
One Sided Love


Kyuhyun just got out from the shower and is now standing in front of his closet with a towel wrapped around his waist, while his hands are on his hips. He needs to get ready because today is his first meeting with Hyukjae, Siwon and Minho about the birthday planning.

Last night, he got a call from Hyukjae telling him that they’re meeting at Donghae’s house to plan the surprise. Of course Kyuhyun didn’t feel like going to that house and see Siwon being all sweet to Minho, or better yet be faced by a Siwon again, but he did promise to help, plus he kind of has a little ulterior motive as well…

Kyuhyun has being thinking about it a lot lately. If Siwon really wants to be friends, then first, Kyuhyun needs to be sure that the latter has no feelings left for him whatsoever. Second, if Siwon is truly happy with Minho, then Kyuhyun decided he won’t interfere and be pleased of having Siwon as a friend as long as he has him by his side.

So, since Kyuhyun hasn’t seen Siwon in a week, he is now thinking of what to wear to impress the guy. He picks a pair of blue jeans that he knows are the tightest among his wardrobe, a blue v-neck t-shirt that shows a quite amount of his milky chest, and a ripped blue and red shirt above it.

When he’s done dressing up, he looks at himself in the mirror and smirks as he finds his body very much seductive even for himself. His eyes land on the necklace around his neck and luckily its chain is long enough to be hidden under his t-shirt.

Friends, ha? We’ll see about that.

So after spraying some perfume, Kyuhyun drives to Donghae’s house.


Once he’s standing at the entrance, Kyuhyun takes a deep breath as he straightens out his outfit before he knocks on the door. A minute later, the door is open and Siwon is standing in front of him looking gorgeous as well with his casual jeans and white t-shirt.

Siwon knows that Kyuhyun will be dropping by to talk about his brother’s birthday, but he still can’t get over his fluttering heart whenever the maknae is in front of him, especially when he’s looking hot like he does right now.

Kyuhyun pats himself mentally for the look Siwon is giving him. The latter is standing still, not saying a word as he’s lost in contemplating Kyuhyun’s looks. His eyes wander down the older’s long legs and round thighs that are accentuated with the tight pants he’s wearing, making them look very tempting to touch, and when his sight lands next on the boy’s chest, Siwon can’t help but gulp at the very low neckline that reached the middle of his s… Why the hell am I thinking about his rosy, beautiful, erected s? Siwon you need to snap out of it…

Not until the maknae, satisfied, clears his throat that Siwon realizes he was dozing off. He shifts his gaze away from Kyuhyun’s body, trying to compose himself and calm down his beating heart and the twitch in his pants before looking at him again.

“G-Good morning hyung”

“Good morning” Kyuhyun greets back with a sweet smile, making blood rush to Siwon’s face.

“Come in” Siwon scoots to the side to let him in, but he regrets it right away when his sight lands on Kyuhyun’s bottom, causing him to clench on the door hard until his knuckles turn white.

“Hyukjae hyung is not here yet?” Kyuhyun can’t stop himself from acting cute. He’s putting all of his cuteness out there to see if Siwon will get affected and so far, he’s happy to see that it’s working.

“Not yet” Siwon simply answers before heading to the living room and sitting himself on one of the couches. His elbows are resting on his knees while his head is hanging down.

“Where’s Minho?” Kyuhyun asks as he takes a seat on the couch as well, to Siwon’s dismay, the one on his side where he can see all of Kyuhyun’s beauty just inches away, but he can’t touch it.

“Taking a shower” That kind of managed to make Kyuhyun’s heart sink a bit, but he already said he won’t care about that right now because he wants to know if Siwon still feels something for him because lately,  Heechul’s words from three years ago, has been stuck in his mind…

‘It’s not that easy to forget… not when it comes to my lovely maknae’


So they sit in silence, no one is daring to talk first as they’re just focusing on their racing hearts. Kyuhyun, on one side, is leaning his back on the couch and playing with his phone even though his mind is on Siwon and how he always manages to make his heart about to explode just because of his presence.

