Summer Plan

One Sided Love


Five Years And Five Months Ago

Kyuhyun’s POV
Seriously? Did he just say that? Aaah what did I get myself into? Siwon you really are stubborn. Can’t you see that I don’t want you to get hurt?

Fortunately he has school and he would be busy with his exams, so I’ll just try my best to not run into him.


However, that wasn’t the fact. Being an idol now, Kyuhyun forgot that it was already summer and that Siwon would be free for about three months and the latter had it all planned out.

After his little talk with Kyuhyun, Siwon was very much relieved to know how Kyuhyun really felt about love in general, and mostly determined to make him change his mind.

Siwon was a smart boy yes, but he was also very persistent. His heart told him that Kyuhyun was the one for him, and he wasn’t going to let go of him. He would do anything to make Kyuhyun give him a chance.


The Next Morning

Siwon woke up early as soon as the sun rose. He couldn’t sleep very well since he was looking forward to that day. It was his first day of summer and he wasn’t going to waste any minute in luring his first love.

So after a couple rounds of jogging, he went back home and took a shower before making breakfast for him and his hyung.

“Something smells nice” Donghae walked in to the kitchen still rubbing sleep from his eyes.

“Oh, good morning hyung”

“You’re up early” Donghae took a seat on the kitchen counter and watched his little brother making toast and eggs while happily whistling.

“Hyung, it’s 7am. You’re the one who’s sleeping late” Siwon exclaimed as he put two plates on the counter, one for him and another one for Donghae.

“Yah! That’s very early”

Siwon just rolled his eyes and turned around to get two glasses of orange juice, and Donghae didn’t miss on how his brother was especially cheerful the last couple of days. It couldn’t be just because school is over, can it?

“What’s with the happy mood anyway?”

Siwon joined him on the counter as well, cutting a piece of egg before stuffing it into his mouth, a dimpled smile on his face.

“Because I am happy”


“Do I need a reason to be happy hyung?”

That felt like a trick question so Donghae just shrugged his shoulders and continued shoving food into his mouth.


After they finished breakfast and both got dressed, Siwon was waiting impatiently at the living room for his brother to come down.

“What’s your plan for today, Siwon-ah?” Donghae asked when he was putting on his shoes.

“I was thinking of going with you?” Siwon innocently asked making Donghae raise an eyebrow at that.

“But I have a schedule. I’m not going to the dorm”

“You have a dance practice, right?” Donghae nodded

“Well can I watch? Please?” Siwon pleaded with his puppy eyes that Donghae definitely thought he got them from him.

“Pleaaase?” Siwon added when he felt Donghae hesitating

“Fine. But you have to be quiet. I don’t want to get scolded by the managers”

“I will. I promise” Siwon cheered before hugging his brother and kissing him on the cheek.

Weird boy! Getting excited over a dance practice, Tsk.  Maybe he is a fan boy after all.


SM Practice Room

Donghae walked in to the studio where the other members were already lined up and waiting for his arrival, and as they saw who was behind him, they all greeted.

“Siwon-ah! What brought you here?” Leeteuk asked but not in a questionable way but in curiosity since it was the first time Siwon would join one of their schedules.

“I hope you don’t mind hyung” Donghae answered right away afraid the guys wouldn’t like it, making Siwon interrupt.

“I told hyung to bring me here. It’s my first day of summer and I didn’t have much to do”

The members were familiar by Siwon’s presence by now, so they had no problem of him being there with them. However, the maknae wasn’t pleased about it. As much as his hyung-deul were taking by Siwon’s innocent smile, he wouldn’t get fooled. He knew why Siwon was there and he felt kind of nervous remembering Siwon’s words from the day before.

“It’s okay. We like having you with us” Leeteuk stated as he walked and patted Siwon’s shoulder.

“Thanks hyung. I won’t disturb you, I promise. I’ll just sit there quietly” Siwon said before walking to one of the corners in the back and sat on the floor with his legs crossed. He took off a book from his pack bag and smiled at the audience before turning his focus to the book.

“Okay everyone. Let’s start” Hyukjae announced and everyone took place except Kyuhyun who was still staring at the boy that was concentrating on whatever book he was reading.

“Kyu? Are you okay?” Donghae tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention back.

“Yeah, sorry. Let’s start”

The music was soon played and Hyukjae was leading them through the moves. It was their comeback song ‘Don’t Don’. The melody was different from their previous ones and so the choreography was kind of intense as Siwon thought.

The latter was pretending to focus on his book, but the truth was, his eyes never left Kyuhyun. He watched how every inch of Kyuhyun’s skinny body was moving along with the beat. It wasn’t the first time rehearsing that dance and so they already memorized the steps. They just needed more practice.

