have to get it, I might miss some important matters. ( or maybe Heechul will be in the mood of texting me, who knows?)


When I passed by my dad’s room, I heard him talking so I tried to listen.


“But she has someone with her already…..And I can see that she’s happy with him.”, he said.



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pandawriter #1
nice fic! update soon!
Starting to love this! Hihi! NEW READER :))<br />
I like Heechul's character! Update soon!<br />
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Haha Heechul vs. Sungmin is too cute :3
jam_9445 #5
omg..im always waitin to read ur story! i love it..keep it up..and i hope nth happens to heechul! i hope he'll be wif her till e end!!
i don't know what to say... still awesome though
Wow. Sungmiin's there again. haha update soon^^
omg omg i'm waiting for the next~
iamdana #9
Waaaaaah kibum !? <br />
Arranged marriage?huh ? :????<br />
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Waiting for the next chap :>