Her perfect everything

My Hobaby


"Hello, my name is Emma, and I'm new here so I'm just wondering, who is Beast?" I asked a group of pretty girls next to me.

"Oh hello, my name is Victoria!" she said. "Well, I don't go Woolim High but from what I heard bascially you know in high school, there are usually one group of kingkas and all the girls love them and stuff, well Woolim High has two kingka gangs, Beast and Infinite"

"Aw I see! Why do Infinite seem to hate them though?" I asked.

"Well, I heard both groups hate each other and they always argue and fight about girls and about who is the best and just stupid stuff really" said her friend. "Hey, I'm Krystal by the way and her name is Amber" She pointed to their other friend, I smiled at both of them and waved.

"Also I heard that a guy in Infinite really hates this guy in Beast but it's wierd because they used to be best friends" said Amber. I wondered who is was and decided to ask them later.

"How do you know about them when you don't even go to Woolim?" I asked. 

"Honestly if you go to Underground, everyone knows everyone, no matter what high school you go too!" said Victoria "You will soon fit in and then you will know so many people!"

"What school do you guys go to then?" I asked. "What's your kingkas like?"

"We go to SM High and we are known as f(x) with two other members, in our school we have many many kingkas like Super Junior, Exo, SHINee and TVXQ but they all get along so it's all good!" said Krystal "You should come hang out with us sometime and you can meet all of them!"

"Wow, that sounds like a lot but yeah thanks, that sounds nice" I said and then we exchanged numbers and I made my way back to Infinite and B.A.P.


Then on stage walked six very handsome boys. Wait a minute, isn't that Kikwang? Now, I know why which member of Infinite Amber was talking about...

Then they started to sing and there was no denying they were good, I couldn't help shout and cheer but then I saw Infinite look at me so I silently clapped to myself.


When they finished, I cheered loudly despite Infinite, Kikwang heard me and winked, I blushed. 


I froze, it's me, oh my god. I can't do it. 

"Emma, it's you! Go! Hwaiting!" said Dongwoo and with the smiles and support from Infinite and B.A.P, I went onto the stage. 

"It's that new girl from my school that flirts with our oppas"  "oh my god, she is so ugly" I heard people say. I felt like running off and crying but then I heard Infinite and B.A.P shout "GO ON EMMA" so I grabbed the microphone and the music started. I started moving to the beat and I couldn't resist, I started to sing.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGrsi0JjylM (this is Ailee but pretend it's Emma, okay?)


Wow, her voice is beautiful, everything about her is beautiful. Emma, you really make it hard for me to get over you.


She sounds perfect, and she looks so hot. Oh my, why do I feel all funny? It's just because she has an amazing voice, not anything else, okay Kikwang? Emma, why are you doing this to me? 


When I finished, the crowd went wild. It was just the most perfect moment and I loved it. B.A.P and Infinite were cheering the loudest and then for a moment, I made eye contact with Hoya. He smiled broadly at me and put his thumbs up. My smile became even wider, finally my best friend is officially back.

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Chapter 22: OMG!!!I really love this story♡♡♡
Please make Howon love her back!!!I can't handle the drama~~~
btw, update soon author-nim^__^
Chapter 19: Hoya hoya hoya. were gonna have some problems. update soon!
Chapter 17: @_@ ok... strange thing... *sniff* please updae soon~
Chapter 16: ...... omg Hoya! your just gonna run off like that? why? please update soon author-nim!
Chapter 16: yah! why the short update? o.O
sorry for not commenting for so long~ sorry^^
Chapter 12: kyooooo >.< i love you for coupling my suji ^^
can you post some cute pics of woohyun, please? *puppy dog eyes* ? :3
kamsahamnidaaaa!! ;D

and HWAITING on your next update^^ saranghae ;)
Musiclover3132 #7
Chapter 11: Update soon
Chapter 11: whaaaa xD
i can't wait for the next chappieeee >.<
thank you for writing sooo cool stories >.< - sorry, i'm a bit hyper now^^ - still i need an explanation what happened in england...*pushes down her glasses* ;D