Chapter 5: Donghae




So many emotions were overflowing within my body. Detention? I have never gotten detention! The teacher even knows I don't speak! What would make her do that? I mean I always knew she was evil but that is just... horrible! What if she calls my mother? I think all the color just drained from my face.

"Donghae, relax, it's jus one detention and I'm here with you," Eunhyuk reassured me. I nodded slowly and took in a deep breath. I guess detention isn't all that bad. It certainly isn't how I imagined it would be. I thought there would be delinquents wall to wall but there are only a few other students in here, acting calm and easy. They don't even make us do anything in here, and the teacher is only on his computer! The teacher in first period, Mrs. park had to go somewhere so a different teacher has to watch us. This didn't really make a difference to me though; I was still extremely nervous about what was going to happen!

Eunhyuk must have noticed I was still nervous because he placed his hand over mine and gave my hand a light squeeze. I looked up at him and blushed, looking down. A horrible habit of mine. 
Hopefully Eunhyuk doesn't think my habit is stupid or weird. Everyone but Jessica does, I really hope Eunhyuk isn't one of them.

I quickly wrote a small note on a piece of notebook paper and wrote a quick note to Eunhyuk.

What did you tell Jessica?

I quickly glanced at the teacher before handing the note to Eunhyuk after I saw the teacher was to focused on the computer, probably watching , to see me pass the note to Eunhyuk. I handed to note to Eunhyuk and he smiled at me, writing down a response.

I told her that we had detention and that she should wait on the swings outside the school until detention was over.

I nodded after reading the note and stuffed it into my pocket. The teacher was still focused on his computer and I got bored enough to try and figure out what he was doing on there. I looked closely at his glasses and tried to make out the reflection on them from the computer screen. The reflection moved quickly though and I focused a little harder only to discover it was . Two boys going at it like rabbits to be exact. I made a face that would tell anyone 'Ewww, disgusting' but won't hide the fact that the reflection didn't the slightest bit. I may be shy and mute but I still have a that likes to think for me sometimes. I cast my eyes down and blushed madly after i realized the a little. 

What disgusted me was that first of all, the teacher is an old wrinkly male watching gay , and that he was supposed to be watching us instead of stupid . There are so many things wrong with this.

"What's wrong?" Eunhyuk whispered. I shyly pointed a finger at the teachers glasses while blushing madly. Eunhyuk squinted his eyes and the his cheeks heated up. It was kind of funny. I felt the corners of my lips twitch but I got rid of it as fast as it came. Hopefully Eunhyuk didn't notice. I glanced at him and he had his eyes cast down and he was blushing, it reminded me of well, me. I gave Eunhyuk's hand a squeeze and I was almost, I repeat, almost tempted to smile. Eunhyuk looked at me and gave me a smile, which of course I couldn't return.

I glanced back at Mr. Choi and he looked as though he was giving himself a under the desk. I nearly threw up right there. Eunhyuk noticed too and he took on of his hands and covered my eyes. I heard Mr. Choi grunt and then a small squeak sound. Eunhyuk uncovered my eyes and I could see him blushing like mad. Mr. Choi stood up and took a deep breath before saying, "Detention dismissed."

Everyone stood up and hurried out the door. I let go of Eunhyuk's hand, even though I didn't want to, and then stood up. I looked at Eunhyuk and I thought I saw hurt flash in his eyes. I'm probably wrong so I shook it off. 

"Now that wasn't so bad was it." Eunhyuk smiled at me and I shook my head, signaling that I didn't think it was that bad. "Now let's go find Jessica." Eunhyuk took my hand and quickly led us out of the building. 

The second we got outside water started to pelt us. I yelped and it was obviously starting to storm. Every cloud in the sky was dark and every cloud in the distance was dark. This really cannot be good. 

"I see Jessica!" Eunhyuk pointed to a wooden sign thing with electric boxs hoisted onto it, Jessica was huddled up under the electric boxes. I was starting to panic like crazy.

Lightning + Thunder = Really scared Donghae

"Donghae!" Jessica shouted and shot up, pulling me into a tight hug. I hurried my face in her neck and screamed when I saw lighting. Eunhyuk stood there worried and came over to me, attempting to shield me from the rain. 

"Uhmm, give him your hoodie Eunhyuk!" Jessica was panicking because she hated seeing me scared, even though I was living in fear everyday. I think I was the one who hated being scared the most, why wouldn't I be?

