Chapter 8 : Eunhyuk




Lee Eunhyuk

Donghae was sleeping soundly next to me. It was one of the most adorable things I think I had ever seen. His head was resting on one of his arms and his legs were curled up to his chest. His hair fell over his face and his lips were parted. The most adorable thing about him though was how loose my clothes were on him. 

"Did you bring any clothes Donghae?" Donghae shook his head and slowly took of my his sweater and sat there on my bed. Donghae's head was hanging low and he was fiddling with his fingers. 

"You can borrow some of mine." I handed him a big white t-shirt and a pair of black and white plaid pajama bottoms. Donghae headed into the bathroom - which I had showed him earlier - and changed into my pajamas. 

Donghae walked out of the bathroom and my pajamas were extremely loose on him. The shirt was down to his knees and the pajama bottoms were ready to fall off, and then they did. I bite my lip to hold back giggles. Donghae was blushing like mad and I bet he was thankful that the shirt covered eny other areas, though I'm pretty sure his boxers also did that. 

"Why... don't you just... wear the shirt," I managed to get in between my laughs. Donghae nodded and slowly stepped out of the bottoms that were hanging at his ankles. 

"You... can sleep in my... bed." I was still laughing and giggling but it was slowly dying down. Donghae climbed into my bed and slowly laid down. My giggling ceased and I hopped onto my couch, laying down.

I woke up in the middle of the night to Donghae suddenly sniffling and crying. I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. Donghae had tears streaming down his cheeks. It took all I had not to reach out and hug him, I didn't really want to wake him up. Should I?

I didn't really have time to think because Donghae shot up and screamed, his body rocking with frantic sobs. 

"Donghae? Please calm down, your alright, it was a dream," I whispered quietly to Donghae. He looked at me for a few seconds before some silents sobs racked his frame, making him shake violently. I bit my lip and slowly extended my arms. Donghae quickly scooted into my arms and clung to me for life, may I remind you Donghae is usually shy and hesitant. 

I whispered soothing words in Donghae's ear as I slowly laid back on the bed, his hair. Donghae curled into my chest, his tears soaking my shirt. 

Donghae's breath eventually evened out and he stopped shaking. I smiled a little to myself and closed my eyes, holding him tightly.


Donghae pulled on his clothes from yesturday and scrunched his nose up, probably not wanting to wear them, though I'm sure he would much rather wear those than a shirt that looks like a dress.

"Maybe we should go to your house later to get your clothes." Donghae tensed but nodded. I smiled and hooked my arm with Donghae's. Just then my phone buzzed, so I picked it up.



"Hey, is Donghae there?"


"Well put it on speaker."

I pressed the speaker button and then held the phone away from my ear.

"Donghae? I have some good and some bad news. I'm kind of going on vacation for a month in China with my family, that is the sorta good news, the bad news is that you can't come and you'll have to stay home alone for a while, just stick with Eunhyuk, okay?"

Donghae's eyes glazed with tears and swirled with fear. I frowned and started talking back to Jessica.

"Um, what exactly is so bad about Donghae's house?" 

"His mom. Ugh, I have to go. Donghae, come by my house to pick up your clothes and stuff since my house will be locked while I'm gone. I promise when I get back we'll hang out. I'll see you when you get here, but not for long, bye Donghae. Love you, and Eunhyuk, please take care of him."

And then she hung up. The look on Donghae's face was simple, fear.   

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nerdynamstar #1
Just wondering,are you going to finish this story or just leave it hanging like this. Kinda miss it you know...wanna know how the story goes. Wish u could update tho. :-)
Chapter 19: Aw I loved this!
Chapter 19: Please update :(
keeraX #4
Chapter 19: please update soon!!
i wanna know what happens next
Just wondering, do you plan on finishing this story?
it's really good, well all of your stories are good.
But I really loved this one, and I hope I can read the rest of it. ^^
monniefish #6
Chapter 19: HAEHAE WAE SO CUUUUUUUTEE?!! *squealed*
aiggoo poor haehae left alone *pout* why hyuk's parents were such a jerk ?!!
Please update soon author sshi~
haleeann #7
Chapter 19: I wonder what the mom will do??? Hmm...
Chapter 19: they're so cute in this story! :)
I'm kind of afraid for what will happen to Donghae if he trusts Hyukjae enough to give him his love, though :( but it's a really good story so far :)