
One Sided Love


Three years and eight months ago 

Siwon’s POV
Even though Kyuhyun’s hand is secured in mine, I still can’t believe he’s here. My heart is beating so fast and I’m so happy. I’m flying with Kyuhyun to the US. Just the two of us! Oh my god, I just hope I won’t embarrass myself around him.

His hand feels so soft and it fits perfectly in mine. I’ve always been fond of his long fingers, which is kind of weird, right? Well, I don’t care… I have a Kyu-hands !

What’s that? I feel something heavy on my shoulder. I open my eyes and see that Kyuhyun is asleep and leaning on me. My heart seriously can’t take this. He already took off his cap and shades, letting his fluffy hair cover his eyes, his plump red lips are slightly pouting making me really want to taste them again. I wish I can get the chance to kiss Kyuhyun again.

This is going to be a long flight. I just hope I can hold it until we get there.


It was a fourteen hour flight, and Siwon and Kyuhyun couldn’t be any more exhausted. The younger felt bad because thanks to him, the maknae has to suffer through the long hour flight. However, as much as Kyuhyun was tired and in serious need of a comfortable bed to lay on, he managed to give Siwon an assuring smile from time to time and try hard not to sulk or complain because of the guilty look that was painted on Siwon’s face since the third hour of the trip.

When the flight landed and they reached JFK airport, Siwon felt even worse than he already did before, seeing the way Kyuhyun was stretching and supporting his weight by the wall. Kyuhyun was still weak from the accident even though it happened a long time ago. In spite of his recovery, his body was still vulnerable.

“Are you feeling okay?” Siwon sadly asked and Kyuhyun nodded as he smiled at him.

Kyuhyun put back on his hat and shades, in case someone would recognize him, and they both headed to the entrance to get a taxi.

Luckily, they didn’t wait for long. Siwon opened the door for Kyuhyun before he got in as well, and told the driver to take them to the ‘Roosvelt hotel’.

“I hope you don’t mind us staying in a hotel. My grandparents are redecorating their house and they’re only staying at their friend’s house” Siwon admitted as he shyly scratched the back of his head, causing Kyuhyun to blush although the latter had no idea why. It wasn’t like the first time staying at a hotel, and it wasn’t like he was going to share a room with the younger… Or was he?


“Good afternoon, I should have a room reserved under the name of Choi Siwon”

“Please wait for a moment Sir… Here you go Mr.Choi. Enjoy your state”

“Can you please book me another one?”

“I’m sorry Mr.Choi, but we’re fully booked for the rest of the month”

Siwon turned to look at Kyuhyun who was standing next to him, admiring how Siwon spoke fluent English. Kyuhyun was blushing and he couldn’t deny how the younger looked hotter with his English accent.

“Hyung, they don’t have another free room”

That snapped Kyuhyun from his astonishment, as his lips slightly parted upon realizing that he would have to share a room with Siwon after all.

“B-but it can’t be! There can’t possibly not be a single room left in this big hotel!” Kyuhyun half hissed half screamed and Siwon noticed how that drew the attention of the people around them. He quickly thanked the receptionist and dragged Kyuhyun to the hall.


The maknae was folding his arms over his chest, not liking the situation he was put in at all. They were standing next to the elevator, and luckily there wasn’t many people passing by.

“If I knew you were coming, I would’ve booked us two rooms” Siwon stated but Kyuhyun only shrugged his shoulders as if he didn’t care. He only wanted a bed for himself to lay his tired body on it.

Siwon sighed, because as much as he loved how cute Kyuhyun was being at that moment, he was tired himself and he knew there wasn’t any other solution than the two of them sharing a room together.

“Are you scared I will do something to you?”

Kyuhyun’s face turned red and his eyes grew bigger that Siwon could notice them even behind the shades, which only answered the younger’s question.

“I’ll take that as a yes” Siwon smirked and Kyuhyun was getting annoyed at him. The maknae suddenly turned around and pressed the elevator button.

“I’ll show you who’s scared” Kyuhyun muttered which made Siwon chuckle silently. He wouldn’t risk Kyuhyun being stubborn again.


Once they reached the floor where Siwon’s room was in, Kyuhyun stood still and waited for Siwon to lead him to the room.

When the door was unlocked, Siwon stepped back to let Kyuhyun come in first. The younger leaned on the door frame and watched how the maknae disappeared behind a wall. However, as he heard a certain shout, he rushed inside.

