A Kiss

One Sided Love


The Present Day

“Don’t you think it’s time to get a new watch?”

“What’s wrong with this one?”

“Old, rusty, and not to mention outdated”

“It’s a special gift. Besides, it still works, doesn’t it? So why change it?”

“Why am I even trying?!”

Five Years, Three Months and Two Weeks Ago

“Woah! Nice watch Siwon-ah”  

“Thanks hyung. It was a gift from Kyuhyun hyung on my birthday”

Super Junior members were free for the evening and because it’s been a while since they last hang out, they decided to do a movie night. Siwon of course was there, he was dressed up casually in a pair of jeans and a black hoodie, looking and smelling good to impress a special someone.

So when they all settled down in the living room, Hyukjae noticed that Siwon was wearing a new watch and he had to compliment him on it.

Apparently when Siwon was getting dressed back at his house, he noticed how some gifts were piled up on one corner of his room, hiding under some blankets. He couldn’t help the tingling feeling in his heart upon remembering the day he got them. It was his sixteenth birthday where he confessed to Kyuhyun.

When he got home that day, he was heartbroken that he didn’t care to open up his gifts and so in time, he kind of forgot about them, until that day. He took a seat on the floor next to where the gifts were lined up nicely, probably by his hyung, and he started unwrapping them to see what he got.

There were a lot of gifts and postcards in that pile of boxes but one of them particularly caught his eye. It was a square box wrapped in a Starcraft theme paper gift. Siwon’s eyes sparkled while his arm unconsciously reached to pick it up. For that moment, he forgot about the other gifts.

His hands impatiently unwrapped it before opening the black box, and there he found a beautiful Panerai Luminor Marina watch with a green alligator strap, which was his favourite colour, and which looked very expensive. Siwon couldn’t help but stare at it for a couple of minutes before trying it out. A deep smile crept across his lips accentuating the dimples in his cheeks when he thought of the person who gave it to him.

So from that day onwards, it became his favourite watch.


“Is that a Panerai Luminor Marina?” Leeteuk asked eyeing the watch on Siwon’s hand.

“And all he ever gave me on my birthday was an evil prank or a snarky post card” Heechul snapped back when he heard that the maknae gave an expensive gift to Siwon, especially since they only knew him for a few months back then.

“You’re too old for gifts hyung. He’s sixteen” Kyuhyun responded after snapping out of his discomfort of seeing Siwon wearing his gift. He didn’t miss on the younger ignoring it for the past months because after spending a lot of money to buy it, he was kind of upset that Siwon didn’t like it.

“Sixteen and eight months hyung” Siwon said pouting which only made Kyuhyun tsk “Whatever” before standing up and heading to the kitchen.


Siwon didn’t miss on the look printed on Kyuhyun’s face when Hyukjae mentioned the watch. Siwon was quite sure that Kyuhyun regretted giving him such a gift after the younger confessed his love for him that night. And since the maknae was devilishly smart, seeing Siwon wearing the watch, he immediately guessed that it was only to which he was right about.

After watching Kyuhyun leave the room, Siwon excused himself as well and followed him into the kitchen.


“Kyu hyung, I didn’t say thank you yet”

Kyuhyun almost chocked on the water he was drinking when Siwon’s voice suddenly crept up behind him.

“You scared me! Why are you always following me?” Kyuhyun was getting impatient with all the games Siwon was playing on him. However, the real reason behind his flinching acts was mostly caused by the statement Siwon threw at him the other day.

“I’m only here to say thank you. I-I’m sorry” Siwon sulked yet again, making Kyuhyun sigh in annoyance.

“You’re welcome” He shortly said before taking a few steps ahead in order to walk out of the kitchen, but Siwon was standing in the entrance and so he stopped a few feet away.

“Excuse me” He motioned with his hand for Siwon to step aside but the latter put his hands in his pockets and took a step closer to Kyuhyun instead.

“I’m sorry I didn’t wear it before. It’s just that I didn’t open my gifts until today. You know, being traumatized on my birthday and all” Kyuhyun suddenly froze, realizing what Siwon was referring to. A tint of red travelled into his cheeks and his eyes wander to the side, looking at anything but the boy in front of him.

“I-It’s okay” He stuttered still looking away but when he felt Siwon’s body moving, his hand hastily clasped over his mouth.

Siwon started laughing because he knew exactly where that move came from. Apparently the same thing had been happening for two weeks now. Ever since Siwon declared that he would kiss Kyuhyun, the latter was trying to be as careful as possible for it not to happen.

Siwon was certainly having fun with Kyuhyun. His heart would pound inside his chest whenever he would do something as spontaneous as that …



Kyuhyun hyung, mind to give me a hand? Siwon once asked Kyuhyun to help him put on a necklace that his hyung just got for him. They were both in Donghae’s room alone since the latter had to run to the bathroom.

