Chapter 6: Eunhyuk




I feel so bad for Donghae, and when he handed Jessica that note with the "I'm sorry" on it, it made my crush on Donghae grow. I feel dirty though because I have a small crush on Jessica, but a bigger one on Donghae. Tonight when Donghae goes to sleep I want to ask Jessica if I can have a day alone with Donghae to get to know him better. It would make me feel better getting to know him. 

"So, what do you guys want to do tonight?" Jessica sighed. She was obviously bored. Donghae was sitting on her bed all huddled up in my hoodie playing games on Jessica's phone, his fingers sticking out of my hoodie sleeves after he bunched the sleeves up. I could not describe how adorable he looked. I could tell he was getting tired by the way his head would roll to one side slowly and he would catch himself before his head would hit his shoulder. It was cute but I was starting to get tired at watching it.

"Maybe we should go to sleep," I yawned and stretched my arms above my head. 

"Alright, that okay with you Donghae?" Jessica asked the small boy. Donghae nodded and shut Jessica's phone off. He let the sleeves of my hoodie dangle off his arms as he ped the hoodie. I was fine with him keeping it, I didn't wear it much anyways. Sure, it had a nice design but it wasn't my favorite. 

"You can keep that Donghae." I smiled at him, but he looked unsure about it. I wanted to reach out and hole his hand like I did in detention, but I know that I can't do that because it would seem awkward if I just got up and went to his side just to hold his hand. I wouldn't mind but I don't know about him.

Donghae slowly put the hoodie back on and huddled up inside of it like it was a blanket. Adorable. Jessica took of her hoodie and her skinny jeans. She was in nothing but a batman tee-shirt and black booty shorts. Hot. Adorable vs Hot, I wonder which one will get me. Whoa, I seriously can not be thinking about this. Adorable is great, but hot can have more strength at times. Rare times though does hot overpower adorable, I feel focused on Donghae. 

"Good night guys."

"Night Eunhyuk, Donghae."

I slipped under the blankets on the couch and shut my eyes. I waited until I heard the soft breathing of Donghae. I then slowly got up off the floor and walked over to the side of the bed Jessica was on. 

"Jessica?" I whispered. I saw Jessica's eyes open and she looked up at me.

"What are you still doing up?" Jessica asked. 

"I just wanted to ask you if I could spend the day alone with Donghae tomorrow, ya'know, so I could get to know him better." I bit my lip and gave Jessica a pleading look. 

"Sure, I have been meaning to go on a shopping trip with my mom anyways, tomorrow would be perfect." Jessica smiled and then closed her eyes. "Now go to bed." 

I nodded happily and jumped back onto the couch, which I was mad at myself for not sleeping on last night. But I was also happy because I would get to spend all day with Donghae tomorrow, after school of course. 


School went without complications. I'm suprised Donghae wore my hoodie again, and also kind of happy. Jessica got picked up by her mom to go shopping. Donghae and I went straight for town after school.

"You seem to really like that hoodie of mine," I smiled down at Donghae and he blushed madly, letting the hoodie drop over his face. 

I chuckled and pulled he hood off his head, ruffling his perfect hair. 

"Don't be embarrassed, it's cute," I chuckled. Donghae blushed a shade of red darker than blood. I cracked up laughing and ruffled his hair again. Donghae let out a whine, it was the most adorable thing I have ever heard, and it was the closest thing I have ever heard to Donghae speaking. 

Donghae handed me a piece of paper and I took it and read what he had written.

Just shut up, will you?

"O-okay," I chuckled. Donghae crossed his arms and continued walking. We were getting close to the coffee shop. We were going to order drinks and then I was going to drag Donghae to the mall that I had noticed when I arrived in this town. It's not that far from here, sure it's a long walk but nothing that our legs can't take. 

"Hurry Donghae, we are almost there!" I grabbed his hand and attempted to pull Donghae quicker. Donghae yelped and tried running as I dragged him behind me. He succeded but whined as I dragged him along.

"Stop whining Donghae, we're almost there." I smiled at him and dragged him into the coffee shop, running straight to the counter.

"I would like one strawberry banana smoothie and an ice tea!" I shouted at the person behind the counter. The poor teenage boy scowled and rolled his eyes, shouting the order to some people who were working behind him. I dragged Donghae to the window seat. Donghae seemed to be exhausted by my constant moving around and dragging him around. By exhausted I didn't mean that he was tired, just tired of me dragging him around.

"One strawberry banana smoothie and one ice tea!" the man behind the counter shouted. I smirked and went to go get our drinks.

"Drink up." I handed Donghae his drink and Donghae stared at it before taking it in his hands and sipping through the straw. Donghae looked up at me and gave me a small thumbs up, signaling he liked his smoothie. I chuckled and started to drink my ice tea, loving how it sent a refreshing feeling through my body each time I drank a sip. 
"After this we're going to the mall." Donghae sighed and grabbed his small notepad and wrote me a quick note.

I don't have any money, besides, I already have enough things.

I rolled my eyes and stared into Donghae's beautiful orbs. He quickly averted his gaze and blushed,  sipping his smoothie akwardly. I grinned at Donghae and placed my hand over his. Donghae choked on his smoothie for a moment before swallowing hard and looking down at our hands. I gave Donghae's hand a squeeze and he blushed bright red, such a pretty color on him.

"You know I have money and I am going to pay for you." Donghae looked up at my and frowned, shaking his head as to signal "no."

I chuckled,"Well you don't have money," I stuffed 50000000 wons into Donghae's coat pocket and held his hand, keeping it from reaching into his pocket. Donghae’s other hand was holding onto his smoothie. Donghae sighed and looked down.  

I finished my ice tea about the time he finished his smoothie and I was ecstatic. We threw our empty cups away and I grabbed Donghae, of course dragging him out of the coffee shop and towards the mall. Halfway there Donghae tugged at my arm and Looked back, letting go of his hand. Donghae gave me a thumbs up and then continued walking. Was that his way of saying "I can walk on my own"? I know he can't and never had spoken, but he does all these little things to show you what he is trying to say or signal. Like his own little sign language. I can tell he doesn't like having to write notes all the time and he seems to stubborn to learn sign language. Though j don't actually know sign language, well, I know a little bit of sign language but not the whole language itself. 

"To the mall!" I did a fist pump and then scurried next to Donghae who had gotten ahead of me when I was thinking about him learning sign language.    


Donghae had only bought one shirt. It was an Asking Alexandria shirt. I didn't know sweet little Donghae would like such things.

"You have to buy more!" I stretched out the word more, pretty much only the 'o' in more though. I had three bags of clothes. Donghae looked down and clutched the shirt to his chest. Awww, how cute. 

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nerdynamstar #1
Just wondering,are you going to finish this story or just leave it hanging like this. Kinda miss it you know...wanna know how the story goes. Wish u could update tho. :-)
Chapter 19: Aw I loved this!
Chapter 19: Please update :(
keeraX #4
Chapter 19: please update soon!!
i wanna know what happens next
Just wondering, do you plan on finishing this story?
it's really good, well all of your stories are good.
But I really loved this one, and I hope I can read the rest of it. ^^
monniefish #6
Chapter 19: HAEHAE WAE SO CUUUUUUUTEE?!! *squealed*
aiggoo poor haehae left alone *pout* why hyuk's parents were such a jerk ?!!
Please update soon author sshi~
haleeann #7
Chapter 19: I wonder what the mom will do??? Hmm...
Chapter 19: they're so cute in this story! :)
I'm kind of afraid for what will happen to Donghae if he trusts Hyukjae enough to give him his love, though :( but it's a really good story so far :)