chapter 9


Violet's POV

         We walked out of my room and found two guards ready to us to somewhere. We walked down the stairs and went straight into the dining hall. The hall was so big and I can see a few girls collecting some empty plates on the table. "Good morning, sleepy head.." Key greeted me as he put down the newspaper that covered his face.I put oon my puzzled look. Sleepy..head..?? I thought trying to analyse his words. 

          "What with that look?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. Then, I realized something."The other four of your brothers were waiting for me" "Yup, especially your future husbands," He replied sarcastically. Krystal shoved me to a seat that is at Key's right. "I'm sorry. I was too enjoying the morning bath," I said looking down to my lap. "Nah.. It's alright..You're lucky to have two patient future husbands you know.." He said and chuckled. "Oh..Chincha?" I blink and look at Key that is nodding as an answer to my question."Soo...where are they now?"

     "Oh..they went to their trainings.." Key answered taking a sip of his coffee. I nodded and take a bit of my toast."Wow..It's delicious..." "Really? That was my new recipe of my homemade jam." " What's inside?" "Urmm..Let's see.." He scratches his eyebrow. Thinking, probably. " accent of Acacia flowers...Vanilla..oh! And a sip of mint.." He answered snapping his fingers to the last ingredient."Teach me later on.." "Okay..That is one of my task with you anyway.." I frown."What do you mean?" " What I mean is...I'm going to be with you all the time. Teach you anything that you have to know as a princess and tha future queen.Protect you from any danger. The conclusion is I am going to be the responsible one if there's anything happen to YOU.." He said pointing his index finger at me and looking at me with his creepy look again. "24/7?" He nodded. "Exactly. 24/7. That is what I voluteered and promise to my hyungs,"


A/N: Please..Please..comment and subscribe...I hope you guys are not a silent readers...Please...@.@

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sqtshaira #1
Chapter 20: update plaese
Chapter 5: ASDFGHJKL !!!
onira_anis #3
Chapter 1: sorry...i accidently make a mistake...huhu..
onira_anis #4
thehehe...gomawo...i'll check it again later