Chapter 2 : Eunhyuk




Today was okay, I guess, but you know how the first day of school is right?

Kids were swarming around me each time I entered the classroom, they think they know me already even though I haven't spoken a word to them!

My first day at school is going really good. I have some cool new friends, Jessica and Donghae, and some cool people to talk to in all my classes. Jessica is really something, she is super hot, I am a male and have the right to think things about her. Donghae on the other hand, was adorable and I wanted to learn so much more about him. After knowing him for a few hours I know that he is someone you don't want to hurt, even asking him about his day would be asking a lot. I have been sticking with him all day though, so I should really know.  

He is so small, and fragile. I'm afraid if I touch him I could break him. His cheeks are always dusted with a shade of pink or red, and his eyes always tell you that he is afraid. I have the urge to reach out and hug him.

I also met this guy named SooJoong last period. He was the guy who brushed up against Donghae's arm this morning. I asked SooJoong about that and he said it was a complete accident. 

SooJoong seems like a nice guy, a lot of goals, and he's into football. I myself, am not really into sports, I rather model in pictures and write stories. I do run though, fastest runner in my old school. SooJoong also seems to have a lot of funny friends, and everyone seems to like him. He makes me feel welcome and not so, well, so much like an outcast. I feel like I blend in, but I don't feel attraction towards him even though I'm biual. I lean a fraction more towards the girls then I do the guys. 

"Yo, Eunhyuk!" SooJoong shouted, slapping my back ad he walked past the lunch line. I smiled and did the weird hand shake man hug thing.

"I'll see you at lunch," SooJoong smiled and walked through the double doors that led to the lunch room. I was going to be sitting with Donghae and Jessica today though. Jessica was hot, and Donghae gave me this strange feeling, like I want to be around him, and protect him is adorable.

I quickly weaved my way through the lunch line and then found my way to the small table in the corner of the room, containing Jessica and Donghae. 

"Hi Eunhyuk," Jessica smiled and did a little wave. I smiled back and started eating my food. A salad and a bag of chips.

"'Hello Jessica, is Donghae going to eat?" I questioned, noticing that Donghae had no food. Donghae looked up at me through his bangs shyly. 

I just happened to notice Donghae's beauty. His dark, almost black, brown hair fell over his eyes, barley tickling the tip of his nose. His hair was also layered to perfection. His cheek bones weren't high, but they had little fat on them that made them puff out a fraction of an inch, and with them always being dusted with pink added to the adorable factor. His lips were slightly more thin than thet were big and plump, but his lips looked as though they are softer than anything you could imagine. Donghae's eyes were probably the most beautiful thing about him, even though they always contained fear. Bright shade of Brown with dark specks that shot out from his pupil. He also wore a thin layer of black eyeliner. His shirt was a white graphic Tee that hugged his frail body and an oversized black hoodie. He wore gray texture super skinny jeans that hugged every curve of his lower half, and converse that didn't extend very far which meant that he had small, but adorable feet. His tiny hand could probably be engulfed in mine. He was adorable.

I looked back up at Donghae's head and admired the way his hair shined in the dull light. Without warning that beautiful head of hair was covered in ranch and chocolate milk. Donghae screamed and then let out a strangled sob. Jessica shot up and punched... SooJoong? SooJoong stumbled back but quickly recovered.

"SooJoong?! What the ?!" I shot at him, why did he do that? 

"Oh, you wanted to do it?" SooJoong asked stupidly. My fists clenched and unclenched. 

"No! Why the would you do that in the first place!?" Why would SooJoong find this amusing? I thought we were friends and that he was a good guy!

"Teaching the little a lesson, and then his girlfriend is going to learn what my fist tastes like! I thought you were just sitting over here to make a move to teach 'em a lesson too," SooJoong mumbled. 

"They didn't do anything to you!" By now the whole lunch room was staring at us, some cheering on me, others for SooJoong. I guess SooJoong is not a good guy, I should really get to know the school before I find friends.

SooJoong scoffed and waved at his friends to go back to his table, "I guess little fags don't belong in my school," SooJoong smirked and walked back to his table, sitting down and continued his conversation with his friends like nothing had happened. 

"Donghae, I am so sorry!" Jessica cried. Donghae hugged her waist and she led him out of the lunch room, me following. 

"We're going outside for a while, you coming?" Jessica asked, rubbing soothing circles on Donghae's back. I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it again, giving a simple nod. Jessica nodded and then walked a little further down the hall, stopping infront of the boys bathroom. 