Siwon, on the other side, is still looking down, but he’s stealing glances at Kyuhyun from the corner of his eye, while his hands are entwined together to prevent him from acting irrationally and just lash them on Kyuhyun.

“Sorry I’m late”

Finally Minho walks in to the room causing Siwon to sigh in relief because his friend got him out of his misery. Kyuhyun on the other hand, frowns as he doesn’t like the interruption, because even though he and Siwon weren’t even talking, he’s good whenever the two are alone in the room since it gives his heart warmth in a strange way.

However, Minho with his wet shiny hair had to disturb them and sit right beside Siwon before putting a hand on the latter’s knee, leaving Kyuhyun furious, pressing harshly on his phone as he dials someone’s number.

Siwon looks at Minho’s hand before confusedly looking up, but Minho only winks at him before muttering ‘Just go with it’ in English so Kyuhyun won’t understand him.

Siwon, not in a good mood to argue, just let his knee being taking by his friend’s hand as he turns to look at Kyuhyun who’s now crossing one arm over his chest and pressing the phone to his ear with the other.

“Where are you?”

> Sorry, I’m on my way <

“Better be here soon”

> Why so rushed? The birthday isn’t going anywhere! <

“Just be here”

> I’m already parki- <

When Kyuhyun hangs up, he finds four eyes staring at him. His gaze lands once again on Minho’s hand over Siwon’s knee and when he looks at the guy, the latter just smirks at him, causing him to clench his jaw in annoyance.

“Was that Hyukjae hyung?” Asks Siwon who doesn’t seem to catch on the way Kyuhyun and his friend are glaring at each other.

“It wasn’t Hyukjae hyung. It was C-“ Before Kyuhyun can finish, the doorbell rang and Siwon excused himself to open the door. Once he walked out of the living room, Minho innocently eyes Kyuhyun while sweetly smiles at him, increasing Kyuhyun’s anger.

How I wish I can wash that smile off your face… You’re that happy you have Siwon? Well, guess what? He used to love me once… I am his first love… what would you think about that, ha? You’re lucky I don’t want to hurt him…

Seconds later, Siwon walks back in to the living room with a guy trailing behind him…

“Kyu hyung, someone’s here for you” Siwon declares quite upset about the happy smile his guest is giving Kyuhyun.

“Max! You’re here!” Kyuhyun exclaims as he stands up and walks to his friend Changmin to hug him. The latter is startled by the sudden show of affection because during the years of their friendship, Kyuhyun was never the one to initiate skinship.

“Kyu? Are you okay?” He worriedly asks as he pulls away from the hug, feeling confused especially when Kyuhyun cutely smiles at him.

“I’m okay. Glad you’re helping”

When Changmin’s frown deepens on his face, he suddenly feels a pinch on his arm making him hiss in pain but it’s soon covered by a cough when Kyuhyun glares at him.

Siwon, who is watching from the side, is gritting his teeth at the view of Kyuhyun being a little too friendly in his opinion to this guy who he has never met before. Changmin looks familiar to him, but he doesn’t remember where he saw him before.

“Siwon, this is Changmin”

“From TVXQ?” Minho cuts in, leaving Siwon some time to process the whole thing.

“Yes. Hyukjae hyung asked me to bring him along so he can help” Kyuhyun explains, looking at Siwon and trying to read his mind at the same time. However, the latter is having a blank expression on his face even though his mind is asking all sorts of questions.

“So you must be Siwon-ssi?” Changmin turns to look at the dumbfounded Siwon who is still trying to push away his possessiveness feelings.

“Nice to meet you Changmin-ssi” He calmly states but not without looking at Kyuhyun to find the latter also looking at him.

Their gazes meet and Kyuhyun’s smile disappears into a thin line as he’s lost once again in Siwon’s orbs.

