A date?

Super Junior Dating Game

"Good morning, my darling."

I blinked, trying to adjust to the light, before realizing there wasn't any.

"Morning Kyuhyun, what time is it?"

He laughed quietly. "It's two a.m.. You woke yourself, and me, up after a bit of struggling. Bad dream?"

I thought back, but couldn't remember anything, so shook my head and shrugged. Even in the dark, Kyu sensed my movement, probably able to see my outline against the blackness.

"Look, I really am sor-"

"Enough. It is honestly okay, you can stop apologising all the time!"

"I was just going to say I'd make it up to you, but okay!" Kyuhyun said in a sing-song voice.

My head shot up. "I take it back!" I yelped, making him snuffle more laughter. "How would you make it up to me?"

He paused in mock thought. "How about... A date?"

My eyes widened. A date? With Kyuhyun? It sounded too good to be true.

"What about your fans? The last few times we went somewhere, we were lucky. And we weren't dating, or you'd booked somewhere alone."

"I can still book places. And I also have an ace up my sleeve." I giggled at the expression, he'd obviously picked it up from one of my friends. It sounded so cute with a Korean accent.

"You are such a Kyutie!" I giggled, kissing his cheek softly. His hand unconsciously rubbed at the spot, a hint of a smile forming through the darkness. He sat up and put an arm around my shoulder, kissing my cheek back.

"Hey, we're still dressed..." Kyu pointed out, pulling at my neckline with his middle finger. "We'd better put on some pyjamas before Leeteuk-Hyung or someone sees us!"

"Yes, Oppa!" I mock saluted and got up to change. I put on my pyjamas with my back facing Kyuhyun, knowing he could only see my blurred outline. He changed once I'd snuggled under the blanket in my bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked upon hearing his bed creak. "Come sleep with me, please?"

Before I finished the sentence, Kyu's arms were around my waist and he was kissing me softly, nibbling a little at my bottom lip, but not as hungry as before, so I let his tongue explore my mouth. I put my hands on his chest; bare, due to the heat in the room. He pulled away from me after a few minutes, keeping one arm around my waist, but moving the other to my hair. Lulled by the sound of his breathing, and the feeling of his steady beating heart, I slept on Kyuhyun for the second time that night.

- -

There was another practice that day; we had pretty much perfected the Sorry Sorry and Bonamana dances, which were the two we needed to learn, so Leeteuk labelled the day as the last dance practice until London. We were going back to England tomorrow to set everything up for the concert, and then thursday and friday were going to be the nights of the concert. I was so nervous, even just during practice, since it was getting so close. Donghae and Yesung noticed my nerves so came up for a little chat during our break. Yeye started to dance, waving his arms wildly around his head and kicking his legs about, making Donghae embarrassed, so he jumped up and tried to calm him down, grabbing him by the wrists to try and keep him still.

Kyuhyun came back with some water for me, with Heechul, but burst into laughter when he stumbled across the scene.

"What's with this lot?" Heechul smirked, taking my drink out of Kyu's shaking grasp and handing it to me.

"You can talk!" He eyed me curiously, and I sighed. "You and Sarah! What's up with that?!"

Heechul laughed. "Suzi, honey, even I don't know with that girl."

"Do you like her?"

"... Well, I guess I do."

"Then it's simple!"

"Sweetie it's far from simple."

"Because you're naughty, naughty?"

I laughed at myself, thinking how amazing my pun was, but also being embarrassed I'd said such a thing to Heechul. He seemed amused though, raising an eyebrow and chuckling slightly. He leant the back of his head against the wall, exhaling loudly.

"I'll figure it out," Heechul mumbled, barely audible.

I was about to respond when Alissa started calling me. She and Eunhyuk had been taking funny pictures on his camera phone and she wanted me to join.

"She can only join if I can too!" Kyuhyun called, no longer giggling.

"Aish, Kyu, let me take a picture with her! Stop keeping her all to yourself!" Sungmin exclaimed, high-fiving Kyuhyun's face and dragging me towards Ally and Hyuk by the wrist.

We took a bunch of cute and funny pictures, eventually joined by everyone, when Izzy had a great idea.

"How about we set a proper camera up on that stool and take a group photo?"

Cheers of agreement erupted, so Siwon grabbed his camera and we all got into position. I was between Kyuhyun and Sungmin, kneeling at the front, their arms around me and us all making V signs with our fingers. Ally, Eunhyuk and Donghae were stood on the left pulling funny faces, Izzy, Siwon and Leeteuk in the middle, smiling sweetly, then Sarah, Heechul and Yesung were on the right doing some crazy poses. The boys were making moose antlers with their hands behind Sarah, who was probably going to kill them once she realised. The picture looked gorgeous, so Siwon agreed to email it to us all once he got it onto his laptop.

"How about we all go up to the twelfth floor and have a little celebration?" Teuk suggested, putting his arm around Ally and I as we pawed over the camera screen.

"Hyung, can we come later?" Kyuhyun said, as he walked over and put his arm possessively around my waist. "I promised to take Suzi somewhere before we left Korea."

Leetwuk looked suspicious, but nodded, so Kyuhyun pulled me outside towards his own hummer limo. I smirked at the "starcraft" on the front, his Gamer reputation was extremely fitting.

"Where are we off to then?" I asked, sliding onto the back seat carefully.

"First, we're going to change." Kyu motioned to the two dry cleaner bags hanging from the hooks inside. I groaned at him, saying I had only just got in, why was he making me get out again? But he just laughed at me and pushed me towards the girls' bathroom with one of the bags. I scowled at my reflection; my hair was frizzy from the exercise and my nose was a little shiny, so I washed my face in the sink, running my wet fingers through my curls to try and tame them.

Once I believed I had done the best I could do, I turned my attention to the clothing Kyuhyun had bought for me. ping the bag, I saw a glimpses of black, and the most darling purple colour. He had given me a dress. It was nothing too fancy, just a simple black dress, however around the bottom were purple bubbles, along with a matching purple belt. It fit perfectly, the style wasn't too fancy either. I wished I was wearing a little make-up, but I didn't think to take it to practice. I put my dance wear onto the hanger, in the clothes bag, and walked out to see Kyuhyun. He was wearing black jeans, and a purple shirt matching my dress. I giggled at how cheesy we looked.

"Whose idea was this?" I smiled at him, gesturing to our matching outfits.

"Ah, erm, I left it up to Sungmin and Donghae..." He blushed, and I saw the look of 'I will kill my Hyungs' pass over his face, but it disappeared swiftly as he regarded my outfit. "You look gorgeous, Bunny."

It was my turn to blush. Kyuhyun held his arm out to me.

"Shall we go then?"

I smiled and linked my arm through his.


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Chapter 25: Awwww!!! AMAZING!!
Chapter 25: I only had one reaction throught thischappie.....D'AWWWWWSSSS!!!!! THAT SOOOOO ADORBSSS!!!!
Chapter 24: I had to put the Kyumin photo, I just had to :3 It waqs so adorable <3
Chapter 23: Keke minnie high fived kyus face>.< matching outfits? Good job minnie and fishyy!!!
Chapter 23: Aawwww Kyuzi's date!!! awww soo kyute!!
Chapter 22: I do see what you did there ;) and thank you! Oh and just so you all know, this chapter [22] is in Kyuhyun's PoV, until I put that it's in Suzi's!!
Chapter 22: AAAWWW!!!! Soo Kyucute!!! Hahah see what i did there?!?! LOL!!
EmmWest #8
Zoe_bug #9
Chapter 20: O__________O BWOH?! Chullie, what did you do?!
Chapter 20: I bet they had some fun already!! hahahh HEECHUL!!!