A cat's eye

Twins And The Chamber


The cruelest things in life happen when we least expect them to.

The biggest secrets are revealed at the most unsuitable  time.

The deepest wounds are the most easy to reopen.

One mistake can cause a disaster



We both stood still surprised by the fallen item. I grabbed the key after moments of hesitation and wiped the dust that covered it. Luhan looked at me as if he wanted to tell something really important, but he couldn’t utter a word.

“She’s busy in the kitchen right?” I talked as quiet as possible.

He nodded and I asked him to follow me. We silently climbed the stairs and stood in front of that room. We’ve never seen it open, aside from the time when we witnessed grams going out of it a few weeks ago, so we were certain that it was the key of this room. I looked at my brother determined to find out the truth behind this confusing situation. My hand shook as I held the key and approached it to the door lock. Their edges touched and I rested the front side of the key on the lock hole. After a bit of reluctance, I finally decided to push the key. However, something was wrong. I couldn’t enter the key, either from my nervousness or for whatever other reason. Luhan took the key from me and tried to open the door, but to no avail. That’s when we realized that the key wasn’t the right one for this room.

Luhan sighed in despair. “Let’s keep this key until we discover something else,” he said as he headed to our room.

    I wasn’t satisfied at all and wished I could break the door with an axe and barge in to learn the truth. I stood there stubbornly, unable to admit that I had just lost one step towards my goal. I kneeled in order to peak through the door hole. I leaned forward to get a better view and looked straight into the room. I was taken aback from the sight, and I almost screamed of fear. I did my best to stand firm, and I after a deep breath, I looked again. In front of me was a cat, looking at me with its eyes, those glowing embers that burned into my soul. Its fur was darker than black, which I didn’t think was possible. And it was looking at me with pure, undying hatred and disdain for mankind.

    I stepped back, convinced that I was just hallucinating. I walked towards my room with my heart beating crazily in my chest when Luhan opened the door and came to me. I quickly told him what I had just seen and he obviously didn’t believe me.

He then said: “Anyway, I just came out to tell you… like, why don’t we look through granny’s room. Um… we don’t need to search for something major, I just want to know about, you know, her family… She never tells us about them and th-that room over there is obviously a former family member’s… and you know, the thing with the frames, I mean…”

I was surprised by his words; Luhan was finally willing to step out of his shell and do something helpful.

He continued: “I know this whole situation is ridiculous, but looking at it without even trying to understand it is even more ridiculous.”

    And that’s how we found ourselves in grandma’s room, looking for her family register and personal papers. We were searching quickly because she could come upstairs at any second.

“Hey come here, look what I found, “I called for Luhan.

He walked next to me and read: “The park family register. Park Jongdae, husband and Lee Eunyoung, wife. These are Mom’s grandparents right.”

“Yup, so they’re granny’s parents. Look here though, it says they have two daughters: Park Minji, our grandma, and Park Minyoung.”

“Who’s the older sister?”

“Luhan…” I painfully swallowed my saliva, “They’re born on the same day.”

“Wait, what? We’ve never heard of grandma having any siblings, let alone a twin.”

We suddenly heard footsteps on the stairs. Grandma was coming to the upper floor. Luhan panicked and swiftly grabbed my hand. We entered our room and locked the door when I realized I still had the papers in my hand.

“I think I’ll keep these for now, let’s think about it later, okay?”

   And the though kept on hunting me until I found a new idea.



Annyeong everyone, how is it going? =)
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ParkSquishyMinnie #1
Still lot of mysteries not solved.
Cud hav been more better.
jonginsideme #2
Chapter 23: Oh god seriously this is one of the best stories I've read in aff. It's amazing! ♥
Chapter 23: The twin is so cute,,it's so funny when they prank each other..anyway,love this story^^

Good job author-nim~*both thumbs up*♥♥
Chapter 23: Oh it ended *-*
this story was amazing \o/ and cute!
The little boy.. Why was he in the well tho? :o i mean.. Idk but he is the twin son right? :O
Chapter 23: So the little boy is Minji's unborn son, right?

Good story, by the way~
Chapter 23: nice ending but noe I am curious because of that little boy !
bellaburn #7
Chapter 22: hye!!!
welcome back after so many month
Why ending this so soon????
I want to see this sibling bonding moment more
But its okay
do well for the last chapter okay
Chapter 22: whhhhuuuuuaat already the end ?! anyways I am happy to see you updating again, especially in my bday haha thank you ;P wow if u would be granny I wouldn't be able to live there too scary ! also after the incident I wouldn't want to go to that chamber again...but granny is there :)