KH: What the hell am I doing? You make me do stupid things Siwon… from the minute you walked in to my life, I’ve been doing all sorts of crazy things… I wish I can just tell you how I feel… I wish it can be easy to know if you still love me even a bit… but that guy sitting right there owns your heart and I… I want you to myself but why is it so difficult?

SW: Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun… You think I already moved on? Is that why you’re so careless around me? Is that why you don’t care about showing your affection to someone other than me? Why are you making it hard for me? I can’t see you acting like this with someone else… Don’t you love me at least a little bit? Don’t you care a tiny bit for me to give me a chance? I know I said let’s be friends, but you should know I don’t mean it… You should know that love doesn’t die that easily…


A sudden beep in Siwon’s pocket makes him break his gaze away from Kyuhyun.

“It’s Hyukjae hyung. He said his schedule is taking longer than expected” Siwon announces.

“Well, we should start without him then” The cheerful Changmin cuts in, causing Kyuhyun and Siwon to look at each other again, but they quickly shifted their gazes away.

They settle down on the couch again. Siwon and Kyuhyun take their earlier seats. The younger sits next to Minho, while Changmin sits next to the maknae. 

“So, where should we hold the party?”

Kyuhyun can’t help but smile at how his friend seems really into this planning thing. He has a goofy smile on his face and he’s obviously excited to this surprise birthday as if it’s his own.

“The dorms or here” Siwon answers.

“I think here is best. We have a lot of schedules in the upcoming week and so Hae hyung will be spending a lot of his time at the dorms”

Kyuhyun replies while looking at Siwon whose body is tensing up with each word coming out of Kyuhyun’s mouth since the latter’s orbs are looking directly at him.

“But this is his house. He will sure come here to take his stuff or something”

Minho cuts in, causing Kyuhyun to avert his eyes away from Siwon and look at him instead. There’s clearly a difference in his look since the soft orbs that were looking at Siwon, are now full of jealousy when they’re looking at Minho.

“It’s not like we’ll be setting up for the birthday from today!”

Kyuhyun tried to make his tone sounds calm, but it ended up coming out angry instead, which makes Siwon frown at how the maknae is talking kind of rudely to his friend. However, before he can say anything, Changmin cuts in.

“I think Hyukjae hyung will handle that. Besides, there’s still a week ahead, so we’ll just have to make him busy on the party day”

Siwon slowly nods, forgetting what he was thinking a minute ago. “So how should we plan this?”

“The DJ is on me!” Changmin yet again cheerfully announced, causing the other three guys to unconsciously giggle at his enthusiasm.

“Yah, Max! Why are you so excited?” Kyuhyun playfully slaps Changmin’s arm while the latter just pouts at him.

“Because no one has ever threw me a surprise birthday party before!”

Kyuhyun feels sorry for his friend as he wraps his arms around him and rocks their bodies together, not really noticing how Siwon is gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw as he watches from the side.

“That’s because your birthday always coincidence with a really important schedule!”

Changmin thinks for a minute before letting his pout turn into a wide grin. He ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair as he says “You have a point there”

Just as Kyuhyun starts laughing and also ruffling Changmin’s hair, Siwon clears his throat because he can’t handle the view of the makane laughing beautifully for someone else.

“So DJ?”

Kyuhyun frees Changmin and turns to look at the man he loves with narrowed eyes, looking intently at Siwon’s flaming orbs that are trying hard to look at anything but him.

“Yes. He’s a friend of mine, so he’ll give me a discount. So you take care of the other things and I can handle an awesome DJ!”

Even though Siwon is very much furious to see the way Kyuhyun and Changmin are acting up, he can’t help but think that this Changmin guy is a really nice person.

“Ok, thanks. So, I’ll take care of catering?”

“Can I be in charge of the cake and sweets? Please, please?” Kyuhyun excitedly turns to Siwon and asks.

He doesn’t know why Siwon is giving him a shocked look, since he didn’t ask for something extreme, until Siwon’s gaze fall to his lap, making Kyuhyun follows where he’s looking, to find his hands clenching on Siwon’s thigh.

