The Accident

One Sided Love


First, let me apologize for bringing up THE accident again, I know it's a really unfortunate event that no Kyuhyun fan or ELF would want to remember. I, myself, cry everytime I think, hear or read about it. I know you may be thinking of 'Why write it then?' but It just happened :)
I tried to make it sad to the minimum and I know for sure that no matter how I write it, it will never be even close to what really happened. I can't imagine what his friends and family felt like that day.
I'm just thankful he survived ^^


Five Years and Two Months Ago

When Donghae called to inform Siwon about what happened, the latter didn’t even let him finish talking. Just as the word accident was mentioned, he didn’t need his brother to tell him who got into the accident because his gut already told him. His heart was beating abnormally and he just knew something bad happened to the person he loved.

It was dark outside as it was 10pm, and Siwon was already headed to the dorm as he had an important meeting with Kyuhyun. He was dressed up in a black tight jeans, a white v-neck t-shirt and a vest above it. He wanted to look good and he did.

By the time he got the call, Siwon was already in the cab and so he had to ask the driver to change directions. It took about fifteen minutes to get to the hospital, and those minutes were nerve wracking for the boy as his body started shivering with fear.


Once he reached the hospital, there were a lot of reporters lining up at the entrance waiting for some kind of information but Siwon couldn’t care less. His heart already reached the boiling point as he headed to the receptionist and asked about the upcoming accident.

The nurse may or may not have told him the name of the injured person but all he caught at that moment was the VIP waiting room, first turn on the right. With big steps he was now standing in front of a room surrounded by many men who, according to the phones stuck to their ears, he figured they must be the managers. He slowly unlocked the door and as he stepped in, he was welcomed by a crying Donghae who rushed to hug him once he saw him.

Siwon’s eyebrows were frowning, his lips were pursed into a thin line and his eyes were shooting fire. He embraced his brother and waited for him to calm down so he would know what exactly happened. Well, not that he needed to know since the first thing he did when he stepped into that room was to look for one specific someone. However, Yesung was seeing comforting Ryeowook, Sungmin was crying in one corner and Shindong and Hyukjae were also crying on one of the couches and had some scratches over their faces. So when there was no sight of the maknae, Siwon’s heart dropped to his stomach.

“Siwon-ah, it’s … it’s Kyuhyun” Donghae muttered into Siwon's chest but the latter heard it clearly. 

The younger was frozen. Of course he sensed that something bad happened to Kyuhyun when he first got the call, but he wished so badly he was wrong. Now hearing it from his brother, Siwon couldn’t deny the fact that the person he loved dearly was in what it looked like a serious accident.

“H-how is he?” Siwon managed to ask through his dry throat. Even though he was completely shocked, he didn't have the will to cry. He felt the whole world end the minute Donghae called him and told him that there had been an accident. His face was blank, not a tiny bit of emotion escaping his features.

“They were coming from ‘Kiss The Radio’ recording and … the driver lost control and so the van flipped” the older’s tears streamed down his face again as he clamped a hand over his mouth to block his sobs.

Siwon on the other hand was petrified. His body started trembling and his hands turned into fists until his finger nails were digging his palms. His eyes wander over the room again and from the way everyone was crying and weeping, he knew it was very serious.

“Teukkie hyung, Hyukkie and Shindong hyung were also there” Siwon worriedly snapped his head to look back at his brother, he wanted to ask if they were okay but his lips couldn’t move. However, Donghae understood and assured him that they were okay.

“Teukkie hyung needed stitches on his forehead, Heechul and Kangin hyung are with him. The others are okay, just minor scratches”

Siwon nodded relieved, but as soon as a doctor walked in to the waiting room, Siwon’s heart started pounding in his chest.

He watched Kyuhyun’s parents and older sister talking to the doctor, and from the excessive crying, he could tell that something was wrong.


And something was wrong indeed. Since the driver lost control of the vehicle as the van flipped over on its right side, Kyuhyun, who was sitting behind the driver’s seat when the accident occurred, was the most injured.

