chapter 14


Onew's POV

      "cursesformysangtae," I mutters under my breath. "Gwenchana?" The girl ask me. Great, now I have no idea about her name now. "I-I'm fine,really," I smile trying to convince her with it. "By the way," I started while dusting off my clothes. Oh..poor my servant.."What is your name again?" And everyone starts to laugh again. She lok at me and bit her lips and she looks like she's trying her best to not laugh. "Violet," She said and held out her hand. "O-Onew," I shook her hand vigorously. "It's nice to meet you Onew," " too.."

Violet's POV

   This is sure going to be a looonnggg day, I thought."Okay.." Key clapped his hands to get some attention. "Let's continue the breaking ice activity with some tea," "In the garden again?" Taemin ask Key cutely. " the garden.." Key sighs and Taemin started to clap like a little kid. 


We walk into a garden that is full of various types and colours of flower in it. It's so beautiful. We stopped at a hut in the garden. The tea set were waiting for us already on a white clothed table. All of us take our seats while Key starts to pour the tea into the cups. I helped Key to give each of them a cup of tea and a piece of cracker.

   All of us had a nice tea. I only had a cracker and a piece of chocolate cake. But the boys...I palm myself mentally. It's like they were having their lunch! They stuff their mouths with the crackers and the cakes. They were just hungry, I guess. 

  Suddenly, I felt a negative aura surround us. This aura is the same as the night that my mom get killed. Automatically, I grabbed Jonghyun's arm and bury my face into his muscular arms,shivering of fear. 

Jonghyun's POV

   We were having a great tea when suddenly, Violet grab mi arm and bury down her face on it. "What's wrong,Vi-" "Sssshhh...!" I was cut off by Key,hushing me down. I look at my brothers and I notice they kept their eyes wandering around the hut. Suddenly..."SURPRISE..!!!" A female vampire flew into the hut.


A/N: Yay...!!! double update again today...!! Enjoy it subbies..and for the rest please feel free to subscribe or comment or even, do both of them...THANK YOU...^^

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sqtshaira #1
Chapter 20: update plaese
Chapter 5: ASDFGHJKL !!!
onira_anis #3
Chapter 1: sorry...i accidently make a mistake...huhu..
onira_anis #4
thehehe...gomawo...i'll check it again later