He snaps his head at Siwon before quickly withdrawing his hands and entwining them on his lap, while biting his bottom lip in embarrassment.

Siwon’s surprised look suddenly vanished as he pricks a smile at the blushful Kyuhyun next to him. His hand unconsciously rests on where Kyuhyun was touching him, slowly caressing it with his thumb while still gazing at Kyuhyun who’s hoping for the earth to split up and swallow him right there.

“Are you planning some prank?” Changmin breaks the awkward silence when he senses Kyuhyun’s face could explode any minute.

“I just want to choose the cake!” Kyuhyun snaps back sulking, causing his friend to throw an arm over his shoulder to coax him, and so leading to end Siwon’s moment of enjoying what just happened. However, it doesn’t just end there. When Siwon is about to, yet again, get them back on the birthday topic, Changmin beats him to it.

“Oh, by the way maknae… Tonight, my dorm or yours?”

Siwon’s jaw dropped open at the sudden question. He did not know that Changmin and Kyuhyun are that close, which makes blood pump fast in his heart.

“Will Yunho hyung be there?”

“Nope. We have the whole dorm to ourselves!”

“Awesome! I’m in!”

Siwon’s heart starts beating even faster while his hands turn into fists. He can’t believe what he just heard, and to add to it, the glow in Kyuhyun’s eyes makes his insides boil with jealousy.

“Yes! Our favorite time!”

Just when Kyuhyun nods at Changmin’s comment, Siwon can’t take it anymore as he abruptly stands up, causing the two smiling boys to turn their attention at him.

“What would you like to drink?”

Kyuhyun doesn’t miss on how Siwon is talking with gritted teeth, or how he’s avoiding his gaze, which makes his eyebows frown in confusion.

Before getting an answer, Siwon heads to the kitchen leaving the other three in the room dumbfounded… or maybe just two of them since Minho knows exactly what just happened…

“Favorite time, ha?” Minho curiously asks when Siwon disappears into the kitchen.

“Yep! Drinking wine and playing video games without anyone disturbing us!” Changmin excitingly states, leading to an ‘o’ to form on Minho’s face.


Suddenly, there’s a breaking sound heard from the kitchen, causing Kyuhyun and Minho to immediately dash to see what happened, while Changmin stays in his place, feeling uncomfortable since it’s his first time in the house.

So when they stand at the entrance, they catch Siwon hissing in pain while a broken coffee mug is shattered on the floor all around his legs. Kyuhyun’s eyes bulge out at the scene, while Minho runs to get the first aid kit.

Siwon feels embarrassed as he avoids looking at Kyuhyun. His mind is clouded by jealousy and rage that he doesn’t want to look at the maknae. When he replays Kyuhyun’s conversation with Changmin, he can’t help but feel furious.

The fact is, Siwon misunderstood what ‘favorite time’ means. Well, who wouldn’t since they were asking where to meet and even feeling excited about how the dorm will be empty. Siwon’s imagination instantly went wild and so he made the drinks as an excuse to not punch Changmin and break the hand that’s lying on his Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

When he disappeared into the kitchen, he gritted his teeth so his curses wouldn’t come out, and with his hands on his hips, he angrily paced in the room from one side to the other, trying to let go of his anger.  However, Siwon was too blinded by jealousy that he fisted his hand firmly and landed a punch on the wall.

If Siwon wasn’t strong, his hand would’ve broke because of the force he used. He let out all of his frustration into that punch, leaving his knuckles bleeding and making a coffee mug that was hanging on the kitchen wall, to drop to the floor and break into pieces, causing one of them to cut his foot.


Siwon is trying to hide his bleeding hand because he doesn’t have a valid excuse for what he just did. He back faces Kyuhyun and takes a deep breath to calm down, but his body soon tenses up when a hand reach his shoulder.

Kyuhyun who’s terrified about seeing Siwon hurt, quickly approached him while his eyes wander over his body to see where he’s hurt, and when his sight lands on the floor, he gasps as he notices Siwon’s foot bleeding. The younger slowly turns around and follows Kyuhyun’s gaze before cursing when he sees the cut on his leg and the blood dripping from it.