I feel like a stalker. Siwon admitted to himself but he wasn’t doing anything about it. As long as he got to see Kyuhyun, it was more than enough. Besides, he already said he would make Kyuhyun accept his love and if the only way was by sticking to him every chance he got, then he would do it.


The boys were clearly tired as they repeated the choreography two times already without a break, sweat was all over their bodies but they were determined to get it right. They were supposed to film the MV in a couple of weeks.

“Let’s take five guys” Hyukjae announced making them sigh in relief. They instantly laid on the floor panting and trying to catch their breaths, and as Kyuhyun sat down to sip from his water bottle, his eyes involuntary met Siwon’s reflection across the mirror.

The younger had a certain look on his face that made Kyuhyun knit his eyebrows trying to figure out just what the boy was thinking about. His eyes kept locked on the glass watching Siwon intensely gazing at him with his dark orbs.

Then unconsciously, Kyuhyun’s feet stood up and dragged him next to Siwon. Kyuhyun didn’t realize it until he was already sitting across from Siwon on the floor, which made the latter gulp at the proximity.

Sweaty Kyuhyun looked gorgeous in Siwon’s eyes. All that sweat and the small gasps of air coming out of his mouth drove Siwon’s imagination to a very far place. The younger couldn’t help picturing Kyuhyun lying under him while his name. Kyuhyun was glowing and the already blushed Siwon had to tightly fist his hands so he wouldn't touch him.

“What are you really doing here?” Kyuhyun finally managed to ask bringing Siwon back from his daydreaming. He swallowed the limp on his throat before answering.

“Isn’t it obvious?” A little smirk painted on his face.

“Whatever you think you can do, you can’t. You’ll only end up hurting” Kyuhyun sincerely stated but it only made the smirk on Siwon’s face grow.

“I’m willing to take that risk”

Kyuhyun sighed in frustration as he slowly shook his head. He then decided to just leave it at that for now. However, as he was about to stand up, his sight landed on Siwon’s lap which made his eyes bulge out in shock.

“Is that … Are you …”

Siwon confusedly averted his eyes to where Kyuhyun was looking, making his eyes bulge out as well. He immediately clasped his bag over his hard on, before standing up and quickly heading to the bathroom. Kyuhyun was left in the same position, startled. How can he have a hard on just by talking to me? Oh poor boy, what will he do now?

As much as Kyuhyun was frightened by what he just witnessed, he couldn’t help but feel kind of flattered about his achievement if he should call it like that.


“Oh, weird” Donghae exclaimed, looking at his phone.

“What’s wrong?” Hyukjae asked

“Siwon-ah texted me saying that he had to leave. I didn’t even see him leave the room”

“That is weird. Maybe he got a call from someone”


Kyuhyun who was listening from the side had a huge smile plastered on his face while feeling very energetic all of a sudden.

Does he even know how to e? Oh well, there’s a first time for everything.

“Should we continue hyung?”

The members were kind of surprised about Kyuhyun being the one asking that since he always yearned for breaks, but he only innocently smiled at them before taking his position.


In The Bathroom

It's the first time this is happening to me! What should I do now? Gosh, did I have to imagine Kyuhyun like that? And I can’t believe he saw me! This is so embarrassing.

I should just think of something else … *breathes* … Damn you Kyuhyun! Why do you keep appearing in my head!


The Present Day

'Nnnngh … Kyu-ah! Aaah … so tight ... !'


This is so embarrassing! I should stop doing this! But his face, his gorgeous face keeps on hunting me even when he’s not around, even in my dreams. His stunning face, his dazzling chocolate orbs, his milky skin, his slender neck, his hands, those beautiful long fingers, that marshmallow … ! I’m hard again.


Five Years And Four Months Ago

After that … inconvenient incident, Siwon’s face turned bloody red whenever his eyes met Kyuhyun’s. The latter wasn’t making it easy as well since each time he was around Siwon, he would have an evil smirk painted on his face and so making it difficult for the younger to not remember that day.

Well, it wasn’t like Siwon could ever forget it since it was his first time getting aroused and not to mention the thing he had to do in the bathroom afterwards, which it didn’t quite go that well being inexperienced and all. However, it had being going on for too long and he wasn't going to let Kyuhyun get to him. So, he decided to let it go and focus on his mission to get Kyuhyun.


At The Dorm

“Hey Kyu hyung” Siwon walked in to the living room and slammed his body on the couch where Kyuhyun was sitting peacefully playing a game on his laptop.

“What was that again?”

“What was what?”

“What did you just call me”

“Kyu hyung?”

Kyuhyun frowned, clearly not pleased with his new nickname. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before determinedly say “Don’t ever call me that again”

Siwon was amused by Kyuhyun’s cute act and he couldn’t help but smile at him.

