Moving on..?

My Hobaby


"Minah?" Hoya looked at the girl in front of him and wave of emotions hit him. Son Minah was the only other girl that had a place in Hoya's heart. Even though she didn't mean as much as Emma, she was the only other girl who had a chance.

After Emma had left for England, Hoya stopped speaking to girls. He didn't want anything to do with them, even though they did nothing to him, the thought of falling in love again scared him. Son Minah was the only girl that broke the walls around Hoya's heart. They met when Minah started attending Hoya's dance school however they didn't speak until they were partnered up for a project a month later. Even though Emma was pretty and attractive to many boys, boys thought Minah was a goddess. Emma had a crooked gummy smile, a wide but cute button nose and a round face. Even though her features didn't stop her from being considered pretty, Minah had the perfect face in the eyes of many Koreans women and men. She had a slim v-line face, a thin nose which looked perfect from surgery, her big and innocent eyes would turn into little half moons every time she smiled and her skin was milky white. Boys were constantly enchanted by her everywhere she went and Hoya was the same. He was attracted to her but he still didn't pay her any attention despite being dance partners however as the weeks went on he realised that she was a caring and sweet girl. At first things started off innocent, they were just friends but as time went on Hoya found himself enjoying her company more and more and before he knew it he had developed a crush on Minah

She was different from Emma. Emma was outgoing and loud, Hoya could joke around with her and they were dorks together. Minah on the other hand was quiet and reserved, her company was comforting and Hoya felt a constant need to always protect her. It was always obvious that Minah liked Hoya a lot but Hoya's love for Emma was the only thing stopping the two from starting a relationship. Hoya was scared of giving his heart out again, he was scared of confessing to Minah so instead he just kept pushing her away, further and further before she couldn't take it anymore. Minah always felt second best to Emma and truthfully she was. Even though Emma had broken Hoya's heart. she had always managed to keep his affections. So when Minah confessed her feelings to Hoya, he cruelly rejected her and cut off all contact with her. Upset and heartbroken over her first love, Minah left the dance school and Hoya had not heard from her since however there were times where he would wonder what could have happened if he didn't reject her. Would they still be going out? Would he had finally forgotten Emma?

Hoya thought back to the last thing Minah had said to him. "I'll always be waiting for you." He wondered if that was still the case.

"Hoya, how are you?" Minah said politely smiling showing her adorable eye smile. He forgot how much he used to love when she smiled.

"I'm good thanks, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm great thanks. It's so good to see you!" she said, "I was hoping to bump into you, I'm always wondering how you are and what you're up to. If you're free now, do you want to hang out and catch up?" She smiled at him, her eyes filled with hope.

Hoya thought for a moment. It was obvious that Minah still had some sort of feelings for him, she looked at him the way he looked at Emma. However he had agreed to move on from Emma. They were never going to work out and he had promised himself that from now on that they were strictly just going to be friends. Minah was a beautiful and nice girl who was interested in him and it couldn't hurt to give her a chance. His feelings for Emma held him back too many times and maybe it was time to move on. Hoya smiled at Minah.

"Sure, I'd love to hang out."

It was now 8 o'clock and Emma was curled up in a ball on her sofa. She was watching a romantic comedy and eating her favourite strawberry ice cream.

"Don't listen to him girl! He is lying to you, he doesn't even like you!" she screamed at the television. She had been waiting for nearly 3 hours now. She tried to call him but after the fifth call, she was scared that she was annoying him so she stopped calling. 

"He'll be here soon." she repeated to herself again and again. Suddenly she heard a text message alert and she practically pounced on her phone. 


Hey sweetie, me and your dad are going to be home much later than we thought. We decided to go and visit some old friends with the Lees. We'll be home after midnight but I'm sure Hoya is great company. Don't burn the house down if you decide to cook. Look after the house and don't stay up too late. Love you lots xxx

Emma scoffed and threw her phone onto the sofa and grabbed a pillow. She punched it viciously. "HOYA, I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU. WHY DID YOU MAKE ME LIKE YOU?!"

