
One Sided Love


Kyuhyun storms out to the back yard, eyes slightly puffy and orbs shooting fire. Apparently, the guests are all here and they’re already lining up around the pool, waiting for the birthday boy to come.

As he took place next to Changmin, his eyes wander around the spacious area, only to land on Siwon and Minho standing in one corner, too close in Kyuhyun’s opinion. Siwon’s hand is holding Minho’s chin, probably inspecting the cut Kyuhyun made when he punched him, causing the latter to squint his eyes at their proximity.

There weren’t a lot of people invited, just the close ones, from Super Junior members, to the other SM bands that are acquainted to Donghae and his band mates. One of them was Seohyun actually, the girl that Kyuhyun slept with. She was surely gazing at him but the latter is too immersed in observing Siwon, that he doesn’t notice and doesn’t even care about her right now.

Siwon on the other hand, is trying hard not to let his eyes meet Kyuhyun’s. After what happened earlier, he knows that he won’t be able to hold it if he looks at him again. That’s why, after he tends to Minho, whose pretty face has a bruise next to his mouth and a small cut on his lower lip, he focuses on the other guests, welcoming and thanking them for coming.

A minute later, Hyukjae texted Siwon telling him they’re already parking the car, and so the younger informed everyone and soon all fell silent, waiting for Donghae to step in so they can shout over their lungs with the ‘Surprise’.

Kyuhyun feels bad that he’s not that focused on the birthday boy, but more on his little brother, but when he thinks of what happened earlier, his mind can’t concentrate, and he can only curse himself and his twisted luck… Well maybe a twisted love life, since his professional one is much greater.

So as the main lights suddenly turn on and a young man with hands covering his eyes walks in, the whole terrace lightened up and loud shouts echo in the air. Donghae is so excited as he clamps a hand over his mouth in surprise, and even Hyukjae who already knew about it all, can’t help but squeal at the view.

A sincere smile curved on Kyuhyun’s lips as he watches his favorite hyung slash one of his best friends overjoyed. His heart still aches, but he swallows it and tries his hard to be happy as well for his hyung.

However, he doesn’t notice how on the side, someone is looking at him. After a lot of debates with his mind, Siwon couldn’t help but take a glimpse at the maknae, which he feels no regret about it once he sees the beautiful smile of the man he loves so much. A smile of his own finds its place on his face while his heart beats rapidly at the view. Kyuhyun is standing under a big light ball, which is illuminating his already milky face, and giving him a special sparkle to which Siwon is left breathless.

When everyone walks up to Donghae to congratulate him, Kyuhyun finds himself standing still in his place, and as if he feels two blazing eyes on him, he turns his face to the side, and is faced by a heavenly looking Siwon gazing at him. The maknae’s expression is blank. His earlier anger is soon forgotten when he stares into Siwon’s eyes. He doesn’t know what to think about the way the younger is looking at him right now, or why he can’t seem to avert his gaze, so he just quietly looks at him.

They stood there, a few feet away from each other, no one willing to turn his face away first, until Minho blocks Kyuhyun’s sight when he stood in his line of view. The maknae clenches his jaw when flashes of Minho’s earlier conversation come to his mind. He still doesn’t know who Taeminie is, and he still doesn’t know how to tell Siwon. So instead, he decides to talk to Minho about it.

He didn’t have a chance to do so until the party started kicking in and the DJ, which he thinks Changmin did a great job by bringing him, started playing loud music, letting no choice for the guests but to start dancing and moving their hips to the rhythm.

When Kyuhyun walks in to the kitchen to ask if they still have some extra strawberry tart that he finds delicious, he catches Minho there.

Kyuhyun feels his rage shooting back as his eyes are clouded with anger. His hands fisted but he tries not to punch him again even though that idea did cross his mind. He takes a step closer until he’s a feet away from him. He looks straight into his eyes and determinedly warns him.

“You better not hurt him, because if you do… you’ll have to deal with the evil maknae”

Minho is just standing there puzzled as Kyuhyun threw those words and turned to leave. However, before he can exit the kitchen, he turns around again and adds “He doesn’t deserve to be hurt again”

Minho’s knitted eyebrows relax with the last statement. Unlike the first threat, Kyuhyun’s eyes now have a soft and tender look in them. Minho is a smart guy and he knew from the first day he met Kyuhyun that the boy is in love with Siwon, and the way the maknae spoke those last words, just confirmed his intuition.

