
One Sided Love


Four years and Three Months Ago

After Siwon’s graduation, the younger had been busy with his college enrollment since he was going to move in to the dorms. Donghae was kind of sad that his brother was moving away, but Siwon promised he will come home every weekend.

Med school was located far from his house and that was why he preferred to stay at the dorms. Even though he had a car, it will take him thirty minutes each day to get to school, and so it would be tiring and a waste of time.


Super Junior on the other hand, after finishing their SS2, they didn’t have much time to relax after, since they started preparing for their third album ‘Sorry Sorry’ right away. The members were working so hard and were determined on succeeding even more than they already have, that was why they decided to give it their all. They were rarely at the dorm because they had a lot of songs to record, choreography to learn and an MV to shoot, and so neither Siwon or Kyuhyun had seen each other ever since the graduation.

Moreover, SM had decided to create a Chinese sub-group called Super Junior M, adding two Chinese members to it, plus Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Sungmin, Donghae and Eunhyuk, who had to travel between Korea and China for the upcoming months.


One time, Kyuhyun was standing in front of the mirror checking on his new look for their album. His hair was now chocolate brown, a little bit longer than before and quite fluffier. As he stared at his reflection, he couldn’t help but smile as a certain someone’s words flashed into his mind.

It was the day when Siwon ditched his after party graduation to go see his brother at the concert.

 Kyuhyun and Siwon were lost in an intense stare, and not until several seconds later, that the younger realized that as much as he enjoyed Kyuhyun holding his hand and the way the latter stared at him, he knew he needed to break the silence.

“So black hair again?”

“Oh yeah. I thought 'au naturel' is much better” Kyuhyun replied, a little blush decorating his cheeks.

“You know what will suit you better?” Siwon asked as he leaned a bit forward and intently looked into Kyuhyun’s eyes. “Chocolate brown”

Kyuhyun gave him a puzzled look and Siwon added “I think Chocolate brown hair will suit you since your eyes are brown as well”

The older shyly smiled at him after he said he would think about it.

I wonder how he’s doing with all of the college stuff… Wait, why am I thinking about him? I’m seriously hopeless! I need to concentrate on my career. It’s our third album and I need to work hard. It's what's most important now. Siwon will have to wait... Aiiich, why should he wait? Gosh, I don't know what I'm doing...


Three years and Eleven Months Ago

Siwon had already moved all of his stuff to the dorms. He was kind of sad about leaving his home where he lived for two years with his brother, and the fact that it was close to the Super Junior dorm. However, he needed to concentrate on himself now. Med school was a big step and he wanted to be a doctor who saves lives. As much as he loved spending time next to Kyuhyun, he wanted to focus on his studies as well. Moreover, deep down, he wanted to test if Kyuhyun would miss him or even notice that he wasn’t around anymore.


On his last night before starting college, the members invited him over dinner to celebrate Kyuhyun’s birthday, another bad memory. Why was I always being rejected on birthdays?

Once he stepped into the dorm, he was welcomed by Heechul who wanted to have a little talk with him.

“What’s wrong Chullie hyung?”

“You tell me”

“Tell you what?”

“What happened between you and the evil maknae?”


“Exaclty. Why?”

“Simply, because we have different feelings”

“But I see the way you look at each other. There’s definitely something there”

“Well, whatever it is, Kyu hyung is determined to keep it to himself”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

“Give him exactly what he wants, space. I love him and I already told him I’ll wait, so for now, I have nothing else to do but wait

Their conversation was interrupted by an excited Donghae running towards them.

“Siwon-ah! I’m glad you’re here!”

“Me too hyung” Siwon welcomed his brother’s embrace and let him drag him to the living room, leaving a quite upset Heechul because he actually grew fond of Siwon and wanted to get him together with the maknae.


Kyuhyun was lounging on the couch with the laptop on his lap. He didn’t notice Siwon coming in until Hyukjae shouted his name. When he looked at him, their eyes met but Siwon quickly shifted his gaze to the other guys.

Throughout the night, Siwon was avoiding looking at Kyuhyun and the latter noticed it. Whenever Siwon would talk, he would address his words to everyone except the maknae. Even when the latter would say something, Siwon would be staring at the floor or the tv screen instead of the person speaking.

Kyuhyun didn’t know what he had done wrong since the last time they talked, everything was okay and they even held hands. Of course, he had no right to tell him anything, but he at least figured Siwon would wish him a happy birthday, which he didn’t do yet.


