I'm trying

My Hobaby


Thank god school was over, I couldn't stand being in that building any longer. The Infinite boys were going to get bubble tea and they invited me but I didn't feel like going so I told them that I was busy. I just wanted to go home and sleep my feelings off. I sighed as I put my earphones in and started to walk home. 

After walking for ten minutes I felt someone pull out one of my earphones, I turned to see who it was.

"Hello stranger"

"Kikwangie!" I looked at him surprised. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled at me and put my earphone in his ear. 

"I was just going to Dongwoon's house." he said walking with me, strangely it was nice to have his company.

"So why weren't you at school today?" I said curiously as we walked together.

"Why? Did you miss me?" he teased winking at me. I hit him gently on the arm. He chuckled. "I woke up late so I decided to take the rest of the day off. 

I tutted at him. 

"That isn't good, you missed an important maths lesson." Actually what was I talking about? I missed that lesson too. 

"Aw, were you worried about me?" I kicked him.

"Nope, I was glad you weren't there to annoy me actually." Kikwang pulled a sad face. I couldn't help to smile.

"Anyway, do you want to come to Dongwoon's house because you look kind of lonely?" he asked.

"That's sweet of you but I'm kinda tired so I think I'm just going to go home"

"Why? That's boring! Come out and play Ahjumma!" he said. I frowned at him.

"Yah! I'm not an Ahjumma!"

"Then stop acting like one then!" I pouted at him and hit him.

"I'm not going with you and that's final."


"YAH! LEE KIKWANG!" shouted Emma. "PUT ME DOWN NOW."

Emma had refused to go with Kikwang so he has picked her up and put her over his shoulder.

"KIKWANG! Put me down. I'm not your personal toy that you can carry around!" she screamed hitting his back. "People are staring!"

"And they are going to keep staring if you keep screaming like a madwoman!" he said laughing.

"KIKWANG. PUT ME DOWN!" she screamed. Kikwang finally put her down.

"Emma please shush, I'm just messing around." He was shocked to see tears in her eyes.

"I just want to be left alone. I don't want to go Dongwoon's house. I just want to go home. Please just leave me alone." She looked down trying not to let the tears fall. Kikwang felt a rush of guilt fill his body. He watched as she turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

"Well done, Kikwang" he said to himself.


Ah Emma, stop being so pathetic. Kikwang was just messing around, I'm being so dramatic. I continued to walk home, finally letting my tears flow. When I got near my house, I started looking for my keys in my bag while walking to my door. 

"EMMA!" Oh great, just what I need.

I quickly wiped my tears and looked up to see the Infinite boys. 

"Oh hey guys, aren't you guys going to get bubble tea?" I said trying to sound as happy as possible. They all looked at me concerned. So much for hiding my tears.

"Um well, we were going to go but we thought it wouldn't be the same without you" said Dongwoo trying to loosen up the awkward atmosphere. 

"Aw guys, that's nice of you but I'm not feeling up for it. You guys go and have fun though." I said trying to avoid their eyes. 

"Oh okay, are you sure?" asked Sungjong. I nodded. 

"Um okay, we will see you tomorrow then" said Sungyeol putting his arm around my shoulder and giving it a squeeze. I smiled gratefully and I felt the tears coming again. I tried to hold them in. 

"Well, I got to go now. Have a nice time guys" I said quickly putting my keys into the door. I walked into my house and waved goodbye to the boys. They walked away slowly with worry in their eyes. When they left, I closed the door and ran upstairs to my bed and started to cry but then I felt my phone vibrate.

(Emma is Italic, and Kikwang is bold)

It's me Kikwang, I got your number off Yonghwa. I'm sorry for upsetting you today. I didn't mean to. Can you forgive this pabo? :(

Oh hello there, aw don't worry it wasn't you that upset me. How can I forgive you when you did nothing wrong?

Are you sure? So we are still friends?

Yes I'm sure and we were always friends. ;)

Okay that's good, whoever hurt you is an idiot. You look much better when you're smiling. :D

Kikwang, you're forever up to me. 

I'm only complimenting you because I feel sorry that you always have to live underneath my shadow. 

I laughed out loud at his stupid message, he was so wierd. We stayed up texting until 2am.


"Should we have stayed with her?" said Myungsoo worriedly as we sat in the bubble tea cafe.

"Nah, girls should alone when they are sad" said Sunggyu. We looked at him in confusion. 

"What do you mean?" asked Dongwoo. 

"Well, they eat loads of ice cream and stuff themselves with comfort food which makes them really unattractive therefore they should be alone." he explained. Sungyeol hit him on the arm.

"Hyung, that shows you have no experience with girls." said Woohyun laughing. "Some girls want to be comforted and they don't all just eat ice cream."

"Yah, I've had loads of experience." said Sunggyu frowning. 

"Really hyung? You've liked Hyuna for nearly two years and you haven't even made a move on her yet." said Sungyeol. Sunggyu blushed.

"I don't like her" he said mumbling. Everyone laughed at him except for me. I just couldn't get that image of Emma in my head. She looked so sad and drained. It was obvious that she had been crying and she was about to cry again. It hurt me to see her like this.