"Can you go in there and make sure that Donghae washes this stuff out of his hair?" Jessica asked sweetly. I nodded and gave her a small smile. 

"Come on Donghae," I cooed, a visible shiver going to his spine when I said his name. We walked into the bathroom and he walked over to the sink, bowing his head. 

"Need help?" Donghae shook his head and turned the sink on, running his fingers through his perfect brown hair. The ranch and chocolate milk started to come out into the sink. I leaned awkwardly against a stall located next to the sinks. 

Once Donghae was done and I smiled a little. Donghae threw his hood over his head and walked out of the bathroom, going back to hugging Jessica.

"Are you two dating?" I blurted out. 

Jessica let out a laugh and hugged Donghae tighter, "No, we're just best friends, Donghae needs someone and I'm here for him, besides, he's gay," she mumbled the last part and Donghae shot her a hurt look. She mouth 'sorry' to him and then turned her gaze to me. I was momentarily shocked. He was gay? 

"You know, Eunhyuk, you should really hang out with us more often and less with SooJoong."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry Jessica, Donghae, I really didn't know that he was like that, I thought he was a good guy," I apologized. 

"It's alright Eunhyuk, we know you meant no harm, but just stay away from anybody who hangs around SooJoong, they want to be him so they act like him, I know you didn't want to be like him but still, so many people have gone down that path," Jessica explained. I nodded and leaned against the back wall of the school. Jessica was sitting on the ground with Donghae in her lap, his back. He was sniffling softly, taking in small breaths.

"So, you want to hang out at my place after school with me and Donghae?" Jessica questioned. 

"Sure, and thank you guys for making me feel welcome to your school, I suppose," I smiled. New friends on my first day of school. Usually it takes kids a week at the least to find friends.

"You know, class is going to start in two minutes, just saying," I stated, checking my watch. 

"I have the perfect excuse you know!" Jessica would, and she probably does. 

"You probably do, so let's get going, we are going to be late anyways."


I walked with Jessica and Donghae into the school. We all parted ways, knowing our excuse. I krept into the music room and walked up to the teacher, he was sitting lazily at his desk as students copied notes down from the board, which of some were incorrect notes. 

"I'm sorry I was tardy sir, I was having trouble finding my way around the school, please excuse me," I tried sounding polite.

"Very well then, go sit down," he waved me off and I smiled, looking for a place to sit. This room was full of nerds and . 

"Come sit by us!" Some girls shouted, waving towards me. I chuckled to myself and sat by the nerds. The girls scoffed and held their heads high, acting as if I did something wrong, it's called rejection.



.:Jessica's house:.

"Okay, let's get to know each other, well, I know everything about Donghae but you don't know much about us and we don't know much about you, Eunhyuk," Jessica smiled. I wanted to learn about Donghae first, but not getting into anything to personal.

"Donghae, uh, tell me about yourself?" it came out as more of a question because I wasn't sure how he was going to do it and if he was going to do it. 

Donghae grabbed a piece of paper out of his backpack and it took him a few minutes to write some stuff down. 

My full name is Lee Donghae, um, I am gay like Jessica said, I don't think I am very interesting. My favorite food is ramen noodles, my favorite color is black, my favorite movie is Finding Nemo, my favorite animal is Dogs, um, I love drawing, photography, and art, writing is my passion, I don't like telling people why I don't speak, trust is something I have issues with, and writing is how I communicate, is that enough information about me? 

I read it quickly and smiled, Donghae was really something.

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nerdynamstar #1
Just wondering,are you going to finish this story or just leave it hanging like this. Kinda miss it you know...wanna know how the story goes. Wish u could update tho. :-)
Chapter 19: Aw I loved this!
Chapter 19: Please update :(
keeraX #4
Chapter 19: please update soon!!
i wanna know what happens next
Just wondering, do you plan on finishing this story?
it's really good, well all of your stories are good.
But I really loved this one, and I hope I can read the rest of it. ^^
monniefish #6
Chapter 19: HAEHAE WAE SO CUUUUUUUTEE?!! *squealed*
aiggoo poor haehae left alone *pout* why hyuk's parents were such a jerk ?!!
Please update soon author sshi~
haleeann #7
Chapter 19: I wonder what the mom will do??? Hmm...
Chapter 19: they're so cute in this story! :)
I'm kind of afraid for what will happen to Donghae if he trusts Hyukjae enough to give him his love, though :( but it's a really good story so far :)