By the end of the night, Kyuhyun had had enough of Siwon ignoring him and decided to approach him. However, before he did, the younger announced that he was leaving since he had to wake up early to drive to college. Kyuhyun was left dumbfounded at the way Siwon said his goodbyes to his hyungs and not him. However, before Siwon could leave the living room, he turned to Kyuhyun and motioned with his head for him to come.

Siwon stood by the entrance and waited for Kyuhyun who was next to him a few seconds later.

“Happy Birthday hyung” Siwon wished him as he handed him a little box.

Kyuhyun was surprised at how the younger didn’t speak to him the whole night and didn’t even look at him, but there he was wishing him a happy birthday and giving him a gift?

“Siwon, you don’t have to. I mean you already got me a present last year”

Siwon bent his head low for a second as if thinking of something, but he soon shot his head up again and smiled at the maknae.

“Just open it Kyu”

Kyuhyun reluctantly took the box and decided to open it. When he did, it showed a necklace and a pendant exactly like the one he already got for his latest birthday. Kyuhyun stared at Siwon dumbfounded but the latter only smiled before he took the necklace out.

“This one is not for you… It’s for me. See this pendant? It looks like yours, right?” Kyuhyun nodded still not getting the point.

“Well the pendant I gave you is a puzzle, and this one is its other half. So, do you mind if I take this present Kyu hyung?”

Kyuhyun was definitely bewildered. A puzzle pendant? As in something couples would wear?

“Siwon, you can wear whatever you want”

Not the answer Siwon was looking for and Kyuhyun could sense it, so he decided to go with whatever Siwon had in mind “Should I put it around your neck?”

Siwon’s eyes lit up and he frantically nodded before handing the necklace to Kyuhyun. The latter then wrapped it around Siwon’s neck, but as he withdrew his hands, he let his fingers rest on the piece of the puzzle over Siwon’s chest, trailing its edges.

“You’re not wearing yours” Siwon stated but before Kyuhyun could say something that would hurt him he added “I knew you wouldn’t, I mean it’s…” He lifted his hand and rested it on Kyuhyun’s over his chest.

“I liked it, I just didn’t know if it was appropriate to wear it. i mean it was your mother's... It's special” Kyuhyun said honestly and Siwon smiled to assure him that it was okay.

“If I see you wearing it one day, I’ll know that you accepted my feelings”

Siwon stated rather matter-of-factly, startling the older that immediately pulled his hand away.

“You’re going to be late”

Kyuhyun spoke before turning around to leave. However, as he did, a pair of arms wrapped around his chest as Siwon hugged him from behind.

“Just for a minute, let me hug you like this. Please…”

Kyuhyun didn’t say anything. He just let his body relax as he enjoyed Siwon’s warmth even though he wouldn’t admit it.

A minute past with Siwon’s arms secured around Kyuhyun’s chest, and his nose buried behind the younger’s ear.

“I’m not going to be around much lately. Good luck on your career and if you ever decided to wear that necklace… call me”

Kyuhyun’s eyes closed as Siwon softly whispered in his ear. He could feel the hot breath on his skin making his heart flutter while his hands turned into fists in order to control whatever mixed feelings he was having then, as he listened intently to what Siwon was saying.

Siwon slowly pulled away and left without a second glance. Kyuhyun felt the warmth disappearing but when he turned around, Siwon was already gone.


Three years and eight months ago

It was holiday, and Siwon had two weeks off. He had something urgent to talk to his brother about, and so he headed to the dorm where Donghae told him to meet him.

“I can’t believe you hyung! You said you’ll go with me!”

“Sorry Siwon, I can’t! I have a schedule”

“It’s an important event.  You can take some days off, can’t you?”

“I can’t. I know I said I’ll think about it, but I just can’t”

“Why? It’s our father’s death anniversary”

Apparently a week from then, it was the death anniversary of Siwon’s and Donghae’s father. The older had told his brother he’d try to go to the US with him to visit his grave, but then later, he changed his mind.

They were both standing in Kyuhyun’s room since Donghae was rehearsing some song with the maknae, and so the latter had witnessed the whole conversation even though he didn’t want to meddle between the two brothers.

“He stopped being my father when he took you away and left me and my mom alone”

Donghae stated coldly and Siwon could see the tears welling up in his brother's eyes as he stormed out of the room.

Siwon was left there startled and kind of hurt because he never thought his brother felt that way. His knees felt weak, and so he dropped his body onto the bed.

“Are you okay?” Kyuhyun managed to ask after a few seconds of silence, and that was when Siwon realized the maknae was still there. Siwon stared at him for a moment since they hadn't seen each other in two months, and he wasn't surprised that seeing him again still managed to make his heart beat fast.