"Anyway, nothing can cheer her up." Woohyun said sighing. "That girl has had a rough day." 

I looked at Woohyun in confusion. What did he mean?

The next day, I waited outside Emma's house so we could go school together but she was taking ages and that wasn't like Emma so I knocked on her door. 


"Oh annyeonghaseyo Mrs Kim" I said bowing. "Is Emma there?"

She smiled at me. Emma looked like her so much.

"Oh didn't she tell you? She had to leave early this morning, she said she had something to do in school." I bit my lip in worry.

"Oh okay, thank you Ms Kim." I said bowing again. "Goodbye"

I started to walk to school. I wonder why she left so early. 

I got to class and Emma was already sitting down at her desk talking to Kikwang. My heart ached as she laughed and playfully hit his arm. Jealously filled my body. What was I doing? I was the one who let her go. I decided to ignore it and sit down in my seat. 

Throughout the whole lesson, I could hear them two constantly giggling and laughing. It was so annoying. I just wanted to get out of that classroom


Lesson was over and it was time for lunch. Emma had just said goodbye to Kikwang and Hoya was walking out of the classroom. Emma decided to follow Hoya, after yesterday she decided she had to hide away her feelings and be strong because she didn't want to lose Hoya as a friend. 

"HOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" shouted Emma running down the corridor towards Hoya. Hoya looked around in shock at the screaming Emma running towards him. He turned a deep shade of red as everyone in the corridor stared at them. 

She ran into him and linked her arm with his.

"So are you free tonight?" she asked as they walked into the canteen. Hoya looked at her and smiled. She was making an effort.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, our parents are going out together tonight so do you want to come round to my house to have a movie night like old times?"

Hoya smiled. Movie nights with Emma were always good.

"Yeah. that sounds great but I'll have to go to your house a little later as I have dance practice after school."

"Okay  that's cool, as long as you come." Emma said beaming.

The next lesson went painfully slow for Emma, all she wanted to do was go home as soon as possible and get everything ready for Hoya to come round. She was nervous, would everything really be okay again?

Emma sighed in relief when the bell rang for the end of the day, finally school was over. She said goodbye to Kikwang and Hoya and practically skipped home as she was extremely excited. 

As soon as she walked into the house, she sighed in anger.

"UMMA, APPA. Why do you always leave our house a mess?" she said picking up some rubbish off the floor. She would have to tidy up before Hoya got here. After tidying up, Emma got the snacks ready. She had went all out to buy Hoya's favourite snacks and drinks. She put them all into bowls and placed them on the table. Everything had to be perfect. Emma then went upstairs to get changed, she had no idea what to wear for this movie night. At all their previous movie nights, Emma didn't care about what she wore, she would just wear her pajamas and wouldn't bother wearing any make up but today was different she wanted to look good. She looked at her wardrobe and stared at her many many clothes going through them all again and again. 

"Why don't I have any clothes?" she said close to tears. 

After a very long time, a lot of changing and a lot of stress, Emma had decided on a plain but cute mint coloured dress. She did her hair in a simple bun and did her make up. This really wasn't like her to try so hard for just a movie night. After she was done, she went downstairs again and sat on her sofa, now it was time to wait. 


I really couldn't wait for our movie night, this was what we needed for our friendship. Something to show that it was still the same as before. I was excited to spend some time with Emma just me and her. I missed her. 

After dance practice I wanted to get home as soon as possible so I decided to get the bus instead of walk. When I got to the bus stop, I put my earphones in and my music but then I felt someone tap my shoulder so I turned around. 

"Hoya..? Is that you?"

My eyes widened in surprise.

So I don't update in ages and I leave you guys with a cliffhanger. Why am I so mean? Don't worry though, I'll promise to update soon my lovelies! I hope you like this chapter and please please please comment guys, it will probably motivate me more because I feel like no one is enjoying my story :( So I'm going now but I'll be back soon but in the meantime subscribe, comment, read and continue being fabulous. I LOVE YOU GUYS VERY MUCH.


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Chapter 22: OMG!!!I really love this story♡♡♡
Please make Howon love her back!!!I can't handle the drama~~~
btw, update soon author-nim^__^
Chapter 19: Hoya hoya hoya. were gonna have some problems. update soon!
Chapter 17: @_@ ok... strange thing... *sniff* please updae soon~
Chapter 16: ...... omg Hoya! your just gonna run off like that? why? please update soon author-nim!
Chapter 16: yah! why the short update? o.O
sorry for not commenting for so long~ sorry^^
Chapter 12: kyooooo >.< i love you for coupling my suji ^^
can you post some cute pics of woohyun, please? *puppy dog eyes* ? :3
kamsahamnidaaaa!! ;D

and HWAITING on your next update^^ saranghae ;)
Musiclover3132 #7
Chapter 11: Update soon
Chapter 11: whaaaa xD
i can't wait for the next chappieeee >.<
thank you for writing sooo cool stories >.< - sorry, i'm a bit hyper now^^ - still i need an explanation what happened in england...*pushes down her glasses* ;D