Heavy heart

My Hobaby

"Noona, noona, noona." 

Emma pulled her duvet over her head. It was Saturday, who dared to wake her up on a Saturday?!

"NOONA!" Emma then felt someone jump on her. She screamed at the heavy eight year old devil that was now laying on top of her and clinging on to her neck.

"Tommy, GET OFF. GET OFF. GET OFF." she screamed trying to pull him off her neck. He laughed at his older sister struggling to break free from his hold.

"What are you? Some sort of ninja monkey? You're eight years old!" she said. Finally breaking free, she grabbed her brother and started tickling his sides. He started screaming in delight.

"Noona! Stop, I can't breathe!" he said laughing hysterically. 

"What on earth is going on in here?" said a voice from the door. Emma stopped tickling her brother and looked up at the familiar voice. Why on earth was he here?

"Hyung, I went to wake noona up like you told me to and then she attacked me." Tommy said jumping off the bed and running to Hoya. Hoya chuckled.

"Your sister attacked you? Oh my, a beast like her?" said Hoya smirking. "Yesterday when I carried her up to her room, I could barely manage it. Emma how could you attack your little brother?" Tommy giggled.

"Noona, even hyung thinks you're fat!" said Tommy. Emma pouted. What did she do to deserve such mean insults as soon as she woke up? She threw a pillow at her younger brother and another one at Hoya making sure to use much more force when throwing Hoya's one. She then stormed out of her room and barged past the two annoying boys that were standing in her way. 

"MOVE OUT GUYS. THE FATTIE IS COMING YOUR WAY." she shouted at she stomped into the bathroom. Hoya smiled at her immature but cute actions.

"Come on Tommy, let's go have some breakfast."

After getting dressed in a oversized grey hoodie and some black leggings, Emma made her way downstairs. She smiled as she saw her younger brother cutely playing with his toys in the living room. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and made her way into the kitchen, she poured herself some milk and put some bread into the toaster before sitting down at the dining table. She got out her phone and began replying to her texts completing ignore the person that was sitting down opposite her.

"Yo Emma, I made you some fried eggs." said Hoya. Emma ignored him. 

"Emma, are you mad at me?" 

Emma ignored him again.

"Emma, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot."

Emma ignored him again.

"Come on Hobbit" he said as he started putting on some aegyo.

Emma continued to ignore him and went to get her toast from the toaster.

She began ranting quietly to herself making sure he could hear her. Hoya chuckled to himself. Emma was terrible at giving the silent treatment so every time she was mad at him, she would rant to herself about him obviously wanting him to hear.

"Stupid Hoya, making me wait for him. Not even bothering to call or text. Obviously doesn't care about our friendship if he just casually forgot. Thinks he can stroll in here and make me some eggs and think it's okay. Slept in my make up last night, eyes went all puffy. Even dressed up last light. Brought his favourite snacks. Doesn't even deserve them. Called me fat when he is the fat one.." she stopped when she felt someone's arms hug her from behind. She felt her cheeks warming up and her heart began to race. Was breathing ever this hard?

"I'm sorry Emma. I won't forget ever again, something came up and it totally slipped out of my mind." he said resting his chin on her head. "Can you forgive me?"

Emma sighed. How could she stay mad at him? She pulled his arms apart and broke free from his hug then punched him softly on his arm.

"Do it again and you're dead." she said picking up the plate of eggs that he had made for her and went back to the dining tables. "I'll make sure to eat a lot so next time you try and pick me up, your bones will break." she mumbled to herself one last time. Hoya smiled, she was too cute for her own good. 


After dropping Tommy at his friend's house, Hoya and Emma went to hang out with the Infinite boys. Emma was still feeling bitter about last night but there was no point in being mad at him. Best friends wouldn't hold grudges over something so small she thought to herself. 

They met the Infinite boys in a small cafe and already the boys were creating a lot of noise. Sunggyu was being bullied by the rest of the boys for acting so old all the time.