“Can’t you do it yourself?” Kyuhyun was busy searching for his nail scissors that he lent to Donghae the other day “Damn it where is it!” He was looking on Donghae’s hairdresser but as he raised his head a bit, his sight landed on Siwon’s reflection through the mirror, noticing how the boy was struggling to put on the necklace. Kyuhyun sighed before turning around and walking to the bed.

He didn’t say a word, he just crouched down and raised his hands to hold the necklace that was hanging on Siwon’s chest, causing the latter to immediately drop his arms and just watch astonishingly at how Kyuhyun’s eyes were narrowed in concentration, trying to hook the small clasp into the lock.

Siwon’s heart went boom looking at the perfection of Kyuhyun’s face. The white skin, the small shaped nose and especially the way Kyuhyun was biting his lower lip in focus. Then his heart went boom again when Kyuhyun finally managed to lock it leading those lips to turn into a winning smile and leaving Siwon yet again slightly hard but this time it wasn’t showing.

Kyuhyun’s smile quickly disappeared when he caught on the way Siwon was intensely gazing at him. Suddenly, the younger’s words from the night before speedily flashed into his head, causing him to instantly withdraw his hands and clasp one over his mouth.


Siwon opened the car’s door and got in the backseat. Apparently the boy had asked Donghae to pick him from the mall. To his luck, Kyuhyun was with him, and to Kyuhyun’s dismay, Donghae had to step out of the car to use the restroom, which made Kyuhyun think that his hyung was using the bathroom a lot these days.

“What a coincidence, Kyu hyung!” Siwon exclaimed as he sat comfortably in the middle of the backseat, both arms resting on each of the front seats and his head stuck in between.

“Not so sure if it’s a coincidence... and stop calling me that!” Kyuhyun leaned his face to the side window to avoid any contact with Siwon’s head.

“How can you say that? How should I know you would be with hyung?” Siwon pouted but Kyuhyun only tsked while averting his face to the other side looking through the window.

“You’re very childish. I wouldn’t be surprised if you planned this”

“Hyung! Aren’t you being a little bit delusional?”

That made Kyuhyun turn his head to look at Siwon, but he instantly regretted it since his face came across Siwon’s, who was pouting and leaning very close, invading Kyuhyun’s personal space. Not a second later, Kyuhyun literally stuck his back to the side door and once again, clasped a hand over his mouth.


Siwon walked in to the practice room to find Kyuhyun alone in the studio still practicing some dance moves. But as Kyuhyun noticed the intruder, he turned off the music and frowned at him.

“What do you want now?”

“Looking for Hae hyung” Siwon said after he got over some nagging thoughts that he quite developed whenever he looked at a sweaty Kyuhyun.

“He’s in the locker room”

“Okay, thanks” Siwon turned to leave but before he reached the door, he turned again and noticed a defeating look on Kyuhyun’s face.

“Do you need any help hyung?”

“I just can’t seem to get this one move right!” Kyuhyun stated frustratingly without looking at Siwon but the latter was already next to him in a second making Kyuhyun’s body flinch when he caught Siwon's reflection through the mirror in front of him.

“Wanna show me?”

“How would you know if I’m doing it right?”

“I think I’ve been present in too many practices that I’m kind of familiar with the dance”

“Point taken” Kyuhyun noted before hesitantly turning the music on and starting to move along with the beat.

Siwon, who already took a step back, was seriously analyzing Kyuhyun’s moves, trying to figure out the thing that didn’t click.

“So?” Kyuhyun asked when Siwon didn’t make any comment yet. It was like he was looking for some lost word.

“Can you replay that part?” Siwon asked and Kyuhyun did as told. Then the younger started moving along the beat as well, surprisingly doing each move as it should be, leaving Kyuhyun quite amazed.

“See here? You should start with your right leg and bend your knee a little bit before doing the second move”

Siwon explained while showing him exactly what he was doing wrong. Kyuhyun just nodded while intently listening to each word Siwon was saying.

They played the song again and Kyuhyun finally managed to do it right. He was so excited about it, smiling widely since he wasn’t going to get scolded by Hyukjae when he messes up.

He replayed the song again and repeated the same part just to make sure he would get it right again, and as he did, he abstractedly threw his arms around Siwon’s back embracing him as a way to say thank you. However, being startled by the sudden hug, Siwon’s body froze as his heartbeat started racing again, so when Kyuhyun pulled away and saw the yet again intense look on the younger’s face, well ... a hand was already clasped on his mouth.


Siwon was laughing out loud but he had the courtesy to cover his mouth to block any sound so the other members wouldn’t hear him. It had been going on for two weeks and he honestly didn’t think Kyuhyun would take his declaration that seriously. Yes Siwon intended on kissing him but the latter had made the whole idea hilarious that Siwon was enjoying this side of Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun turned to face Siwon, frowning and probably pouting behind his hand at how Siwon was finding the matter so amusing. He made Kyuhyun expect a kiss for two weeks and it was very tiring to watch out not to be kissed. He was getting tired of all the playing and he couldn’t even believe at how he, himself, was playing along with Siwon’s childish acts. He was the hyung and it needed to stop.