Kyuhyun had pneumothorax from a fractured hip, broken ribs and facial scratches and bruises. There were serious injuries which blocked the air to run in his lungs. So if Kyuhyun was ever going to survive it, he needed to undergo a surgery where they would make a hole in his neck so they could repair the pierced lungs.

However, if that would to happen, Kyuhyun’s cords would be damaged and so his singing career would be over. Of course it was a death and life decision but everyone knew how Kyuhyun loved to sing. The boy had an amazing gift and was always proud of it. His parents didn’t approve of him joining Super Junior at first, but surprisingly, now that the doctor was telling them how he would take away the boy’s talent, Kyuhyun’s father was the first one to oppose to it. He said that Kyuhyun would rather die than have his voice taking away.


Siwon was watching from the side not daring to comment or interfere in the said person’s life.

To Siwon, Kyuhyun was his other half, his love, the one who stole his heart at first sight. However, he didn’t belong to him. They kissed yes, but Kyuhyun had yet to decide what the kiss meant. 

As much as Siwon’s heart was cracking into million pieces over the idea of his love dying, there were no tears in his eyes. He didn’t shed a single tear and he didn’t know why. Maybe because he believed Kyuhyun would be okay? Maybe because he would break if he cried? Or maybe because he was still in denial?

Either way, Siwon was planning on staying strong because he believed in his love and the power of god. Kyuhyun was nothing but a good guy, he didn’t deserve to die like that. He was young and still had a lot of things to do with his life. Siwon was planning on loving him more and more, to kiss him and take care of him for years ahead. You can’t die Kyuhyun. You can’t just leave me like this.


Siwon couldn’t stay in that room anymore. He couldn’t hear how the doctor was stating that Kyuhyun was going to die if he didn't have the surgery. He couldn’t witness how Kyuhyun’s father was pleading the doctor to find another way to cure him. He just couldn’t.

Silently, he exited the room and with his head hang low, he started walking in a slow pace in one of the corridors until he found himself standing in front of the operation room. His eyes fixed on the red sign above the door, obviously indicating the urgency of the patient’s condition.

Siwon felt a hitch in his breath when a nurse walked out of the surgery room, letting him catch a glimpse of the lifeless man lying on the operation table, with several doctors and nurses above his head. It was only for a mere second but it already did the trick. Siwon fell on his knees, one hand clutching his chest above his aching heart, while the other one forming a fist and punching the floor with all of his strength over and over again. He didn’t seem to feel the pain of his already bloody knuckles. The only pain he felt was the one daggering his heart, a stab after another.


As if it was some kind of a miracle or an answer for his loved ones prayers, Kyuhyun’s life was saved when a Chinese doctor suggested a way to operate without having to damage anything. However, after the surgery was done, Kyuhyun was in a coma and was yet to pass through the danger zone.

So for the next days, Siwon was literally living at the hospital. Kyuhyun was put into the ICU and Siwon stayed in the waiting room the whole night and the day after. As much as Donghae tried to convince him to just go home, the boy would just faintly smile at him and say he was okay just where he was. Donghae of course could sense something strange in Siwon’s behavior but he was sad himself to analyze what was going on.

There were people coming and going to the room since all the family and the members were mostly there since Kyuhyun wasn’t allowed to have visitors seeing how his condition was still critical. Kyuhyun was slipping in and out of consciousness and he needed a respiratory machine to breathe normally, plus the several others hooked to his body.

Siwon didn’t see him. He was just drowning in one of the couches in that waiting room that had become like a funeral home, he didn’t eat and didn’t sleep. Whenever he closed his eyes he would see Kyuhyun on the operating table and so he fought against closing his eyes again. He only survived on water and some yogurt that Kangin forcedly made him eat it.

Siwon of course wasn’t the only one moping about Kyuhyun’s condition, but since the Super Junior members had schedules that they had to attend to, he was mostly left at the hospital alone, miserable and heartbroken. He was holding his breath since the minute Kyuhyun went into the surgery room and he wasn’t willing to let it out until the said boy open his eyes and Siwon could see those chocolate orbs looking at him.


It took Donghae three days to get Siwon to at least go home, take a shower and have some rest, even though he wasn’t that successful when it came to eating. However, he was content by at least getting Siwon out of the hospital.

