Chapter 4; Eunhyuk




Last night really freaked me out, for two reasons. Why did Donghae wake up crying? And who was this girl that Jessica kept cooing to Donghae about? 

I woke up about an hour ago and I'm waiting for Jessica and Donghae to wake up. Donghae looked so peaceful in his sleep, like everything was at ease.

Anyway, all I could think about were the two questions swirling around in my mind. Why was Donghae crying last night and who was this girl Jessica was talking about? I know Donghae is a scared, frightened boy but why would he wake up crying? What could be causing such a dream and was this girl in it? Was it a scary dream or something where the girl was a murderer, who tried to kill Donghae? That can't be it, why else would Jessica be trying to coo Donghae back to sleep with the girl? It can't be a girlfriend because Donghae is gay. 

I was too caught up in my thoughts to notice that Jessica had woken up. She came over to me and tapped me on the shoulder. I yelped but then turned my body to look at her. "Don't scare me like that!" I scolded, but then when I noticed Donghae was still asleep, I scolded myself for using such a loud tone. Jessica of course shushed me. I rolled my eyes and hoped up of the couch. 

Jessica looked back at Donghae and smiled, "Isn't he adorable?" Jessica sighed at peace.

"Yeah, real cute," I admired, a little jealous that someone could be so cute. Why couldn't I be cute? I mean I know I know I'm handsome but not cute. 

"He would be so much more cute with a smile on his face. Nobody has ever seen one from him, not even himself. Luna-" Jessica cut herself off and looked down.

"Uh, who is Luna?" I asked. I didn't want to push on the subject but I wanted to know who she was. 

Jessica sighed and glanced back at Donghae. 

"I think I would be his place to tell you, but I would wait until he was ready," Jessica smiled a little. I nodded and glanced back down at her. I will wait until Donghae is ready because it does seem like a story worth waiting for, but I know I have to earn Donghae's trust to hear it.

"I'll earn his trust and wait for him to tell me himself then," I smiled down at Jessica and she smiled back. Jessica had a pretty smile. She was also very pretty. I had a slight crush on her, but a bigger one on Donghae forming.

Donghae began to stir in Jessica's bed. Jessica turned to him completely and skipped over to his side of the bed. "Good morning my little Donghae," Jessica smiled and pulled Donghae into a tight hug. He hugged back even though he seemed to be half asleep.I wish I could be that close to Donghae.

"Did you sleep alright?" Jessica asked Donghae. Donghae nodded and rested his head on Jessica's shoulder. Donghae let out an adorable yawn and slowly untangles himself from Jessica's grip. 

"I love you Donghae, you're like the little brother I never had," Jessica smiled at Donghae and slowly stood up, helping Donghae up in the process.

"I'm sorry about last night Donghae, I promise that you will see her again and I promise everything will look up from there." Jessica was such a great friend to Donghae. She deserves every moment of happiness brought to her. Donghae deserves her.

"What do you want to do today Donghae?" Jessica asked the small boy. Donghae shrugged and looked at me, giving me a questioning look. 

"How about we go downtown after school and spend money on things we will probably only use once?" It was actually meant to be a joke. But Jessica being Jessica she jus had to say something to ruin that joke,

"Sounds like fun!" 

I was right. 

"Except I am going to buy things I know I will use all the time, but whatever, you buy what you want, but I only have 20000 so no big fancy malls," Jessica said in the most tenn way possible. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my back pack up from next to the couch and pulled out some clothes. Jessica pointed to the bathroom across from her bedroom and I nodded, walking towards the bathroom and stepping in to change. I'll admit I'm no the fastest at getting changed but I can still make it quickly. 

When I came out of the bathroom, Jessica and Donghae were already dressed. I was surprised at how quick they both got dressed but I guess that doesn't really matter at the moment. 

"Shall we head to school?" I acted kind of like a gentleman.

"We shall," Jessica giggled. She has a pretty giggle.I wonder what Donghae's giggle sounds like...

"C'mon!" Jessica ran up the stairs with Donghae quickly following her. I grabbed my back pack and followed quickly. 


First period was pretty boring, I really hope it would be over soon. What is that I sit on the opposite side of the room from Donghae. The teacher even more. She is old and jiggly and wrinkly. She is also mean.

"Donghae, I don't think I have ever heard an answer from you, what do you think the answer is?" The stupid teacher smirked and some people in the class laughed. My jaw dropped and I felt my heart sink. What would happen if she doesn't accept a written answer from Donghae?

Donghae's eyes filled with fear and he glanced around the class, his eyes landed on me and he gave me a pleading look. I couldn't shout out because I know that would end us both in detention. I picked up my notebook and pointed to it. Donghae nodded and slowly wrote down the answer on a piece of notebook paper and tore it out of his book, handing it to the teacher. The teacher scoffed and crumpled the paper up. I think a part of me just died a little. There is no way a teacher could be so evil, she has to know that Donghae doesn't speak! I've known the boy for less than two days and I already know he doesn't!

"I will not accept written answers Mr. Lee," the teacher scolded. Donghae cast his eyes down as the class began laughing. 


"I know the answer!" I stood up after shouting. The teacher looked at me.

"I believe I asked Mr. Lee, not you, detention, the both of you." At least I helped Donghae, just a little. He won't be in detention alone. But what are we going to tell Jessica?


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nerdynamstar #1
Just wondering,are you going to finish this story or just leave it hanging like this. Kinda miss it you know...wanna know how the story goes. Wish u could update tho. :-)
Chapter 19: Aw I loved this!
Chapter 19: Please update :(
keeraX #4
Chapter 19: please update soon!!
i wanna know what happens next
Just wondering, do you plan on finishing this story?
it's really good, well all of your stories are good.
But I really loved this one, and I hope I can read the rest of it. ^^
monniefish #6
Chapter 19: HAEHAE WAE SO CUUUUUUUTEE?!! *squealed*
aiggoo poor haehae left alone *pout* why hyuk's parents were such a jerk ?!!
Please update soon author sshi~
haleeann #7
Chapter 19: I wonder what the mom will do??? Hmm...
Chapter 19: they're so cute in this story! :)
I'm kind of afraid for what will happen to Donghae if he trusts Hyukjae enough to give him his love, though :( but it's a really good story so far :)