“HELL NO!” Kyuhyun took off his hat and shades throwing them on the nearest chair, and turned to glare at Siwon who just stood there dumbfounded.

“You don’t like it?” 

“It’s a king size bed!”

Kyuhyun finally answered the confused boy's question and the latter’s mouth formed an o in understanding. However, it soon turned into a grin and the maknae was getting really pissed off.

“Wash that grin off of your face Siwon!”

Siwon covered his mouth with his hand but it was clear that he was still grinning like a fool, so when Kyuhyun glared at him again, he soon faked a cough before taking a step closer.

“Listen, this is New York and it's the weekend. We’re not going to find a room in any hotel without a previous reservation. So let’s just make the best from what we have”

“The best from what we have? Do you think I’m stupid? I’m not sharing a bed with you”

“Don’t you sometimes share a bed with your hyungs?”

“None of them have feelings for me!”

Siwon tried to convince Kyuhyun logically, but he ended up kind of hurt by the older’s words. Is he that scared to share a bed with me? Does he think I'll him or something? 

Kyuhyun cursed when Siwon shifted his gaze to the floor. He didn’t know why he was acting that way. Wasn’t I the one who decided to accompany him here? Wasn’t I the one who let him hold my hand on the plane? Why am I acting like this? Am I that scared that something might actually happen between us?

Kyuhyun was about to apologize but Siwon spoke before he could say anything.

“You’re tired. I’ll go take a shower and you take a nap. Don’t worry I’ll sleep on the couch”

Without waiting for an answer, Siwon took his bag and walked to the bathroom. Kyuhyun heard the slam of the door and sighed deeply as he knew that he, once again, hurt Siwon. He walked to the bed and slammed his weary body on it. He would apologize to Siwon when he wakes up.


When Siwon finished his shower and changed his clothes, he walked back to the bedroom with hesitant steps. He hoped Kyuhyun would be sleeping because he didn’t know what to say to him. Fortunately, the maknae was already curled up under the sheets and according to the light snores, he was obviously asleep.

Siwon approached the sleeping man and crouched on the floor beside him.

You look so adorable sleeping like this... I don’t know why you always hurt me with your harsh words but I know you don’t mean to. I love you and I said I’ll wait but you’re confusing me Kyu. Why are you here? Why do you always make me believe that you’re ready to accept my feelings but a second later, my wish comes shattering down on me? What is it Kyu? You love me or not, easy as that.

Siwon smiled sadly at his own thoughts before deciding to take a nap as well. They would be going to the cemetery in a few hours so he better get some rest. He walked to the couch and made himself as comfortable as he could be, before drifting to sleep as well.


A few hours later, Siwon was awake by his cell phone ringing. He quickly picked it up to not wake Kyuhyun up. It was his grandmother asking if he landed safely and informing him about the afternoon schedule.

When he ended the call, Siwon sighed as he sat on the couch and buried his face in his hands. When his father died three years ago, Siwon never visited his grave because he was too sad to face the truth that his father passed away. He wasn’t even planning on this trip if not for his grandparents pleading him to. He hoped Donghae was there with him, but he couldn’t force him.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice his tears that were dripping on the floor, or the man who was approaching him. Apparently Kyuhyun was already awake when Siwon got the call and he got worried as he intently watched Siwon’s face expression change.

Siwon was startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He raised his head and with his blurry sight, he caught on Kyuhyun standing before him. His hand reached for Kyuhyun’s, gripping it tightly and leading it to his mouth, before pressing a light kiss on its knuckles.

“It’s going to be okay” Kyuhyun whispered and Siwon nodded even if his tears were still running down.

“Thank you for being here” Siwon thanked him sniffing while his gaze was focused on the floor.

Kyuhyun felt a pang in his heart upon seeing Siwon crying again. It wasn’t the first time but each time he witnessed the younger crying, he couldn’t help but feel the need to comfort him.

Kyuhyun took a seat next to Siwon on the couch. One hand rested over the younger’s back, soothing it up and down, while the other one was still gripped firmly by Siwon.

“I miss him” Siwon whispered and Kyuhyun pulled away his hand and wiped the tears stains on the younger’s face.

“It must’ve been hard watching your own father dying. You were still young to witness how each piece of him disappeared like that”

Siwon’s head shot up to look at Kyuhyun’s face. Eyebrows knit and eyes narrowed, causing Kyuhyun to flinch thinking of what he had said wrong.

“H-how did you know?”

“Know what?” Kyuhyun asked back confused.