Eunhyuk nodded and pulled his hoodie off, handing it to me. I stared at it for a few seconds before slowly taking it and putting it on. Me being bone skinny and short, the hoodie looked like a dress. The sleeves went about an arm length longer than my arms and the hoodie stopped just at my knees. The hood was so big that it covered my whole face. I had to pull it back to see. 

Jessica rushed us to the coffee shop so we could get inside. Thankfully nobody was sitting in the little cave seat with window walls. I don't like sitting in seats near windows during storms but the window seat was the only seat I was going to ever sit in. 

I sat in the seat and Eunhyuk sat next to me, Jessica went to go get our drinks. She knew what I always liked and she would obviously have to ask Eunhyuk. 

Jessica walked back over smiling, obviously trying cover up her embarrassment, and asked Eunhyuk what drink he would like.

"Ice tea, and bring some sugar and a pack of salt for me to mix into it, also a lemon slice and some ice," Eunhyuk answered. Jessica nodded and headed over to the counter to get use our drinks. 

While she was gone the storm picked up and started booming like crazy. I whimpered and hugged the hood close. Eunhyuk was looking at me with a worried expression. I looked up at him and frowned a little, but thunder caused me to whimper.

Eunhyuk unexpectedly wrapped his arms around me in a hug. My eyes went wide, I was shocked. My brain was sending me different messages.

Hug him back!

Don't! He'll think you're an annoying little bug!

He is hugging me so why not hug back?

I slowly locked my arms around his torso and hid my face in his shoulder, breathing in his intoxicating scent.  Whoa, I did not just think that! 

But you did.

Okay, I'll admit I guess I did. 

I can't believe that this perfect boy is hugging me right now.

"Hey-" Jessica cut herself off when she saw us hugging. I glanced at her to see hurt flash in her eyes and it made me feel guilty. I slowly pulled away from Eunhyuk and looked down. Now Eunhyuk probably feels hurt too! I am such a horrible person! 

"I brought you guys your drinks," Jessica handed us our drinks and smiled at Eunhyuk, she smiled a bit longer than usual and then smiled at me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back and then took a sip of my strawberry banana smoothie. Jessica sipped her caramel mocha and she would glance at Eunhyuk every few seconds. She must really like him, and he seemed to like her back. I sighed and scooted closer to the window, watching as little rain droplets ran down the window quickly.

Jessica and Eunhyuk were in their own little world,flirting talking to each other like there was nobody that was going to stop them. I knew I would never have a chance with Eunhyuk, but I didn't want to lose my best friend to love. She would eventually grow to love Eunhyuk and forget about me. That voice in my head was right.

"Donghae, c'mon, we're going back to my house." Jessica's voice rang in my ears and my head shot up. I nodded and stood up, throwing my now empty cup away. Eunhyuk and Jessica followed but then quickly started walking infront of me. I was afraid they were both going to ignore me because I think I hurt both of them. 

I hurried along behind Jessica and Eunhyuk. They seemed quicker than usual. Maybe I really did hurt them?

I quickly wrote an "I'm sorry" on a piece of paper and ran up infront of Jessica. Eunhyuk and her stopped abruptly. I handed Jessica the paper and cast my gaze downwards. Jessica crumpled the paper and threw it to the side, hugging me tight. At least I know I'm not losing my best friend for now.    

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nerdynamstar #1
Just wondering,are you going to finish this story or just leave it hanging like this. Kinda miss it you know...wanna know how the story goes. Wish u could update tho. :-)
Chapter 19: Aw I loved this!
Chapter 19: Please update :(
keeraX #4
Chapter 19: please update soon!!
i wanna know what happens next
Just wondering, do you plan on finishing this story?
it's really good, well all of your stories are good.
But I really loved this one, and I hope I can read the rest of it. ^^
monniefish #6
Chapter 19: HAEHAE WAE SO CUUUUUUUTEE?!! *squealed*
aiggoo poor haehae left alone *pout* why hyuk's parents were such a jerk ?!!
Please update soon author sshi~
haleeann #7
Chapter 19: I wonder what the mom will do??? Hmm...
Chapter 19: they're so cute in this story! :)
I'm kind of afraid for what will happen to Donghae if he trusts Hyukjae enough to give him his love, though :( but it's a really good story so far :)