“I never thought he felt that way. Why didn’t he tell me?”

Kyuhyun crawled on his bed until he was next to Siwon “Maybe he didn’t want to hurt you”

“But I... I need to go to the US. I promised my grandparents, and I know they want us there”

“Siwon, you should understand him. To Hae hyung, that man took his brother away from him”

“I think it’s more about he took me, instead of him. I-I don’t kn—“

“Hey, you know Hae hyung can never think like that. Besides he was a trainee and he couldn’t even leave Korea”

“My mom let me leave and I visited her grave!”

“Well, there’s a difference between you and Hae hyung”

Siwon sighed as a tear rolled down his cheek. He buried his face in his hands and tried to stop himself from crying but the tears came out anyway. Not a minute later, Kyuhyun was behind him, hugging him and whispering comforting words in his ear.

Siwon was getting used to Kyuhyun always coaxing him that his heart hurt when thinking about all the things he wished he could have with him, If only Kyuhyun would accept to be his lover. However, Siwon said he would wait. He believed in Kyuhyun feeling at least a small thing for him and he wasn’t ready to push his luck any further. He was going to fly to the US for three days and he would be spending time with his grandparents and friends, leaving Kyuhyun all the space he wanted.


A week later, it was time for Siwon to fly to LA. He already boarded the plane and took his seat next to the window. He sighed as he remembered his conversation with Donghae when he went to apologize to him.

“Can we talk?”


“Hyung, I ‘m sorry. I shouldn’t push you into going with me”

“I’m the one who should be sorry Siwon. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m just not ready yet to face him or my grandparents at that matter”

“It’s okay. I just want to make sure that there are no hard feelings between us. I never meant for you to think that I chose my dad over you and my mom”

“You did nothing wrong Siwon. I’m sorry if I made you believe that you choose my father. I know you had nothing to do with it. You were young”

Lost in thought, he didn’t notice someone sitting next to him until he heard the click of the seat belt. He closed his eyes and leaned his head on the window, hoping it wouldn't be some chit-chat person who would annoy him during the flight. Another deep sigh escaped his lips.

“What’s with that deep sigh? It's as if you’re carrying the world’s biggest burden on your shoulders?”

Siwon’s eyes shot wide open as he heard a very familiar voice. He slowly turned his head to the side and was shocked to see Kyuhyun sitting next to him.

“K-Kyu hyung?”  Siwon stuttered while forcedly blinking afraid he was dreaming. However, a sudden pinch on his arm made him wince in pain and realize that Kyuhyun was indeed by his side.

“You’re not dreaming” Kyuhyun said grinning widely.

“What are you doing here?” was the first question Siwon thought of asking. Kyuhyun’s eyes narrowed and his lips slightly pouted at Siwon’s reaction.

“You don’t want me here? I should go then” Kyuhyun acted hurt and was about to unlock his seat belt but Siwon’s hand stopped him.

“I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just surprised”

“Well Hae hyung didn’t want you to go alone and so he... kind of asked me to accompany you since I don’t have a schedule”

He lied. Kyuhyun did talk to Donghae about their previous argument, and the older told him how bad he felt for letting Siwon go alone. That was when the maknae suggested going with him. Donghae of course was excited about that idea and so he helped him convince their manager to let him have a few days off. 

“Oh, I see”

“You sound disappointed”

“I just thought you did it for... me. Never mind, I’m happy you’re here” Siwon exclaimed as he tightened his grip on Kyuhyun’s hand and smiled brightly at him.

Kyuhyun only tsked and gladly let his hand being caressed by Siwon’s. 

"What's with the hat and the shades?" Siwon amusingly asked.

"Well, you don't want some fan to recognize me, do you?"

"What if they did? That will be hot news"

Kyuhyun lowered his shades to his nose to look clearly at Siwon "What do you mean?"

"Cho Kyuhyun, on a plane with a mysterious guy"

"OTP fanclubs will kill you"

Siwon gave him a puzzled look, not understanding what the older was talking about.

"You don't know OTP?"

"What's that?"

"'One True Pairing' as they say. It's couples that fans came up with. Kyumin for example, is me and Sungmin hyung. There's also Kyuwook as in me and wookie, Kyuhyuk as in me and monkey"

Siwon was shocked, that was totally new information.

"I did not know that! But aren't those couples kind of... weird?" Kyuhyun giggled at the complicated look on Siwon's face.