But what does it have to do with me? Who’s going to hurt Siwon again?

Luckily, or unluckily for Kyuhyun, Siwon walks in to the kitchen just when he’s about to step out. Kyuhyun is startled as his body almost bumped into him, which would’ve been very awkward considering how they left things off earlier.

When Siwon can take his eyes away from the blushing maknae, they wander further behind Kyuhyun to catch Minho looking confused with his mouth slightly agape. The latter notices Siwon and decides to head back to the party so the two can talk.

However, as Siwon watches his friend passing him by with a frown on his forehead, he soon purses his lips into a thin line and puts his hands on each of Kyuhyun’s arms to make him look at him.

“Why are you after him? He’s younger than you and he did nothing bad to you to bully him. You should seriously stop being childish”

Those words sent a stab straight into Kyuhyun’s heart. His eyes well up with tears and he doesn’t know what he did wrong. If trying to protect Siwon is what he did wrong, then yes he’s guilty. However, the way the younger is defending Minho is way too hard for him to handle.

Swallowing the bitterness in his throat, he harshly shrugs Siwon’s arms and stomps out of the kitchen with a sharp comment that left Siwon bewilder.

“Screw you, Siwon”


When Kyuhyun returns to the party, he heads directly to Changmin and drags him to the middle of the yard after he whispers in his ear…


And so with the most abashed expression on his face, Changmin lets his body get pulled to wherever his friend wants. Only when Kyuhyun’s hands find his chest, that he snaps out of it and stares intently at Kyuhyun for a few seconds, noting the desperate look in his eyes and how they’re b with tears, before resting his hands on the maknae’s hips.

Kyuhyun gave him a smile, and even though it was really faint, like only a twitch from his lips, Changmin knows what it means. He’s been friends with the maknae for too long to know that Kyuhyun is not feeling well right now. Also, he knows pretty well that when Kyuhyun is dealing with something, he doesn’t like to talk about it right away. That’s why, Changmin smiles widely, as if letting Kyuhyun know that he understood him, before he sways his hips to the music and starts making a few of his silly dancing moves that he knows it will cheer the maknae.

Well, it worked. Although his insides are boiling with disappointment, Kyuhyun appreciates the goofy moves his friend is making to cheer him up. His eyes involuntary search for that special someone and when they land on him, the said person is standing by the terrace entrance, looking offended and hurt as he stares at Kyuhyun being all too clingy to Changmin’s body.

As if the older read his thought, Kyuhyun turns his body around so his back is now flat on Changmin’s chest. He doesn’t stop moving, but in fact he starts dancing ily. He seductively moves his on his friend’s crotch, which the latter respond to by a weird chuckle and the hands on Kyuhyun’s hips slightly pushing him, not really comfortable with the friction of their private areas. He knows it will be very inappropriate if he gets a hard on, although he knows that Kyuhyun must be doing this for a very good reason to which he’s so curious to know.

Siwon, whose eyes never left Kyuhyun’s body, is his hands so hard that his fingers are digging on his palms. His teeth gnash together as an attempt to stop him from screaming off his lungs. He has no idea when or why Kyuhyun changed like this. He’s no longer the sweet innocent boy he fell in love with. Although he’s known as the evil maknae, he had never acted the way he does right now and Siwon finds himself sorry for him.

When did you lose yourself, Kyu?

Having enough of the explicit show, Siwon turns around and disappear into the house. Just as he did, Kyuhyun stops dancing and turns to face Changmin again. He mutters a small thank you before disappearing as well between the crowd and heading to the buffet to stuff his stomach. Food has always being his resort when he’s heartbroken. That’s how he gained weight in the last three years.

“Are you okay?” Someone whispered into his ears, because he wouldn’t be able to hear him otherwise because of the loud music, and Kyuhyun doesn’t need to turn to know it’s no other than Hyukjae. After all, his hyung always knew when he’s upset about something… especially about Siwon.

