Who are you-?

Twins And The Chamber







The cruelest things in life happen when we least expect them to.

The biggest secrets are revealed at the most unsuitable  time.

The deepest wounds are the most easy to reopen.

One mistake can cause a disaster



“Wake up you lazy !”
I was awakened by Luhan’s voice. Aish! Why is he everywhere? We finally arrived at grandma’s house. I hopped out of the car and ran towards the house gates to greet her. It has been a long while since I haven’t seen her and I’ve missed her a lot.

She glanced at me and exclaimed “Oh! Where did you precious hair go? Seems like I have two Luhans now!”
“Except I’m much taller than this midget, Granny!” Luhan said defensively, which made me even more irritated.

Each one of us hugged her, and then she led us into the house. Grandma’s house was large and old-fashioned. It gave me the chills every time I visited it. The furniture was all in dark colors and the frames in the wall portrayed faces that I never recognized. We’d always tell her to just sell this old house and come to live with us but she claims it’s an art of her because she lived there since she was born.

Grandmother showed us where we’ll be sleeping. She put the jerk and I in the same room.

“Granny! Why did you give us a shared room? You know I can’t stand that girl~”Luhan groaned.

“Oh sweetheart stop being so childish! This will make you closed in no time,” grandma said in her lovely tone.

I mentally face palmed myself as I pushed Luhan and started unpacking.


It was early evening. Mom and dad already went back home after grabbing lunch and saying their goodbyes to us. I was roaming around the farm and watching the animals and the gardens here and there. I stopped by a well that seemed to have clear water. I wasn’t sure if it was clean but I was too thirsty to care.  I dipped the bucket in it and bent down to drink.

SPLASH!! My face was soaked in water. Someone pushed me from behind. I turned around to yell at Luhan but then stopped. He wasn’t anywhere to be seen; instead I caught sight of a small boy angelically smiling at me.

“Noona, hello!” he greeted cheerfully.

“Oh, hi you little thing. Look at what you’ve done to me” I said trying to sound angry.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I swear,” he apologized “hey let’s play hide and seek!”

I was going to refuse but gave up because I couldn’t say no to his cuteness. He led me to the wal and asked me to count until one hundred.

“O..Kay! Who are you by the way?” I said as I turned my head to his direction.

He disappeared. That was odd; I didn’t bother to count and started looking for him. I made my way through the stable. I saw the gardener and asked him if he saw a small boy passing by. He said no so I continued searching out side. “Hey little boy! Where are you?”

I heard a thin voice laughing; the sound was coming from behind a large door covered with dust. I pushed its left shutter but realized it was locked. I knocked on the door, I grabbed a rock and tried breaking the lock, I called the boy countless times… all to no avail. I was certain the kid was hiding inside. I took hurried steps towards the house. I found granny reading a book in the living room.

“Who’s that small boy outside?” I said in a rushed tone.

She didn’t make the slightest move.



Annyeong everyone^^
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Back! Twins and the chamber! Last chapter coming soon!


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ParkSquishyMinnie #1
Still lot of mysteries not solved.
Cud hav been more better.
jonginsideme #2
Chapter 23: Oh god seriously this is one of the best stories I've read in aff. It's amazing! ♥
Chapter 23: The twin is so cute,,it's so funny when they prank each other..anyway,love this story^^

Good job author-nim~*both thumbs up*♥♥
Chapter 23: Oh it ended *-*
this story was amazing \o/ and cute!
The little boy.. Why was he in the well tho? :o i mean.. Idk but he is the twin son right? :O
Chapter 23: So the little boy is Minji's unborn son, right?

Good story, by the way~
Chapter 23: nice ending but noe I am curious because of that little boy !
bellaburn #7
Chapter 22: hye!!!
welcome back after so many month
Why ending this so soon????
I want to see this sibling bonding moment more
But its okay
do well for the last chapter okay
Chapter 22: whhhhuuuuuaat already the end ?! anyways I am happy to see you updating again, especially in my bday haha thank you ;P wow if u would be granny I wouldn't be able to live there too scary ! also after the incident I wouldn't want to go to that chamber again...but granny is there :)