Chapter 3: Donghae







We all stayed at Jessica's house, Jessica and I learning about Eunhyuk and him learning about us, it really is amazing when someone you just met has such a fascinating life. 

"No way!" Jessica giggled, Eunhyuk just talked about one of the fascinating times he had at his old home. I would have giggled if I were a happier person. 

"Yeah, I could never forget my friends for some of the worst reasons! Once my friend and I were going to play a prank on my dad and it completely back fired! I ended up getting covered in feathers and syrup. Not that original but I was cleaning syrup out of my hair for months! I found feathers in the worst of places! Oh, and one time me and my friends went to the movies and this old woman was sitting infront of us and apperentally we were being too loud, so, she ended up yelling at us about how we were annoying little planks! The manager had to get her to leave and she completely freaked. Security had to take her away, it was so funny!" Eunhyuk laughed and gazed at Jessica. 

How perfect they would be together.

But you like him!

I want what's best for Jessica! Not myself, Jessica deserves him, not me.

Shut up. You know you deserve him, he is perfect and you just can't see that you could be more than friends with this boy.

I know that isn't true, Jessica is the one who has always helped me through everything, she is a nice girl, and she speaks and eveyone loves her, well, except for the homophobic school body but she deserves this!

Just go and get him, get to know him, and eventually you could have a future!

I gave up and stopped fighting with the voice in my head. I couldn't stop it because it won't shut up so why fight it?

You know you love me!

Isn't the voice in our head supposed to be controlled by us? It's not like we have a second brain in our heads. Wow I sound like a nerd.

"Donghae, you okay?" Jessica asks, a worried look covering her face. Eunhyuk is also looking at me with the same expression Jessica is. I blush and nod slowly. Jessica smiles and scoots over to me, hugging my shoulders. I look up at her and hug her back with one arm, looking back down. Eunhyuk smiles at us and I cast my eyes down. Jessica and Eunhyuk start flirting talking again as I listen. They would be cute together. 

I could only imagine them together. So happy, so cute, in love. They would be tangled in each other's arms, kissing and loving. 

And forget about you.

No! Jessica loves me to much to just forgot me. I could keep in touch with her in some way. Letters maybe. Her and Eunhyuk could have kids that I could babysit and take care of for Jessica and Eunhyuk. She really does like him.

You like him

Just a bit!

"Donghae! You're scaring me! Stop that! So as I was saying, do you want to spend the night? Well, actually I don't need to ask! Come on Donghae! To the basement!" Did I ever mention that me staying at Jessica's is like a secret mission to her? She keeps all my clothes in a secret box thing under the floor boards in the basement. Jessica and I always sleep in the basement though because her room is down there. She has a much more plain room than most would expect. The walls are a black wood with a dark wooden bottom outline and the floor is white carpet that is fuzzy. She has a small row of windows that line the top of her right wall. Her ceiling is white with black specks and her bed is gray with white pillows, and a black blanket. She had some other plain pieces of furniture that were all the just different shades of black, gray, white, or just some pale colors.

"Oh, and Eunhyuk is sleeping over as well, hope you don't mind," Jessica smiled and led me down to her room. I followed slowly with Eunhyuk walking at my pace behind me. I felt bad for him walking slow just because I was, so I sped up. 

Eunhyuk was taking in Jessica's house, she was middle class, not rich or poor; just middle class. Her house was nothing major nor anything small. I liked it though because I could leave the small, broken house I live in and come here. 

Jessica led us to her basement and smiled up at Eunhyuk as we walked into her room. I sat on her bed and slowly laid down. 

"You tired?" Eunhyuk asked me. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. "Go to sleep." I always knew and had always said that Eunhyuk is a good guy. He will always be a good guy, I can tell.

I slowly nodded and closed my eyes. Like anyone, I didn't fall asleep right away. I could hear Jessica and Eunhyuk getting ready to go to bed themselves. They weren't talking at all, but I could hear a couple of yawns. Jessica had high pitched yawn and Eunhyuk had a low yawn that I adored.

I felt Jessica climb into the bed next to me. She was a heavy sleeper so I couldn't wake her up if I even rolled over onto her, but I am a really light sleeper so even if I did I would probably wake up. 

"Goodnight Donghae," Jessica yawned and turned her back to me. I popped an eye open and looked around the dark room, Eunhyuk was laying on the floor under a blanket with two pillows under his head. He looked like he was already asleep.

I closed my eyes again and somehow managed to fall asleep.

Luna hugged me tight and buried her face in my neck. I hugged her back and slowly ran my fingers through her hair.

"Donghae, please say something!" my sister begged. I stared at her confused, not understanding why I need to talk. I have never felt the need to. I am afraid people will hate my annoying voice that not even I have heard. Millions of times I have been asked to speak, but I just can't. 

"You know you will one day," she giggled and poked the back of my neck. I shivered and slowly moved out of the tight embrace. 

I took in my sister's features and felt the corners of my lips twitch. I quickly got rid of the twitch before anyone saw and thought I was weird. 