Kyuhyun doesn’t bother to answer. He just slightly nods but Hyukjae knows he’s not. His arm drapes over his back and let him lean his head on his shoulder. The maknae put the plate back on the table and clutched the tablecloth instead, trying hard to prevent his tears from coming out.

“He kissed me” He finally whispers, and luckily, his face is close to Hyukjae’s ear or the latter wouldn’t be able to hear him.

“Siwon? When? How?” Even though it’s kind of good news, Hyukjae knows that if it was a good thing, the maknae wouldn’t be leaning on his shoulder trying to suppress his tears.

Kyuhyun pulls away and faintly smiles at his hyung before leaning to whisper in his ear.

“He doesn’t love me anymore” 


“Why did you kiss me the other day?”

Siwon added when he didn’t get any response. Of course he didn’t forget about the kiss. He was only scared to mention it, afraid of the answer.

“I didn’t kiss you. It was an accident, remember?”

Kyuhyun’s cheeks turned crimson and he, yet again, averted his gaze. Siwon sadly smiled, not quite satisfied by that answer.

“You moved your lips…”

“I did not!”

Kyuhyun snapped back, slightly pouting and blushing even harder, causing Siwon’s temper to be back to angry. He didn’t know why Kyuhyun was acting childish and unlike himself. First he punched Minho and didn’t want to state his reasons, and now when Siwon asked him about why Kyuhyun kissed him a few weeks ago, the maknae denied it.

“You did!”

“How?” Kyuhyun daringly looked him in the eyes and Siwon didn’t know what to say anymore “Show me!”

He couldn’t believe what he just asked. The words just came out of his mouth so fast that he couldn’t take them back. Not when Siwon already took a step closer, erasing the space between their bodies, cupped the older's cheeks, and leaned forward to capture his lips.

At first, Siwon didn’t know what he had just done. Kyuhyun’s upper lip was sandwiched between his own just like the accident kiss from a few weeks ago. His mouth stayed in that position for a quite few seconds, not daring to move. He wanted to know what Kyuhyun would do and if he would reject him, but the latter seemed very relaxed and wanted the kiss as well.

His mind and heart were arguing on whether he should really kiss Kyuhyun or not. However, his heart won as he pressed his mouth and on the flesh between his lips before moving to do the same thing to the bottom lip.

Kyuhyun wasn’t moving at first. He was just enjoying how Siwon played with his lips. However, seconds later, it didn’t feel enough so he started kissing back.

Siwon titled Kyuhyun’s head to the side to get better access to those sinful lips, while Kyuhyun parted his mouth to receive Siwon’s hot muscle. The younger immediately slipped in his tongue and let it be by Kyuhyun.

Soon, the gentle kiss turned into a passionate, desperate one as Kyuhyun’s hand clutched on Siwon’s shirt from the back, drawing him closer to him. Their tongues started dancing perfectly like they used to do years ago. It didn’t really feel that different since they never got to kiss anyone after each other. However, it did feel more demanding and more heated up since they have been longing for each other for too long.

One of Siwon’s hands that were cupping Kyuhyun’s cheek moved to his nape, letting its thumb gently caress the slender neck, and earning him a moan from the maknae, whose hands were possessively wrapped around Siwon’s back.

They didn’t know when they started moving but soon the back of Kyuhyun's knees hit the bed and he fell backwards on it, dragging Siwon with him without breaking the kiss.

The kiss deepened even more as their bodies were pressed together. Siwon was hovering over Kyuhyun, while his body that was aching for the maknae’s touch, started slowly rocking up and down, seeking for more friction. Kyuhyun didn’t seem to mind at all as different kinds of moans escaped his mouth.

Unfortunately, their lungs were running out of air and so the heated kiss turned into small, chaste kisses, until their lips were merely brushing and they were breathing each other’s air.

When they opened their eyes, they were lost in each other’s orbs until suddenly Siwon started to freak out a bit, muttering incoherent words since his mind was working fast after the mind blowing kiss he just had with the man he loves the most.