“That I watched him dying”

Kyuhyun’s face suddenly tensed up remembering how he knew about it.

“W-well you lived with him, so it’s obvious”

“B-but I never told you that. I never talked about watching each piece of him disappear to anyone except…”

… I need to see you awake and smiling again. I already watched my father die and it was the worst thing anyone could ever go through. I was there with him watching how each day a piece of him would disappear. I don’t want to repeat that Kyu! ...

“You heard me? You weren’t asleep?”

Kyuhyun averted his gaze to the wall, slightly blushing remembering how he heard each word of Siwon’s when he was at the hospital, but still pretended he was sleeping.

“Why didn’t you open your eyes then?”

“Because I knew you would’ve want to know my decision, because it would’ve been hard to tell you to move on when you were crying and hurt. I didn’t want to talk about our kiss when we were both vulnerable”

Kyuhyun admitted and Siwon appreciated the sincerity in his tone.

“I understand”

“And I don’t blush whenever you come near me” Kyuhyun added to lighten up the mood and it worked as Siwon's face broke into a smile.

“You should see yourself now”

Kyuhyun Tsked and let his gaze meet Siwon's eyes that were glowing due to the tears. His hand that was resting on Siwon's cheek moved to caress the latter's features. His index finger traced Siwon's eyebrow so lightly making the younger close his eyes and enjoy the touch. The index then moved to Siwon's nose down to the curve on his philtrum, to stop on the kitten shaped lips. 

Kyuhyun ran his finger from one corner to the other, liking the softness of Siwon's lips, leading the younger to slightly part his lips and let the tip of his tongue softly play with the finger on his lips. 

Kyuhyun's eyes darted at Siwon's face again and he leaned closer, erasing the distance between their faces and letting their noses touch. At last, Kyuhyun closed his eyes and pressed his lips on Siwon's. 

They kissed gently at first, just long pecks until Kyuhyun took Siwon's bottom lip between his own and nibbled on it. Siwon's hand circled around Kyuhyun's waist, while the other one wrapped on the older's nape, bringing him closer if that was even possible.

Kyuhyun moaned when Siwon started and on his lips, which gave the younger the opportunity to slid his tongue inside of the maknae's mouth and let their tongues dance freely together. 

The kiss deepened and their heart started pounding in their ribcage until they ran out of air and had to pull away. Their faces were still inches apart as they were gathering their breaths.

A few seconds later, Siwon slowly opened his eyes and stared at Kyuhyun's flushed cheeks and swollen lips.

"You're beautiful" Siwon whispered against the older's lips, making Kyuhyun blush even more. The latter opened his eyes as well and slowly pulled away.

“W-we should get ready”

Siwon smiled but his heart was kind of nervous. He wanted to know what Kyuhyun was thinking about at the moment but at the same time he was afraid to hear the answer.


Siwon pecked Kyuhyun one last time before standing up and heading to the bathroom to clean himself.

Once he was out of sight, Kyuhyun clutched the corners of the couch, trying hard to calm down his beating heart. He didn't know why he kissed Siwon and he cursed himself for enjoying it. 

When he calmed down, he stood up and walked to his bag, taking out a small box and peeking at the necklace inside. Soon his mind replayed Siwon's words about accepting his feelings, but he quickly shook it off and returned the box to the bag.


Kyuhyun was still jetlag from the flight even though he slept for two hours. However, he didn’t express any complain because he didn’t want to add his weariness to Siwon’s worries. After they got dressed, both in black suits, they left the hotel room and took a cab to the florist first, because Siwon wanted to get some white lilies, which were his father’s favorites, before they headed to the cemetery.

Siwon’s grandparents were already there waiting for him at the entrance next to where they parked their car. They were kind of surprised to see him coming with someone, but they didn’t mind.

Siwon hugged them tightly, and told them how much he missed them, and after they pulled away, he motioned for Kyuhyun to come closer as he introduced him to his grandparents.

“Halmoni, Harabeoji… This is Kyuhyun hyung” Kyuhyun politely bowed at the elders.

“I’m so sorry for your loss”

Siwon’s grandparents were impressed with Kyuhyun’s manners. Mr.Choi patted him on the shoulder while Mrs.Choi smiled widely when she caught on the way her grandson was staring at Kyuhyun with a goofy smile on face.

“So are you two together?”

Mrs.Choi suddenly blurt out, causing Kyuhyun to turn crimson red as flashes of their earlier kiss came back to his mind, while Siwon’s eyes kind of popped out at his grandmother’s boldness as he blushed as well.

