chpater 13:; Donghae





Eunhyuk had me spend the night at his house. Again. This time though it was to help me get over my fear of the dark which is something I really wanted to get rid of. I don't mind the dark if I'm sleeping but if I'm in the dark for a long time then yes, I will be afraid.

"Okay, Donghae, I'm going to shut the lights off in a few minutes, if there is anything you want to do before hat to like, prepare I guess, tell me now, 'kay?" I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair. Eunhyuk was standing next to the light switch and I was sitting cross legged on his bed. He studied me carefully before switching the light off. I didn't freak out majorly at first. I could hear the patter of Eunhyuk's footsteps as he scurried towards the bed. He jumped on and the right side of the bed went down from his weight. I couldn't see him but I knew he was there. Eunhyuk took my hand in his and gave it a good squeeze. 

I didn't feel very panicked. I only felt... a little bit panicked. I heard a tiny noise come from the corner. Instantly I wanted to know what it was but I couldn't because I couldn't see. I shivered and squeezed Eunhyuk's hand tighter. He squeezed my hand back and and traced circles over my palm. I heard another sound and once again, I had a mini panic attack.

This continued for a while, me hearing non-exsistant sounds coming from the corners or sides of the room, and then I would have a mini panic attack, afraid of what might be in the dark just waiting to pounce. If Eunhyuk weren't here, I would be having full blown freak outs. 

Eventually, I calmed down, Eunhyuk soothing me the whole time. His Voice made me focus more on him That voice, it just, well, drew me in. I closed my eyes, just listening to his voice as the small sounds faded away. 

A yawn bubbled past my lips and Eunhyuk chuckled lightly. I could feel him lay down beside me, so I laid down as well. Eunhyuk was breathing lightly, tracing his fingers along my arm in a soothing way. 

I felt my eyes begin to close. Eunhyuk helps me forget about my fears. He helps me forget about stupid bullies. He helps me forget about my mother. He helps me forget about my sister. 

What Eunhyuk does show me is the glimpse of that emotion named happiness that I have never had before.

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nerdynamstar #1
Just wondering,are you going to finish this story or just leave it hanging like this. Kinda miss it you know...wanna know how the story goes. Wish u could update tho. :-)
Chapter 19: Aw I loved this!
Chapter 19: Please update :(
keeraX #4
Chapter 19: please update soon!!
i wanna know what happens next
Just wondering, do you plan on finishing this story?
it's really good, well all of your stories are good.
But I really loved this one, and I hope I can read the rest of it. ^^
monniefish #6
Chapter 19: HAEHAE WAE SO CUUUUUUUTEE?!! *squealed*
aiggoo poor haehae left alone *pout* why hyuk's parents were such a jerk ?!!
Please update soon author sshi~
haleeann #7
Chapter 19: I wonder what the mom will do??? Hmm...
Chapter 19: they're so cute in this story! :)
I'm kind of afraid for what will happen to Donghae if he trusts Hyukjae enough to give him his love, though :( but it's a really good story so far :)