Siwon only complied to go home because he knew he should at least clean himself up and because he could never resist the sad look on his brother’s face. But even when he did go home, he was back at the hospital five hours later. He just couldn’t stay away from Kyuhyun even if the latter was unconscious and had no idea about what was going on around him. The boy didn’t even go to school because he knew he couldn’t focus on his lessons when Kyuhyun’s image was the only thing on his mind.


On the fourth day of Kyuhyun’s accident, and since the members had an important recording to attend to, Siwon was left yet again alone in that same couch he had being sitting in for the last four days.

When he finally decided to go outside for a while just to get some fresh air, he accidently heard Kyuhyun’s parents talking to the doctor. Siwon’s knees felt weak and he was supporting himself by the wall when the doctor told them that Kyuhyun had only twenty percent chance to live. It was already his fourth day in a coma and it was very rare for him to wake up.

Siwon watched from the side how Kyuhyun’s mother collapsed on the floor when hearing the doctor’s words. How couldn’t she? He was telling her that her only son was probably going to die. Something which Siwon couldn’t accept.

Some nurses came rushing to help Mrs.Cho been transported to a room where they put her for an IV tube, her husband Mr.Cho was by her side and so Siwon was the only one left to be with Kyuhyun.


In the past few days, Siwon hadn’t dared to even take a glance at Kyuhyun because he didn’t think he could handle the view. However since his family was there with him, it made Siwon a bit relieved knowing that when Kyuhyun would open his eyes, he wouldn’t find himself alone.

Drowning in his thoughts, Siwon didn't notice how he was standing in front of the ICU room, looking at Kyuhyun through the glass. A sharp pain travelled into his heart and blood started boiling in his veins. Never in the ten months he knew Kyuhyun did he ever imagine seeing him like that, lifeless and vulnerable. It was the first time Siwon saw him in five days and he wished from the bottom of his heart that it was him on that bed, attached to those machines instead of Kyuhyun. At least Siwon was strong and may have survived the accident but Kyuhyun was weak.

Siwon stood there for a couple of hours but it seemed like forever to him. His gaze was focused on Kyuhyun’s face as if trying to wake him with some magical stare. Siwon had never felt hopeless in his life until that day. However, as he was lost in thoughts, a slight movement in Kyuhyun’s body brought him back to reality. Panic took over him as he didn’t know what to do. Kyuhyun was waking up and he could clearly see him opening his eyes. He wanted to call the doctor but he also didn’t want to leave Kyuhyun alone, not after seeing the look of fear in his eyes.

His feet finally managed to win over his heart as he ran to the corridor and started shouting for help. A nurse soon asked him what was wrong and when he told her Kyuhyun had woken up, she immediately called his doctor.

Siwon stood still in the corridor leaning on one of the walls and waiting for the doctor to come out. His heart was doing flips as worry took over his brain, and not until the doctor came out and told him that Kyuhyun indeed woke up and he was apparently out of the danger zone that Siwon could feel hope again.


The Super Junior members arrived later that afternoon, and were very happy to hear that their maknae woke up. Donghae held Siwon closer to him telling him everything would be okay and at that moment, Siwon let go of his breath.

The boy pulled away from his brother and made his way out of the room leaving everyone startled with his fast pace. However, Siwon didn’t care, he just wanted to get away afraid of breaking in front of the others.

He kept half walking half running until he found himself on the hospital roof. He stood still for a couple of seconds but then, unexpectedly, he started to sob and weep. Siwon who hadn’t shed a single tear since the minute he knew about the accident was now crying his heart out. His knees soon gave up and he fell to the ground. His tears kept on flowing and his heart was aching too much that he felt he was going to pass out.

Siwon was crying loudly and sobbing hard that he didn’t notice the man approaching him. Heechul apparently was worried about Siwon when he saw him dashing from the room and so he followed him. He only wanted to make sure he was okay but the scene he witnessed was heartbreaking even for the diva of Super Junior. He walked to Siwon and crouched next to him, lending him his shoulder.