Kyuhyun’s worried eyes find Siwon’s and they just stare at each other without even talking. Siwon is trying to understand the anxious look in Kyuhyun’s orbs, while the latter is trying to figure out the reason behind the hurt expression in the younger’s.

They’re both lost in each other’s gaze and Siwon can finally feel his anger washing away. The soft look on the maknae’s chocolate orbs is more than enough to make him forget about everything. However, their short moment is yet again interrupted as Changmin walks in to the kitchen.

“Is everything okay?”

His question was normal and innocent, however when Siwon hears him, his lips purse into a thin line as he let his gaze escape Kyuhyun’s. He recalls about their conversation earlier and soon the anger starts to build up in his chest. Luckily, Minho comes back with the first-aid kit and interrupts whatever awkward mood there is in the room.

He walks to Siwon and examines the cut on his foot before asking him to sit on the stool next to the counter. Kyuhyun tries to help him out, stretching his arm for Siwon to take it, but the latter coldly rejects it and motions for Minho to help him instead.

Kyuhyun felt hurt and didn’t expect such an attitude from the younger. So he decides to just walk out of there before his tears can betray him.

“We’ll be taking our leave now” He states to no one in particular as he drags the puzzled Changmin with him.


“You’re an idiot!” Minho snaps at Siwon when he hears the bang from the front door.

“What? Why?” Siwon stares at him confused.

“Why are you treating him like that?”

“What do you mean? Hadn’t you hear what he said? He and that Changmin are…” Siwon can’t finish his sentence because he can’t seem to say the words.

A smack on the back of his back made him wince in pain, while looking shocked at his friend.

“Favorite time, meaning drinking wine and playing video games! They’re friends, you idiot!”

Minho clarifies causing Siwon’s eyes to pop out for a couple of seconds before his lips curve a wide smile that makes Minho Tsk at his friend’s irrational behavior.

“You mean… my Kyu isn’t sleeping with him?”

“He’s not. And you just hurt him now when he wanted to help you”

Siwon’s expression suddenly turns sad but he still smiles while sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.


The next time they meet, is when Hyukjae comes dashing into Kyuhyun’s room, with a guilty Siwon trailing behind him.

It has been two days since they last met and Siwon knew he needs to apologize to Kyuhyun, but he never got the chance. Well, until now, when he was summoned by Hyukjae so they can discuss one further detail about the birthday party.

The maknae is startled when he catches Siwon walking into his room. He shuts down his laptop and sets it aside as he glares at Hyukjae for the non-notice, but he only gets a shrug from latter’s shoulder.

“Hey, hyung” Siwon greets as he walks closer to Kyuhyun’s bed, but the latter greets him back without looking at him.


Kyuhyun had already filled in his hyung about what happened at Donghae’s house, and so Hyukjae knows why they’re acting weird right now. That’s why, he pretends he forgot something in his room and has to go get it.

“Shoot! Forgot something… be right back”

He pushes Siwon further before dashing out of the room and closing the door behind him, causing Kyuhyun to curse at him under his breath while Siwon innocently blinks, trying to figure out what just happened.

Siwon can see Kyuhyun nervously playing with his fingers while avoiding his gaze, so he takes a seat on the bed and stares at the floor for a minute, trying to figure out how to apologize to him.

“About last time… I’m sorry” He mutters in a low whisper but it still made Kyuhyun snap his eyes at him.

“For?” Kyuhyun is now looking at Siwon, but the latter is still looking at the floor.

“When you wanted to help me, I…”

“It’s okay. Minho was there” Kyuhyun bluntly states, but not without feeling a sting in his heart over the idea of Minho being the one taking care of Siwon and not him.

Siwon raises his head to look at Kyuhyun and his heart makes a hurtful jump when he sees the painful look on the maknae’s face.