"Emma, do you think I act too old?" he asked getting annoyed at his dongsengs.

"I'm not going to lie Sunggyu, you do act pretty old but it's cute" said Emma sipping on her frappuccino. Sunggyu smiled at her.

"You don't hit Emma for calling you old!" complained Sungjong rubbing his arm where Sunggyu had punched him.

"That's because Emma called it cute." he said.

"Aw, you're cute!" said Dongwoo. The rest of the Infinite boys joined and Sungyeol even pinched his cheeks. Sunggyu frowned slapping his hand away.

"Shut up you guys, thanks for ruining my moment."

Emma chuckled. She loved hanging out with the Infinite boys, they were funny and she enjoyed their company a lot. 

"Emma, I'm going to order some carrot cake. Do you want some?" asked Hoya. Emma smiled. Trust him to try and win back her love with food.

"Yes please." she said smiling.

"Can I have some?" asked Myungsoo pouting cutely. 


Emma laughed, however her smile dropped when she saw Hoya talking to the prettiest girl she had ever seen.

"Woah, is that Son Minah?" said Sungjong.

"Damn that is her, you can't forget a beautiful face like that." said Sungyeol practically drooling.

"Sungyeol close your mouth, our Emma is much prettier." said Woohyun frowning. Emma smiled gratefully at Woohyun, trust him to stand up for her but she knew he was lying. This Minah girl was gorgeous, her face had no flaws and she probably bled liquid gold. 

"I'm surprised that she is speaking to him especially after how he treated her." said Myungsoo. Emma looked at them confusedly.

"Oh , Emma doesn't know about them." said Sungyeol. "Basically they went to the same dance school and she obviously liked him a lot and anyone could tell that he liked her too but when she confessed to him, he rejected her and stopped talking to her." Emma's heart sank, Hoya liked another girl apart from her? She knew it was selfish of her but she couldn't help and cringe about the idea of Hoya being with another girl. Maybe it was because she had never thought about it before or maybe it was because she just realised her feelings for him but right now Emma was feeling uncomfortable. 

"Why didn't he accept her?" asked Emma curiously.

"Well, because of you." said Dongwoo. "He was scared of getting his heart broken again." Emma felt her heart sink to the ground, she knew that she hurt Hoya a lot but she never realised just how much it affected him. She would always feel guilty for what she did to him but now her guilt was 10 times worse. Woohyun watched as Emma stared at Hoya and Minah with guilt and hurt in her eyes. Why did Minah have to come back when things were looking good between Emma and Hoya?
And just when Emma thought she couldn't feel any worse, she heard Minah say something which caused her heart to ache even more.

It was really good spending time with you yesterday

Uh oh, things will start to change between Hoya and Emma now so just giving you guys a heads up. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter! Please keep reading and enjoying and commenting and subscribing! Love you all! 












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Chapter 22: OMG!!!I really love this story♡♡♡
Please make Howon love her back!!!I can't handle the drama~~~
btw, update soon author-nim^__^
Chapter 19: Hoya hoya hoya. were gonna have some problems. update soon!
Chapter 17: @_@ ok... strange thing... *sniff* please updae soon~
Chapter 16: ...... omg Hoya! your just gonna run off like that? why? please update soon author-nim!
Chapter 16: yah! why the short update? o.O
sorry for not commenting for so long~ sorry^^
Chapter 12: kyooooo >.< i love you for coupling my suji ^^
can you post some cute pics of woohyun, please? *puppy dog eyes* ? :3
kamsahamnidaaaa!! ;D

and HWAITING on your next update^^ saranghae ;)
Musiclover3132 #7
Chapter 11: Update soon
Chapter 11: whaaaa xD
i can't wait for the next chappieeee >.<
thank you for writing sooo cool stories >.< - sorry, i'm a bit hyper now^^ - still i need an explanation what happened in england...*pushes down her glasses* ;D