Presents and Love

Super Junior Dating Game

“Time for presents!” Eunhyuk yelled as I walked through the door. A chorus of “YEAH!”s backed up his idea, making his skin glow red with happiness. I smiled cutely at him; the boy was adorable, almost like a child sipping his strawberry milk out of a blue glass with wide eyes. “Come on, come on!” He grabbed me by the hand and dragged me to the living room.

My eyes widened in shock, the coffee table was stacked high with objects, wrapped in shiny paper with ribbons, and on the top there were three cards. I picked the largest one, in a bright pink envelope, the messy and scratchy handwriting obviously that of Alissa. On the back of the envelope was a large black scribble, with an arrow pointing to it, reading the words “SASI on a foggy day”. I laughed and poked her cheek, embarrassing her. I ripped open the paper to reveal an adorable made card, featuring a photograph of the four of us together, the title reading “SASI says HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” and the inside had a few short messages from each of my friends, talking about a few of our dearest memories. I grinned and hugged the three of them in turn, thanking them for the card, then Kyuhyun took it from me to place on the window ledge.


“Who got me this one?” I asked, gesturing to the silver envelope, but Siwon shook his head.


“You want to open that one last, trust me.”


Leeteuk nodded his approval. “Open this one first!” He exclaimed, ing a plain white envelope into my hands. “Suzi” it read, in messy handwriting, although I couldn't judge, I was awful at writing in Korean neatly. I tore it open and smiled, the picture on the front was a ginger kitten playing with a ball of wool.


“Aww!” I exclaimed, showing the picture to Izzy. “This is so cute!”


The message inside made me smile even wider. “To Suzi, Happy Birthday! We haven't known you for long but already feel like you guys are part of the family, and we hope that you enjoy spending your 22nd birthday here with us! Saranghae!”. The cards ended with the signature of all of the Super Junior members whom I had met that week, written both in hangul and English lettering. I lifted my head to grin at the members, but was pulled into a group hug before I could form the words 'thank you' in my mind.


Once they'd let go, I reached for the final card. There was nothing written on it, not even a name, which I found suspicious. I opened it slowly and carefully, the shiny paper too pretty to rip, and slid the card out from in between. On the front of the card was a picture I'd never seen before; one of Kyuhyun and I, asleep in each others' arms. I stared at him in shock, but Donghae answered my expression.


“It was mine and Hyukkie's idea,” he explained, “We thought it'd be nice for him to make you something personal, so after you fell asleep last night, Hyuk snook into your room to take the picture and made the card specially for Kyu!”


I grinned at him and Eunhyuk, my cheeks going pink. I opened the card to read what was inside, and was awestruck. He obviously had someone to speak to who knew me very well, because written on the inside were the lyrics to my favourite Evanescence song, Anywhere.


Dear My Love...

Forget this life,

Come with me,

Don't look back you're safe now.

Unlock your heart,

Drop your guard,

No one's left to stop you now.


We'll be lost before the dawn.


I love you, my Bunny

Kyuhyun xxx


I lifted my eyes from the writing, tears forming in the corners. I went to speak, but the look Kyu gave me told me that he already knew what I was going to say, and he stepped to me and pulled me into an embrace in one swift movement as I let the tears fall silently. It was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever done for me; I had no idea what I'd done to deserve such a thing. As I raised my head, my eyes caught Kyu's, which were also full of tears. Happy tears. He smiled at me then pulled me in for a kiss, his tongue rolling over mine smoothly, his lips moving to some unspoken rhythm that seemed perfect. To my own disappointment, I pulled away, turning my attention to the presents.


“Which ones are off whom?” I asked, gesturing at them.


“The ones with penguin wrapping paper are from us!” Ally exclaimed.


“Penguins are fluffing awesome,” Sarah added, nodding at me.


“The silver ones are from Kyuhyun, and the rest are from us.” Leeteuk explained, a lopsided smile on his face.


- -


My presents were all wonderful, mixtures of earrings, DVDs, CDs, games, plus some cuddly toys that I was dying to get my hands on. We had food after that, since it was getting quite late. Sarah and Alissa had volunteered to cook, which could never end well, since Sarah was vegetarian and Alissa lived on chicken, however the two of them managed to make something edible, in the form of pasta, with chicken for those who wanted it, and mixed vegetables.


For dessert I decided that I would take Ally, Izzy and Sarah into the kitchen to create the famous mixed chocolate brownie hearts, forgetting that the last time we made them it took multiple hours. After being checked on numerous times, we finished the baking in under an hour, making about twelve brownies of almost equal sizes.


“Oh these are delicious!” Siwon exclaimed, grinning at Izzy. She turned pink and giggled, thanking him.


“He's not wrong,” Donghae mumbled, stuffing his mouth with the sweet treat. Eunhyuk rolled his eyes at him, but gave Ally a little smile and a wink when he knew no one was looking. Except me, of course. I just sat there amused, dipping my brownie in a hot chocolate that Kyuhyun had lovingly made for me.


“Where did you learn to cook?” Sungmin asked, smiling at his pink brownie heart.


“My nan!” I answered, grinning. “She taught me how to do anything food-based. She was a cook!” I grinned at him.


Once we had all finished eating, Siwon decided it was time everyone went to bed. It was very late, and I was so tired that as soon as everyone left, I got changed and dived straight onto my bed, not bothering to turn off the lights.


“Hey, wasting energy here!” Kyuhyun groaned, switching the light off as he came in.


“Look who's talking, mister 'I stay up all night playing games on my laptop'!” I moaned at him, giggling.


“Shut up and go to sleep, babo!” Kyu whispered, shushing me.




After a moment of silence, Kyu spoke again.


“Hey, Bunny?”


“Yes Kyutie?”


“I do love you.”


My eyes widened, but my heart told me something different to my mind.


“I know,” I whispered. “I love you, too.”

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Chapter 25: Awwww!!! AMAZING!!
Chapter 25: I only had one reaction throught thischappie.....D'AWWWWWSSSS!!!!! THAT SOOOOO ADORBSSS!!!!
Chapter 24: I had to put the Kyumin photo, I just had to :3 It waqs so adorable <3
Chapter 23: Keke minnie high fived kyus face>.< matching outfits? Good job minnie and fishyy!!!
Chapter 23: Aawwww Kyuzi's date!!! awww soo kyute!!
Chapter 22: I do see what you did there ;) and thank you! Oh and just so you all know, this chapter [22] is in Kyuhyun's PoV, until I put that it's in Suzi's!!
Chapter 22: AAAWWW!!!! Soo Kyucute!!! Hahah see what i did there?!?! LOL!!
EmmWest #8
Zoe_bug #9
Chapter 20: O__________O BWOH?! Chullie, what did you do?!
Chapter 20: I bet they had some fun already!! hahahh HEECHUL!!!