SW: Did I hurt him that much? But… I don’t understand…

KH: Why can’t it be me? I’m the one who’s supposed to take care of you. I’m the one you should lean on.

Suddenly, Siwon’s eyes bulge out when Kyuhyun crawls next to him and picks his hand to look at it.

“What happened to your hand?” He worriedly exclaims while examining the bandaged hand, but the close proximity between their faces makes it hard for Siwon to form an answer.

“I thought you hurt your leg?” Kyuhyun frowns as he tries to recall the former incident. However, he doesn’t seem to know how Siwon would hurt his hand as well.

“I did. This is nothing, don’t worry about it”

Siwon manages to assure Kyuhyun that his hand is okay and even though the maknae isn’t as convinced, he lets go of Siwon’s hand and retreats back to his place, so much to Siwon’s dismay.

How would he hurt his hand? Did he punch something?

“I’m here” Hyukjae finally returns to the room and climbs on the bed to sit between the two, because that way they will have to face each other as they sit crossed legs.

“So, I was thinking about the guests. Who should we invite?”

“There’s us, Siwon and Minho, Max and Yunho hyung, Jino, Jay hyung… who else?”

”We don’t want to make it crowded” Siwon comments and Kyuhyun nods in agreement.

“How about the girls?” Hyukjae asks, looking at Kyuhyun who eyes him questionably, sensing where his hyung is going with this topic.

“Who is he close to?” Kyuhyun asks back with a hint of annoyance in his look which only earns him a smirk from Hyukjae.


Just as the last band is mentioned, Kyuhyun’s eyes grow in size and he snaps his head in Siwon’s direction. The latter is hanging his head low, looking at his hands that are nervously fidgeting together. Of course he knows that band and he hates hearing its name because it only reminds him of the girl Kyuhyun slept with three years ago. His lips prick a faint smile at the memory which doesn’t go unnoticed by the maknae.

“S-siwon..” He starts but stops when Siwon looks up at him, waiting for what he’s about to say.

“What do you think? I mean… he’s your brother”

Kyuhyun knows that even if Siwon doesn’t love him anymore, the thought of the girl Kyuhyun cheated on him with, is still very disturbing and must bring a lot of bad memories to him.

“I’m not that familiar with his friends circle” He simply replies, without moving his gaze away from Kyuhyun’s nervous orbs.

“Well he’s close to Victoria, Amber, Soo-young… Seohyun”

Kyuhyun’s eyes snap back at Hyukjae who has an innocent expression written on his face like he didn’t do anything wrong. Siwon on the other hand, fisted his hands firmly while closing his eyes for a second to not let his anger take the best of him.

“Do you still have Seohyun’s phone number Kyu?”

Now Kyuhyun’s mouth fell agape, not able to believe his friend that he trusts is doing this to him.

“I mean you did fake date her three years ago”

When Hyukjae adds, Kyuhyun realizes what his hyung is trying to do and so his grimace softens before he slowly averts his gaze to see Siwon’s reaction.

“Fake date her?” Siwon asks surprised, and it's Kyuhyun's turn to stare at his lap.

“Yeah. The management made him date her because of that kissing picture, but they were just pretending in front of cameras. They never even hang out off cameras”

Siwon’s frown deepens with each word coming out of Hyukjae’s mouth. He’s confused and trying to figure out what it means but he still doesn’t quite understand.

Wasn’t that girl his girlfriend? Didn’t he start dating her when we got back from New York? I don’t understand… He pretended to date her because of that picture? But…

“But he slept with her” Siwon’s eyes pop out when his thought came out loudly.

The room turns silent and Kyuhyun can’t believe what Siwon just said. He keeps his head low, hiding the tears that are already welling in his eyes. He doesn’t want Siwon to see him crying and he doesn’t want to look weak in front of him. His hands clench tightly on his pants, swallowing his unshed tears before abruptly standing up and dashing out of the room.

Hyukjae immediately storms after him, while Siwon is left sitting on the bed looking after them guilty and confused.