Siwon’s eyes were too blurry to notice who it was but he appreciated the shoulder offered to him. He buried his face in Heechul’s chest and continued to cry more and more.

It was getting hard to breathe and so Heechul decided he should speak before the boy would pass out. He cupped Siwon’s cheeks and made him look at him.

“Siwon-ah, breathe, breathe”

Siwon could finally recognize the person in front of him and he was glad it wasn’t Donghae because he knew it would make him sad seeing his brother in that state.

“C-Chullie hyu-ng! I-I can’t … I can’t ..”                 

“It’s okay, It’s okay. Just breathe”

Heechul was wondering why Siwon and Kyuhyun acted weird around each other and his gut already told him the other day that something fishy was going on between the two, however, he wasn’t hundred percent sure until the day of the accident when he noticed Siwon’s response to the whole thing, and now seeing him cry a river like that, he was certain that this boy was in love with Kyuhyun.

They sat there for several minutes since Siwon’s tears didn’t seem to stop. It was like all the emotions he was holding back in the past four days came bursting out. His heart needed the assurance that Kyuhyun would be okay and now that he did, he couldn’t block his sadness or the need to rip whoever caused this accident’s head off. He couldn’t pretend anymore.


“Feeling better?” Heechul asked when he felt the sobbing turned into sniffs.

“Thanks hyung”

“You love him, don’t you?” Heechul asked causing the boy in his arms to flinch at the sudden question. However he didn’t want to lie. He was tired of hiding his feelings and he wanted everyone to know that he was in love with Kyuhyun. He wasn’t ashamed of it and he was sure Heechul wouldn’t judge him.

“I do” Siwon muttered as he pulled away from Heechul’s embrace so he could see the latter’s reaction.

“I knew it!” Heechul said excitedly and Siwon couldn’t help but prick a faint smile. However, the next question managed to erase it.

“So are you guys like together?”

“Not yet”

“What do you mean not yet? Doesn’t he feel the same way?”

“I was supposed to know when he got into the accident” Siwon sadly stated before turning his gaze to the sky and slightly laughing at his cursed luck.


(Five Days Ago) The Kiss …

“Wow” Siwon managed to utter after normalizing his breath.

“Was this your first kiss?” Kyuhyun asked while pulling slightly away to get a better look at Siwon’s face.

“Real kiss? Yeah, pretty much” Siwon stated smiling and looking into Kyuhyun’s face who, according to Siwon, was cutely, adorably blushing.

“Oh boy! I’m corrupting you”

Siwon laughed heartily at Kyuhyun’s way of thinking, calling his dimples to appear again which only made Kyuhyun more frustrated.

“What are you doing to me!” Kyuhyun closed his eyes as he tossed his head back, revealing his milky slender neck and causing Siwon to bulge his eyes out at the sight.

Damn that neck! I wanna eat it, it, bite it, mark it...

And he didn’t realize that his head already leaned forward and his mouth started kissing every inch of Kyuhyun’s neck until the latter moaned. It was a very loud groan that made Siwon smirk into Kyuhyun’s flesh and led to more abusing on the spot behind the earlobe. Sensitive spot, noted.

Siwon was sure seizing that chance to enjoy Kyuhyun’s body. His hand wrapped possessively over Kyuhyun’s waist while his mouth moved up to nibble on Kyuhyun’s jaw.

“Can I kiss you again?” Siwon huskily asked but he wished he didn’t since Kyuhyun came back to his senses and stood up.


With his hands on his hips, he was pacing back and forth on the balcony while nervously biting his thumb. Siwon couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene. His love was very much seductive yet ridiculous. Kyuhyun was very oblivious to his feelings and Siwon knew by then that the latter felt, or at least was starting to feel the same way about him no matter how he tried to deny it.

Siwon finally stood up and caught the pacing boy in his arms.

“Hey, talk to me” Kyuhyun could see the sincerity in Siwon’s eyes which made him even more confused and his mind was working very fast that he started to feel dizzy. He covered his face with both of his hands before burying his head in Siwon’s shoulder

Since Kyuhyun was pretty much sinking in the crook of Siwon’s neck, he missed on how Siwon’s smile was reaching his ears. The boy was on cloud nine right now since he was waiting for that moment for a very long time, ten months to be precise. He let his arms wrap around Kyuhyun’s small figure, enjoying the warmth born with their bodies pressed so closely against each other.