“Kyu hyung it is” And he hurriedly stood up from the couch heading to the kitchen before Kyuhyun could say anything. The latter’s eyes were narrowed and his lips were pouting as he watched Siwon’s back disappearing inside the kitchen.


Just as he was satisfied with the silence, Kyuhyun was soon disturbed again when Siwon walked back into the living room and took his previous place, this time with two cans of drinks in his hand.

“Coca or Sprite?” Siwon asked motioning to the drinks in his hands, but Kyuhyun didn’t even turn to look at him so he pressed one of the drinks into Kyuhyun’s cheek making him wince at the coldness.

“Yah! I’m busy here. Leave me alone!” Kyuhyun snapped at Siwon leaving the latter taking aback as his eyes started watering. Is he about to cry? Kyuhyun soon realized that he was being harsh so he apologized.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you” Siwon faced the floor, sulking.

“I said I’m sorry come on! I’ll take Sprite, okay?” His hand reached to take the can but Siwon pulled his hand away.

“Can you take Coca? I don’t drink it. Too much gas” Kyuhyun cursed silently since he wasn’t known as a patient person, but looking at Siwon’s innocent face, he could only sigh in defeat.

“Coca it is” He took the can and couldn't help the next laugh when Siwon smiled at him.

I seriously should be an actor! You’re too easy to fool BabyKyu. Well, I know I shouldn’t push my luck but apparently he’s vulnerable against my sulking.

“Let me” When Siwon noticed how Kyuhyun was struggling to open the can, he offered to help him as he took it from his hand. However, as he did, their hands brushed together leaving Siwon’s heartbeat race at the touch. Their eyes met for a second before Kyuhyun looked away and pulled his hand.

Siwon cleared his throat and opened the can before handing it back to Kyuhyun. The latter looked at it for a second not wanting to make anymore skin contact with Siwon who was amusingly watching how Kyuhyun was figuring a way to take it.

Though Siwon was enjoying the look on Kyuhyun's face, he didn't want to any longer. He held the can from the top, and so letting Kyuhyun hold it from the bottom.

“Gosh, I love you” Siwon suddenly stated making Kyuhyun choke as he was sipping his coke.

“Why so surprise? You know I do”

Kyuhyun was just staring in shock that he didn't notice when Siwon’s finger moved to his face, tenderly wiping the corner of his mouth.

“S-Siwon~” Kyuhyun started but Siwon quickly withdrew his hand and stood up from the couch.

“I gotta go. See you around Kyu hyung” He winked at him before taking a step to the side, but before taking another one, he looked at Kyuhyun again and said,

“I’m going to kiss you… Not now, but I will. So just to give you a heads up... I’m going to kiss you hyung

Tudump …

Kyuhyun’s mouth was left agape. He didn’t dare to move or utter a single word. He was trying to process what just came out of Siwon’s mouth. However, once he got to his senses, he was alone and Siwon already left.


The Present Day

“What’s with drinking Coca? Weren’t you the one who told me to stop drinking it?”

“Minho-ah … I miss how his lips taste”

“And here we go again”

Sorry for the late update ... well is it? It's been only like two days? :D
Well here you go, I hope you enjoy it ^^
Thanks again to all of my subscribers and for all the comments 

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Chapter 27: Rereading this again because you updates the last chapter of remembrance.. Still loving this fic even after many years :””
queenie2975 #2
Make a sequel please???
WonkyuLovers #3
Chapter 27: This fic very beautiful. Make me cry and happy together. One sided love my favorite fic now. Really2 love this .
WonkyuLovers #4
Chapter 18: Im cry again hiks hiks
WonkyuLovers #5
Chapter 17: This chapter make me cry ... I sorry for coment now. But I enjoyed this fic so forget to coment. Im sorry TT
W84eedy #6
Chapter 27: Nice of my favorite wonkyu fanfic
Merettevan #7
Chapter 27: This AU was really good! Set with some realistic elements but different at the same time, I enjoyed it so much that I ended up reading it till 5 am lol, I couldn't stop, thank gosh it was a weekend! I laughed and I suffered too, I was thankful to their friends while I wanted to shake both WonKyu and made them talk to each other lol, I love them so much so I'm glad they ended up together. Loving Minho and Taemin's relationship, not a ship of mine but I think they were really cute and nice! Thank you for the story!
Jyotimeena #8
Chapter 10: ahh!! it's so great😍
aimeeocana23 #9
Chapter 27: I really like this story. I make me cry, laugh,jealous, angry etc.
INdeed your a great writer!!!
So happy that i see it.
Chapter 27: Thankyou for this story :''' wonkyu love is everywhere yeay