“Sorry…I…shouldn’t have…It’s … right…Minho doesn’t…I should get back …”

Kyuhyun was definitely confused. He wasn’t expecting for Minho’s name to come up when they just shared something so beautiful and intense. His grimace changed instantly, especially when Siwon stood up, nervously scratched his nape before disappearing out of the room, leaving him lying there, embarrassed and kind of aroused.

See, what Siwon meant by his non-so-coherent sentence was ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that now. It’s not the right time… Minho doesn’t know the guests. I should get back downstairs’

And what Kyuhyun actually understood was ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t have kissed you. It’s not right... Minho doesn’t deserve this. I should get back to him’

Kyuhyun stayed in the same position for several minutes, trying to mend his broken heart and get over the humiliation of his rejection. A few tears escaped his eyes no matter how hard he tried to suppress them, and he bit on his hand to stop the sobs from coming out.

When he could finally process everything, he headed back downstairs because that day was all about Donghae and so he would try to smile and enjoy the party, because he knew he would be crying himself to sleep that night.


When the party is over and everyone went home, Donghae insisted that Kyuhyun and Changmin stay over because he was thankful to them for helping throw him this surprise. Hyukjae tried to tell his boyfriend that they may not want to, sensing how Kyuhyun’s body tensed up at the question. However, Donghae sulked and his eyes easily started to get watery that the two boys didn’t have the heart to say no, especially since it’s his birthday.

So that’s how they’re now sitting in the living room, exhausted and spent, each one for a reason. Donghae is tired because he has being dancing and entertaining his guests, Hyukjae because he was worrying about his boyfriend getting drunk from one side, and comforting his maknae from the other side, Changmin is mostly tired for hitting on girls and trying to woo them with his jokes, and Minho isn’t that tired but he’s really stressed out because he has been waiting for a certain phone call the whole evening.

On the other hand, Siwon is tired because he’s been battling with his feelings all night. Feeling jealous, yearning for Kyuhyun, trying to find answers for a bunch of questions going through his mind, and focusing on anything but the need to jump on Kyuhyun and take him back to his bed.

As for Kyuhyun, the boy had a quite shocking evening so far. He got rejected by the person he loves the most, and that person yelled at him for the second time today. He’s just very worn out because of how hard he fought not to cry.


“Minho-ah, what’s with your face?” Donghae worriedly asks when his eyes catch the purple bruise on the boy’s mouth, to which Siwon purses his lips in disappointment, and to which Kyuhyun glues his eyes on the floor.

“Just a little accident with the door. Don’t worry about it”

Unconsciously, Kyuhyun lets out a mocking laugh, managing to turn all the attention on him.

“Is everything okay, Kyu?” Donghae, who seems to be the only one oblivious in the room, asks while patting Kyuhyun’s back.

The maknae looks up at him and smiles to assure him it’s nothing. Donghae doesn’t look convinced but the next sound of the doorbell, doesn’t give him a chance to ask any further.

“I’ll get it!” Minho abruptly stands up and walks out of the living room to open the door.

A minute later, he returns with a boy trailing behind him as they’re tightly holding hands. Siwon is the first one to react as he jumps off the couch and hugs the new boy, while Kyuhyun narrows his eyes in confusion as his eyes catch the goofy smile on Minho’s face, and next trail down to see the entwined fingers.

“Hyung! I missed you” The new boy exclaims, hugging Siwon with one arm, since Minho doesn’t seem to want to let go of his other one.

“I missed you too! I didn’t know you’ll be coming tonight!”


Kyuhyun watches how the girly looking boy, in his opinion, replies in a singing voice, causing a huge smile to plaster on Siwon’s face, a smile that he didn’t get to see a lot lately.

“Look at you all smiley!”

Minho sheepishly rubs the back of his head when Siwon pokes his cheek. The latter always finds it fun to tease his friend when it comes to his boyfriend.

“Hyungs, this is Taemin… My boyfriend”

Taemin? As in Taeminie? Oh god! Boyfriend? But I thought… Siwon is… oh god, oh god! How stupid can I be?

