Get out!

Twins And The Chamber



The cruelest things in life happen when we least expect them to.

The biggest secrets are revealed at the most unsuitable  time.

The deepest wounds are the most easy to reopen.

One mistake can cause a disaster





       I watched liquid wax slip over the candle. It was getting smaller as time passed by. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and Luhan entered the kitchen in a matter of seconds, holding another candle in his hands.

“The circuit breakers are working well. And I saw the light in the houses near us. Do you think grandma forgot to pay the bills?”

“I don’t think so. Should we go outside to check with the ‘neighbors’?” I suggested.

We were making our way outside of the farm when something suddenly caught my attention. “Um, you said you checked the switches inside, right? What about this one?” I pointed to the one right beside the gate door.

“Nope, let me take a look. It’d be pointless though— Oh! It’s opened.”

I reached out and turned the button to the other direction. All of a sudden the whole house lightened up.

“What the?!” He blurted out with a perplexed face “We made a fuss about such a stupid thing?”

“Oh, these things happen. We probably overused the energy during the party. It’s not really a big deal,” I said, wanting to convince myself too.

“It doesn’t seem so,” Luhan had to point out “we made a plan on how to control everything… Plus, we didn’t use that much energy for the main circuit breaker to turn off. What if –just wondering what if someone did this; someone from outside I mean”

The face of that small boy flashed before me and my saliva got stuck in my throat. “We better be cleaning the mess before it’s too late, come on.” I forced a smile to my lips.

“Ugh! Way to remind me. I’m lazy; can’t we just do it tomorrow?” Luhan whined loudly as he locked the door behind him.

“And let gram find out about the party? Shut up, you lazy !”

“oooh~ look who’s talking!”


       I let out a big sigh as I threw the last plastic bag in the garbage can. I heard my brother yawn loudly. I glanced at the clock: 1AM. It took us a long time to clean up the house.

“I’m off to bed. What a tiring day!” He said with another yawn.

   I saw him climb the stairs so lazily. I wanted to follow him because I felt extremely tired. But I didn’t want to sleep yet. I grabbed one of grandma’s books and got out of the house, seeking the freshness of the air and the calmness of the night. I walked through the darkness of the farm, hearing the echo of my footsteps in the air. That might have been the sound of my heartbeats. I sat on a bench under the moonlight, opened the book and closed it immediately realizing how stupid I was to think I could distinguish a word in that darkness. I put it on my lap; I could read the title at least: Immortal memories.

   My eyes started blinking and I felt I was going to pass out at any moment. I slowly scanned my surroundings and felt my thighs vibrate on my seat. I chose the worst place to be in: just on my left is that old door from my first day here. I look at the other direction and there’s the fountain that has never stopped pouring water ever since I can remember. A strong wind blew so I hugged my arms to warm myself. The book fell to the ground and the air flipped through its pages. One page got torn out and flew out of my reach. I stood up in order to get it back till it finally lent in the water of the fountain. I hurried up to it, grabbed it soaked and waved it in the air. I didn’t need to look at it closely to notice it didn’t appear like the other pages of the book. Instead of small letters, numerous words and long paragraphs, all that was on it is two words. Big enough to read, clear enough to see, large enough to cover the whole paper. Two words: GET OUT.

   I looked around almost ran out of breath. I dropped the paper back to the water and raced towards my room.


Luhan’s POV:

   I was running away wildly, afraid they’ll catch me. I tripped and fell. I looked in front of me and saw grandma gently smiling at me. I reached my hand out for her to help me. That’s when an old woman who looks exactly like her appeared by her side and slapped my hand away. I fell from somewhere and everything out for a second before my eyes flicked open and I found myself on my bed, drenched in sweat. I was dreaming; I had a nightmare, to be exact.

   My throat felt sore so I got out from under the blankets and headed to the kitchen. I was going down the stairs when Aeri crossed my path. She was running like there was no tomorrow. She slammed the door shut after her as she entered our room. This girl has been acting a bit strange ever since we arrived here. Never mind, I really need a cup of water now.



I changed my username, just in case you were wondering.


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Back! Twins and the chamber! Last chapter coming soon!


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ParkSquishyMinnie #1
Still lot of mysteries not solved.
Cud hav been more better.
jonginsideme #2
Chapter 23: Oh god seriously this is one of the best stories I've read in aff. It's amazing! ♥
Chapter 23: The twin is so cute,,it's so funny when they prank each other..anyway,love this story^^

Good job author-nim~*both thumbs up*♥♥
Chapter 23: Oh it ended *-*
this story was amazing \o/ and cute!
The little boy.. Why was he in the well tho? :o i mean.. Idk but he is the twin son right? :O
Chapter 23: So the little boy is Minji's unborn son, right?

Good story, by the way~
Chapter 23: nice ending but noe I am curious because of that little boy !
bellaburn #7
Chapter 22: hye!!!
welcome back after so many month
Why ending this so soon????
I want to see this sibling bonding moment more
But its okay
do well for the last chapter okay
Chapter 22: whhhhuuuuuaat already the end ?! anyways I am happy to see you updating again, especially in my bday haha thank you ;P wow if u would be granny I wouldn't be able to live there too scary ! also after the incident I wouldn't want to go to that chamber again...but granny is there :)