“Halmoni!” Siwon snorted while Mr.Choi cleared his throat at the awkward question his wife asked.

“No, no Mrs.Choi. I’m his hyung’s friend”

Siwon was kind of sad about Kyuhyun’s definition of their relationship. He knew he shouldn't put too much hope into the kiss they shared earlier. After all, it wasn't like the first time Kyuhyun would get close to him but then reject him again. 


The elders face expressions tensed upon mentioning their missed grandchild, who they hadn’t seen in years. However, Siwon already filled them in with his brother’s feelings.

“Shall we get going?” Siwon broke the sad mood and they started walking towards the grave.


When they finished their rituals, Siwon’s grandparents invited them for dinner and the boys were too hungry to disagree.

Siwon kept his eyes on Kyuhyun during the whole meal. The younger was very touched by Kyuhyun that day, not only he endured the fourteen hour flight so he would accompany him, but also he showed so much respect in front of his father’s grave. Moreover, Kyuhyun comforted him as usual when the boy started crying, and he even held his hand when Siwon was talking to his father.

According to Siwon, Kyuhyun was beautiful on the inside just as he was on the outside. Siwon was falling even more in love with him by the second, and the older's kissing him, was only making the situation even more grave. 


Once the elders drove Siwon and Kyuhyun back to the hotel, the boys were extremely tired. When they stepped into the elevator, Kyuhyun's eyes were closed and his body was leaning on the wall, leaving Siwon staring at him.

When they reached their floor, Kyuhyun didn’t seem to notice as he was dozing off, and so Siwon carried him bridal style. The younger was surprised when the maknae snuggled to his chest and didn’t seem to complain, but the latter was already sleeping to even know what was going on.

Siwon walked in to the room and slowly laid Kyuhyun on the bed. He took off the older’s shoes and tie before covering him with the bed sheet. Siwon then sat by Kyuhyun’s side, taking his time to admire the makane’s beauty. He studied the older’s sleepy face, he watched how his brow furrowed for just a moment before smoothing again, how his hair fell perfectly on his almond shaped eyes, the red lips that their taste was still lingering in Siwon's mouth. 

Siwon’s hands undid the top three buttons of Kyuhyun’s shirt in order to loosen up his breathing. However, as he caught a sight of Kyuhyun’s slender neck and a part of his chest, Siwon’s breath hitched in his throat and he gulped, resisting the urge to just attack Kyuhyun’s neck and kiss the milky flesh.

Kyuhyun let out a little huff of air, managing to bring Siwon back from his misery. The younger leaned down and pressed a light kiss on Kyuhyun’s lips, before standing up and retreating to the bathroom to take a shower.


The next morning, Kyuhyun woke up stretching with a smile on his face, satisfied with the good sleep he had. Of course he would be, since he was sleeping in a king sized bed, which reminded him of the poor guy who was crashing on the couch.

His eyes fluttered open and he was awake to a dazzling sight of a half man sleeping next to him. It took him a few seconds of blinking to realize that Siwon was indeed sleeping beside him. His first reaction was look under the sheet, thankfully he was clothed, but he didn’t dare to check up on Siwon’s bottom half. His second reaction was pulling the sheet to his chin while nudging Siwon with his foot.

The younger woke up startled as he was about to fall off the bed. He was clearly still sleepy and so it took him some time to figure out what was happening. When he did, he smiled widely at the confusing man beside him.

“Good morning BabyKyu” Siwon greeted as he snuggled to his pillow and closed his eyes again. However, the maknae had questions and he wasn’t the patient type.

“” He emphasized on each word.

Siwon finally opened his eyes and sat himself up.

“What do you mean?”

“Why are you sleeping here?”

“You don’t remember?” Kyuhyun was frustrated. He tried to recall what happened the night before and the last thing he remembered was when Siwon’s grandparents drove them to the hotel.

“You asked me to join you. You even begged me to”

“WHAT?” Kyuhyun tightened his grip on the bed sheet. He didn’t recall asking Siwon to join him and he definitely didn’t recall begging him to do so.

When Siwon finished his shower, he wore his pajama pants and walked to the couch where he would be sleeping. As much as the material was soft and comfortable, Siwon was too tall to fit in the whole couch. He kept on rolling his body for about an hour, trying to find the perfect position to sleep in, but his brain wouldn’t seem to drift to sleep.

‘Why is this couch so damn short?! Aich, well they wouldn’t think someone would actually sleep on it with that king size bed over there! My evil Kyu… You’re sleeping soundly while I’m here suffering!’