Siwon and Kyuhyun never met again after their last talk. The maknae was too hurt because of Siwon’s words, not that what he said wasn’t true, but it made him remember the heartaches that he caused the younger because of his stupid mistake.

Kyuhyun has already been living with the guilt for over three years and the fact that he betrayed Siwon has never left his mind. He doesn’t need Siwon reminding him of it, because he never actually forgotten about it.

Every time he looks at his necklace, he remembers it…

Every time he looks at Donghae, he remembers it…

Every time the word New York is mentioned, he remembers it…

Every time he looks at his scars, he remembers it…

Every time he looks at the snow, he remembers it...

And each time... his heart breaks all over again. That’s why it hurt him even more when it came out from Siwon’s mouth. It felt more painful that way.


So just like that, as Kyuhyun busied himself with his schedules and Siwon with his work at the hospital, it’s finally time for the birthday party.

Kyuhyun dressed himself in black tight jeans, white t-shirt and a sleeveless red vest. He put light eyeliner on his eyes, accentuating their almond shape.

Siwon on the other hand, wore a pair of black pants, with a define blue/white shirt, highlighting his sculptured body.

So the plan is for all the guests to gather at Siwon’s house, while Hyukjae will keep Donghae busy until all is set to bring him there.

As a participant in the planning, Kyuhyun leaves for the party early to check on how everything is going. If anything doesn’t goes wrong, it’s him who will get blamed for it by Hyukjae.

When he arrives, one of the caters opens the door for him. When he steps inside, he directly walks to the back yard where the party will be held. The DJ stand is there, the decorations are all set up and the food is neatly lined up on the buffet table.

It’s 8:30pm, already dark outside, and so the little candles circling the swimming pool, are giving the place a nice glow. Kyuhyun smiles as everything is going smoothly so far. The party officially starts in half an hour and so he decides to head inside to see if he’s needed.

As he’s about to step in to the living room, he hears someone having a conversation on the phone, which he recognizes as Minho, but when he’s about to take another step, a certain name is mentioned making Kyuhyun gasp in surprise…

“Yes baby, I can’t wait to see you… It’s okay, I’ll wait for you… I love you too Taeminnie”

Kyuhyun’s eyes bulge out and he’s too blinded by anger that he doesn’t realize when his legs carried him inside and made him stand in front of the startled guy. One hand clutched on the younger’s collar while the other one lands a punch on his face, sending the boy falling hard on the floor.

“What the hell is going on?”

Siwon, who saw how Kyuhyun punched his friend, rushes down the stairs and walks to Minho to help him, while glaring at Kyuhyun who’s gritting his teeth in fury.

“What’s wrong with you?” Siwon asks again but this time he’s standing in front of Kyuhyun, looking straight into his eyes.

“What’s wrong with me? Ask him!” As he motions with his index finger to the boy still lying on the floor with blood on his lower lip.

Siwon looks at him confused, not quite finding any acceptable reason that can make Kyuhyun punch Minho. The guy has never offended him in any way. In contrary, he always urged Siwon to go after him.

“Can I know what I did wrong?” Minho curiously asks as he stands up and faces Kyuhyun. However, the latter lets out a mocking laugh which only makes Siwon angrier as he grips the maknae’s arm and drags him upstairs.

Kyuhyun was taking off guard that he only lets Siwon pull him to his room. The younger pushes him inside and closes the door behind them. Kyuhyun looks at him shocked but he can’t seem to utter any word as he just stares at Siwon with arms crossed over his chest.

“Do you think I didn't notice how rude you are to him?” 

The younger shouts, causing Kyuhyun to part his lips in disbelief since Siwon has never yelled at him before. His heart stings. 

Kyuhyun doesn’t know what to say, and he doesn’t want to tell Siwon the reason why he punched Minho. He knows Siwon will be hurt if he knew that once again he’s being cheated on, and he isn’t going to let it happen. That’s why he just stands there motionless, looking at anything but the man in front of him.

“Can’t you at least defend yourself?”

