Chapter 10; Eunhyuk


I told Donghae about everything that goes on around my house. He was having a mini freakout still though. I sighed and grabbed his hands in mine.

"Donghae, you can stop freaking out, okay? I am here for you while Jessica is away and even after she comes back I will still be here for you, whenever you need me." I smiled at him and held onto his hands tightly. Donghae blushed and stopped breathing heavily. I pulled Donghae into a hug and rocked us back and fourth. Donghae relaxed against my touch but I could still feel how tense he was.

"You're always tense, is it because of fear? How about we try to get rid of as many fears over this month as we can and then when Jessica comes back you can show her how... un-afraid you are!" Iexclamied, throwing my arms in the air. Donghae gasped and looked up at me with curious eyes.

"I'll guide the way," I said and then my chin as if I was thinking, "How about we work on some fears tomorrow?" I asked. Donghaes lips twitched, but he quickly got rid of that and nodded.

I smiled, probably bigger than any other time in my life, and hugged Donghae tighter than before. Donghae shakily hugged back and rested his head on my shoulder. It felt... right. 

I smiled and lifted Donghae onto my bed. He squeaked and I got a small, millionth of a second, glimpse of the voice that I wanted to hear so bad. His squeak was too high pitched to be the correct tone for his voice. I sighed and sat on the bed next to Donghae. He looked at me and bit his lip as I grabbed a paper and pen from my drawer located next to the bed.

"I want you to write down all your fears and we'll divide them all into days, so maybe we can conquer some of them over a few days," I said. Donghae chewed at his lip like he usually does and shakily grabbed the pen from my hands. He set the paper on the bed and laid on his stomach, writing down all his fears. He paused every few seconds as if he was thinking. 

He kept writing and writing. Whenever I though he had finished his very long list he had. He would write down more and more. I blinked and there would be new fears on the list. I blinked one more time and Donghae had stopped writing. I sighed because I knew this was going to be a very long month.

"Alright Donghae, I'm thinking we should work on the little fears first and towards the end of the month we can work on your biggest fears. Donghae nodded his head and looked around the room.

One of the cutest things I have ever seen happened then. Cuter than puppies cuddling and begging.

Lee Freakin' Donghae sneezed.

I smiled like an idiot as Donghae blushed and covered his mouth with his hands. 

"You're adorable," I said and laid down with Donghae in my arms. Donghae yawned and cuddled into me. I placed his list on my side table and frowned at how much this boy was afraid of. Jessica wasn't kidding when she said this Angel named Donghae had Panophobia.

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nerdynamstar #1
Just wondering,are you going to finish this story or just leave it hanging like this. Kinda miss it you know...wanna know how the story goes. Wish u could update tho. :-)
Chapter 19: Aw I loved this!
Chapter 19: Please update :(
keeraX #4
Chapter 19: please update soon!!
i wanna know what happens next
Just wondering, do you plan on finishing this story?
it's really good, well all of your stories are good.
But I really loved this one, and I hope I can read the rest of it. ^^
monniefish #6
Chapter 19: HAEHAE WAE SO CUUUUUUUTEE?!! *squealed*
aiggoo poor haehae left alone *pout* why hyuk's parents were such a jerk ?!!
Please update soon author sshi~
haleeann #7
Chapter 19: I wonder what the mom will do??? Hmm...
Chapter 19: they're so cute in this story! :)
I'm kind of afraid for what will happen to Donghae if he trusts Hyukjae enough to give him his love, though :( but it's a really good story so far :)