An hour later Emma had fallen asleep next to her phone waiting for just a text or a call from her best friend.


After spending 4 hours with Minah, Hoya was on his way on home. He didn't realise how long they had spent together. They weren't awkward and they never ran out of things to say. He didn't know whether it was because he never noticed it before or maybe he was still so hung up on Emma but Minah was actually a very chatty person and he liked it. He was surprised that he had enjoyed himself so much and he couldn't stop smiling on his way home. He then took his phone out of his bag. 



He clicked on his notifications. 


Why was she calling me?


Hey, we're going to be home very late tonight so I don't mind if you sleep round Emma's if you are hanging out there anyway. Don't stay up too late and look after her! 

Oh .


Hey, do you know what time you'll be here? 17:05

Are you nearly here? :) 17:24

I say HO, You say Ya. HO!  17:46

Hoya, I'm bored.  18:16

Hobaby, where are you? 18:23

Should I be worried about you?  18:42

I'm worried  18:54


HOYAAAA! Text me back if you're dead.  18:58

If you aren't here in 10 minutes, I'll make you watch rom coms all night! 19:30


You aren't even home yet! Are you okay? D: 20:27

I'm guessing you aren't coming but if you're hungry, I have food. 20:28

Seriously, you could have told me you weren't coming. I have so much food prepared for you. -_-  20:38

Don't stay out too late  21:06

Hoya never thought he could feel so guilty. How could he forget about his plans with Emma? This was meant to be the beginning of rebuilding their friendship and he went and ed it up. Hoya ran the rest of the journey home and knocked on Emma's door.

"EMMA! It's me! I'm so sorry I totally forgot! Let me in! It's still early, we can still hang out!" he said frantically. He had never forgot about their plans before and neither did she. After waiting for a while, there was still no response from Emma so Hoya used the spare key he had to Emma's house and opened her door himself. His heart sank as he looked at Emma.

He saw all his favourite snacks put out in bowls even his beloved shrimp chips that she was allergic too. He saw his favourite Aloe Vera drink which Emma hated because 'the slimey bits were too slimey." He saw his favourite films stacked up next to the t.v, even Lord of the Rings which she hated because it was '10000 hours of short men. And even when he couldn't feel even worse, he saw that she was wearing a dress and make up even when it was just a movie night, she never usually tried for a movie night.

He brushed her hair out of her face and watched her as she softly snored. He then noticed her phone next to her. She must have been waiting for me to reply.

He sighed as he her cheek gently. How am I meant to move on when you're trying so hard?

I'm backkkkkkk! I know I know, I've been gone for so long but I'm back and I should be updating much more regularly now. I lost the motivation after some things happened in my life but now I'm back and ready to start writing again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I should be back soon. Please check out my other storiea as I shall be updating them as well. Sorry for being such a bad author but forgive me please! Love you all and please keep subscribing, commenting and reading! <3










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Chapter 22: OMG!!!I really love this story♡♡♡
Please make Howon love her back!!!I can't handle the drama~~~
btw, update soon author-nim^__^
Chapter 19: Hoya hoya hoya. were gonna have some problems. update soon!
Chapter 17: @_@ ok... strange thing... *sniff* please updae soon~
Chapter 16: ...... omg Hoya! your just gonna run off like that? why? please update soon author-nim!
Chapter 16: yah! why the short update? o.O
sorry for not commenting for so long~ sorry^^
Chapter 12: kyooooo >.< i love you for coupling my suji ^^
can you post some cute pics of woohyun, please? *puppy dog eyes* ? :3
kamsahamnidaaaa!! ;D

and HWAITING on your next update^^ saranghae ;)
Musiclover3132 #7
Chapter 11: Update soon
Chapter 11: whaaaa xD
i can't wait for the next chappieeee >.<
thank you for writing sooo cool stories >.< - sorry, i'm a bit hyper now^^ - still i need an explanation what happened in england...*pushes down her glasses* ;D