Siwon was holding his stomach since it started to hurt from all the laughing, and out of nowhere, he was dragged to the balcony by a very pissed yet nervous Kyuhyun.

“You know what? Fine, kiss me. Just get it over with” Hands on his hips, Kyuhyun flared at Siwon before closing his eyes and pursing his lips together.

Siwon’s eyes widen in shock but it didn’t last for long as a familiar scene was brought back to his mind. They were standing in the same balcony where Siwon confessed, the same balcony he got rejected in, the same balcony he got his first kiss, and the same balcony Kyuhyun slapped him in. He couldn’t help but sadly smile at the irony of things. The first time, he had to force a kiss on Kyuhyun, nevertheless this time, Kyuhyun was offering him his lips so he would kiss him.

Kyuhyun was waiting for it. His eyes were tightly shot and his teeth were gritting together waiting for Siwon’s soft lips to press on his. However, nothing happened. Kyuhyun opened one eye peeking at Siwon but the latter was already leaning on the edge of the terrace, not even looking at him.

“Familiar, ha?” Siwon muttered with a weak laugh before turning to face Kyuhyun again.

“This is where I gave you my first kiss”

Kyuhyun’s eyes shifted in nervousness as he cursed himself for letting that detail slip his mind. It was where he rejected the young boy and there he was asking him to kiss him at the same place. Siwon would’ve appreciate the thought if Kyuhyun wasn’t doing this in order to stop being afraid whenever he was around him, just expecting a kiss to land on his lips anytime they were close, but sadly it wasn’t the case.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring you bad memories. I-I just figured-“

“That I’ll kiss you and get it over with? That’s not what I want, you know. When I’m going to kiss you, I want it to be special. Not with you forcing yourself to let me kiss you. A kiss is not something you should take for granted. A kiss is sharing your love and affection with each other”

Kyuhyun’s heart sank at the way Siwon was looking at him clearly hurt by his irrational act. He wanted to say something to defend himself but his lips were frozen.

“I’ll kiss you when I know you want me to kiss you”

Siwon took a step closer, erasing the distance between them, one hand moved to hold Kyuhyun’s trembling one, while the other hand rose to move some strands from Kyuhyun’s forehead before resting on the flushed cheek.

They were breathing the same air by now and Siwon liked how it felt. He closed his eyes before leaning forward and pressing a firm kiss on Kyuhyun’s forehead. He then slowly, without pulling away, moved his lips to the side to whisper something in the older’s ear.

“I love you”

Siwon let go of Kyuhyun’s hand and walked out of the balcony without taking another glance at him. However if he did, he would’ve seen how Kyuhyun’s eyes were still closed, not yet ready to come back to reality.


The Present Day

“Hey Kyu, you think I should just come out and kiss him?”

“Changie, someone once told me that a kiss is not something you should take for granted. A kiss is sharing your love and affection with each other”

“Wow! That’s deep maknae. Who taught you that?”

“Just someone out there...”

Isn't Kyuhyun funny with the clasping hand thing? haha
Siwon can make people go crazy with his teasing acts XD
Btw, 61 subscribers wow. Thank you so much 

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Chapter 27: Rereading this again because you updates the last chapter of remembrance.. Still loving this fic even after many years :””
queenie2975 #2
Make a sequel please???
WonkyuLovers #3
Chapter 27: This fic very beautiful. Make me cry and happy together. One sided love my favorite fic now. Really2 love this .
WonkyuLovers #4
Chapter 18: Im cry again hiks hiks
WonkyuLovers #5
Chapter 17: This chapter make me cry ... I sorry for coment now. But I enjoyed this fic so forget to coment. Im sorry TT
W84eedy #6
Chapter 27: Nice story...one of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
Merettevan #7
Chapter 27: This AU was really good! Set with some realistic elements but different at the same time, I enjoyed it so much that I ended up reading it till 5 am lol, I couldn't stop, thank gosh it was a weekend! I laughed and I suffered too, I was thankful to their friends while I wanted to shake both WonKyu and made them talk to each other lol, I love them so much so I'm glad they ended up together. Loving Minho and Taemin's relationship, not a ship of mine but I think they were really cute and nice! Thank you for the story!
Jyotimeena #8
Chapter 10: ahh!! it's so great😍
aimeeocana23 #9
Chapter 27: I really like this story. I make me cry, laugh,jealous, angry etc.
INdeed your a great writer!!!
So happy that i see it.
Chapter 27: Thankyou for this story :''' wonkyu love is everywhere yeay