"Well that's just me. There's also EunHae, which is quite true"

Siwon started laughing causing a few passengers to glare at him. He muttered a small apology as he slightly bowed at them, while Kyuhyun covered his face with a magazine.

"I bet hyung is happy about his...fanclub. But how do they come up with those names? I mean why EunHae and not HaeHyuk?"

Kyuhyun blushed fiercly and hoped he was wearing his mask to at least hide it. 

"Well depends on... the leader" Kyuhyun tried to find the less embarrassing way to phrase it. Unfortunately, Siwon wasn't smart enough in that area to figure it out.

"Leader?" Siwon questioned making Kyuhyun sigh because he wasn't comfortable talking about that kind of a subject with a teenager.

"In Bed" Kyuhyun muttered as he coughed, causing Siwon's eyes to bulge out since he finally got it.

"Oh, meaning who... tops?"

Siwon wasn't gay before, and neither did he know how that thing went, but a couple of months ago, he got curious and did a small research for the basic information.

"So EunHae meaning... Oh! ... I did not want to know that"

Kyuhyun's face was about to explode from embarrassment. He was looking anywhere but Siwon's shocked face, but he couldn't help but chuckle as he imagined Siwon's head was full by EunHae images by now.

Siwon leaned back on his seat, hand still firmly clutching on Kyuhyun's as his thumb caressed the maknae's knuckles. 

"So... if there ever was a fanclub about you and... me. Will it be WonKyu or KyuWon?"

"Please stop!" Kyuhyun withdraw his hand and hid his face that was burning from the awkwardness of the situation. 

"Too early for that?" Siwon asked laughing while covering his mouth so he wouldn't get glared at again.

After several more seconds, Siwon took Kyuhyun's hand again and lowered it to his lap. Kyuhyun stared at the action but didn't seem to complain. His eyes scanned Siwon's face, from the younger's closed eyes, to the light blush on his cheeks, and to the pure smile decorating his lips. Kyuhyun then slowly shifted his fingers so their hands were entwined, and he couldn't help but beam at the way Siwon's smile turned into a wide grin. After admiring Siwon's face, Kyuhyun decided to close his eyes as well.

Siwon’s heart couldn’t get any happier right now. Siwon was appreciating every second of being in the air together with the maknae, where the latter had nowhere to run or to hide.


The Present Day

Where is it? Damn it!

Kyuhyun is running around the dorm like a crazy person asking each member he crosses about his missing necklace. He had searched everywhere for it but he can’t find it.

“Maknae! Are you looking for this?” Hyukjae who just came out of the shower, motions with his index to the necklace he’s holding.

“Yes! Where was it?”

“Bathroom” Kyuhyun curses since, obviously, the bathroom is the first place he should’ve looked in. He walks to Hyukjae and takes it from him before impatiently put it around his neck.

Kyuhyun isn't fond of accessories, but this one necklace is special. It has never left his neck for three years. Kyuhyun feels incomplete without it. 

Not the part I was aiming for, but this had to be written first :D
Oh My! Kyu and Siwon talking about OTP?
And can you imagine what will happen if Siwon and Kyuhyun are in the US... alone?
Kyuhyun definitely has nowhere to run now :D

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Chapter 27: Rereading this again because you updates the last chapter of remembrance.. Still loving this fic even after many years :””
queenie2975 #2
Make a sequel please???
WonkyuLovers #3
Chapter 27: This fic very beautiful. Make me cry and happy together. One sided love my favorite fic now. Really2 love this .
WonkyuLovers #4
Chapter 18: Im cry again hiks hiks
WonkyuLovers #5
Chapter 17: This chapter make me cry ... I sorry for coment now. But I enjoyed this fic so forget to coment. Im sorry TT
W84eedy #6
Chapter 27: Nice of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
Merettevan #7
Chapter 27: This AU was really good! Set with some realistic elements but different at the same time, I enjoyed it so much that I ended up reading it till 5 am lol, I couldn't stop, thank gosh it was a weekend! I laughed and I suffered too, I was thankful to their friends while I wanted to shake both WonKyu and made them talk to each other lol, I love them so much so I'm glad they ended up together. Loving Minho and Taemin's relationship, not a ship of mine but I think they were really cute and nice! Thank you for the story!
Jyotimeena #8
Chapter 10: ahh!! it's so great😍
aimeeocana23 #9
Chapter 27: I really like this story. I make me cry, laugh,jealous, angry etc.
INdeed your a great writer!!!
So happy that i see it.
Chapter 27: Thankyou for this story :''' wonkyu love is everywhere yeay