“Give me time to think” Kyuhyun pulled away after a few seconds and looked into Siwon’s eyes not missing how they turned sad at his request.

“Think about what?”

“Whatever this is? I mean you’re Siwon and not to mention six…”

“I swear if you talk about the age thing again, I’m gonna kiss you right now” Kyuhyun was flattered by that idea since he liked kissing Siwon, but he didn’t want  to let his decision be affected by a mere feeling of joy over sharing a kiss with the boy.

“Love knows no age, please give me a chance. I know you feel something for me, you just need…” He was soon shut by Kyuhyun’s index on his lips.

“One day. That’s all I’m asking for”

Siwon sighed as he slightly nodded and pressed a light kiss on the finger that was resting on his lips, causing Kyuhyun to pull it away instantly and so emitting a chuckle from Siwon.


“Yes. At …” He reached for Siwon’s arm to look at the watch, which was his gift of course, and the younger didn’t miss on the faint blush or the light smile as Kyuhyun continued “10pm”

Kyuhyun then turned away to leave but as he was about to, Siwon gripped his wrist.

“No goodbye kiss? Aren’t you going to miss me?” Siwon pouted as he asked innocently but it only got him a roll of the eyes from the maknae.

Nevertheless, Kyuhyun leaned forward and was aiming for a kiss on the cheek but Siwon moved his head so it landed on his lips. Kyuhyun of course blushed heavily as he stomped outside the balcony with a ‘Very childish’ comment.


Just as Kyuhyun was out of sight, Siwon was jumping in his place up and down, throwing fist to the air and weirdly high fiving himself. Obviously, he was happy, satisfied, thrilled and everything a person in love who just got his first real kiss from the person he loves should be like and even more.

Who knew his happiness wouldn't even last a day...


The Present Day

Siwon is sitting on the couch, his knees pulled to his chest and his hand clamped over his mouth blocking his sobs from being heard, not wanting to wake his roommate. However, the latter did rouse as he heads to where the tiny noise is coming from while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. But as he catches his friend crying, he is soon fully awake.

“Hey buddy, what’s wrong?”

“I-I was just watching RS and this stupid MC asked about his accident … and … and …”

“Ssh, it’s okay. It was a long time ago. He’s okay now”

Siwon leans on Minho’s shoulder with tears still flowing from his eyes upon remembering not only the horrible accident, but also that unfortunate event that followed it.

I don't know how this turned into a 4000 word! Anyway I tried to put some wonkyu love so please don't be sad ^^

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Chapter 27: Rereading this again because you updates the last chapter of remembrance.. Still loving this fic even after many years :””
queenie2975 #2
Make a sequel please???
WonkyuLovers #3
Chapter 27: This fic very beautiful. Make me cry and happy together. One sided love my favorite fic now. Really2 love this .
WonkyuLovers #4
Chapter 18: Im cry again hiks hiks
WonkyuLovers #5
Chapter 17: This chapter make me cry ... I sorry for coment now. But I enjoyed this fic so forget to coment. Im sorry TT
W84eedy #6
Chapter 27: Nice of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
Merettevan #7
Chapter 27: This AU was really good! Set with some realistic elements but different at the same time, I enjoyed it so much that I ended up reading it till 5 am lol, I couldn't stop, thank gosh it was a weekend! I laughed and I suffered too, I was thankful to their friends while I wanted to shake both WonKyu and made them talk to each other lol, I love them so much so I'm glad they ended up together. Loving Minho and Taemin's relationship, not a ship of mine but I think they were really cute and nice! Thank you for the story!
Jyotimeena #8
Chapter 10: ahh!! it's so great😍
aimeeocana23 #9
Chapter 27: I really like this story. I make me cry, laugh,jealous, angry etc.
INdeed your a great writer!!!
So happy that i see it.
Chapter 27: Thankyou for this story :''' wonkyu love is everywhere yeay