Kyuhyun freezes in his spot when he hears Minho introducing his boyfriend. He can’t believe that all this time he thought Siwon is the one dating Minho when the truth is they’re just friends. Well, you can’t blame him as the two always acted intimately with all the skinship… Besides, how should he know? Siwon never said anything…

Kyuhyun can feel a hand on his knee but he’s too shocked to even move his head. Hyukjae is quite surprised as well, and he can’t think of anything that can soothe whatever Kyuhyun is feeling right now.

“Since when?” Hyukjae asks when Minho introduced them to his boyfriend as well.

“Two years and eight months” Minho states and Kyuhyun’s eyes bulged out even more.

“I remember how you used to talk about him non-stop when I first moved in to LA Siwon laughingly teases again, causing Minho to slap his arm playfully and a blush to spread on his face.

“Because of Siwon hyung I agreed to go out with him” Taemin adds, earning him a deep pout from his boyfriend while Siwon just keeps laughing at them.

“How so?” Changmin, who’s excitedly listening to the boys story, curiously asks.

“Well, he sent Siwon to befriend me so he can ask me out later on”

"I was shy, okay?" Minho defends himself, causing Taemin to lean down and press a kiss on his cheek to coax him.

“But Siwon hyung never had luck in finding someone to love like I found Minho” Taemin declares, purposely of course, causing Siwon to shift in his seat and glance at Kyuhyun whose still frozen from too much information.

“Because he can’t seem to let go of someone” Minho adds, eying Kyuhyun and noticing how his eyes bulge out at his statement, and not really scared by the glare Siwon is giving him.

“You can’t help who your heart yearns for”

And just as Taemin says that, Kyuhyun decides he had enough. He abruptly stands up and without looking at anyone he asks Changmin to drive him home.

“Max, please let’s go”

He takes one glance at Donghae wishing him a happy birthday again, then turning to Taemin and slightly bowing at him, before he disappears from the house. Changmin follows right after.

Siwon is left dumbfounded staring at Kyuhyun’s disappearing back, not really sure of why the sudden outburst. He averts his gaze to his friends, then to his brother and Hyukjae, with a big question mark on his face.

“I’ll talk to him” 


Kyuhyun is about to step in Changmin’s car when Hyukjae shouts after him.

“Kyu, wait up!”

He held him by the wrist but Kyuhyun is too weak to struggle, so he lets himself being pulled away from the car and from Changmin.

“I’m okay hyung. I just need to get out of here” He forces a smile on his lips, but Hyukjae knows it’s not real.

“Talk to me, please”

“Not now, hyung. Please, I feel like crying and I don’t want to cry”

Kyuhyun feels like suffocating from the unshed tears. His throat hurts and his heart stings. Hyukjae pulls him into a hug and pats his back in a soothing way. However, it doesn’t make it any less painful.

“I can’t believe how stupid I am! I hurt him before when I didn’t trust in my feelings, and now I’ve hurt him again when I didn’t trust in his. I’m such a big idiot” Kyuhyun pulls away and grunts in frustration.

“You’re not Kyu. I thought he was dating Minho as well!”

Hyukjae is trying to comfort him because even him, thought Siwon and Minho were together.

“That’s because you’re on my side hyung! Oh god… and the things I did with Changmin! He must hate me now!”

Kyuhyun buries his face in his hands. He thinks of how he’s been acting around him and how he was dancing with Changmin earlier and the way Siwon was furiously looking at him, and suddenly everything clicked in his mind.

How can I be so insensitive, not to mention freaking blind? He must’ve suffered watching me intimate with someone else! I should’ve known that Siwon didn't move on, that he still has feelings for me... I should’ve just manned up and talked to him!

“He can’t hate you. Come on, let’s just get back inside first”

“I can’t” When his hyung opens his mouth to argue, Kyuhyun puts a hand over his shoulder and adds “Don’t worry, I’ll be okay”

“Are you going back to the dorms?”

“No. I wanna be alone”

“Then where are you going?”

“Don’t worry about me. Bye hyung”

Kyuhyun hugs him before turning around to walk to the car where Changmin is already waiting for him. Hyukjae can only stares as the car takes off before he walks back inside the house.


“Is Kyu okay, hyung?”

Siwon worriedly asks once Hyukjae is in the living room. However, the latter is so upset about how things turn out for their maknae that he snaps at the younger.