"I love it when the corners of your mouth twitch. I know it's not a smile or anything near a smile but for me, it's an Donghae smile, it'll be our little secret," she giggled again. I nodded and slowly ran my fingers over my lips, which were only used to eat and to complete my ugly face. 

"Kids! Get your snobby little asses down here!" Mother was obviously drunk again. I bet my nearly dead lips twitched downwards at that.

Luna and I slowly crept out of the room we shared and down the wooden stairs, which creeked and squeaked more than they should. 

"Yes mother?" Luna was being polite like she always is. 

"Go ing do your chores! You and that rat have had enough talking time and need to get to work," Mother growled, storming back into her room to get even more drunk out of her mind. Luna and me exchanged looks and she just gave a small smile and shrugged. We walked into the kitchen together and started cleaning.

"You know what Donghae, one day I am going to get us out of here. We are going to have new lives and then be all happy and free and maybe you'll finally talk," she beamed while washing the weird mush off some plates. 

I simply nodded and then continued washing more dishes. Luna always talks about these kind of things. 

"Donghae," Luna whispered. I turned to her and she smiled.

"I have been working on something lately, I think that we can finally get out of here, well, you would have to leave and I would stay behind, you would be more safe if you were the one that left and you know I always put you before me, I will talk to you about it more later on, alright?" I nodded my head quickly and went on with the dishes quicker. For a teenager in middle school I was pretty quick at doing things that most teenagers would complain about after 5 seconds of it.

"I love you Donghae, I really do." Luna was a great sister. She really was. She was the only reason I was still sane. 

"C'mon Donghae, I'm done with my dishes and you actually did half of mine and you're already done," she giggled. I looked down and blushed. Luna grabbed my hand and led me to the stairs which we quietly walked up to our room. 

Luna walked in with me and sat on her small bed. She pulled something out from under her bed, it looked like a notebook. "Look at this." Luna motioned to her notebook and then handed it over to me. I opened the first page and looked over the words. 

Okay. The escape plan from this hell hole. 

Donghae, since your reading this obviously I am writing the plan incase mom would hear me talking about it. Anyways, since we both go to school and everything then we are going to be getting good jobs. When you turn fifteen in two years you are going to go out in the world and make some money so we can buy a place and get away from mom. You finding a job would be hard considering you're a mute but I want what's the most safe for you, so don't try and write me out of this! So anyways my plan is for you to get the job and make money, but a job that doesn't involve speaking I suppose. I have been saving up money that takes a lot more work than any job to make. I am going to stay here and fend off mom. You have to do this! Even ask Jessica for help! She has been with us through thick and thin and I know she would help. You have to do this! With the money I have saved up you can afford to at least live on your own, there is no way money would support both of us, and since you're going to be fifteen when this plan comes into action so I made you a fake ID that was pretty hard to get, I also had some friends work with me on this! We can do this. I know it.

I looked up at Luna with tears in my eyes. She was at least 3 years older than me so she should be the one doing this. I know I have to convince her to, one way or the other.

I woke up gasping. My finger tips ghosted over my cheeks and I felt wetness from crying. Jessica was still sleeping in a funny position next to me and it helped me to stop crying. 

I miss Luna...

"Donghae? Are you okay?" a deep voice came from the darkness of the room. I glanced over and saw the outline of a shadow moving. I quicky pulled the covers up over my head and slammed my eyes shut. I knew Eunhyuk would see me crying and then think that I was a stupid little baby. 

"What's wrong Donghae? Please tell me, or write it to me for that matter" Eunhyuk pleaded. I looked down and frowned a bit, something my mouth does every once in awhile. "Want me to wake up Jessica?" Eunhyuk questioned I looked up and nodded. Eunhyuk looked at Jessica and started shaking her.

"What?" she mumbled.

"Donghae..." Eunhyuk trailed off, his eyes locked with mine. Jessica shot up and looked at me. 

"Donghae?! What happened?! Was it a dream again?" Jessica's voice softens and she pulls me into a tight hug as I nod.

"We both miss her Donghae, I promise you will see her again, I promise," Jessica cooed into my ear and slowly laid back down with me in her arms. She somehow managed to coo me back to sleep.       




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nerdynamstar #1
Just wondering,are you going to finish this story or just leave it hanging like this. Kinda miss it you know...wanna know how the story goes. Wish u could update tho. :-)
Chapter 19: Aw I loved this!
Chapter 19: Please update :(
keeraX #4
Chapter 19: please update soon!!
i wanna know what happens next
Just wondering, do you plan on finishing this story?
it's really good, well all of your stories are good.
But I really loved this one, and I hope I can read the rest of it. ^^
monniefish #6
Chapter 19: HAEHAE WAE SO CUUUUUUUTEE?!! *squealed*
aiggoo poor haehae left alone *pout* why hyuk's parents were such a jerk ?!!
Please update soon author sshi~
haleeann #7
Chapter 19: I wonder what the mom will do??? Hmm...
Chapter 19: they're so cute in this story! :)
I'm kind of afraid for what will happen to Donghae if he trusts Hyukjae enough to give him his love, though :( but it's a really good story so far :)