After another fifteen minutes shifting positions, suddenly there was a loud voice coming from the bed.

“Yah! Will you sleep already? You’re disturbing me” Kyuhyun shouted, startling Siwon who quietly curled his body as he muttered a small ‘sorry’ not daring to move or even breathe.

Kyuhyun sighed before sitting himself up and gazing at Siwon’s figure obviously not fitting in the couch.

“Just get over here”

Siwon couldn’t believe what he heard. He stood up and looked towards Kyuhyun’s direction, but since it was dark, he couldn’t see him clearly.

“Excuse me?”

“You obviously can’t sleep on that couch, and you’re not letting me sleep either with all of those movements, so the bed is big for both of us”

(SW: Me, sharing a bed with Kyuhyun? Shisus! I can’t handle that!)

“No it’s okay. I’ll just sleep on the floor. I won’t make a sound”

(KH: Why is he making it hard for me in the middle of the night?)

“Just get in here please”

Kyuhyun then laid his body back on the bed and turned to his side, his back facing Siwon. The younger inhaled and exhaled deeply before approaching the bed and sliding his body under the sheets.

In no time, he was soundly sleeping with a smile plastered on his face.

“I didn’t beg you! I said ‘please’ because you were torturing me with your noise”

Kyuhyun defended himself and as he felt Siwon about to comment, he quickly added “Anyway, why aren’t wearing a shirt?”

Of course Kyuhyun didn’t miss on the sculptured body of Siwon. He saw it before, but not this up close. As much as Kyuhyun tried to look at Siwon’s face, his eyes would betray him and stare at the slightly shaped abs and the toned chest.

“Well, I usually sleep like this” Siwon didn’t miss on how Kyuhyun was trying hard not to look at his upper body, but he chose to not rub it in his face since he was grateful to the older for coming with him. He would save it for later.

“When you’re alone!” Kyuhyun hissed at the smirk on Siwon’s face. He picked his pillow and threw it at his face before climbing off the bed to head to the bathroom to take a shower.

However, as he stood on the edge on the bed, he faced Siwon again and muttered "I'm not your BabyKyu! Stop with the nicknames already!" 

Once Kyuhyun’s figure was out of sight, Siwon rolled his body to Kyuhyun’s side grinning, as he buried his face in the maknae’s pillow, inhaling his scent and letting his mind replay their kiss from the day before.


The Present Day

"Whatcha looking at buddy?"

Minho walks in to Siwon's room to find him staring intently at the dressing table mirror. When he doesn't get any response, he approaches him and then sighs as he realizes that Siwon is not looking at himself, but at the reflection of necklace hanging from his neck.

"I never see you take off that necklace"

"Yeah... although there's no point in wearing it"


"Because... He doesn't"

Once again, Minho was confused. He had known Siwon for too long now and they talked about everything together. However, when it comes to Siwon's lost love matter, Minho's literally lost.

Why do I seem to write what's not in my intention to write >.<
Anyway, at least there are WK interactions here, right? :D
Thank you for all the comments ^^
You guys are the best 

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Chapter 27: Rereading this again because you updates the last chapter of remembrance.. Still loving this fic even after many years :””
queenie2975 #2
Make a sequel please???
WonkyuLovers #3
Chapter 27: This fic very beautiful. Make me cry and happy together. One sided love my favorite fic now. Really2 love this .
WonkyuLovers #4
Chapter 18: Im cry again hiks hiks
WonkyuLovers #5
Chapter 17: This chapter make me cry ... I sorry for coment now. But I enjoyed this fic so forget to coment. Im sorry TT
W84eedy #6
Chapter 27: Nice of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
Merettevan #7
Chapter 27: This AU was really good! Set with some realistic elements but different at the same time, I enjoyed it so much that I ended up reading it till 5 am lol, I couldn't stop, thank gosh it was a weekend! I laughed and I suffered too, I was thankful to their friends while I wanted to shake both WonKyu and made them talk to each other lol, I love them so much so I'm glad they ended up together. Loving Minho and Taemin's relationship, not a ship of mine but I think they were really cute and nice! Thank you for the story!
Jyotimeena #8
Chapter 10: ahh!! it's so great😍
aimeeocana23 #9
Chapter 27: I really like this story. I make me cry, laugh,jealous, angry etc.
INdeed your a great writer!!!
So happy that i see it.
Chapter 27: Thankyou for this story :''' wonkyu love is everywhere yeay