“Seriously? How can he be okay?”

“What happened?”

“You’re such an idiot Siwon”

“Yah! Hyukkie! Why are you talking to him like that?”

Donghae cuts in, but it only earns him a loud sigh from his boyfriend before he retorts at Siwon again.

“Because he is! He can’t see what’s right in front of him”


Siwon is offended by the sudden harsh tone from his hyung. He doesn’t know what he did wrong, and he doesn’t know what it has to do with Kyuhyun storming out of the house like that.

“He went after you to the airport, you know”

Hyukjae’s tone turns soft as he sadly stares straight into Siwon’s eyes. He walks further to sit back on the couch next to Donghae before resting his elbows on his knees and burying his head in his hands.

“What? Who?”

“Who else? Kyuhyun!”

Hyukjae snaps his head up and looks at Siwon in disbelief. He can’t believe how oblivious Siwon is being right now. Who else would go after him to the airport? Of course he’s talking about Kyuhyun.

“H-He did?”

“Yes! But he was too late. You were already gone”

Hyukjae knows that Kyuhyun will scold him if he knew about this. However, he can’t not interfere anymore. He can’t watch his favorite dongsaeng suffering any longer. This has to stop, and Hyukjae decides to put everything out in the open.


Hyujkae’s POV:

It’s been a hectic month in Super Junior. Ever since we got back from China, we’ve being doing a schedule after another. We didn’t have time to even talk with each other because we’ve been busy as hell. Whenever we get back from yet another busy day, we would retreat to our rooms and sleep, because that was what we were lacking recently.

After a month, the management finally decided to give us a day off. I was relieved but kind of disappointed that Donghae had to spend the day with his brother since the latter decided to fly back to the US. So I decided to just chill out at the dorms and maybe ask the maknae for a match in Starcraft.

When I stepped into his room, he was of course already playing. When he noticed me, he paused the game and faced me.

“Hyung! What are you doing here? Thought you’d be with Hae hyung”

“My Hae is busy”

“Woah! Really? Fishy doesn’t have time for Monkey? That’s strange” He mocked me but I only stuck my tongue out at him and took a seat on the bed across from him.

“Yeah, he wanted to spend time with Siwon before he leaves”

“Leave? Where?” I could see his eyes popping out but I figured he already knew. I mean Kyu was the closest to him between us.

“Yeah. Back to the US. You didn’t know?”

Kyuhyun’s expression suddenly dropped and his eyes started to brim with tears. I had no idea what was going on so I just waited for him to enlighten me about his reaction.

However, he fell silent for a couple of minutes before clenching on his shirt. I didn’t know why he did that until I noticed he was actually holding to a necklace he was wearing.

“He’s leaving?”

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion because he was just repeating what I said. Didn’t he understand my words? But before I could snap at him, tears started to flow down his face and he started crying and sobbing. I had no clue to what I did wrong but the soft look he was giving me told me that I wasn’t the reason for his tears.

I approached him and pulled him into my embrace. I coaxed him for a few minutes, ruffling his hair, and drawing circles on his back to comfort him, while stopping myself from crying as well. Ever since Kyuhyun’s accident we could never handle seeing him hurt.

When his crying reduced to sniffs, I freed him from my arms and made him look at me. After a few seconds of hesitation, he finally told me the whole story. By the time he was done, I had an unreadable expression on my face and all I could say was “Wow!”

My reaction made him blush as he averted his gaze to his lap, fidgeting with his entwined fingers. Not until I thoroughly processed the new information and linked all the previous events together, that I could finally speak.

“So you love him?” He nodded without looking up.

“Then what are you waiting for?” I looked at my wrist watch and did a little calculation in my head before answering the puzzled look on his face.

“His flight leaves in forty minutes. Let’s go!”

I could see his eyes glistening not only from the tears but from the hope that he might still have time. He was quickly on his feet, wiping his face with the back of his hand before picking up his coat and dragging me outside.

Unfortunately, the streets were packed since it was a weekend and when we finally managed to reach the airport, we saw Donghae already coming out and at that second my phone started buzzing. It was him, Donghae, telling me that Siwon already left. I apologetically looked at Kyu whose hand was already on the door ready to unlock it, but he quickly leaned back on his seat when he saw my grimace.

