A comforting friend

My Hobaby



I can't believe him. I don't understand what is going through his head. He likes her right? No, correction he LOVES her. So why can't he just go for it? I know what she did hurt him a lot but it hurt her too. It hurt her a lot...

Woohyun was in his sitting room watching his favorite film, it was an ordinary Saturday and he was just relaxing but then he heard a knock on his door. He opened it and there was one of his best friends Emma outside his door with red, swollen eyes.

"Emma, what's wrong?" he said worriedly.

"Woohyun, did you know that Hoya likes me?" Emma said wiping her eyes, you could tell she had been crying a lot.

"Yeah, why?" he said.

"He confessed." Emma then fell and broke down into tears onto Woohyun's porch. She sat there and just kept on crying. Woohyun sat down next to her and put his arm around her shoulder and softly patted her, she put her head on his shoulder.

"Isn't that good? Why are you crying?" he said still patting her. 

"Because I don't want to hurt him, I don't want to see him sad, I don't want to be the reason why he doesn't smile." she said. "I don't like him in that way, I wish that I could return his feelings but I can't Woohyun I can't and it's hurting him."

"That's not your fault, you can't force yourself to like someone, Hoya will understand." he said Emma's hair. "Before you know it, you two will be the best of friends again."

"We won't Woohyun. I'm leaving for England soon for my dad's job. I can stay with my grandma but it will never be the same again if I stay. I can't stay and lead him on." she said stilling sobbing on Woohyun's shoulder.

"Tell him, tell him how you feel" he said. It pained him to see her like this.

"I can't Woohyun, I can't break his heart like that. I cherish him too much. He means too much to me. I can't be the one that takes away his smile."

Woohyun sat up and put his hands on Emma's cheeks and wiped away her tears.

"Emma, you have to be strong and tell him. It's not your fault." 

"Woohyun, I'm scared..."

At Emma's leaving party at Hoya's house the next day, Emma kissed Kikwang, one of Hoya's best friends. Dongwoo saw, Woohyun saw and Hoya saw. Hoya punched Kikwang and ran away wiping his tears. Emma ran after Hoya.

"Hoya, wait!" she screamed.

"No Emma, go to England and never come back! I hate you! You mean nothing to me!" shouted Hoya running up to his room. Emma collasped onto the bottom of the staircase and started crying her eyes out.

Woohyun came over and sat down with her again and hugged her into his chest. 

"Woohyun, don't hate me. Please don't hate me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry." she said sobbing hysterically into his chest.

"Shhhhhh...." he said her hair and rocking her side to side like a mother comforting her crying child. "Don't cry, it's not your fault. I don't hate you."

"Stupid Emma, stupid stupid Emma" Emma pushed herself away from Woohyun and started hitting herself around the head. Woohyun grabbed her wrists to stop her. Emma started crying even more.

"Woohyun, I didn't mean to hurt him. I just wanted him to stop. I wanted him to stop liking me. I wanted us to be the same again. I wanted him to be my best friend again." Woohyun let go of her wrists and gave her a tissue.

"Stop being so nice to me, I don't deserve it." 

"Emma, stop okay? You only did it because you cared so much about your relationship with Hoya. Don't cry, he will forgive you. He is in pain now but in time he will understand why you did it. He just needs to heal." 

Emma stopped crying and wrapped her arms around Woohyun's neck and pulling him into a loving embrace.

"Thank you Woohyun" she said.

"For what?" he asked laughing.

"For being my friend" 

I remember comforting her back then and I could tell she was hurt. I know to him what Emma did seems heartless and cold but she did have a reason for it and even though it does not fully justify what she did, he just needs to forgive. Why does he need to give himself more pain? Argh, why am I getting myself involved with all this drama?


As Woohyun walked down the deserted corridor still thinking about Hoya and Emma, he heard someone crying. He wondered who it could be and decided to investigate. As he got nearer to the cries, he wondered to himself, was it him or did these cries sound familiar? Then his question was answered. These cries were familiar. It was Emma. She was sitting down on the floor in the corner of an empty classroom hugging her knees, crying her eyes out just like the little girl back in middle school. Without a word, he went and sat down next to her. He put her head on his shoulder and began softly her hair. 

"Shhhhh....." he said.

"Woohyun, he said it meant nothing to him. He said to forget about it. How am I meant to forget?" she said sobbing. He continued to her hair. 

"Woohyun, I like him. How funny is that? I caused so much pain because I didn't like him and now I'm here crying my eyes out because I like him. How funny is that?" she said laughing softly through her tears. "How stupid am I? How could I expect him to like me back after I caused him so much pain?" Woohyun didn't say anything and just listened to her.

"I didn't know it would hurt so much. I didn't know it could hurt so much." she cried. "Now I know how he felt, Woohyun. I hate myself even more now. I'm sorry Hoya."

"Emma, please stop" Woohyun said wiping her tears with the tissue. "Don't cry and be strong, there is no point bringing up the past, Hoya and you are friends again. He is just scared, don't worry. Don't cry." Emma then sniffed for one last time and wiped away her remaining tears.

"Sorry for always crying on you, Woohyun."

"Thank you for trusting me, Emma"

AHHHHHHH! It's such a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG chapter but I enjoyed writing it. I wanted to take the attention away fron Hoya and Emma's relationship and focus it on her friendship with some of the other characters. I had to admit while writing this I was starting to ship Emma and Woohyun together but their relationship is much more brotherly and sweet rather than romantic. I guess that's one of the reasons why it was so cute to write. I hope you guys enjoyed, keep on reading and commenting and please subscribe if you haven't! I love you all! <3


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Chapter 22: OMG!!!I really love this story♡♡♡
Please make Howon love her back!!!I can't handle the drama~~~
btw, update soon author-nim^__^
Chapter 19: Hoya hoya hoya. were gonna have some problems. update soon!
Chapter 17: @_@ ok... strange thing... *sniff* please updae soon~
Chapter 16: ...... omg Hoya! your just gonna run off like that? why? please update soon author-nim!
Chapter 16: yah! why the short update? o.O
sorry for not commenting for so long~ sorry^^
Chapter 12: kyooooo >.< i love you for coupling my suji ^^
can you post some cute pics of woohyun, please? *puppy dog eyes* ? :3
kamsahamnidaaaa!! ;D

and HWAITING on your next update^^ saranghae ;)
Musiclover3132 #7
Chapter 11: Update soon
Chapter 11: whaaaa xD
i can't wait for the next chappieeee >.<
thank you for writing sooo cool stories >.< - sorry, i'm a bit hyper now^^ - still i need an explanation what happened in england...*pushes down her glasses* ;D