Siwon’s tone turns softer as he pleadingly looks at Kyuhyun. However, the latter is not answering him and is too focused on keeping his eyes on the wall in front of him, that he doesn’t notice the younger approaching him.

“Is your hand okay?”

Kyuhyun looks at him surprised. The guy who was angry and yelling at him a second ago, is now having a tender look in his orbs and it’s driving Kyuhyun crazy. He can feel the younger’s soft touch on his skin which makes him loosen up his hold and let him check his hand.

Siwon’s fingers lightly caress Kyuhyun’s bruised knuckles. He’s gripping tightly yet gently on the maknae’s hand as if not wanting to ever let go of it. He slowly raises it to his lips and presses a light kiss on the wounded part, causing Kyuhyun’s body to tremble and his heart to start pounding in his chest.

“What is it Kyuhyun?”

He slowly mutters after lowering their hands and letting his gaze meet Kyuhyun’s. The latter has no idea how to answer that and so he just willingly loses himself in the touch of the hand that’s still gripping his, and the sincere look Siwon is giving him.

“Why did you kiss me the other day?”

Siwon adds when he doesn’t get any response. Of course he didn’t forget about the kiss. He was only scared to mention it, afraid of the answer.

“I didn’t kiss you. It was an accident, remember?”

Kyuhyun’s cheeks turn crimson and he, yet again, averts his gaze. Siwon sadly smiles, not quite satisfied by that answer.

“You moved your lips…”

“I did not!”

Kyuhyun snaps back, slightly pouting and blushing even harder, causing Siwon’s temper to be back to angry. He doesn’t know why Kyuhyun is acting childish and unlike himself. First he punches Minho and doesn’t want to state his reasons, and now when Siwon asks him about why Kyuhyun kissed him a few weeks ago, the maknae denies it.

“You did!”

“How?” Kyuhyun daringly looks him in the eyes and Siwon doesn’t know what to say anymore “Show me!”

He can’t believe what he just asked. The words just came out of his mouth so fast that now he can’t take them back. Not when Siwon already takes a step closer, erasing the space between their bodies, cups the older's cheeks, and leans forward to capture his lips.

Here you go! Sorry, I'm only late because I wanted it to be longer :D
Well, Jealous Won is here... too much bruises and blood in this chap haha
Min is for Minho! and you guessed it right, Taeminie will be here soon XD
Anyway, hope you guys liked it
Thanks again for all of your comment! 

Siwon's clothes for the party:

(Look at those veins! ___♥)


(Super cute!)

And when Kyuhyun stopped by Siwon's house, this is what I had in mine... aavnavjbnabvna!

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Chapter 27: Rereading this again because you updates the last chapter of remembrance.. Still loving this fic even after many years :””
queenie2975 #2
Make a sequel please???
WonkyuLovers #3
Chapter 27: This fic very beautiful. Make me cry and happy together. One sided love my favorite fic now. Really2 love this .
WonkyuLovers #4
Chapter 18: Im cry again hiks hiks
WonkyuLovers #5
Chapter 17: This chapter make me cry ... I sorry for coment now. But I enjoyed this fic so forget to coment. Im sorry TT
W84eedy #6
Chapter 27: Nice of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
Merettevan #7
Chapter 27: This AU was really good! Set with some realistic elements but different at the same time, I enjoyed it so much that I ended up reading it till 5 am lol, I couldn't stop, thank gosh it was a weekend! I laughed and I suffered too, I was thankful to their friends while I wanted to shake both WonKyu and made them talk to each other lol, I love them so much so I'm glad they ended up together. Loving Minho and Taemin's relationship, not a ship of mine but I think they were really cute and nice! Thank you for the story!
Jyotimeena #8
Chapter 10: ahh!! it's so great😍
aimeeocana23 #9
Chapter 27: I really like this story. I make me cry, laugh,jealous, angry etc.
INdeed your a great writer!!!
So happy that i see it.
Chapter 27: Thankyou for this story :''' wonkyu love is everywhere yeay