A second later we could see a plane taking off and all I could do was hold my dongsaeng’s hand as the tears won over him again.


“B-But he never told me… Why did he…” Siwon nervously asks after Hyukjae had finished filling them on what happened three years ago.

“You really don’t know why? Gosh, the answer is right under a thin layer… Literally!”

“Hyukkie, just spill it out” Donghae, who already has tears in his eyes, snaps once again at his boyfriend.

“He loves you!”

“What? K-Kyu… loves me?”

Siwon doesn’t know how to react. He should be happy that Kyuhyun loves him, but he feels angry at himself for never noticing.

“He has been sad ever since Siwon left. He lost weight, didn’t smile, didn’t go out if it’s not for his schedules... But later on he seemed fine” Donghae states.

“Because he believed Siwon will forgive him one day”

“But I already did!” Siwon defends, but it only manages to make Hyukjae frustrated.

“You came back with HIM! Who by the way, Kyuhyun thought he was your boyfriend until a minute ago” He points at Minho who hitches his breath when he hears it.

“WHAT? That’s ridiculous!” Siwon abruptly stands up and looks between his friend and Hyukjae.

“Well, have you ever told him Minho is just a friend?”

“That explains it…” Minho blurs out absentmindedly, causing all eyes to land on him.

“Explains what?”

“Why he punched me… He actually heard me talking on the phone with Taemin and he thought I was cheating on you”

“My Kyu…” Siwon’s arms rose up to his head, fingers running through his hair in frustration and bitterness.

“Earlier in the kitchen he said that you don’t deserve to be hurt again and that if I did, I’ll have to deal with him”

“Even I, thought you were two dating! Where the hell have you been hiding your boyfriend there?”

Hyukjae annoyingly, but not offensively, points at Taemin this time.

“So you both have been in love with each other, but you thought otherwise?”

Donghae states, causing Siwon to realize that that’s what’s important right now… They both love each other.

“Where is he now hyung?” Siwon asks.

“I don’t know. He said he won’t go back to the dorms”

“Hyung, please call Changmin-ssi”

And Hyukjae immediately does…

“Chang, is Kyu still with you?”

> I dropped him by your old dorm a minute ago <

“Old dorm? What is he doing there?”




Here you go another update XD
So, revelations are here... What do u think Kyuhyun is doing right now haha
Sorry Taemin's role is tiny, but he did his share in making Kyu realize how stupid he was!
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it

PS: Sorry, no pictures for WonKyu this time lol
But let's say thanks to 2min XD


(wonsugarkyu-b I've only seen pictures, but you're right, 2min is cute... not as much as WonKyu though xD)

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Chapter 27: Rereading this again because you updates the last chapter of remembrance.. Still loving this fic even after many years :””
queenie2975 #2
Make a sequel please???
WonkyuLovers #3
Chapter 27: This fic very beautiful. Make me cry and happy together. One sided love my favorite fic now. Really2 love this .
WonkyuLovers #4
Chapter 18: Im cry again hiks hiks
WonkyuLovers #5
Chapter 17: This chapter make me cry ... I sorry for coment now. But I enjoyed this fic so forget to coment. Im sorry TT
W84eedy #6
Chapter 27: Nice of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
Merettevan #7
Chapter 27: This AU was really good! Set with some realistic elements but different at the same time, I enjoyed it so much that I ended up reading it till 5 am lol, I couldn't stop, thank gosh it was a weekend! I laughed and I suffered too, I was thankful to their friends while I wanted to shake both WonKyu and made them talk to each other lol, I love them so much so I'm glad they ended up together. Loving Minho and Taemin's relationship, not a ship of mine but I think they were really cute and nice! Thank you for the story!
Jyotimeena #8
Chapter 10: ahh!! it's so great😍
aimeeocana23 #9
Chapter 27: I really like this story. I make me cry, laugh,jealous, angry etc.
INdeed your a great writer!!!
So happy that i see it.
Chapter 27: Thankyou for this story :''' wonkyu love is everywhere yeay